![Arxiv:1805.11294V1 [Nlin.SI] 29 May 2018](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
High-order rogue waves of a long wave-short wave model Junchao Chen1∗, Liangyuan Chen2, Bao-Feng Feng3, Ken-ichi Maruno4 1Department of Mathematics, Lishui University, Lishui, 323000, People's Republic of China 2Department of Photoelectric Engineering, Lishui University, Lishui 323000, People's Republic of China 3Department of Mathematics, The University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX 78541, USA and 4Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan (Dated: May 30, 2018) The long wave-short wave model describes the interaction between the long wave and the short wave. Exact higher-order rational solution expressed by determinants is calculated via the Hirota's bilinear method and the KP hierarchy reduction. It is found that the fundamental rogue wave for the short wave can be classified into three different patterns: bright, intermediate and dark ones, whereas the rogue wave for the long wave is always bright type. The higher-order rogue waves correspond to the superposition of fundamental rogue waves. The modulation instability analysis show that the condition of the baseband modulation instability where an unstable continuous-wave background corresponds to perturbations with infinitesimally small frequencies, coincides with the condition for the existence of rogue-wave solutions. PACS number(s): 05.45.Yv, 02.30.Ik, 02.30.Jr, 11.10.Lm I. INTRODUCTION Rogue waves (RWs) or freak waves are rare phenomena that the large amplitudes appear from the background with the instability and unpredictability. Such extreme wave can be observed in various different contexts such as oceanography [1], hydrodynamic [2, 3], Bose-Einstein condensate [4], plasma [5] and nonlinear optic [2, 6, 7]. Mathematically, Peregrine soliton of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger(NLS) equation serves as a prototype of the RW, in which its structure is localized in temporal-spatial distribution plane and its maximum amplitude attains three times the background [8]. Since the higher-order RW was excited experimentally in wave tanks [9, 10], a hierarchy of higher-order analytic RW solutions which indicate the superposition of elementary RW has been found in nonlinear integrable systems [11{20]. Moreover, in contrast to the scalar system, recent studies have shown that multicomponent coupled systems may allow some novel patterns of RW such as dark and four-petaled types [21{33]. arXiv:1805.11294v1 [nlin.SI] 29 May 2018 Modulation instability (MI) refers to the basic process that the growth of perturbations emerges on an unstable continuous wave background [34]. In the explanations of the generation mechanism for the RW, MI has been found to be closely linked with the RW excitation in nonlinear dispersive systems [35{38]. It has been shown that RW modeled as rational solutions only exist in the subset of parameters where MI is present if and only if the unstable sideband spectrum also contains continuous wave or zero-frequency perturbations as a limiting case [35, 