(WWIsk* 82nd Year, Number 9 Walervliet, Michigan, Berrien County, Thursday, February 4, 1965 10 Cents a Copy DYNAMIC SPEAKER IS COMMISSION NAMES BOOKED FOR G. OF C. f 3-MAN COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 8 TO STUDY PARKING "People Make Things Hap- Commissioners Johnson, Losh- pen." will be the topic of a talk bough and Pitcher have been to be given by Mr. Warren E. appointed a committee to work McKenna, guest speaker at the with a committee of three from aiinual membership meeting of the Chamber of Commerce to the Greater Walervliet Area study the parking problem in Chamber of Commerce, Monday, Watervliet. Earlier in the week February 8. Mayor Flaherty contacted Mr. Mr. McKenna. a dynamic John Brule, president of tho tpcaker, is the manager of Man- Chamber, in regard to this ser- agement Associates of Lansing. ious problem. The appointed A graduate of Ferris State Col- committees will endeavor to lege, he majored in marketing find possible solutions. and accounting. He spent four In other business, the clerk years traveling for national con- was directed to contact tho sulting firms working with over Michigan Municipal League for 200 different companies through- information they might have to cut the central United States. offer on medical and hospitali- He was Executive Secretary of zation insurance and sick leave the Big Rapids Chamber of policies for city employees. Commerce for six years so is Following the reading of the well aware of chamber prob- justice and police reports, bills lems. were paid in the amount of $6109.65. Prior to his visit with Water- vliet, McKonnas public rela- Prior to adjournment. Garth t oas Director will visit here to Beam and his crew were com- obtain background information plimented for their excellent on our particular problems. job of snow removal. Also com- plimented was Police Chief Bi- This will be an outstanding WATERVLIET RECORD EARNS HONOR- award. Judges based their decision on anchi and his department for program. Dinner will be served ABLE MENTION FOR NEWS COVER- Volume, Content and Depth. The pre- their excellent work in recent at 6:45 p.m. at the Watervliet cases. First Methodist church. Dona- AGE — Mr. William Sliger, co-chairman sentation was made at the annual Michi- tion $1.75. of the Michigan newspaoer contest, pre- gan Newspapers Convention held last A short business session will sents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banasik their weekend in Lansing. bi; held at which time the nom- STARDUST CAST IS inating committee will present a recommended slate of nomi- ness to fill six vacancies on the READY; ARE YOD? Chamber of Commerce Board of W.H.S. Begins Team Teaching Experiment "Stardust." a three act comedy Directors. by Walter Kerr will be present- The following five terms have ed by the Watervliet Dramatic expired: Gordon Banasik. secre- An experimental teaching ap- ers to instruct a larger than read and discuss the novel Department Saturday. February tary; Gus Conrad, Clayton proach was begun this week at normal group of students. "SILAS MARNER." The set up 6th, at 8 o'clock in the Water- of the experiment invloves tha Kowe, Donald Young, treasurer; the high school, and will list Teachers involved are Mr. Mon- vliet High School gym. und Rtinhold Zepik. Mrs. Mil- use of the study hall and ono ton Lamplot has resigned. for the next three weeks. The te Overweg and Mrs. Marsha adjoining room. All sixty stu- "Stardust" is set in rather an Adjournment of the evening experiment concerns team Abbey. The sixty students meet dents report to the study hall unusual setting quite unlike any- i> planned for 9:00 p.m. teaching, a combining of teach- everyday in the study hall to at the beginning of the period thing ever produced on the Wa- to hand in assignments and to tervliet High School stage. The have roll taken. From here the Director is Jim Keech. head of group is broken into two small- the Dramatic Department and er groups for a twenty minute well known for his many fino discussion period one of which works of the stage. c \ i held in the adjoining room. Cast of Lighteen Students then return to the The cast of eighteen has been large group where the next selected from the four high day's assignment is read under school grades with Seniors Kar- the supervision of one teacher en Benjamin, Kick Sprague, und oi both teachers or other ac- Bob Jarvis, and Jun ors Anno tivities are undertaken. Budd and Janet Bueche in star- The benefits of such an ex- ring roles. periment are felt to be many. First of all. it tends to improve Tickets are $1.00 for adults teaching methods. A single and 75c for