THE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SERVING EPISCOPALIANS• JUNE 18 , 2006 • $2.50 Louisiana children pack supplies for respite care "You know ~ou're getting old when ~ou stoop to tie ~our -3. and wonder what else ~ou could do while ~ou're do orge 5urns THE INING CHURCH Focus will beon: Making the most ot a lasting retirement • Addressing end-at-lite issues Books and Related Resources This is a must issue for advertisers offering products or services in: Retirement/ Assisted Living Communities • Columbaria • Travel/Tour Operators Financial Services ♦ 5ook Publishers ♦ Memorial Products closing Date: 6/26/06 Artwork Due: 6/;o /06 Color advertising available. Special ad packages available tor multiple insertions . For more information ca 11Tom Parker @ ( 414) 276-5+ 20 ext. 16 or e-mail: [email protected]. REMINDER: On August 20 TLC will be publishing its third annual issue dedicated to technolow & intormation resources ... and don't forget, the tall Parish Administration Issue is September 10 (~ou know, the real!~ big issue with the double circulation!) THE The objective of THELIVING CHURCHmagazine is to build up the body of Christ, LIVINGCHURCH by describing how God is moving in his Church; by reporting news of the AA independentweekly serving Episcopalianssince 1878 Church in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view. DavidA. Kalvelage Execut.ive Editor Betty Glatzel THIS WEEK -- --- -- -- - - General Manager John Schuessler ManagingEditor Steve Waring NEWS News Editor PatriciaC. Nakamura 6 Nine U.S. Bishops Meet Book aruiMusic Editor AmyGrau with Archbishop Williams Graphic Artist TomParker AdvertisingManager ThaisJackson FulfillmentManager Renee Weber FEATURES Marketing/PromotionDire ctor MichaelO'Loughlin Directorof AssociatedPublicat ions 10 BB&B: A New Kind of Book Club BOARDOF DIRECTORS BYJOSEPH STAPLETON The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser Riverside,Ill . (President) Miriam K. Stauff Wauwatosa,Wis . (VicePresident) 10 DanielMuth OPINION Prince Frederick,Md. (Secretary) HowardM. Tischler 12 Editor's Column Albuquerque,N .M. (Treasurer) Chant Meets Metal The Rt. Rev.Bertram N . Herlong Nashville,Tenn . The Rev.Gary W. Kriss 13 Editorials Cambridge,N .Y. ThomasRiley A 'Schismatic' Label Vienna,Va . MissAugusta D . Roddis Marshfield,WIS . 14 Reader's Viewpoint The Rt. Rev.Jeffrey Steenson Selective Divestment Albuquerque,N.M. BYROBERT EDMUNDS Editorial and Business offices: 816 E. Juneau Avenue Milwaukee,WI 53202-2793 16 Letters Mailingaddress: P.O. 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All gifts to the Foundation are tax­ deductibie. ©2006 The Living ChurchFoundation, Inc . Allrights reserved. No reproduction in whole or part can be made without pernlission of THELIVING CHURCH. Volume 232 Number 25 JUNE 18. 2006 · THE LIVIN G CHURCH 3 Imagine... SUNDAY'SREADINGS Growthand Grace '... like a grain of mustard seed ... ' (Mark 4:31) SecondSunday after Pentecost(Proper 6B), June 18, 2006 BCP:Ezek. 31:1-6,10-14; Psalm92 or 92:1-4,11-14; 2 Cor. 5:1-10; Mark 4:26-34. Ra.:1 Sam. 15:34-16:13orEzek.17:22-24; Psalm 20or92:1-4,11-14; 2 Cor.5:6-10, (11- 13),14-17; Mark 4:26-34. This year, the arrival of the first cause for trepidation. Twice the apostle Sunday of the "ordinary time," the long asserts, "we are of good courage." season after Pentecost, falls in close Our faith gives us confidence before proximity to the first day of summer, the Lord who implants his will in our Pleasecall 1odav 10schedule a lour the time of year we associate with hearts and causes his reign to grow and • 55+ • computer lab natural growth and development. How thrive. This confidence is beautifully • bus trips/outings • hair salon appropriate, then, that many of the expressed in the poetry of Psalm 92: • activities • dining room readings for this Second Sunday after "The righteous shall flourish like a palm • on-site library • small pets are welcome Pentecost contain images from nature, tree, and shall spread abroad like a plants and trees, birds and beasts. cedar of Lebanon. Those who are (904) 798-5360 The two lessons from Ezekiel both planted in the house of the Lord shall (800) 438-4817 employ the image of a great cedar tree, flourish in the courts of our God." the branches of which provide nesting The gospel reading contains two of TDD (904) 798-9474 places for birds and protection for "the Jesus' brief parables of "the kingdom of 601 