Ports of Committees and Commissions on India a List of Holdings

Ports of Committees and Commissions on India a List of Holdings

·~R\TANTS OF INDIA SOCIETY'S .LIBitARY ( G~khale Institute of Politics and Economi~) • ... • lit-· PUNE 411004 ,PORTS OF COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS ON INDIA A LIST OF HOLDINGS COMPILED BY ASHA OGALE PADMA WABLE 1991 =================================================================== SERVANTS OF INDIA SOCIETY'S LIBRARY (Gokr~e Institute of Politics and Economics) PUNE ""'411 004 REPORTS ON CDr:IMITTEES AND CDr1MISSIONS 01~ INDL\ A LIST OF HOLDINGS COMPILED BY ASHA OGALE PADM.A WJ..BLE 1991 ================================================================= Q_O UTE NT ~ ~ages Introduction • i- ii 1. Library Science 1 - 2 2. r.1useums 2 3. Science 2 4. Statistics 2 5. Almanac 2 - 3 6. Engineering 3 - 6 1. Technology 6 8 .. Geology 6 9. Agriculture 6 - 7 10. Forestry 8 11 • i:fild Life 8 12. Animal Husbandry-- 8 1 3. Medicine 8- 11 14. Useful .Arts 11 14 15. Fine .Arts 14 16. Languages 14 - 15 17. Religion 15 18. Psychology 15 19. Social Sciences 15 - 16 20. Education 16 - 35 21. History 36 - 58 22. Economics 59 - 172 23. Sociology 172 - 192 24. Law 193- 200 25. Study tec-.mG, Missions 201 - 212 Delegations etc. INTRODUCTION The SIS Library is one of the prime libraries ±n the country specialising in the field of economics and as such has a rich collection in certain sGations such as periodical holdings, serials and reports of the Committees and Commissions, both Government and Ad hoc •. The reports of the Committees and commissions certa.inly cC?nstitute _a special ~eature of the Library and are of great use to the researchers. To help the researcher to locate the reports, a list of the Library's holdings in this particular area was prepared'in 1967 as a key to these resources for the benefit of the users,. subsequently followed by a supplement in 1977. 'This List inqluded all the .reports from various countries available in_the Library. It is now almost 15 years that this List has not been upd~ted. There is a constant demand for Government and other ad hoc reports, and hence, we have undertaken this longstanding work, keeping in view the readers and their requirements. The demand is almost invariably for reports on India. Almost· 95% . of the reports added to the Librarr are government of India reports.- To make the List of Reports of Committees and Commissions a useful ready reference tool, a few features are added to this'edition of the List without. disturb~g.the ov~r~l general pattern.-- Over the years, the. read.er's requirement_~ were studied and it was noticed that a .. majority of the :·querries _pertain to the Government of India reports or reports in India. Hence, in this edition, we have included only reports pertaining to India prepared by Committees and Commissions appointed by the East India Company, Govt. of India, study groups, l'rorking groups,· missions, delegations etc. of the Central and State governments. The various missions and work­ ing groups are listed separately. However, as this List deals with ad hoc reports, the reports of permanent or standing committees are not included. Also, the previous list did not give the classification number given to each report by the Library. 