Name and Address of the BLOs District: Dakshina Kannada Name of Assembly Constituency: 207-Sullia Total No. of Parts in the A.C - 175 Total No. of BLO's in the A.C -175 Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 1 Nandana Kumari Anganavady Worker, Kolila 9448762965 Anganavady center. 2 Shantarama Secretary, Village Panchayath, 9448548199 Koila 3 Kumar .K Village Accountant, Koila 9449507562 4 Abraham .K Clerk, Secretary, Village 9448545313 Panchayath, Koila 5 Devaki .M Village Accountant, Ramakunja 9901111328 6 Madhava.M Bill Collector, Secretary, 9740766306 Village Panchayath, Ramakunja 7 Prapulla B. Anganavady Worker, 9611826364 Halenranki Anganavadycenter. 8 Babu Naik Bill Collector, Secretary, 9449486490 Village Panchayath, Golithottu 9 Ramesh Village Accountant, Golithottu 9449911992 10 Reethakshi .K Anganavady Worker, 9481955752 Shanthinagara Anganavady center. 11 Gayathri Bai Village Accountant Konalu 8904539542 12 Vargeesh Assist Teacher D.K.Z.P. H.P. 9845773447 School Konalu 13 Jayanthi Anganavady Worker, Puchcheri 9743193859 Anganavady center. 14 Devaraj .P Secretary, Grama Panchayath, 9448903240 Nelliyady 15 .P.Ashok Kumar Village Accountant Nelliyady 08251- 232322® t Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 16 Vishalakshi Anganavady Worker, 9164037648 Kapinabagilu Anganavadycenter. 17 Mariyamma Secretary, Grama Panchayath, 9480862361 Kowkrady 18 Ammi .B.P Clerk, Grama 9880852324 Panchayath,Kowkrady 19 Thangamma Anganavady Worker, Nerla 9740220995 Anganavady center. 20 Jessy Anganavady Worker, Korameru 9980957202 Anganavady center. 21 Saramma Raju Anganavady Worker, Berike 9741469784 Anganavadycenter. 22 Sumithra Anganavady Worker, 9741939159 Badhibagilu Anganavady center. 23 Manjunatha V. Village Accountant Shirady 9449749812 24 Eliyas Clerk, Grama Panchayath, 9480533327 Shirady 25 Jancy Thomas Anganavady Worker, Addahole 9480764608 Anganavady center. 26 Kavitha Anganavady Worker, 9448179580 Shiribagilu Anganavady center. 27 Savitha Anganavady Worker, Puthige 9449218397 Anganavady center. 28 Vamana Sapalya Secretary, Grama Panchayath, 9480862360 Kombaru 29 Mohini Anganavady Worker, 08251- Mugeradka Anganavady center. 204367(R 30 Shibu K.T. Bill Collector, Grama 9480981246 Panchayath Office, Aithoor 31 Devika Clerk, Grama Panchayath 9483288100 Office, Aithoor 32 Nuraplla Nagaraja Village Accountant, Aithoor 9620147097 33 Prathap Kumar M.K. Village Accountant, Renjilady 9980289009 t Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 34 Rathna Anganavady Worker, 8971889278 Kayaradka Anganavady center. 35 Parvathi Anganavadi Worker, 9741149209 KepuAnganawadi center. 36 Padma Kumari Secretary, Grama Panchayath, 9480656522 Kuttruppady 37 Lalitha Clerk, Grama Panchayath, 9483212372 Kuttruppady 38 Bharathi Anganavady Worker, Deraje 9880664819 Ballya Anganavady center. 39 Vishalakshi Anganavadi Worker, Kunthur 9900828459 Anganawadi center. 40 Santhosh Kumar Y.N Village Accountant Kunthur 41 Rukmini Anganavady Worker, Suruli 9007734293 Anganavady center. 