students, and can l>o teacher, by himself, planning purchased from any speech stu- dent, or cast member and can (Cent, on Page 16, Col. 1) also be obtained at the door. James R. Ishmael James R. Ishmael Gridnatet From Western Michigan U. James R. Ishmael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ishmael, Car- mody Road, Watervliet, Michi- gan, was graduated from West- ern Michigan University Satur- day, January 23. with a Bache- lor of Science degree. Mr. Ishmael, a graduate of Watervliet High School, took his degree in paper technology. He and his wife and daughter HUNGREY HUMMERS —.Was the title selected by Mrs. will leave for Middletown, Ohio, Rose Norman for her prize winning shot of humming January 31, where Mr. Ishmael is employed by The Gardner birds made last summer at the Hazel Stokes home. She Division, Diamond National FINE ARTS DEPT. TO PRESENT COMEDY - From ihe used a 35 m.m. camera for her closeup shot which won Corporation, as technical super- left; Karen Benjamin, Dob Jarvis, Rick Sprague and Janet first place early in the season and first place again in visor of board mills 1 and 2. A family get-together in his Bueche spend a few final moments perfecting their parti the semi-annual which was e competition of forty-two honor was held Saturday night in Stardust which will be presented on Saturday, Fcl> first place prints. at the home of his parents. ruary 6th at the high school beginning at 8:00 p.m. Ii Fife Two The WitenrBet Record, Watervliet, Michigan, Thunday, Febrmary 4, 1965 church. In cominf to Water- Wednesday evening. A most en- The Watervliet Record, Watervliet, Michigan, Tiiurirfay, February 4, 1965 Page Three vliet, the Rev. Rusk takes up joyable time was reported. WATERVLIET Srmpmbfr the work laid down by the Rev. Mr. Clyde Scherer of Benton John D. Perrin, who served the Harbor and Miss Rose White local church nearly nine years. were married at Benton Harbor RECORD (I Tuesday. The young people will m lark Wen * * • 35 YEARS AGO Gordon E. Banasik, Publisher move onto the Omer White 10 YEARS AGO parently become blinded In the January 31, 1940 farm in Keeler February 20th Carol J. Banasik, Editor snow storm during the sub-zero The mercury skidded again and Mr. Scherer will operate February 4, 1955 last night and this morning lo- the farm the coming year. temperatures of the evening. $2.50 a year in Advance Mrs. Eldon (Judy) Kroening, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Krieger cal thermometers registered 4ito The excellent run of sleighing formerly employed with the entertained in their home Sun- 8 degrees above zero. However, the past few weeks has result- Dial IN 3-3461 Farmers' and Merchants' Bank day afternoon, honoring the the sun is shining and ordinary ed in bringing a large amount Watervliet, Michigan Jn Benton Harbor, is a new em- wedding anniversaries of Mr. above zero weather doesn't both- of timber to Hartford. The tloyee of the First National and Mrs. Lewis Rush of Hart- er us any more. yards at the mills of L. P. Thursday, February 4, 1965 lank of Watervliet ford and Mr. and Mrs. Robert City Treasurer C. Guy Curtis Walker and the Hartford Stave reports that about $40,000 of IDAHO Mrs. M. Flaherty writes that Ewer of Benton Harbor. Mrs. company are rapidly filling up Sccond Class Postage Paid At Rush is a sister of Mrs. Krieger the approximately $46,000 on with logs and heading bolts, BUY YOUR CANNED GOODS BY THE CASE AND SAVE! ey are en route from Biloxi, Watervliet, Michigan eiss., for the balance of the and she and her husband are the city winter tax roll has been and the supply is already ade- winter and will return to their celebrating their 25th wedding paid in, this would leave only quate to insure an extensive BAKING POTATOES home at the lake when the anniversary. about $6,000 delinquent at the run at both factories during the SHURFINE SHURFINE 16 BAG weather has moderated. present time and he looks for coming spring and summer. The HOSPITM. NOTES ^ ./I Guy Fish, former Watervliet 25 YEARS AGO the major part of this to be supply of timber comes from Ml J =H 8 89c resident and owner of the Wa- January 29, 1941 paid in before he has to make the adjacent woodlands and di- Those people admitted to|Com- CUT GREEN BEANS CREAM STYLE CORN his final report to the County rectly refutes the statement munity hospital daring the week paco Theatre, now residing in Mr. and Mrs. Lew Willis and Treasurer March 1. made a score of years ago that ending January 31st are as fol- 12—1 Lb. Cans 1 12—1 Lb. 1 Oz. Cans Kalamazoo, was a caller in Wa- son, accompanied by William Mr.
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