1rle have given this information below each entry so that the reader will be able to go straight to the shelves to locate the required report. Sometimes, specially in case of old reporta,.the report is bound with some other publications and forma a part of a composite book. In such cases, we have also given the classification number of the book with which the report is bound, in addition to the classification number of the particular report. Cl-;fAIRNIAN INDEX Abbott P.,1534 Anstruther Lord,578 Abdulla T.M.,1950 Antony c.v.,1764,222 Abhyankar N.L.,1433 Antrolikar K~B.,2425 Achariyar Vijayaraghava,2113 Appu P.S.,1826,2429 Acharya B.T.,1442 -Araamudu Aiyangar S. , 612 , Acharya K.P.,2278 Arbuthnot F.F.,913 Acharya S.A., 772 Arbuthnott J.c.,919 Acland Francis 0.,1923 Arjunsingh,2334 Acworth William M.,1100 Armstrong W.H.F.,210,428 Adarkar B.M.,1201 Arogyswamy Mudaliar R.N.,1277 Adarkar B.N.,899 Arora A., 937 Adarkar B.P.,974 Arthur S.R~,1784 . Adil Adam,2012 Arya Baldev Sinh,1971"· Adiseshiah Malcolm 8.,196,359 Asaf Ali M. ,697 Adranwala A.K.,106 Asavale R.S.,1900 ·. Agarwal J.C.,1149 Ascoli F.D.,67 Agnihotri Kunj Biharilal,2188 Asquith Lord,324 Agrawal P.C. ,1541 - · Atlay Wilfrid,l233 Ahmad N.L.,371 Attaullah Qazi,1786 Ahmed F.A.,1028 Austin Henry,1316 Ahmed Iqbal,2196 Avasthi Jagdish Narayan,1350 Ahmed Nazir,1693 Awasthi Jagdish Narayan;ll60 Ahmed Syed,192,2469 Ayrton Lord,1253 · · Aitchison C.V.,559 Azad Bhagwat Jh~,1272 Aitchison John,165 Azad Husain,1159 Aiyangar K.A.,334 Aziz S.A.,717 Aiyar s.v.,1459 Babington Smith H. 6 1169 Ajit Singh,1345 Bachawat R.S.,1538,1539 Alagesan C.V.,1581 Badhwar F.C.,1333,1477 Alagh Y.K.,1907,761 Badkas G.B~,1019 Ali 8.,743. Bagge Algot,2450 Ali Saiyid Fazl,629 Bahadurji D.N. ,118,1241 Allen Charles,161 Bailey s.c.,1872 Allen W.J.,728 Bajwa Vikram Singh,701 Allum F.W. ,2093 Bakhale V.S.,2483 Alva Violet,156,2489,532 Bakhle R.R.,915 Aman Gopinath,1087 Bakshi A.R.,2418. Amanatullah,454 Bal B.D.,47 Ambedkar B.R.,2520 Balakrishna Eradi V.,1537 Amery L.S.,l242 ~alakrishnaiya N.,2222 Amirchand,237 Balakrishnan T.,1709 Amos A~,558 Balasubrahmanyam V.,2002 Amrit Kaur,131,284 Balasundrum V.,2151 Anand B.K.,109 Balchandani G.W.,2087 Anant Raman K.N.,l281 Bali R.R.,951 Ananthasayanam Ayyangar M.,1111, Balkrishan,1186 2488,528 Balraj 8.,993 Anantraman K.N.,656 Bandyopadhyay 0.,934 Anbarasu Era,1224 Banerjee B.N.,838 Anderson G.,946 Banerjee J.N.,2121 Anderson George,345 Banerjee Surendranath,476 Andrews C.F.,927 Banerji Albion Rajkumar,1852 Aney M.S.,741 -· 214 ·- Bankes,557 Bhat M.D.,1392,634 Bannerjee G.C.,366. Bha t M. V. , 6 8 8 Bansi Prasad ·Bind;2028 Bhat N.S.,881 Bansod M.V.,1708 Bhatia M.S.,1493 Bardolai Goptnath,490 Bhatia S.L.,1688 Baring F.