20 - MANCHF.STF.H HERALD. Friday. Jnn 4. 1985 MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT NEW ENGLAND WEATHER Changes in Israel’s kibbutzim keep children at home Snow ending early; Chamber leader Bill seeks abolition VonBulow case able By Wesley G. PIppert Kibbutz Shefayim. accommodations and prices that United Press International Peleg has a 14-year-old son who attract not only hard-pressed ‘blow’ pros,ecution I continued cold Sunday he says decides where he will stky. Israelis but thousands of tourists. stresses involvement of liquor commission KIBBUTZ NAVI, Israel - "I have never made a decision Journalists crossing into " Le­ ... page ,4 ... page 2 i p Change is sweeping the kibbutz, for him since he was 2,” Peleg said. banon through the Rosh Hanikra ... page 3 ... page 16| Israel's grand social experiment. "He decided to stay home until he checkpoint frequently stay over­ Nowadays children stay at home was 13. All his peers stayed at the night or eat breakfast at Kibbutz overnight instead of living separ­ children's home. But he had gotten Gesher Haziv, nestled among the ately and their parents go off to his own computer and didn't want hills of Lebanon, the hills of Galilee ^ r-T. work in factories. to." and a sandy Mediterranean beach. The 120,000 men, women and The homecoming has occurred The price: $21 per person for bed children on Israel’s 250 kibbutzim gradually. The orthodox Kibbutz and breakfast. Guests occasion­ still keep customs and values the Lavi in the Galilee voted in 1957 to ally pick their own grapefruit for first kibbutzniks had at the turn of let children live with their, p^ceflts breakfast or an avocado to take the century when they worked the and spend only the working hours home. land and lived communally. of the day in the children's houses. Gesher Haziv’s main source of iUanrh^Btfr H w x lh But change is obvious. Some is a "This 'revolutionary' step ... is income, however, is a factory that makes high chairs, rockers and w.4... ^4 * Snturdav.Saturday. Jan Jan. 5, 1985 — Single copy: 254 return to the traditional. Instead of one we have never regretted,” a Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm the children living, eating and Lavi member said. play tables. sleeping by themselves, many of Most of Israel’s kibbutzim still The Kibbutz Industries Associa­ them now eat the evening meal and have herds of dairy cows, tion says that within four years spend the night with their parents. hundreds of chickens and lush fruit every third kibbutz will have an "It boils down to the night. groves. A typical kibbutz h^s industrial project. Where will the children be?" said several hundred members and Nof Ginosar, on the shores of the Reappointment of Berte doesn’t please everyone Raphael Lancer, a member of Nof several hundred acres. Sea of Gaiiiee, boasts immense red Ginosar. The kibbutz cares for every need bananas that are indistinguishable in taste from the smaller yellow -that go beyond the political,” he party, who asked not To be Previously children were consi­ for its members. There are no By Kathy Garmus and should have been filled by a matters that fall under the juris­ merit,” said Berte, who lives at 57 dered “the property of the kibbut­ salaries, but the kibbutz has ones. The big red ones were Tuck Road. said. "He has performed his job identified, said local Democrats Herald Reporter Democrat. diction of the Workmen’s Compen­ had pushed for the appointment of zim,” Lancer said. “They ignored annual individual budgets for such brought from Mexico four yeare sation Act. The district he serves Because of legislation enacted in vdry well. I have found him to be ago. This year the kibbutz win "When the Republicans come in, very professional and very former Mayor John W. Thompson, the needs of the mother.” things as vacations, clothing, Gov. William A. O'Neill has they aren't going to appoint one of includes Manchester, East Hart­ 1983, Berte's reappointment to Now many -kibbutzim provide books, gifts, cosmetics, coffee. export 35 to 40 tons. J. ford, South Windsor, Hartford, another five-year term must be ethical.” v who !cc a bid for the state House of Nof Ginosar also has an electron­ reappointed of former Manchester us," he said. But Cummings acknowledged Representatives in the Nov. 6 the parents with apartments large Peleg’s kibbutz, a "club-type” Republican Chairman A. /Paul Sullivan'stressed that he thought West Hartford, Windsor, Bloom­ confirmed by the State Legisla­ enough to let the children stay resort village on the Mediterra­ ics factory. field, East Windsor, Windsor ture. The Legislature will not act that some Democrats were proba- election. UPt photo At orthodox Kibbutz Lavi, the BOO Berte to his post