the free use of acid beverages, or some other peculiarity of diet. Apothecaries’ Hall, 3lareh 10th, 1859. After noticing the influences of sex, of occupation, and of sti- RESOLVED,-That gentlemen who have passed the Middle* mulants, the lecturer concluded by remarking on the habit of Class Examinations of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, he no smoking, and its results. This habit, believed, led to or the Matriculation Examination of the University of London. direct chemical action on the teeth, but, by producing dys- be exempted from the Preliminary Examination of this Court, pepsia, it induced vitiated salival secretion, with a deposit of ALFRED M. RANDALL,RA1’DA.LL, "tartar,"-systemic derangement leading to neuralgia, and, by Secretary to the Court of Examiners. direct action on the a condition of the gums, spongy same, REMAINS OF HUNTER.-The will be to. and local hæmorrhagic tendency. profession glad learn that the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey have given permission to the Council of the Royal College of Sur- geons of England to re-inter the remains of John Hunter in, Medical the Abbey, on Monday, the 28th inst., at four o’clock. Tickets News. of admission will be granted, on personal application at the College, until the 25th inst., after which no further ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-The application- following gentle- can be received. A list of subscribers, for a statue to Hunter, men, having undergone the necessary examinations for the has been at the and .6200 have diploma, were admitted members of the College, at a meeting opened College, already nearly of the Court of Examiners on the llth inst. :- been received. Mr. South, Vice-President, has kindly con- BRIDGER, JOHN, Cottenham, Cambridgeshire. sented to act as honorary secretary. CLARK, GEORGE, Newcastle. MORE QUACKERY.-Another case has been taken up Cox, HENRY, Gray’s inn-lane. and treated with success by the " London Medical Regis- CUTHBERTSON, WILLIAM HARRisoN, Lower Dorset-street, tration Association." Mr. Bowen May (their solicitor) pro- Dublin. cured a summons last Wednesday against Andre Fresco, of DUKE, STEPHEN, Chichester. New Oxford-street, for obtaining money under false pretences HAMILTON, JOHN BuTLER, Lower Mount-street, Dublin. from a Mrs. Jones. On Thursday this Fresco tried a case in HEMPHILL, JAMES PATTON, Myroe, Co. Derry. the Bloomsbury County Court to recover £4 from Mrs. Jones’s- HOOPER, CLARENCE, Wootton-Bassett, Wiltshire. husband. The answer to it was that the plaintiff had imposed JEDERTON, FREDERICK, St. John-street, Manchester. on Mrs. Jones, who swore that she was induced to consult " ROBERTS, ANTHONY TUCKER, Old Cavendish-street. Fresco then believing he was a surgeon-dentist," and pos- SAviLE, ROBERT, Nafferton, near Driffield, Yorkshire. sessed of the "diploma of Dr. Cocks," both of which turned out STEWART, CHARLES JOHN, Montague-place, Kentish-town. to be delusive. The latter was proved by a letter from Mr. Edward Cock to Mr. Bowen to the effect :- The following gentlemen were admitted members on the 14th May, following inst. :- " St. Thomas’-street, E.C., March 9th, 1859. BRIGSTOCKE, RICHARD WHISH, Melford, Pembrokeshire. DEAR SIR,-I have no knowledge whatever of Mr. Fresco, CARTER, ROBERT, Dublin. except from his advertisements; and the use which he makes CooKsoN, JOHN FowI,ER, Preston, Lancashire. of my name is an impudent falsehood. GIBB, ROBERT CUMMINGS, Newcastle-on-Tyne. I am, dear Sir, yours very faithfully, LYEL, BENJAMIN BELL, White Horse-lane, Stepney. EDWARD COCK." M’DERMOTT, JAMES LEMESNEY, Kinsale, Cork. Of course the verdict of the County Court Judge was for the MAHONY, JOHN, Sandymount, Co. Tipperary. defendant, with costs. MORDUE, ROBERT DixoN, Newcastle-on-Tyne. GARDNER v. GODFREY.-The scandal of this case has GEORGE East Indies. NELL, MICHAEL, Negapatam, not yet ceased. A publisher of a local East London paper has O’HARA, DANIEL MURRAY, Hannahstown, near Belfast. reiterated the Dr. in which REGINALD charges against Godfrey language READ, BLIGH, Jewin-street, City. is held to be libellous, and was held to bail to appear and The following gentlemen were admitted members on the 16th answer a criminal indictment at the Central Criminal Court. inst. :- DR. CoRvISART’s EXPERIMIENTS.-WE are glad to find GEOGHEGAN, G. EDWARD, Rathmines, Dublin. that Professors Meissner and Funke have obtained the same of Good M’KEEVER, JOHN, Cape Hope. results as Dr. Corvisart whilst making experiments on the OWEN, GEORGE, Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire. properties of the pancreatic juice, set forth by this physician RINGER, SYDNEY, Norwich. in a late number of this journal (ante, p. 209). Dr. Corvisart ROBERTS, FRANCIS, Nelson-street, Dublin. has lately repeated his experiments before M. Snellen, pupil ScoTT, JOHN ALEXANDER, Baymount, Clontarf, Dublin. of Donders of Utrecht, and M. Kuhne, pupil of the chemist WILL, GEORGE ELMSLY, Friendville, Aberdeen. Wohler, and has again confirmed the truth of the propositions At the same meeting of the Court, Mr. JOHN LINTON offered in the paper mentioned above. An account of these PALMER, of H. M. S. James Watt, passed his examination for latter experiments has been sent to Gottingen, where doubts Naval Surgeon. This gentleman had previously been admitted have been raised respecting the theory by two professors who. a member of the College, his diploma bearing date Feb. 5th, had imperfectly repeated the experiments. 