~tc.,817 Bhatnagar P.S.,40 Baring I.F.,1686 . Bhatnagar S.M.L.,25 Ba~ing Thomas,589,591. Bhatnagar S.S.,98~ Barker F.A.,2258 Bhatt Nand Kishore,1~30 Barman Satya Bhu~an,63 . Bhatt U.J.,1473,37B,37C Barman· Up~ndranath ,.1137, 2403, Bhattacharjee Harasankar,11 2468,506,515i517. Bhattacharya·P.C~,1251,1757 Barne G~D.,214. · Bhattacharya S.K.,1203,860 Barooah P.C.,1936 Bhave Raghunath Jagannath,1571, Barua Rajendranat~~2455 . 2291,2291 Barve S.G.,1520,2378,570,68~ Bhide M.R.,2145 Barve V.N~,1f!27 Bhimasankaram K.,2037 Basappa Kondajj~,667 Bhimasankaran K.,1706 Basu J .M., 716~. · · · Bhise S~R.,303,458 Basu K.S.,877 ' I Bhole R.R.,1020 .• .1 Basu S.K.,996 .:: . Bhoothlingam S., 1306 Basumatari 0.,2405 ' . Bhore J.W.,794 Bavdekar R.s~,2244 Bhore Joseph,122 Bawa K.S.,2429 ' Bhuchar A.K.,825 Baxi. A.R.~372 - Bilgrami S .N., 2131. Baxter,1099 Birla G.D.,2386 .. Beachcroft,597_ . Birla K.K.,1597 Beasley H.o.c;.,248 Biss Evan ·E.,290 Beckett R.H.,391 Biswas A.B •.,386 Bedekar G.V.,1418,35 Biswas C.~.,2439,2524 Bedford J.y~,127~ Blackett Basil, 1239 · Be 11 .R • D • , 6 7 8 . , . , Blackett Basil P,1218 Benni ·,P.L •.,l285 .. Blandy E.N.,2504 Bhabha C.H.,2177,75~ Blunt E.A.·H. ,1191,1772,1789 Bhabha H.J.,l602 Bodra Theodore,62 . · Bhagat B.R. t.1334, 470 , , .. Bohra A.0.,1460 Bhagat H.K.L~,277· .. ;,- ..... Bongirwar L.N.,2144,682 Bhagat·p.c.,l346,893 Boothlingam S.,962 Bhagavan Das;2307 · Bora M., 1027 Bhagavantam S.,44 Bora Vrujalal Gokuldas,2083 Bhagavati Bijoy,~handra,2344 Borkar S.K.,1689 Bhagawati B.,943;944 Bose S.K.,267 Bhagwa~.Das,266 . Bose V.,862. Bhagwat T,R.,l08,992, Botham A.W.,2212 Bhagwati N.H.,2516,2~17,338,661 · Bottomley J.M.,255 Bhaktavatsalam M.,1741,1745,275, Bourne J.G.,1195 389 - . Bragge ·charles,577- Bhanavat Ram Singh;2433 Brahmadatt,715 Bhandare R.D. ,2485,531 , , · Brahmanand Reddy K.,1360 Bhandari Daulat Mal,1883. .Brahmananda Reddy K.,1012 Bhandarkar K.V.,994 Brassey Lord,2211 · Bhansali M.p.,2119 Bray Denys,696 Bharat Ram,1404 Bright,1957 Bhargava K.B.L.,200 Broome Francis Napier,2318,2319 Bhargava M.~.,102,2466. Broomfield R.S.,2241,2270 Bhargava M.V.,2105 Buch D.B.,160 Bhargava Thakurdas,2249,2442,514, Buckley R.B.,71 516 Burgoyne,574 Bhargava V.,2273 Burn D.S.,1108 Bhargawa S.P.,1196 Burrows L.B.,1559 Bharucha P.B.,141 Butler Harcourt,605 Bhat A.R.,1090,1162,1551,1999, Buxton Thomas Fowell,2423 972 - 215 - Calvert H.,2129 Chinmulgund P.J.,670. Campbell James MacNabb,117 Chinoy Rahimtulla,1061 Carbery M.,1921 Chintamani C.Y.,623 Carbone A.,37D,37E Chitale G.K.;99. Cardew Alexander G.,2252 Chitrarathu C.P.,642 Cargin C.E.,1475 Chokhawala Gordhandas R.,1419i Cecil Eustace,168 2336,306 . Chacko P.T.;1847 Choksey c.c.,1275 Chagla M.C.,453,495 Cho~ra M.B.,1481 Chakravarti 8 •• 2374 Chopra R.N.~137,1687,1692,438 Chakravarty Renu,2440,2529 Chore K.B.,1204,1940- Chakravarty 8.,1470,961 Choubay B.N.,4~6 Chakravarty 8ukhamoy,1717 Choudhury ·uma Roy,203 Chakravarty 8ukhomoy,1172 Chudgar M.8.,1659 Chaliha Kuladhar,2213 Chugh 8.P.,1591.

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