2670 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 134 Tropical Cyclone Formations in the South China Sea Associated with the Mei-Yu Front CHENG-SHANG LEE AND YUNG-LAN LIN Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan KEVIN K. W. CHEUNG National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan (Manuscript received 17 February 2005, in final form 19 January 2006) ABSTRACT This study examines the 119 tropical cyclone (TC) formations in the South China Sea (SCS) during 1972–2002, and in particular the 20 in May and June. Eleven of these storms are associated with the weak baroclinic environment of a mei-yu front, while the remaining nine are nonfrontal. Seven of the 11 initial disturbances originated over land and have a highly similar evolution. Comparison of the frontal and nonfrontal formation shows that a nonfrontal formation usually occurs at a lower latitude, is more baro- tropic, develops faster, and possibly intensifies into a stronger TC. Six nonformation cases in the SCS are also identified that have similar low-level disturbances near the western end of a mei-yu front but did not develop further. In the nonformation cases, both the northeasterlies north of the front and the monsoonal southwesterlies are intermittent and weaker in magnitude so that the vorticity in the northern SCS does not spin up to tropical depression intensity. Because of the influence of a strong subtropical high, convection is suppressed in the SCS. The nonformation cases also have an average of 2–3 m sϪ1 larger vertical wind shear than the formation cases. A conceptual model is proposed for the typical frontal-type TC formations in the SCS that consists of three essential steps. First, an incipient low-level disturbance that originates over land moves eastward along the stationary mei-yu front. Second, the low-level circulation center with a relative vorticity maximum moves to the open ocean with the stationary front. Last, with strengthened northeast- erlies, cyclonic shear vorticity continues to increase in the SCS, and after detaching from the stationary front, the system becomes a tropical depression. 1. Introduction end of the front, and a high pressure system was located to the north. From 0000 UTC 3 June to 0600 UTC 6 The mei-yu season in southeast Asia is from about June, the low pressure system moved eastward along mid-May to mid-June when a stationary front in the the mei-yu front but was still attached to it when the northern South China Sea (SCS) often occurs. During high pressure system to the north moved from land to May and June 2002 two tropical cyclones (TCs) formed sea (Figs. 1c,d). The low pressure system deepened and in the SCS associated with the mei-yu front, namely was declared a tropical depression by the Joint Ty- Tropical Depression 05W and Typhoon Noguri 07W. phoon Warning Center (JTWC) at 0000 UTC 6 June. Several days before the formation of Typhoon Noguri, Curvature in the cloud band of the system as seen in the a mei-yu front extended from Hainan Island to south- satellite imagery also suggests that the vorticity had al- ern Taiwan at 0000 UTC 3 June 2002 (Figs. 1a,b). A ready developed into a column structure. By 0600 UTC large area of low pressure was located at the western 8 June, TC Noguri had further intensified to 998 hPa and detached from the frontal system (Figs. 1e,f). The purpose of this study is to examine 1) how often this Corresponding author address: Cheng-Shang Lee, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University, 1, Section type of TC formation occurs, and 2) the associated 4, Roosevelt Rd., 106 Taipei, Taiwan. mechanisms of formation. E-mail: [email protected] The mei-yu frontal system is part of the East Asia © 2006 American Meteorological Society Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/05/21 06:44 AM UTC MWR3221 OCTOBER 2006 L E E E T A L . 2671 FIG. 1. Surface weather maps and GMS-5 visible satellite imageries associated with Typhoon Noguri (in 2002) at (a), (b) 0600 UTC 3 Jun, (c), (d) 0600 UTC 6 Jun, and (e), (f) 0600 UTC 8 Jun 2002. monsoon system. After the summer monsoon starts ev- migration. When the subtropical high in the western ery year, organized precipitation associated with con- North Pacific (WNP) retreats to the east, there is often vection along the monsoon trough first occurs in the a subsequent frontal system approaching southeast SCS, and is sometimes stationary or has a northward Asia (Tao and Chen 1987). The persistent southwest- Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/05/21 06:44 AM UTC 2672 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 134 erlies associated with the summer monsoon and the baroclinic disturbance into Diana was strongly modi- frontal easterlies create a general cyclonic