June 27, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8621 just in one region. Fuel, feed, and fer- ing a tractor in the wheat fields, pro- (1) the Senate recognizes the historical and tilizer costs have more than doubled. viding lessons on the difficulties of educational significance of the Atlantic Only recently has the price of milk working on a farm. Freedom Tour of the Freedom Schooner paid to farmers reached higher than Agriculture is crucial to Pennsyl- Amistad; (2) the Senate encourages the people of the the MILC program trigger price of vania and to the entire nation. We need United States to learn about the history of $16.94 per cwt. With the price of milk to ensure that the next farm bill pro- the United States and better understand the above this target price, no payments to vides all our fanners with the assist- experiences that have shaped this Nation; farmers will be made, even though ance they need to overcome hardships, and input costs have more than doubled. as well as providing our rural commu- (3) it is the sense of the Senate that pre- Addressing costs of production is nec- nities the financial and technical as- serving the legacy of the Amistad should be essary to ensure that our family dairy sistance they need to assure a vibrant regarded as a means in fostering multicul- farmers survive. and stable rural economy. Even though tural dialogue, education, and cooperation. The second bill that we have intro- I voted against final passage of the 2002 duced aims to promote growth and op- farm bill because it disproportionately f portunity for the dairy industry. This provided more Federal funds to other bill would change the current MILC states and regions in the U.S., I look SENATE RESOLUTION 259—COM- program to a Milk Target Price Pro- forward to working with the Senate MENDING THE OREGON STATE gram and would link payments to dairy Committee on Agriculture and my col- UNIVERSITY BASEBALL TEAM farmers on Class III milk. The program leagues in the full Senate to ensure FOR WINNING THE 2007 COLLEGE would pay farmers when the price of farmers across America are equitably WORLD SERIES Class III falls below $12.00 per hundred- treated when it comes to Federal agri- Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. weight. This trigger price would be ad- cultural programs and assistance. SMITH) submitted the following resolu- justed by a feed adjustment factor to f tion; which was considered and agreed reflect the feed cost of producing 100 to: pounds of milk. The USDA would de- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS termine this factor based on a feed S. RES. 259 price index using a baseline period of SENATE RESOLUTION 258—RECOG- Whereas on June 24, 2007, the Oregon State calendar years 2001 through 2005. University baseball team won the 2007 Col- NIZING THE HISTORICAL AND lege World Series in Omaha, Nebraska after Further, the second bill would re- EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF quire the mandatory reporting of dairy defeating California State University, Ful- THE ATLANTIC FREEDOM TOUR lerton by a score of 3 to 2; Arizona State Uni- commodities by requiring that dairy OF THE FREEDOM SCHOONER versity by a score of 12 to 6; University of prices be reported on a daily and week- AMISTAD, AND EXPRESSING THE California, Irvine by a score of 7 to 1; and the ly basis. The current system is not SENSE OF THE SENATE THAT University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill mandatory and it is estimated that PRESERVING THE LEGACY OF in the championship by scores of 11 to 4 and dairy farmers lost $6.4 million due to a THE AMISTAD STORY IS IMPOR- 9 to 3; Federal reporting error by the USDA Whereas this is the second consecutive Col- TANT IN PROMOTING MULTICUL- lege World Series championship Oregon over the past nine months. Along with TURAL DIALOGUE, EDUCATION 10 other Senators, I sent a letter to State University has won, making the Uni- AND COOPERATION versity the first repeat College World Series USDA Secretary Mike Johanns on May Mr. DODD (for himself and Mr. champion in a decade; 9, 2007, requesting an explanation on Whereas the success of the team was a di- LIEBERMAN) submitted the following how this misreporting occurred. This rect result of the skill, intensity, and resolve bill aims to close any loops in current resolution; which was referred to the of every player on the Oregon State Univer- law and assure proper auditing, data Committee on the Judiciary: sity baseball team, including Erik