36]. To discover how waves with different length scales (frequencies) interact and affect each other, Benny established ∗ email:[email protected] 2 the general theory for the interaction between the long wave (LW) and the short wave (SW) [41]. Particularly, under the certain resonance condition, namely, the phase velocity of the LW is equal to the group velocity of the SW, energy exchange can be anticipated and the resonance interaction occurs [41]. Such resonance process may appear in a variety of physical settings such as capillary-gravity waves, internal-surface waves, short and long gravity waves on fluids of finite depth and the breakdown of laminar flow [39{41]. The aim of the present work is investigate RWs for a coupled system with the LW interacting the SW via the KP hierarchy reduction, and discuses the mechanism for the RW excitation through the MI anylsis. The outline of the present paper is as follows. In Sec. II, general analytical higher-order rational solutions in terms of determinants with algebraic elements are derived via the Hirota's bilinear method and the KP hierarchy reduction. In Sec. III, local structures of RWs are analyzed and show that the SW possesses bright, intermediate and dark patterns, whereas the LW always exhibits bright state in the fundamental RW. The higher-order RWs indicate the superposition of fundamental ones and interaction behaviors among different types of the RW can't occur in such pure higher-order rational solutions. In Sec. IV, MI analysis is carried out to find that the condition of baseband MI coincides with the condition for the existence of rogue-wave solutions. Numerical simulations are also provided to show RW excitation in the regime of baseband MI. A discussion is given and results are summarized in Sec. V. II. HIGH-ORDER RATIONAL SOLUTION IN THE DETERMINANT FORM Based on the Benney theory for the interaction between the SW and the LW [41], an integrable long wave-short wave (LWSW) model [39, 40] is proposed iSt + Sxx − 2iSxL = 0; (1) 2 Lt = −2σ(jSj )x; (2) where S = S(x; t) represents the envelope of the short wave and L = L(x; t) denotes the amplitude of the long wave. The complete integrability of the LWSW model (1)-(2) was tested by Painlev´eanalysis [42]. Ling et al. constructed its Darboux transformation and found a closed multi-soliton solution formula [43, 44]. A class of cusp solution for the LWSW model (1)-(2) was derived by using the dressing method [45]. Geng et al. provided this coupled system's algebro-geometric constructions and their explicit theta function representations [46]. By the dependent variable transformation ∗ 2 g @ f S = ρei[αx−α t] ;L = i ln ; (3) f ∗ @x f where ρ and α are real parameters, the LWSW model (1)-(2) can be cast into the bilinear form 2 (iDt + 2iαDx + Dx)g · f = 0; (4) ∗ 2 ∗ iDtf · f = Dxf · f ; (5) ∗ 2 2 2 iDtf · f = −2σρ (jfj − jgj ): (6) where f and g are complex variables, ∗ denotes the complex conjugation and D is Hirota's bilinear differential operator. Then we first present the general rational solutions of the LWSW model (1)-(2) in the following theorem. The proof of this theorem is given in the Appendix. 