E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 No. 34 Senate (Legislative day of Wednesday, March 15, 2006) The Senate met at 9 a.m., on the ex- sume consideration of S. Con. Res. 83, to the budget resolution. The two man- piration of the recess, and was called to which the clerk will report. agers will then control the remaining order by the President pro tempore The legislative clerk read as follows: time until 1:30 this afternoon when all (Mr. STEVENS). A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 83) time expires. setting forth the congressional budget for At 1:30 today, we begin disposing of PRAYER the United States Government for fiscal year the pending amendments and any addi- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- 2007 and including the appropriate budgetary tional amendments that are offered. fered the following prayer: levels for fiscal years 2007 and 2008 through This is the beginning of the so-called Let us pray. 2011. vote-arama. This is a difficult process. God of lights, who into chaotic dark- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under These votes will likely continue for a ness commanded brightness, shine into the previous order, the time from 9 while today and possibly into the our world with the fullness of Your a.m. to 10:30 a.m. shall be evenly di- evening. I urge my colleagues to re- love. Illuminate our minds so we will vided between the Senator from New main in or around the Chamber. be Your ambassadors. Hampshire, Mr. GREGG, and the Sen- I was talking to the Democratic man- Empower our Senators to release rec- ator from North Dakota, Mr. CONRAD. ager, and we both agreed, as does the onciliation forces that will bring har- Pending: Republican manager, that our col- mony and concord. Specter amendment No. 3048, to increase leagues must and we encourage them Bless our world leaders, who agonize the advance appropriations allowance in to show restraint during the day and for strategies that will bring sanity order to fund health, education and training, recognize not every amendment needs during insane times. Help them to re- and low-income programs. to be offered. Yesterday, Senators member that there is no time when Reid (for Clinton/Reid) amendment No. missed some votes because they did not 3115, to increase funding in fiscal year 2007 show up on time. The managers will be You will fail us and no moment when by $347 million to restore funding or provide we do not need You. very clear in terms of how much time increased funding over fiscal year 2006 for is allowed for each vote. We encourage Bless, also, our military people who programs and policies that support the deliv- have left home and homeland to sac- ery of contraceptive services and medically Members to stay close to the Chamber rifice for freedom. Keep their families accurate information in order to reduce the so they do not miss the votes. The only and loved ones secure in Your love. number of unintended pregnancies, including way to finish the budget is to have that We pray in Your sovereign Name. Title X of the Public Health Service Act, and discipline and not to drag the votes on Amen. to restore funding or provide increased fund- for 15 minutes or more. I also encour- ing over fiscal year 2006 for programs that age Members to rethink whether they f help women have healthy pregnancies and need to offer their amendments, as I RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME healthy children, including the Child Care stated earlier. Development Block Grant, Maternal and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under Finally, I note that we have some Child Health Block Grant, Healthy Start, nominations to consider before we ad- the previous order, the leadership time and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Pro- is reserved. gram for Women, Infants, and Children paid journ. On the list of nominations are f for by closing corporate tax loopholes. two district judges we will finish. If votes are needed, then we will need to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The schedule those votes with the budget The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the majority leader is recognized. votes as well. However, I hope we can Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: work on a nominations list that will be SCHEDULE agreed to by unanimous consent. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- United States of America, and to the Repub- I thank Senator GREGG and Senator lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ing we are returning to the budget res- CONRAD for their efforts so far. I thank indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. olution for what we hope will be the everyone in advance for their patience f final day. Chairman GREGG and Sen- during this budget process. ator CONRAD will be managing the time Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I suggest CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET FOR until 10:30 a.m. At 10:30, we have an the absence of a quorum. THE UNITED STATES GOVERN- order for a series of four stacked votes. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The MENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 The first two are on the debt limit ex- clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under tension, and the last two votes are in The legislative clerk proceeded to the previous order, the Senate will re- relation to the avian flu amendments call the roll. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2225 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:24 Mar 17, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16MR6.000 S16MRPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with SENATE S2226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 16, 2006 Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I ask quake or other mass-fatality event. ‘‘What Next, the amendment provides $2.5 unanimous consent that the order for the federal planners are not getting,’’ she billion to accelerate vaccine research, the quorum call be rescinded. says, ‘‘is that if there is a pandemic, every development, and manufacturing. And The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- community will be asking for ventilators finally, it provides $1 billion to in- from the national stockpile at the same out objection, it is so ordered. time.’’ crease State and local preparedness. AMENDMENT NO. 3133 The amendment also ensures that the Clearly she has that right. We are Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I am of- additional funding is fully offset, com- not prepared. fering an amendment on avian flu. I of- pletely paid for. The Secretary said in his testimony fered this same amendment in the com- I hope very much my colleagues will before the Committee on the Budget mittee because after testimony by Sec- support this amendment. I know there that what is different about a pan- retary Leavitt before the Committee is a resistance on the other side to in- demic is that it happens everywhere at on the Budget, we are clearly still un- creasing the top-line spending number. once. You do not have the option of prepared to meet any potential pan- If there were ever a time to make an dealing with a few hotspots. demic. investment in protecting America, this Here is what the U.N. said on March It is very clear we need more re- is it. We could face the tragedy of our 9: sources. What we most need additional time. resources for is to develop vaccines. We ‘‘Bird flu is likely to spread to birds in the I am reading a book called ‘‘The United States within six months and could also need antivirals and more resources Great Influenza.’’ It is about the 1918 produce an epidemic among humans ‘at any for public health. But clearly the top flu epidemic in which they estimate 50 time,’ said a U.N. official. The prediction by priority has to be developing vaccines to 100 million people died in this world. David Nabarro was the first by a top global that can safeguard people against this We have not had a pandemic since. health official pinpointing when birds car- illness. Pandemics typically occur every 50 rying the flu will arrive in the lower 48 Here is the summary of our situation years or so, so we are well overdue. We States.’’ with respect to vaccines. We have lim- did have a widespread, very severe flu He went on to say, and I hope my col- ited vaccine production capacity, rely- in 1968. leagues and their staffs are listening: ing on only three companies. The bird The Secretary says we are not pre- ‘‘There will be a pandemic sooner or flu virus is mutating, making current pared, says we are not ready. Local later,’’ Nabarro said. ‘‘It could start any vaccines less effective. Current vaccine health officials say we are not ready. time. We have a virus capable of replicating production is egg based and could be International health officials say we inside humans. We have a virus that humans threatened by bird flu itself. That is a are not ready. I hope very much we get are not resistant to. We have a virus about very important point. The way they which we don’t understand everything.’’ ready and make this investment. make vaccine now, they use eggs, but Mr.
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