Published by the Women's Community of San Antonio · Volume 11 Number 9 P.O. Box 12327, San Antonio, Texas 78212 SEVENTH ANNUAL WOMANSPACE MAAT DOMPIM, Womyn of Color Land POETRY CONTEST Project Finally Gets a Home Here is a chance for all of our local women who are poets to be published and even win some CONGRATULATIONS TO US ALL! On Friday, Dec. 18, money! Enter the Seventh Annual Poetry contest 1998 Maat Dompim, Womyn of Color Land Project acquired 109 sponsored by WomanSpace and Textures Bookstore. raw acres of beautiful, rolling, wooded countryside in the only The first place winner will receive $50, second place mountains of otherwise prairie-flat Buckingham County Virginia. gets $25 and third place wins $15. After 7 years of searching and negotiating, sometimes finding All winning entrants must agree to perform and losing; after 12 full months of grappling with officials, lawyers, their works at Textures Books and Gifts in September. and the infamous title search company from hell; after 12 months WomanSpace reserves the right, but does not of increasing lengths of time spent navigating courthouse guarantee, to publish any contest submission. An records, and hundred year old handwritings of dead racists, there anonymous team of judges will select the winners from is now, finally, a manatee-shaped piece of real estate that, copies of the entries from which the name of the author according to the American system of ownership, "belongs" to has been removed. No more than one entry per Maat Dompim. (Insert Happy-Dance here.) person, please. The purchase price was $50,000, and thanks to LNR and The deadline for submissions is July 31. Each many generous donors, we had $30,000 for our down payment. entry must include a $5 entry fee. Send your poems to: ,, Many blessings and thanks to all the wonderful wimmin who LISA, P.O. Box 12327, San Antonio, Tx. 78212. contributed prayers, cash, equipment, advice, time and faith to bring us this far. Finally the gift we have been trying to give our community is something tangible that you can walk on and nurture. So--what happens next? Now wimmin can start the fun part of building things, teaching, learning and celebrating. PHASE 1 is the creation of accommodations for rustic camping and informal gatherings and will include: creating a site plan, improving the roads, clearing the land for camping, installing sanitary facilities and showers, building rustic cabins, building residences. "Poetic Dealings". Bisexuals and lesbians of color, But part of being a federally recognized non-profit means what has healed you, others or promotes healing? that MAAT DOMPIM is a community based organization, and can Submit poetry mainly about abuse, breast cancer, survive and grow only with continuing community participation chemical dependency, HIV/AIDS, lesbianphobia, and support. This means MAAT DOMPIM needs ongoing tax­ racism and sexism. deductible donations for materials, labor and operating expenses, as well as for mortgage payments. We also need A poetry self-help treasure is being compiled. Send a interested wimmin to visit and participate. MAAT DOMPIM is for Womyn of Color, their friends, lovers and allies. For further info maximum of 3 original and unpublished poems to and/or to send donations contact: MAAT DOMPIM, P.O. Box Chinwe Odeluga, 1941 Gaston Place Drive #328, 7724, Charlottesville, VA 22906. (540) 992-0248 voice maiL Austin, TX 78723 or [email protected]. Deadline is September 1, 1999. · See related articles on MAAT DOMPIM on p. 9 W--s"p.-u Ia a-•r or doe I·Apei"IIIDII Ncot-ai(. 7"M -'* of lite EsperaiiZJJ is based 011 the bcliq lhal all fonru of biJOir)' attd opprunatl. widUrt::;.;::;. COiftiH1Irtity and in rite world at large. can only be stoppt:.-1 by addnssrng 1M inlwrent COIIMctiOII between them. and by CNDIIrtg allitmt:a. ne-e .-nldpacton a an ln4hWual or croup. Wco'd I1U to Cd to bow you. CaU 123-0:ZOJ - All or part of WomanSpace may not be reproduced without permission JULY CALENDAR Wed. July 14- WomanSpace Production Meeting. 6:30 at Textures Bookstore Wed. July 14- Lesbian Social Group at Tycoon Flats Bring a dish to share, enjoy good Thurs. July 15- ReFormed Cong. of the Goddess Seasonal Ritual at the Resource Center conversation and meet some new friends. Mary Wed. July 28- WomanSpace Folding/Mailing at Textures Brennan has agreed to take on coordinating the Bookstore, 6:30. Open to all interested in helping. potlucks for the next 6 months or so. To contact Sat. July 31 - Deadline for poetry submissions forT extures' Mary, or to volunteer to host, call 828-LISA and and WomanSpace Poetry Contest.