Ammon, verification, and enforcement of re- S. RES. 258 Darwin Barney, Hunter Beaty, Scotty Berke, porting in order to ensure a trans- Whereas the Slave Trade Act of the British Reed Brown, Brian Budrow, Mitch Canham, parent dairy market. Parliament in 1807 was the first major legis- Bryn Card, Brett Casey, Jackson Evans, Kyle Finally, the second bill would provide lation to abolish the slave trade and began Foster, Drew George, Mark Grbavac, Chad the march to end slavery; Hegdahl, Chris Hopkins, Koa Kahalehoe, authorization for a Federal dairy edu- Greg Keim, Blake Keitzman, Josh Keller, cation loan forgiveness program. This Whereas, in 1839, 53 Africans were illegally kidnapped from Sierra Leone and sold into Eddie Kunz, Joey Lakowske, Lonnie Lechelt, would allow students at higher edu- the transatlantic slave trade; Jordan Lennerton, Mike Lissman, Anton cation institutions across America who Whereas the captives were brought to Ha- Maxwell, Jake McCormick, Chad Nading, focus on agriculture for a 2- or 4-year vana, Cuba, aboard the Portuguese vessel Jason Ogata, Ryan Ortiz, Joe Paterson, degree and become a full-time owner of Tecora, where they were fraudulently classi- Tyrell Poggemeyer, Joe Pratt, Jorge Reyes, a farm to become eligible to have their fied as native-born Cuban slaves; Scott Santschi, Kraig Sitton, Alex Sogard, Federal student loans forgiven. This is Whereas the captives were sold to Jose´ Dale Solomon, Michael Stutes, Daniel Ruiz and Pedro Montez of Spain, who trans- Turpen, John Wallace, Braden Wells, and aimed to ensure that there is a younger Joey Wong; generation of farmers to work the ferred them onto the coastal cargo schooner La Amistad; Whereas freshman pitcher Jorge Reyes was lands across the fields in America. Whereas, on the evening of the rebellion, recognized as the Most Outstanding Player Both of these bills aim to help our La Amistad was secretly directed to return of the 2007 College World Series tournament; family dairy farms who deserve a fair west up the coast of North America, where Whereas Darwin Barney, Mitch Canham, price for their milk. I am committed to after two months the Africans were seized Mike Lissman, Jorge Reyes, Scott Santschi, Pennsylvania’s dairy farmers and will and arrested in New London, Connecticut; and Joey Wong were named to the 2007 All- continue to work with my Pennsyl- Whereas the captives were jailed and College World Series tournament team; and Whereas the 2007 College World Series vic- vania colleague, Senator CASEY, and all awaited trial in New Haven, Connecticut; tory of the Oregon State University baseball my colleagues in the U.S. Senate to en- Whereas the trial of the captives became historic when former President John Quincy team ended a terrific season in which the sure our dairy farmers are not left be- Adams argued on behalf of the enslaved be- team compiled a record of 49 wins to 18 hind. As more ideas and solutions are fore the United States Supreme Court and losses: Now, therefore, be it proposed, I will consider each and won their freedom; Resolved, That the Senate— every one. Debate is important to find- Whereas, in 2007, the Freedom Schooner (1) commends the Oregon State University ing a solution to any problem. Amistad will embark on its first trans- baseball team, Head Coach Pat Casey and his Farmers and rural America are the atlantic voyage to celebrate the 200th anni- coaching staff, Athletic Director Bob backbone of our great country. Every versary of the abolition of the transatlantic DeCarolis, and Oregon State University day, they work the fields, milk the slave trade; and President Edward John Ray on their tremen- cows, herd the cattle, and pick the Whereas the Amistad case represents an dous accomplishment in defending their 2007 opportunity to call to public attention the College World Series championship title; and produce. I myself grew up in rural Kan- evils of slavery and the struggle for freedom (2) respectfully requests the Secretary of sas and at the age of 14, I worked for and the restoration of human dignity: Now, the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of Clyde Mills, father of my close friend therefore, be it this resolution to the President of Oregon and high school classmate Steve, driv- Resolved, That— State University. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:18 Jun 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JN6.073 S27JNPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMSENATE.
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