Thursday, April 27, 2017 VOLUME LIV, NUMBER 17 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING DUBLIN, LIVERMORE, PLEASANTON, SUNOL Swalwell Weighs in on National Issues at Dublin Town Hall When Congressman Eric Swal- interference in the last election. stated. dustries such as aerospace, biotech well (D) walked into the Dublin His main theme focused on He pointed out that during the and other technology based jobs. See Inside Section A High School multipurpose room making it possible to achieve the election, a candidate took the fear, At the local level, not all receive Section A is filled with last Saturday he was greeted with American dream, something he the want and despair and promised the same opportunities or facilities. information about arts, people, a sustained standing ovation by the said is at risk. Education, leading all of the jobs would come back. What we need to do is make sure entertainment and special events. estimated 500 in attendance. to 21st century jobs, was the key. When it comes to education, the same opportunities in Boston There are education stories, a Many of his remarks during Loss of manufacturing and coal tuition hikes and student debt are and the Bay Area are available variety of features, and the arts the session were supported by mining jobs have had a devastat- making it difficult to gain a higher in Indiana, and Iowa and that applause as he addressed topics ing impact on some areas. Trying education. Swalwell stated, "When all school houses have the same and entertainment and resources. bulletin board. related to national security, edu- to bring back those jobs is not the we invest in people, they return as cation, health care, and Russian path to the American dream, he an educated workforce building in- (See SWALWELL, page 5) Pleasanton Foundation Approves Receives Parking Plan Gift Ever The Las Positas College (LPC) Foundation made an announce- The Pleasanton City Council ment on April 22 that the late Drs. approved the Downtown Pleas- Barbara and David Mertes had anton Parking Strategy and Imple- bequeathed a gift of $6.85 million mentation Plan last week. to the college, marking the largest The vote was unanimous with donation in the college's history. Mayor Jerry Thorne absent. The announcement took place at The Parking Plan discusses: ex- the Foundation's 14th Annual 'Best isting parking conditions; increas- of the Best' gala event held at the ing the parking supply, including Barbara Mertes Center for the Arts the feasibility and cost of devel- before a crowd of 1500 on the col- oping a parking structure; factors lege campus in Livermore. influencing parking occupancy LPC President Barry Russell rates; parking demand manage- declared, "This incredible gift ment strategies; future demand from two special educators who scenarios; and an implementation have who have already led the ad- plan, including the identification vancement of Las Positas College of the top ten implementation will make an enormous impact on strategies. deserving students. It will continue The council added one short to build upon their legacy of en- term action, a pilot parking cor- couraging multiple avenues toward ral for bicycles near the Farmers' Photo - Doug Jorgensen success through education." Market. Councilmember Jerry Michell K-8 students who removed trash along the arroyo are (from left) David Mcintyre, Aiden Clarin, The gift will be used in part Pentin, a bicyclist, noted that tak- and Kayla Clarin. For the story, go to page 8. to establish the Barbara Fracisco ing away one parking spot for cars Mertes Memorial Scholarship to allow for up to 12 bicycles t Endowment to support graduat- would remove 10 to 12 cars from ing LPC students who seek to the road that would have needed All Invited to 'Making My Way to the USA' transfer to a four-year institution places to park. and continue their studies in the Councilmember Karla Brown By Carol Graham said organizer Ellen Peete. "It was Tri-Valley neighbors," said Peete. Two months after its hugely so successful that we decided to "The program will begin with fea- Performing Arts. wanted to ensure that an adequate The bequest will also establish number of ADA spaces were successful "Rally For Love" in create an event entirely dedicated tured immigration stories for the Livermore, Interfaith Intercon- to sharing family histories and group at large to model the format. the Barbara and David Mertes provided. Memorial Scholarship Endow- Among the strategies listed nect is hosting another community stories of immigration in hopes of Then we will break out into small event designed to bring together building bridges, fostering empa- groups with a facilitator who will ment to support graduating LPC in the plan were completing the students who transfer to a four- transportation corridor along and celebrate the Tri-Valley's di- thy and strengthening community." lead the groups in writing and shar- verse community. All are invited to attend this ing each participant's