3 Theorem 2.1 The LWSW equations (1)-(2) have the rational solutions (3) with the tau functions f and g given by N × N determinants f = τ−1;0; g = τ−1;1 (7) where (N−1;N−1;n;k) (N−1;N−2;n;k) (N−1;0;n;k) m11 m13 ··· m1;2N−1 m(N−2;N−1;n;k) m(N−2;N−2;n;k) ··· m(N−2;0;n;k) (N−i;N−j;n;k) 31 33 3;2N−1 τn;k = det m2i−1;2j−1 = . ; (8) 1≤i;j≤N . (0;N−1;n;k) (0;N−2;n;k) (0;0;n;k) m2N−1;1 m2N−1;3 ··· m2N−1;2N−1 and the matrix elements are defined by i j (ν) (µ)∗ (ν,µ,n,k) X X a as m = l [(p − iα)@ ]i−l[(q + iα)@ ]j−sm(n;k) ; (9) i;j (i − l)! (j − s)! p q l=0 s=0 p=ζ;q=ζ∗ with n k ip p p − iα 2 2 m(n;k) = − − e(p+q)x−(p −q )it; (10) p + q q q + iα l j+2 2 j 2iσαρ2 (ν+1) X 2 (p − iα) + (−1) p−iα + 2iα(p − iα) (ν) a = a ; ν = 0; 1; 2; ··· ; (11) l (j + 2)! l−j j=0 and ζ need to satisfies the relation 2σiαρ2 2ζ − = 0: (12) (ζ − iα)2 III. DYNAMICS OF ROGUE WAVE SOLUTIONS A. Fundamental rogue wave According to Theorem 2.1, in order to obtain the first-order rogue wave, we need to take N = 1 in Eqs.(7)-(12). (0) (0) (0) (0) For simplicity, we set a0 = b0 = 1 and a1 = b1 = 0, then the functions f and g take the form 1 2ζ1(x−2ζ2t) f = 3 e F; (13) ζ1 1 ζ + i(ζ − α) 2ζ1(x−2ζ2t) 1 2 g = 3 e − [F + l1 − il2] ; (14) ζ1 ζ1 − i(ζ2 − α) with ζ ζ F = −∆ 2 θ2 + 2ζ θ2 + θ + i 1 (h2 + h2) ; (15) 2 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 ζ1 ζ2 −ζ1 2 and ∆ = ζ1 + (ζ2 − α) , θ1 = ζ1x − 2ζ1ζ2t − 2 , θ2 = ζ1 t − 4ζ , θ0 = 4ζ , h1 = ζ1(x − 2ζ2t), h2 = 2ζ1 t, 2 2 2 ζ2 ζ2−α 2 2 l1 = ζ1 ζ1l0 + 2 , l2 = ζ1ζ2 ζ1l0 + 2 , and l0 = (α − ζ2)x − 2(ζ1 − ζ2 + αζ2)t. 4 Therefore, the fundamental rogue wave solution for the LWSW model (1)-(2) reads h i 8 2 ζ2 ζ2−α 2 2 9 ζ1 ζ1l0 + − i ζ1ζ2 ζ1l0 + − ∆ζ1(h1 + h2) i[αx−α2t] ζ1 + i(ζ2 − α) < 2 2 = S = ρe − 1 − h i ; (16) ζ1 − i(ζ2 − α) ζ2 2 2 ζ1 2 2 : ∆ 2 θ1 + 2ζ2θ2 + θ0 − i 2 (h1 + h2) ; ζ2[ζ θ (h2 + h2 − h θ ) − 2h (θ + 2ζ θ2)] L = −4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 : (17) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (ζ2θ1 + 4ζ2θ2 + 2θ0) + ζ1 (h1 + h2) Furthermore, the modular square of the SW component jSj2 possesses extrema (turning points where the first derivatives vanish) 2 ζ2 1 ζ2 (x1; t1) = 2 2 ; 2 2 ; (18) ζ1(ζ1 + ζ2 ) 4 ζ1(ζ1 + ζ2 ) 2 2 2 ζ2(α − ζ1 − ζ2 ) 2∆5µ1 µ1 (x2; t2) = − 2 ; 2 ; (19) 2ζ1∆3 ∆1∆3ζ1 ∆1ζ1 2 2 2 ζ2(α − ζ1 − ζ2 ) 2∆7µ2 µ2 (x3; t3) = − + ; 2 ; (20) 2ζ1∆6 ∆1∆6ζ1 ∆1ζ1 p p 2 2 ζ1ζ2∆1 −ζ2∆2∆3∆4 ζ2∆1 ζ2∆6∆8∆9 2 2 2 2 with µ1 = 2 2 ± 2 2 , µ2 = 2 2 ± 2 2 , ∆1 = ζ1 + (ζ2 − α) , ∆2 = ζ1 + (ζ2 + α) , 4(ζ1 +ζ2 ) 4(ζ1 +ζ2 )∆2 4(ζ1 +ζ2 ) 4(ζ1 +ζ2 )∆9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ∆3 = α(2ζ1 + αζ2) − ζ2(ζ1 + ζ2 ), ∆4 = ζ2(ζ1 + ζ2 ) − 2(2ζ1 + ζ2 )α + ζ2α , ∆5 = (ζ2 − ζ1 )(ζ1 + ζ2 − α ) − 4αζ2ζ1 , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ∆6 = 3ζ2(ζ1 + ζ2 ) − 2α(ζ1 + 2ζ2 ) + ζ2α , ∆7 = −(ζ1 + ζ2 )(ζ1 − 5ζ2 ) − 4ζ2(ζ1 + 2ζ2 )α + (ζ1 + 3ζ2 )α , ∆8 = 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3ζ2(ζ1 + ζ2 ) − 2(2ζ1 + 3ζ2 )α + 3ζ2α and ∆9 = (ζ1 + ζ2 )(ζ1 + 4ζ2 ) − 2ζ2(3ζ1 + 4ζ2 )α + (ζ1 + 4ζ2 )α .
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