N. Newnan Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 beasts of the field." The passage in God," both of which make use of nature www.cathedralresidences.org @ Chapter 17 is messianic in character, imagery. The first tells of scattered seed speaking of God planting "a sprig" that that sprouts and begins to grow in will flourish "upon a high and lofty incomprehensible secrecy and ripens mountain." till the joy of harvest. Just so, faith In the other passage from the same comes to life as a gift of grace that THIS prophet, this authority of God involves matures and develops mysteriously rejection and destruction. The verses until we come to the fulfillment of the from the 31st chapter are a prophecy kingdom. The second parable is the JUST against Egypt, portrayed as a cedar that famous comparison of God's kingdom "towered above all the trees of the with "a grain of mustard seed." From forest." But "its heart was proud of its our tiniest efforts to align ourselves with IN ... height," and because of its pride, "thus God's gracious will, to hear and receive says the Lord God . I will cast it out." the word he plants within our hearts, Advertisers ... The next The verses from Paul's Second Letter the Lord brings forth abundant growth. Parish Administra­ to the Corinthians acknowledge our The teaching of scripture proclaims tion Issue ( double cir­ Lord's sovereignty, "the love of Christ the flourishing reign of God. Under his culation!) is controls us" (verse 14), and his gracious rule, our spirits come alive, authority to judge, "we must all appear grow in faith, and will finally find September 10 . .. Clos- before the judgment seat of Christ" fulfillment in the harvest time of the ing: 8/9 Artwork (verse 10). But for the faithful, this is no coming of the kingdom of God. Due: 8/14 Color LookIt Up advertising available ... Read John 15:1-11, considering what the image of the vine with its branches Space is limited ... Con­ teaches about the lordship of Christ. tact Tom at (414) 276- ThinkAbout It 5420 ext. 16 ... E-mail: What illustration from nature used in the teaching of Jesus most encourages [email protected] your life of faith? . Take advantage of NextSunday advertising in the ThirdSunday after Pentecost(Proper 7B), June 25, 2006 BCP:Job 38:1-11, 16-18; Psalm 107:1-32 or 107:1-3,23-32;2 Cor. 5:14-21; Mark BIGGEST issue of the 4:35-41 (5:1-20). year! RCL:1 Sam. 17: (1a,4-11, 19-23), 32-49 or Job 38: 1-11; Psalm9:9-20 (optionallywrth 1 Sam. 17:57-18:5,10-16) or 107:1-3, 23-32; 2 Cor. 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41. 4 THE LIVING CHURCH · JUNE 18. 2006 BOOKS Godof OurMothers Native American flute. standing on the little hill that "miracu­ Faceto Facewith PowerfulWomen The essay on Mary Magdalene, pic­ lously rose under him" so that his "elo­ tured holding a scroll with her famous quent preaching" might be better of the OldTestament By M.R. Ritley. Morehouse. Pp. 165. $14.95. words to the apostles, "I have seen the heard. ISBN 0-8192-2216-X. Lord," touches upon some of the cur- St. Patrick is shown in an Italian prayer card, wearing the unlikely Ms. Ritley, a California priest, brings chasuble and miter. A 1471 fresco the women of the distant past into the illustrates St. Barbara, patron saint of parlors and kitchens of her grand­ "those in danger of sudden death by mother, and gets behind the familiar lightening, fire or explosion." A Sunday school stories. She reminds us charming note describes St. Barbara's of little-known facts, such as "at the Bouquet, "branches from a fruit tree very outset Hagar may have a bit part or flowering shrub cut on St. Barbara's in the Hebrew Bible, but in Islam, she Day, (December 4) and kept in water plays a starring role. She's the Mother in a warm room will flower by Christ­ of All Believers, the mas." Although she may be apoc­ woman whose story ryphal, the authors state, "one can is so central to rent questions about this little-known make such a bouquet successfully Islam that it's re­ figure who disappears soon after this today." enacted in the pil­ witness. How was an unmarried The book has an index of saints - grimage to Mecca." woman able to travel on her own and helpful as they are not in alphabetical She loves the story support Jesus' ministry? Was she a order - and a fascinating index of of Rachel and Leah, threat to the dominance of Peter, so symbols.
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