as area work­ Berte has been doing a good job. A bly upset over Berte's Sullivan said that while several overnight. "The parents like child­ nean 9 miles north of Tel Aviv, is men’s compensation commis­ number of local Democrats who Locks, Granby and Enfield, Berte on his reappointment until six ren sleeping at home,” Raphael typical of the change in the to 700 niembers eat coinmunally_. said. weeks into the session that begins reappointment. people had suggested Thompson as Yuval Peleg, director of the guest house and more children are staying with their More than halt the guests in its sioner, and the reappointment has have had dealings with (he com­ "If you've got a good man who a qualified candidate for the post, said. economy of the kibbutzim. raised the# eyebrows of some missioner wrote the. governor in Sullivan said several local De­ Wednesday, Berte said. at this clubhouse-type resort, says he parents as change sweeps Israel’s “It was the mothers' struggle. It Twenty-five kibbutzim have gu­ guest house are religiously or­ mocrats could have done as good a "I have no reason to expect any does the job without making it there was no formal drive to have iented — and 70 percent of these bemocrats, sources said Friday. • support oi his reappointment, he him replace Berte. has made no decisions for his son since kibbutzim, never came from the children," est houses — the largest hotel Berte, 43, was first appointed to said. job as Berte. problems," he said. political, you keep him and some­ •said Yuval Peleg, a member of chain in Israel — with pleasant are Christians. Berte said Friday that although Democratic Town Chairman times it does draw the dissatisfac­ • Thompson was unavailable for the child was two years old. Now, more the quasi-judicial position in 1974 , But many of those people did not comment Friday. by Republican Gov. Thomas Mes- ’ realize that Berte is a Republican, his initial appointment to the post Theodore Cummings, a Manches­ tion of your own people.” he said. was (lolitical, commissioners his­ ter insurance agent who has been Cummings said the decision Besides being town chairman, kill and was reappointed by Gov. Sullivan said. Berte was a past chairman of tlje Put Number 1 torworkforyoul Ella Grasso, a Democrat, in 1979. "They were a little up.set when I torically have been reappointed involved in workmen's compensa­ might be especially subject to 4 without consideration of their tion claims, said he thought criticism because a number of Manchester Housing Authority 5 Democratic State Central Com­ told them,” he said. qualified Oemoerpts were availa­ and a member of the law firm mitteeman John J. Sullivan of As one of eight workmen’s political affiliation. Berte's reappointment was a good "Once you're doing the job. choice by the governor. ble to fill the post. formerly known us Marte, Keith Manchester said Friday that the compensation commissioners in and Clendunicl. REAt ESTATt position is a political appointment the state, Berte is responsible for you're reappointed on the basis of "There are some appointments One source in the Republican I W om an shot Yeager THIS WEEK suspect MANCHESTER / $115,000 ■ New Utllno" - limti«cul»t« 7-6 Duplex, with kite of carpellno, euilom colOTlel in attempt to kitchen with dining erea. 3 bedrooma, large lamlly rooln wllh m o d atwe. two newer ^charged heating ayatema and much morell Call our oftlce tor private ahowingll HARTFORD (UPI) — Police Friday charged a convicted bank EXCELLENT LOCATION hijack piane robber being held on federal kidnap charges for the slaying of a MANCHESTER $109,900 Bv Mike Casey challenged by security guards, Pennsylvania woman that baffled United Press International said Dan Jones df Pritchard, the investigators for more than a year. Raised Ranch with three bedrooms on a large lot in a company that operates the air­ Stephen Shields. 32, was charged J sought after area. Features include rec room, pool, CLEVELAND — A woman de­ port's metal detectors. in an arrest warrant with the J woodstove, 2 full baths, new furnace and water sys­ ELUNGTON $129,900 manding to be taken to South She drew the handgun and ran murder of Theresa Ann Yeager, 24, "New Llating" • Comntemporary L-Ranch, with apacloua rooma over looking golf America shot her way onto a Pan the 50 yards to the plane with at of Yardley, Pa., who was found tems and a two-car garage. ' couiae, 3 bedrooma. LR, DA. den. central A/C and wonderful converaatlon pit with American World Airways jetliner least three Cleveland police offic­ dead July 25,1983, in her locked car large atone llreplacel A mual to aee lor 198SII Friday, wounding an airline em­ ers in pursuit, Jones said.
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