flow envi- fied by the effects of latent heating. In the first stage, ronment in the northern SCS. Moreover, the onset of the low-level circulation is strengthened through the the summer monsoon is closely related to the eastward axisymmetrization of remote PV anomalies that are extension of the westerlies from the Bay of Bengal (Liu generated by condensational heating and then advected et al. 2002). Occasionally, disturbances can originate toward the incipient storm. After a warm-core vortex from these westerlies to become surface lows in the and spiral bands of convection begin to form, the mois- northern SCS. Chen and Chang (1980) showed that the ture in the core of the storm increases. Davis and mei-yu front and midlatitude fronts have similar struc- Bosart (2002) explored the model sensitivities in simu- tures in that they possess a large horizontal tempera- lating Diana. When the upper-level trough was re- ture gradient and vertical baroclinic structures. The ma- moved from the initial condition, cyclogenesis did not jor difference is that the mei-yu front is only weakly occur, which indicates the importance of appropriate baroclinic and there can be strong low-tropospheric coupling between the upper and lower levels in trans- vertical wind shear, which is especially true for the fron- forming the baroclinic system into a tropical depres- tal systems west of Japan (Ninomiya and Akiyama sion. 1992). In a further study, Davis and Bosart (2003) collected Lander (1996) examined TC formations during 1978– 10 cases of transformation from a STC to a TC during 94 associated with the so-called reverse-oriented mon- September–November in 2000 and 2001. A rapid de- soon trough, which is similar to the frontal orientation crease in the 200–900-hPa vertical wind shear occurred in the East Asia mei-yu season. However, Lander before the STC became a TC. On the other hand, those subtropical cyclones that did not transform to a TC (1996) did not explicitly identify the cases that originat- experienced vertical wind shear of about 15–20 m sϪ1. ed from the mei-yu front. Such mei-yu formations may Davis and Bosart (2003) also simulated the formation be related to the subtropical cyclone (STC), which He- of Hurricane Michael (in 2000) and found that the ver- bert and Poteat (1975) defined as a TC-like circulation tical wind shear had to decrease rapidly from 30 m sϪ1 that forms in the baroclinic subtropical environment to realize the warm-core structure. Therefore, the re- associated with a front. The cloud coverage in a STC duction of the vertical wind shear of the initial baro- usually measures 15° latitude across, which is larger clinic system is an essential requirement for its trans- than a typical TC. Similar to the naming convention for formation to a TC. tropical storms, a STC is called a subtropical storm Whereas the mei-yu front is a weak baroclinic system Ϫ1. when its maximum wind first exceeds 17 m s and occurs, on average, at a lower latitude than the Different statistics have been given on tropical cyclo- extratropical cyclones in the Atlantic, this study is ded- genesis associated with baroclinic or frontal systems. icated to identifying the mechanisms of transformation The results of Frank and Clark (1977) showed that less from baroclinic systems to TCs in the SCS. The orga- than 5% of all TC formations in the Atlantic occurred nization of this study is as follows. The data sources in close vicinity to a front or the east side of a westerly used in the study are discussed in section 2, and the trough. However, Gray (1998) indicated that about overall TC activity in the SCS and their large-scale forc- 25% of the global TC formations were not in a pure ing are examined in section 3. In section 4, the frontal- tropical environment. Bosart and Bartlo (1991) studied type TC formation in the SCS is defined, and it is com- Hurricane Diana (in 1984) in the Atlantic, and showed pared with the nonfrontal-type formation. It is also im- that the pre-Diana disturbance was also a STC that portant to understand the nonformation cases in which originated from a frontal system east of Florida. Bosart an incipient storm does not intensify; this is discussed in and Bartlo (1991) demonstrated an interaction between section 5. Finally, the mechanisms of frontal-type for- upper- and lower-level potential vorticity (PV) anoma- mation are summarized in section 6. lies. The PV anomaly associated with the upper-level trough was advected toward the low-level disturbance such that the entire system was able to evolve to a more 2. Data barotropic warm-core system. Davis and Bosart (2001) simulated the formation of Hurricane Diana using the Various data are utilized in this study.
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