1847. THE MEDICAL OFFICERS OF THE 58TH.-Last, but most APOTHECARIES’ HALL. - Names of gentlemen who certainly not least, we have to express, in connexion with the- passed their examination in the science and practice of medi- departure of the 58th, the regret with which we see the medi- cal connected with that our shores. cine, and received certificates to practise, on gentlemen corps leaving The senior amongst them, Dr. Thompson, is a gentleman who Thursday, March 10th, 1859. will be long remembered in Auckland, and not only by those BREND, WILLIAM, Bideford, Devon. who have had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and by those. Dvsorr, ALEXANDER, Hanley, Huddersfield. who have benefited by his professional knowledge, but by Evavs, MAURICE BIBBY, Glasgoed, Oswestry. all who have ever read the valuable statistical reports which GARNHAM, RICHARD WILLIAM, Peninsular and Oriental he has furnished to the province of Auckland-writings which will long remain on record amongst us as proofs not only of the Company. ‘ HARRISON, ALFRED JAMES, Belper, Derbyshire. scientific abilities of Dr. Thompson, but of his good feeling and MEDCALF, GEORGE, Royal West Indian Mail Steam readiness to give the benefit of those abilities to the country in Packet Company. which he has now so long sojourned. The members of the STEDMAN, JAMES HENRY, Norwich. " Medical Association" in Auckland entertained our departing WALKER, JOHN HARRISON, Yorkshire. friends at a farewell dinner. The Provincial Surgeon (Dr. WYATT, ARTHUR, Bedford. McGauran) and Dr. Philson (an old 58th man) occupied the two ends of the table. Drs. Tidd and Snell, of the The on same . opposite following gentlemen also, the day, passed their with Dr. the of the first examination :- 58th, were, Thompson, guests evening. Both of the former gentlemen, we may say without flattery, GODWIN, CHARLES HENRY YOUNG, Bishopstoke, Hants. have been amongst us only long enough to make us regret their LuMSDEN, WILLIAM, Hull. leaving us so soon. It is certainly pleasant in Auckland to turn ScoTT, HENRY THOMAS, Henry’s-place, Kent-road. occasionally from men and subjects not to be discussed without 305 touching on political topics, to men and professions command- TRANSITORY OR TEMPORARY INSANITY.-M. Devergie ing the unalloyed esteem of all.-Southern Cross (Auckland, read, at the late anniversary meeting of the Academy of Paris, New Zealand). an excellent paper on the above affection. Amongst other he mentioned the case of a man of fortune STATISTICAL SOCIETY.-The following is a list of the examples, young who, Council and Officers for 1859-60 :-Pre8idennt: Right Hon. Lord in a fit of temporary insanity, shot his stepmother in her own John Russell, M.P.-Council: Charles Babbage, M.A., F.R.S.; dining-room. He was tried and acquitted, but, unfortunately, James Bird, M.D.; Sir John Peter Boileau, Bart., F.R.S.; not put under restraint. After this fearful tragedy, which had Samuel Brown; James Caird, M.P.; William Camps, M.D.; taken place at Bordeaux, his native town, the patient returned Edward William to Brussels, as M. Devergie lately learnt, where he lived in Cheshire; Farr, M.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.; the of he Viscount Ebrington; Albany Fonblanque; the Right Hon. great seclusion. On 1st January last, suddenly left W. Ewart Gladstone, M.P.; James William Gilbart, F.R.S.; Brussels, without taking any of his effects, and proceeded to Francis Henry Goldsmid; William Augustus Guy, M.B.; Peter Bordeaux; but, instead of repairing to his father’s house, he Hardy, F.R.S.; the Right Hon. the Earl of Harrowby; Ber. went to a hotel, where he slept. The next day he bought a nard Hebeler; Frederick Hendriks; James Heywood, F.R.S.; pair of pistols, had himself taken to his stepmother’s grave, William Barwick Hodge; Thomas Hodgkin, M.D.; William and there blew out his brains, after having written in his Golden Lumley; the Right Hon. Holt Mackenzie, F.R.G.S.; note-book.-° I I wish to die on the grave of her I have so much William Newmarch; the Right Hon. Sir John Somerset Pak- loved and regretted." ington, Bart., M.P.; the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P.; Right Hon. Lord Stanley, M.P.; John Strang, LL.D.; Col. W. H. Sykes, M.P., F.R.S.; Richard Valpy; and James and Wilson, M. P. - Treasurer: William Farr, M.D., F.R.S.- Births, Marriages, Deaths.
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