42 Govinda Naik Clerk, Grama Panchayath, 9980882008 Perabe 43 Gopalakrishna Clerk, Grama Panchayath, 9900124808 Alankaru 44 Ananda Gowda Secretary, Grama Panchayath, 9480862371 Alankaru 45 Ganesh Asst Teacher, D. K. Z.P. Higher 9480253870 Primary School, Charvaka 46 Dharnappa A. Bill Collector, Grama 9448597528 Panchayath, Kaniyoor 47 Kushalappa Gowda Asst Teacher, D. K. Z.P. Higher 9449071665 Primary School, Kudmaru 48 Mamatha G.B. Anganavady Worker, Savanoor 9980220821 Anganavady center. 49 Mhadesha Asst Teacher, D. K. Z.P. Higher 9901261307 Primary School,Savanoor Mugeru 50 Gangadhara Village Accountant Savanoor 9902030604 51 Ushakirana Village Accountant Palthady 9844114914 t Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 52 Sunanda Anganavady Worker, Palthady 9731196845 Anganavady center. 53 Pushparaja Village Accountant Belandoor 9741993093 54 Manmatha .A Clerk, Grama Panchayath, 9480349181 Belandoor 55 Vijayakumari, Anganavadi Worker, 9448016535 Mukkuru,Peruvaje 56 Janardhana G, Village Accountent 9008947712 Peruvaje Viilage 57 Parameshwari, Clerk, VillagePanchayath, 9480433495 Kodiyala 58 Harishkumar K.K., Village Accountent 9448171432 Kodiyala Village 59 M.N. Ravi Village Accountant Kaniyoor 9448678191 60 Devappa C.R Secretary, Grama Panchayath, 9480862355 Kaniyoor 61 Thimmappa Gowda Bill Collector, Grama 08251-284283 Panchayath Office, Kaniyoor 62 Mohana Bill Collector, 9448891406 Village Panchayath, Yenmuru 63 Shashikala Clerk, 9481022483 VillagePanchayath, Yenmuru 64 K. Chennappa Gowda Secretary, 9448778499 Village Panchayath, Yedamangala 65 Gopinatha Clerk, Village Panchayath, 9901392319 Yedamangala 66 Balakrishna Rai Village Accountant, 9481149167 Yedamangala 67 Jainabi Anganavady Worker, Kadaba 9632343363 Anganavady center. 68 N. Nalini Rai Anganavady Worker, Kodimbala 9731298472 Anganavady center. 69 Varija Bill Collector, Grama 9008394568 Panchayath Office, Kadaba t Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 70 Padmavathi Anganavady Worker, Kodimbala 9611824684 undila Anganavady center. 71 Padmayya Clerk, Grama Panchayath 9741483405 Office, Kadaba 72 Shivashankar jadav Village Accountant Bantra 9480263660 73 K.R. Manjunatha Village Accountant 102 9481878194 Nekkilady 74 Bhaskara B Village Accountent 9449256675 Balpa Village 75 Harinakshi Anganavadi Worker, 9611647418 Yenne majalu,Balpa 76 Vidhyadhara K.N, Secretary, 9686381035 Village Panchayath, Balpa 77 Jayalakshmi .A Anganavadi Worker, 9611637575 Yenekallu 78 Dharmavathi, Anganavadi Worker, 9880034117 Devarahalli,Yenekallu 79 Thukrappa M. Village Accountent 9008903685 Yenekallu Village 80 Manakka Anganavady Worker, Nettana 9731659244 Anganavady center. 81 Padmanabha P Bill Collector, Grama 9901359890 Panchayath Office, Bilinele 82 Thejavathi Anganavady Worker, Kaikamba 9731544051 Anganavady center. 