- - '■ ‘ T S r Voneaat Borea*.: ^ t Netv Haven XET PRESS liL'X AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Conn Cloudy and warmer tonI|d»t; 1 for the iiiontli of March, 1928 Thurs^y locrf showers and wanifc i "r yt« 5 > 1 1 9 er. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations PRICE THREE CENTS (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1928. (Classified Advertising on Page 14) VOL. VLII., NO. 158, liOVED COLORED SINGER REPUBUCANS HE KILLS HmSELF Ah! “Bossy” Gillis Again BOOZE PRICES Vienna, April 4.— His unre­ quited love for Josephine Baker, a colored singer and dancer, TOO HIGH IN SELECT FESS was believed to have furnished the motive for the suicide of Franz Gabor, a cabaret singer. RRMNOW Gabor shot himself at 3 a. m., A S im O T E R in front of the Pavilion cabaret. He was carried into the building But French, German and where Miss Baker ministered to DistiDers Ask Government | him until he died shortly after­ Capt Father of 'D raft Coolidge” ward. English Newspapers Pub­ Newspapers hinted that an to Reduce Taxes— Quart | Movement to Be Tempor­ unhappy love : 'air with Miss Baker caused the tragedy. of Whiskey Cost About | Over Pole Tomorrow lish Story of Attempted ary Chairman at Conven- Assassination; Former Three Dollars. Seward, Alaska, April <--C aP-fBarrow jonttaaes toJaU sage states. This may necessitate tio n ^ a p ita l Comment. REMUS TO WRITE tain George H. Wilkins, not,ed ex- another postponement. Red Leader in Critical LoPdon, April l.-W h lsk ey dis- plorer, plan, to launch The government wireless station over the North Pole tomorrow here has been instructed to listen tillers of Great Britain have begun Condition, It Is Said— Is Washington, April 4.— The selec­ HIS LIFE’S STORY morning at six o’clock, according for Captain Wilkins’ radio signals tion of Senator Simeon D. Fess. ox a powerful publicity campaign to to a wireless message received here tomorrow morning. The explorer s Ohio, as temporary chairman and force the government to reduce the today from Point Barrow, where plane is equipped with a complete Now in Exile in R nssip tax on alcoholic beverages. They Captain Wilkins and his pilot, Carl radio set and he intends to keep keynote orator of the Republican in constant touch with the world “Bootlegger King” Expects claim that such a reduction will be Eilson, are preparing to take off. national convention somewhat sur­ The objective of the the Polar during his hazardous flight over the Turkestan. prised the politicians of Washing­ the best means of relieving the im­ flight is Spitsbergen on the other vast wastes on top of the world. It is believed that Captain Wil­ ton today, and there arose in the to Be Free Man in Few Mayor “ Bossy” Gillis, who rules with Iron hand the destines of New- poverished farmers. v side of the Arctic Circle. Contrary to the prevalent Amer­ kins intends to fly to London in wake of the announcement consid­ buryport. Mass., journeyed to Bridgeport the other day and dined with A moderation of the Arctic -\n unconfirmed report of mys­ ican belief that whiskey can be pur­ storms which have caused delay in successive hops, if he reaches? erable speculation as to the reasons Days— His Plans. Mayor W. F. Behrens (left). But, explained “ Bossy” , it “ wasn’t no Spitzbergen. His flight will take terious origin that Leon Trotzky, swell___11 feed” tvir,!-that Ki-niicrTifbrought Viimhim tnto 'Ri'iHp-pnort•Bridgeport; hphe ‘‘crmip, to see a boxin’ chased in Britain “ for a song, the take-off, is reported by Cap­ underlying the choice. drink is very expensive here be­ him over barren stretches of froz­ one of the founders of the Soviet Fess was chosen by Chairman show at the Elks’ club.” tain Wilkins in his message. Al­ cause of the high government tax. though the climate is growing p - en land, never before seen by hu­ government and former commissar . William M. Butler, who is in favor New York, April 4.— “ I’m going Liquor Prices. vorahle, the barometer at Point man eyes. of drafting President Coolidge- for war and marine at Moscow, had to live for my mother and my All proprietary brands are sold been shot and critically wounded Fess himself was the original at 12 shillings and six pence a promoter of the “ Craft v.,oolidge’’ daughter--to make their lives hap­ by a young assassin in his place of py. And I’m through, forever, with Jealousy Disappearing quart, which is equivalent of $3 in exile— Vierny (.