( see article front page) leave a message. Thanks! Shows, Exhibits, Readings Parties, Etc .... The month of July is Contemporary Art Month in San July 18 1-3 pm 337-8100 Antonio. Check your favorite galleries for special shows. Aug. 15 5:30-7:30 pm 820-1447 July 8 or 1 0 - The Esperanza Center presents an exhibit by Sept. 19 5:30-7:30 pm 696-4608 ( artist Veronica Castillo. Date undecided by press time, Oct. 17 5:30-7:30 pm 820-8242 call 228-0201 for date and time. Fri. July 16. Sat. July 17- Sweet Honey In the Rock The Carver Center presents this Gram my Award winning female a capella quintet, which performs Gospel, soul, folk GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY CENTER and African music. 8 pm. $20/person. Carver Cultural Cen­ SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES ter, 226 N. Hackberry. 207-2232 July 16- Aug. 1- Theodora: An Unauthorized Biography - HIV+ Support Plus Club- Sun, 4pm New play by Chicago playwright Jamie Pachino presented -Library Reading Room Open- Mon. 6-8pm: by the Firelight Players. Directed by Amy Lizbeth. Jump­ -Counseling (by appointment) : Tues. 5-8pm , Wed. 5-7pm, Start Performance Co. 108 Blue Star 227-5867. Thurs.4-8 pm , Fri. 5-7 pm, Sat. 2-5 pm. -Parent Counseling Group-, Thurs.? pm Group Meetings - New Volunteer Interviews - 2nd and 4th Thurs., ?pm San Antonio Women's Chorus meets at 7pm every Wed. at -Friday Night Movie-7:30pm (call for title) MCC. Come join the fun. 611 E. Myrtle, 513-5550 -Social Mixer- 7pm Sat. - Support Group for "high functioning" mentally ill lesbians The following meetings are held at the Freedom Cafe. Call and gays: Saturday 1-2 pm. Must have diagnosis of men­ 737-3363 to confirm day and time: tal illness, be under doctors care and stabilized. -CODA: Tuesday 6:00pm. -Youth Support Group- 1st and 3rd Sat., 5:30pm -Gay and Lesbian N/A: Wednesday, 8:15pm (schedule varies, call first) . - AA: Saturday, 8:15pm -ALIFE (Alternative Lifestyles in a Faith-Full Environment): - Transgender Group: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:00 pm 4th Sunday, 2:30pm - Lesbian Singles: 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm The following meetings are held at The Resource Center: - SA NOW : 1st Monday 7:00pm. 673-8600 - Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays- 1st Thursday, 7pm,351-0395 YouC:this - ReFormed Congregation of the Goddess- 3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm ,228-5175 Tanquerays Texas AIDS Rrae rs the 10umev of a lifetrmE:­ A spectacular 4 aay brke nde from Houston to Dalla :.. Yo u mav be thrnkrng that that"s bevono vour abdrlle :. For information about more activities, we suggest that you You may not even own a brke.Weli. you re not alone also check The Calendar and the San Antonio Community Ove r 750 people rode tn Ta naueray's Texas AIDS Rtoe last year. And most felt the same way you do. Man. News. drdn't own brcvc1es-hadn't even been on a b1ke s•nce ch1ldhood. Wanna know how tney got oast those THE FOLLOWING GROUPS HAVE REGULAR doubts' They regtstered. They put themsetves tn the game. Because that's the on1v wdv vou ever Jearn hov. MONTHLY EVENTS: to overcome obstacies. Jolin Kenneav naa a not r-e always 1ovea ana a wall he couldn't citmb. So he tnrev. LEMOSA (Lesbian Moms of SA) : Call 738-8880 h!S hat over the other s1de so he·d have to Cllrnb tnc· wall The onlv d1fference between you and tnosc­ Alamo Couples: Call979-1015. who·ve completed the R1 de 15 tha t ~ sent l'l tn~ anached card. So do 1t. W1th1n a weeK. you 'I! rece1ve Lesbian Social Group: Call or go by Textures Bookstore at .---J Bf:nefitinr AIDS serv1ce ·. ...._ ~-rpni:taoons- throuJfKM.H a orochure that tells you everyth 1ng about tne R•oc 805-TEXT for dates, times, locations. Also check website. the ~e Star State . From fundra1S1ng to tra1n1ng W e support vou all tile SA Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce: 212-8222 way. Ali vou need to do IS ma1l 1n the reauest care Pedalpushers Ride: Saturday bike rides at 9am followed Houston to Dallas We'll take care of everyth1n? e•se lou can oo th1s OctoiJa' 14·17, 1999 G1ve vourself me cnance to expenence Texas tne wa\ by breakfast. Call 558-3908, [email protected] 888·780-RIDE the cowuovs d1c! - tne saddle·s a hn1e smaller: out tne v1ew ·s JUst as 01~ Woman-to-Woman Sexual Violence/Sexual Assault/Sexual Coercion .... THIRD ANNUAL WALTZ ACROSS TEXAS OR IS IT RAPE? The 3rd Annual Waltz Across Texas will be held Saturday, July Twenty years ago, date rape, marital rape, and incest were 24, 1999, from 6:00 p.m. - 11 :00 p.m. at the air-conditioned Jersey Lilly Building at Pearl Brewing Co., 312 Pearl Parkway. all events that supposedly "didn't happen". Help us break Footloose, a 4 person Country and Western Band that performs the silence around sexual violence in our own relationships.
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