83 N.B. Raghu Bill Collector, 9448315148 Village Panchayath, Subrahmanya 84 Poovappa Gowda Village Accountent 9480156688 Subrahmanya Village 85 Divakara Secretary, 9663527277 Village Panchayath, H.H.Pallathdka 86 Sharada Clerk, Village Panchayath, 08257-283015 H.H.Pallathdka . t Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 87 Jayanthi Anganavadi Worker, 08257-312100 Nadugallu,Nalkuru 08257-282372 316418PP 88 Thejakumari Anganavadi Worker, 9480173591 Mettinadka , Nalkuru 89 Latha Anganavadi Worker, 9845785811 Ballaka, Guthigaru 9480146101 90 Thippeshappa Village Accountent 9164808493 Guthigaru Village 91 K.Mohana Bill Collector, 9449282899 Village Panchayath, Guthigaru 92 Sakinabi Anganavadi Worker, 9481756042 Addathodu,Kuthkunja 93 Babu Bill Collector, 9663527312 Village Panchayath, Panja 94 Bhagirathi Anganavadi Worker, 9481756035 Karikkala,Aivathoklu 95 Ravindra Shetty Village Accountent 9448622623 Aivathoklu Village 96 Simon Lovis Rodrigus Secretary, 9448775162 Village Panchayath, Panja 97 Shankara M.L. Village Accountent 9448152548 Yenmuru Village 98 Vasantha R Village Accountant, Panbthady 9379328229 99 A.B.Sheshappa Bill Collector, 9480493498 Village Panchayath, Kalmadka 100 Krishnappa Gowda Village Accountant, 9481754540 Kalmadka 101 Vanitha Village Accountent 7259339512 Balila Village 102 A.B.Ajithkumar Secretary, 9480862380 Village Panchayath, Balila 103 Krishnaraja Secretary, 9480862388 Village Panchayath, Kalanja 104 Sujatha Clerk, Village 9448310221 Panchayath,Kalanja t Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 105 Honnappa Bill Collector, 9480797990 Village Panchayath, Bellare 106 Bhaskara Secretary, 9964245014 Village Panchayath, Bellare 107 Narayana .K. Bill Collector, 9448734826 Villag Panchayath, Bellare 108 Gangadhara Asst. Teacher, Z.P.H.P.S., 08257-277654 Deraje 9008662598 109 Nandini Anganavadi Worker, 9488448583 Devarakana 110 Jayasheela Anganavadi Worker, 9480761047 Banjikodi 111 Mamatha Village Accountent 9482133802 Aivernadu Village 112 Narayana Gowda Secretary, 9739923097 Village Panchayath, Aivernadu 113 Purushothama Bill Collector, 974113900 Village Panchayath, Aivernadu 114 Hemavathi. Anganavadi Worker, 9488119725 Amarapadnuru 115 Raghavendra Village Accountant, 9482039800 Amarapadnuru 116 Sukumari Anganavadi Worker, 9164401714 Amaramudnuru 117 Belliyappa Gowda Village Accountent, 9449206419 Amaramudnuru Village 118 Chandrashekar Bill Collector, 9008619592 Village Panchayath, Amaramudnuru 119 Shivarama Bill Collector, 9481761615 Village Panchayath, Yelimale 120 Devappa Nayak Village Accountant, Devachalla 9482039687 121 Varija Anganavadi Worker, 08257-206453 Kandrapady 122 Prethviraj Village Accountant, 9916239490 Nellurukemraje t Part Name of the BLO Complete Address of the Contact No. No. BLO 1 2 3 4 123 Padmavathi Seretary, 9449920790 Village Panchayath , Nellurukemraje 124 Shobha Anganavadi Worker, 9480485270 Amaramudnuru 125 Purushothama Bill Collector, 9740542917 Village Panchayath, Ubradkamithuru 126 Ravindra Naik Village Accountent, 9731256673 Ubaradkamithuru Village 127 Thimmappa Patali Bill Collector, Town Panchayath, 9449277797 Sullia 128 Sathyabhama Anganavadi Worker, 9481507915 Duggaladka 129 Shobha Anganavadi Worker, 9449770434 Gandhinagara 130 Druvaraju Clerk, 9611064234 Govt. Pu. College, Gandhinagar 131 Kusumavathi.A Anganavadi Worker, 08257-315857 Jattipalla 132 Chandrakantha Village Accountent, 9731582528 Sullia Village 133 Sudeva S.D.A., Town Panchayath,Sullia 8105779719 134 Indira Anganavadi Worker, 9480147321 Shanthinagar 135 Shivaprasad G.S.
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