story with year institution with any major. Railroad Avenue, looking at ad- This endowment segment includes ditional parking in surface lots, "Making My Way to the USA" free event, which takes place at the group. Next, the larger group will take place on Saturday, April the Muslim Community Center, will reconvene and each breakout the development of the Charles periodically reviewing in lieu fees, and Margaret Fracisco Memorial considering employee parking 29, from 1 to 3 p.m. located at 5724 W Las Positas Bou- group will share a story or take- "There was a booth at the Rally levard, Suite 300, in Pleasanton. away from their discussion time. Scholarship for one male and one lots, and identifying pedestrian female eligible basketball team improvements. Also listed was For Love that invited people to tell "The atmosphere will be fun, From there, light refreshments their and their family's immigra- casual and warm with a chance to will be served with an opportunity member graduating from LPC and (See PARKING, page 3) tion story, as well as their own," learn something new about your (See USA, page 3) (See LARGEST, page 4) Dublin Council Backs New Facade Design By Ron McNicoll Also important to the plan is safe The Dublin City Council over- access to those stores for pedestri- ruled the Planning Commission, ans and cyclists. and will permit a developer to go In 2011, the city allocated 2500 ahead with changes that he pro- residential units in the Downtown poses to the facade of a CVS store Specific Plan. Of these, 1800 re- and two neighboring businesses at main to be addressed by develop- 7201 Regional St. ers. Of the other 700 or so, some The council made its unani- units exist, and others are under mous decision at its April 18 construction. meeting. Several audience speakers Dublin has been looking for backed the Planning Commission’s ways to encourage owners of unanimous vote against the devel- older commercial properties to oper’s proposal. They said that the improve the looks of their stores developer should add walkways Photo - Doug Jorgensen in the downtown area, where the through the parking lot all the way The March for Science in commercial land was developed to Regional Street for cyclists and Livermore drew up to estimated in the 1960s and ‘70s. pedestrians. Also, the city and de- 900 participants last Saturday. Improving the looks of build- veloper should combine to install Some dressed for the occasion ing facades has been singled out walkways across Regional Street to illustrate a point, including as a way to create an aestheti- to make it safer for residents in cally pleasing look that encourages future housing there. someone who came as a people to live and shop downtown. dinosaur. (See DUBLIN, page 3) Downtown Parking Garage March in Support of Science Draws 1500 Narrowed to Two Options Livermore’s March for Science have to fight our government to scribed as a nonpartisan movement A parking garage and a plaza rent downtown parking garage on last Saturday attracted an estimated save the environment." to celebrate the vital role science were the focus of comments by Railroad Avenue. The city owns 1500 people attending the Rally at During and after the march, plays in our health, safety, econo- Livermore City Councilmembers the land. However, with one of Livermore High School. The rally children and adults visited a dozen mies, governments, and everyday on Monday. the two options selected for more was followed by a one-mile march. Science Fair booths set up at the lives. The main message of the March For Science – Livermore After considering six parking detailed analysis, the city would Participants carried signs in football field, while local bands support of science. One featuring California Blondes, Killer Caribou, was a call for science that upholds garage options, the council select- have to purchase two properties. One owner does not want to sell, a picture of Uncle Sam declaring, and Truth Without Fear played. the common good and evidence- ed two for further study. The other based policymaking, education, City Engineer Cheri Sheets told "I want you to accept science." An- Booths included the likes of Tri- downtown project, the Mill Square other, carried by a dinosaur, stated, Valley Stargazers Astronomy Club, science literacy, research funding, Park/Livermorium Plaza design, the council. "Don't let reason go extinct." Ansel Clorox, Tinkergarten, and many and inclusive and accessible sci- will be sent back for revisions. Spaces in the garage would Adams was quoted on another, others. ence for everyone. The parking garage would be range between 260 and 403. It is stating, "It is horrifying that we The March for Science was de- constructed to the west of the cur- (See LIVERMORE, page 4) (See MARCH, page 2) PET OF THE WEEK Jersey’s ready to get going and have some fun! The INSIDE 8-month-old Border Collie mix has a ton of energy and could probably party all night.
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