OFFSHORE HELICOPTER SAFETY INQUIRY February 2, 2010 Tara Place, Suite 213, 31 Peet Street St. John’s, NL February 2, 2010 PRESENT: John F. Roil, Q.C./ Anne Fagan....................................................................................................Inquiry Counsel John Andrews/Amy Crosbie. ............ Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore .................................................................................................. Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) Cecily Strickland/Ian Wallace............................................... Hibernia Management and ............................................................................................ Development Company (HMDC) Denis Mahoney/D. Blair Pritchett............................................... Suncor (Petro-Canada) Alexander C. MacDonald, Q.C./ Stephanie Hickman.. ................................................................ Husky Oil Operations Ltd. Laura Brown Laengle ............................Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Norman J. Whalen, Q.C./ Michael Cohen..................................Cougar Helicopters Inc. Jamie Martin..................................................................Families of Deceased Passengers Kate O’Brien....................................................................................Davis Estate (Pilot) and ............................ agent on behalf of Douglas A. Latto for Lanouette Estate (Co-pilot) V. Randell J. Earle, Q.C. ............Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union .................................................................................................................................... Local 2121 David F. Hurley, Q.C. ........... Offshore Safety and Survival Centre, Marine Institute Mark Freeman ..............................................................Department of Transport Canada TABLE OF CONTENTS February 2, 2010 MR. RICHARD WAYNE BURT (SWORN) .........................................Pg. 1 MR. BRADLEY HANK WILLIAMS (SWORN)...................................Pg. 1 MR. RICHARD DANIEL BANKS (SWORN) ......................................Pg. 2 Presentation by Mr. Richard Wayne Burt................................... Pgs. 3 – 4 Examination by Anne Fagan ....................................................Pgs. 5 - 263 Certificate .........................................................................................Pg. 264 February 2, 2010Multi-Page TM Offshore Helicopter Safety Inquiry Page 1 Page 3 1 February 2, 2010 1 that in that group of exhibits there are some 2 COMMISSIONER: 2 confidential exhibits which won’t be posted on 3 Q. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Ready, 3 the website. They consist of company manuals 4 Ms. Fagan. 4 and company documents which are proprietary. 5 MS. FAGAN: 5 What will be posted are a number of pamphlets, 6 Q. Yes, Commissioner. Today we are going to have 6 certificates, the videos, and the PowerPoint 7 a presentation from Cougar Helicopters Inc. I 7 presentation. Before we begin the PowerPoint 8 anticipate that it will take today and 8 presentation, I understand Mr. Burt has a 9 tomorrow, or at least a portion of tomorrow to 9 opening statement. 10 present their direct information. We have 10 COMMISSIONER: 11 three presenters on behalf of Cougar 11 Q. Good morning, Mr. Burt. 12 Helicopters and I’ll have them all introduce 12 MR. BURT: 13 themselves. The first presenter is Rick Burt, 13 A. Good morning, Commissioner Wells. I’d like to 14 and he is the General Manager of Cougar 14 thank you for the opportunity of coming here 15 Helicopters Inc., and Senior Vice-President 15 to speak today and through these days, and I’d 16 Oil and Gas of VIH Aviation Group, which is 16 like to make some opening comments. The events 17 the parent company. We also have Mr. Hank 17 of March 12th changed my life forever, there’s 18 Williams, who is the General Manager East 18 no doubt about that, and I, like many 19 Coast for Cougar Helicopters, East Coast 19 Newfoundlanders, have been profoundly affected 20 Canada. We have Richard Banks, who is the 20 by the events, and I can only imagine what the 21 Director of Safety Management for Cougar 21 families and friends have been going through 22 Helicopters at the St. John’s base. I would 22 as they’ve been going through this struggle 23 ask that each one of the witnesses be sworn. 