\lma Alta), in Rus- movement, and he still is in favor United States money. Of this sum SINCLAIR’S TRIAL of the convention’s disregarding AUTO TURNS OVER •slau Turkestan— was circulated bootlegging. eight shillings and five pence go to throughout Europe and America the famou.. “ I do not choose to “ I’m holding, no enmity, no de­ the government. This means that run” statement ana again impress­ today. , sire for revenge. Franklin L. Do^ge Say Federal Scientists an Englishman today is paying OPENS ON MONDAY This report, which was first pub­ ing the President into service. In 20 TIMES ON HILL does not interest me in the least. three times as much for his whis­ lished by tl)e Paris newspaper-Ex-\ Washington and out of liVashing- “ 1 am, however, writing a booK key as he did a few years ago. of my personal experiences which I celsior, seems to have originated in ton, on numerous platforms, the Less Drinking. Berlin, as the Parisian paper print­ Ohioan has preached the drafting think will be interesting.’’ This high tax, coupled with legis­ From the madhouse in Lima, Defendant Ready Bat Judge ed it under a Berlin dateline. of Coolidge. and has persistently Modern Woman Responsible HAYS MUST FACE lation compelling public houses to Young Society Girl Driver A radiogram to International stated his belief that once drafted Ohio, George Remus, acquitted wife millionaire close during certain hours of the News Service from ' Berlin quoted Mr. Coolidge -would uoi; refuse to i slayer and former afternoon and night, has reduced Postpones It Because of officials of the Russian embassy in run. ' “ King of the Bootleggers, sent Although Tests Show the Found Unconscious in this information today in response PROBERS AGAIN the consumption of liquor to a that city as saying they believed Hence, his selection as temporary large extent. The distillers, desir­ the reporr was false. It was signif­ chairman and keynoter was receiv­ to a telegfam inquiring Into his plans if he is released from the Female Worships More ing to fight the higher taxation, hit Swamp. Holy Week. icant that, while the report print­ ed in Washington with a slight ele­ upon the expedient of blaming ed in Paris was said to have opm» vation of eyebrows on the part of Lima State Hospital for the Crim­ inal Insane in a few days, as he ex­ present agricultural depression up­ from Berlin, the report printed in political observers generally. At Monster s Throne. Movie Czar to Be Questioned on the taxes. They claim that low­ Berlin bore a Paris dateline. pects to Oe. Remus has been in the Stamford, Conn., April 4— Miss Some Speculations asylum since January 6, shortly af­ er prices would increase consump­ Washington, April 4— Justice Known in Moscow. If as sometimes happens, the ter his acquittal on “ the sole By Senators On His Re tion which, in turn would increase Emily P. Reid, a young Cos Cob Jennings, Bradley this morning A Moscow dispatch received at keynoter is made permanent chair­ ground of insanity,” of the murder Washington, April 4— Jealousy, the demand of distillers for grains society girl. Is in serious condition Riga said that the ■ report was man, and if the Republicans at granted a continuance until Monday of his wife, Imogene, whom he shot the hydra-headed, green-eyed mon­ and other farm products. in Stamford hospital as the result known there, but that it l£“ -ccl Kansas City ten weeks hence get and killed in Eden park, Cincinna­ turn From Europe. Distillers are printing advertise­ April 9, for the opening of the crim­ confirmation and was believed to ster whose breath is fire and havoc of an unexplained accident in which themselves into a deadlock, and ti. Last week the Court of Appeals ments in the newspapers urging inal conspiracy trial of Harry F.. be untrue. turn their eyes again toward the ordered Remus released but the in happy homes, gradually becoming their demands. an automobile she was driving went Sinclair, the millionaire oil man. ( The Paris Herald printed a re­ White House, it might be^fortunate state has - again stepped in and less dominant in human make up, Washinigton, April 4— Will H. through a stone wall on Grace Hill, Motion for delay was made by de­ port similar to that of Excelsior, '.rdeed to have in the chair a friend­ blocked Remus’ path to freedom. Pound Ridge, N. Y.. rolled more but failed to give its source.' This ly and kindly disposed member of Not Free Yet and promises to vanish completely Hays, former Republican national fense counsel, who wanted the i.d- than 150 feet down a sleep hill, and same report was telegraphed to the draft GoolidgJ club. “ 1 am not an entirely free man in a few more generations. That, chairman, now czar of all movie- “ 1 LOVE HIM NOW” ditional time to digest a deposition London and was printed there to- It ,'ould have oeen difficult to as yet due to the state taking the ended in a swamp.
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