23 from the events, and I just wanted to offer my 24 MR. RICHARD WAYNE BURT (SWORN) 24 condolences and my deepest sympathies to the 25 MR. BRADLEY HANK WILLIAMS (SWORN) 25 families. Also I found it quite profound, Mr. Page 2 Page 4 1 MR. RICHARD DANIEL BANKS (SWORN) 1 Decker’s statement and testimony. I think it 2 MS. FAGAN: 2 took amazing courage for him to come and speak 3 Q. Before we begin the presentation, I would like 3 in the way that he did. I’d like to thank him 4 to have the exhibits entered, and I’ll just 4 for his openness. For me, it was very, very 5 explain what the exhibits are and the numbers 5 impacting. Cougar Helicopters too lost a lot 6 for the record. There is a PowerPoint 6 of friends on March 12th. It was a pretty 7 presentation which is Exhibit 155. There are 7 devastating day for our organization, there’s 8 also two videos. The video -- one video which 8 no doubt about that. In the nine months since 9 is a production that was prepared by Cougar 9 that point there’s been a time of healing, 10 Helicopters to assist this Inquiry and to give 10 reflection, and review of everything that’s 11 us a virtual tour of what Cougar Helicopters 11 happened, and this process, I think, is 12 do on a day to day basis. That is Exhibit 156 12 essential to continue on with that. I just 13 and it’s in six parts because we will play 13 want to say our organization is an 14 that in segments and deal with questions after 14 organization that embodies a safety culture, 15 each segment. We also have another video 15 it’s basically embedded in everything we do. 16 which is Exhibit 182, and that exhibit is the 16 It starts with the leadership, it starts with 17 pre-flight safety video which is played prior 17 me, it starts with Mr. Ken Norie, the owner, 18 to the boarding of the helicopters for the 18 and this proactive approach to our safety 19 passengers to view. In addition, we have a 19 culture is embedded in everything we do. I’m 20 number of pamphlets and company records. So 20 very proud of that. It defines us as a 21 the exhibits will run from 155, the 21 company. So these proceedings are definitely 22 presentation, through to 182, which is the 22 a complement to that and I just want to say 23 pre-flight video. So if they could be 23 that we’re here to cooperate and to complement 24 accepted as exhibits, we can then have the 24 this in any way possible. 25 public exhibits posted on the website. I note 25 COMMISSIONER: Page 1 - Page 4 Discoveries Unlimited Inc., Ph: (709)437-5028 February 2, 2010Multi-Page TM Offshore Helicopter Safety Inquiry Page 5 Page 7 1 Q. Thank you. 1 and bad weather, so you can fly in the clouds, 2 EXAMINATION BY MS. FAGAN: 2 and it was kind of a different kind of flying 3 MS. FAGAN: 3 than I was doing for the first two years, 4 Q. Thank you. Now we have a PowerPoint 4 flying forestry in a jet ranger type of 5 presentation, but before you introduce your 5 aircraft, flying wildlife here on the island 6 PowerPoint and we start to go through the 6 and that stuff, so it was a new and different 7 sections, I would like you to give us a brief 7 type of experience for me and that started in 8 description of your history, work experience, 8 1981. At that time the company was flying in 9 your background, and I would also like Mr. 9 Labrador, flying offshore for Petro-Canada, in 10 Williams and Mr. Banks to give us that 10 Halifax flying offshore there as well, and I 11 information because it will give the group 11 began my career as an offshore pilot and came 12 here who are eventually going to ask 12 up through that process whereby I also got 13 questions, as well as those viewing, a context 13 involved into the safety department, the 14 in order to know what your background is, what 14 training department, and in 1982 became a 15 your experience is. So Mr. Burt, could you 15 captain on one of the Super Puma aircraft 16 start with your background. 16 flying off of St. John’s. I moved on then to 17 MR. BURT: 17 become the company safety officer in September 18 A. Certainly. Currently my position is the Senior 18 ’85, between that and August of 1986, and 19 Vice President of VIH Aviation Group, and 19 helped develop many of the procedures and got 20 that’s the parent company of Cougar 20 involved into the management of the company at 21 Helicopters. I also hold the position as 21 that time. About 1986, I was flying offshore 22 General Manager of Cougar Helicopters, and 22 and in 1986 the business slowed down here. 23 that’s a global entity now. My beginning, I 23 The offshore was in the exploration mode at 24 started here, I’m from Newfoundland, grew up 24 that time, and wanting to stay in this region 25 on the island and graduated high school at 25 and wanting to stay in Atlantic Canada, I then Page 6 Page 8 1 John Burke High in Grand Bank, and then 1 trained for and completed my fixed wing 2 proceeded towards the beginning of my career. 2 training, and went over in 1986 and worked for 3 Not quite hold enough to get my pilot licence, 3 Air Atlantic in Halifax for a year and we flew 4 I did one year in university here until I 4 the Dash 7 and the Dash 8 aircraft there in a 5 could. I did my training here with a company 5 regional commuter basis. One year later, I 6 called Sealand Helicopters. Many may be 6 was approached by -- at that time the company 7 familiar with that, the predecessor of CHC.
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