§ 1.2 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition) provides traffic advisories and resolu- from 3 nautical miles outward from the tion advisories in the vertical plane. coast of the United States, that con- TCAS III means a TCAS that utilizes tains activity that may be hazardous interrogation of, and replies from, air- to nonparticipating aircraft. The pur- borne radar beacon transponders and pose of such warning areas is to warn provides traffic advisories and resolu- nonparticipating pilots of the potential tion advisories in the vertical and hori- danger. A warning area may be located zontal planes to the pilot. over domestic or international waters Time in service, with respect to main- or both. tenance time records, means the time Weight-shift-control aircraft means a from the moment an aircraft leaves the powered aircraft with a framed piv- surface of the earth until it touches it oting wing and a fuselage controllable at the next point of landing. only in pitch and roll by the pilot’s Traffic pattern means the traffic flow ability to change the aircraft’s center that is prescribed for aircraft landing of gravity with respect to the wing. at, taxiing on, or taking off from, an Flight control of the aircraft depends airport. on the wing’s ability to flexibly deform True airspeed means the airspeed of rather than the use of control surfaces. an aircraft relative to undisturbed air. Winglet or tip fin means an out-of- True airspeed is equal to equivalent plane surface extending from a lifting airspeed multiplied by (r0/r)1⁄2. surface. The surface may or may not Type: have control surfaces. (1) As used with respect to the cer- [Doc. No. 1150, 27 FR 4588, May 15, 1962] tification, ratings, privileges, and limi- tations of airmen, means a specific EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- make and basic model of aircraft, in- tations affecting § 1.1, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the cluding modifications thereto that do Finding Aids section of the printed volume not change its handling or flight char- and at www.fdsys.gov. acteristics. Examples include: DC–7, 1049, and F–27; and § 1.2 Abbreviations and symbols. (2) As used with respect to the cer- In Subchapters A through K of this tification of aircraft, means those air- chapter: craft which are similar in design. Ex- AFM means airplane flight manual. amples include: DC–7 and DC–7C; 1049G AGL means above ground level. and 1049H; and F–27 and F–27F. ALS means approach light system. (3) As used with respect to the cer- APU means auxiliary power unit. tification of aircraft engines means ASR means airport surveillance those engines which are similar in de- radar. sign. For example, JT8D and JT8D–7 ATC means air traffic control. are engines of the same type, and ATS means Air Traffic Service. JT9D–3A and JT9D–7 are engines of the CAMP means continuous airworthi- same type. ness maintenance program. United States, in a geographical sense, CAS means calibrated airspeed. means (1) the States, the District of CAT II means Category II. Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the posses- CHDO means an FAA Flight Stand- sions, including the territorial waters, ards certificate holding district office. and (2) the airspace of those areas. CMP means configuration, mainte- United States air carrier means a cit- nance, and procedures. izen of the United States who under- CONSOL or CONSOLAN means a kind takes directly by lease, or other ar- of low or medium frequency long range rangement, to engage in air transpor- navigational aid. tation. DH means decision height. VFR over-the-top, with respect to the DME means distance measuring operation of aircraft, means the oper- equipment compatible with TACAN. ation of an aircraft over-the-top under EAS means equivalent airspeed. VFR when it is not being operated on EFVS means enhanced flight vision an IFR flight plan. system. Warning area. A warning area is air- Equi-Time Point means a point on the space of defined dimensions, extending route of flight where the flight time, 18 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:30 Mar 22, 2012 Jkt 226044 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226044.XXX 226044 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 1.2 considering wind, to each of two se- NOPAC means North Pacific area of lected airports is equal. operation. ETOPS means extended operations. NOPT means no procedure turn re- EWIS, as defined by § 25.1701 of this quired. chapter, means electrical wiring inter- OEI means one engine inoperative. connection system. OM means ILS outer marker. FAA means Federal Aviation Admin- OPSPECS means operations specifica- istration. tions. FFS means full flight simulator. PACOTS means Pacific Organized FM means fan marker. Track System. FSTD means flight simulation train- PAR means precision approach radar. ing device. PMA means parts manufacturer ap- FTD means flight training device. proval. GS means glide slope. PTRS means Performance Tracking HIRL means high-intensity runway and Reporting System. light system. RAIL means runway alignment indi- IAS means indicated airspeed. cator light system. ICAO means International Civil Avia- RBN means radio beacon. tion Organization. RCLM means runway centerline IFR means instrument flight rules. marking. IFSD means in-flight shutdown. RCLS means runway centerline light ILS means instrument landing sys- system. tem. REIL means runway end identifica- IM means ILS inner marker. tion lights. INT means intersection. RFFS means rescue and firefighting LDA means localizer-type directional services. RNAV means area navigation. aid. RR means low or medium frequency LFR means low-frequency radio radio range station. range. RVR means runway visual range as LMM means compass locator at mid- measured in the touchdown zone area. dle marker. SALS means short approach light sys- LOC means ILS localizer. tem. LOM means compass locator at outer SATCOM means satellite communica- marker. tions. M means mach number. SSALS means simplified short ap- MAA means maximum authorized proach light system. IFR altitude. SSALSR means simplified short ap- MALS means medium intensity ap- proach light system with runway align- proach light system. ment indicator lights. MALSR means medium intensity ap- TACAN means ultra-high frequency proach light system with runway align- tactical air navigational aid. ment indicator lights. TAS means true airspeed. MCA means minimum crossing alti- TCAS means a traffic alert and colli- tude. sion avoidance system. MDA means minimum descent alti- TDZL means touchdown zone lights. tude. TSO means technical standard order. MEA means minimum en route IFR TVOR means very high frequency ter- altitude. minal omnirange station. MEL means minimum equipment VA means design maneuvering list. speed. MM means ILS middle marker. VB means design speed for max- MOCA means minimum obstruction imum gust intensity. clearance altitude. VC means design cruising speed. MRA means minimum reception alti- VD means design diving speed. tude. VDF/MDF means demonstrated flight MSL means mean sea level. diving speed. NDB (ADF) means nondirectional VEF means the speed at which the beacon (automatic direction finder). critical engine is assumed to fail dur- NM means nautical mile. ing takeoff. 19 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:30 Mar 22, 2012 Jkt 226044 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226044.XXX 226044 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with CFR § 1.3 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition) VF means design flap speed. V2 means takeoff safety speed. VFC/MFC means maximum speed for V2min means minimum takeoff safe- stability characteristics. ty speed. VFE means maximum flap extended VFR means visual flight rules. speed. VHF means very high frequency. VFTO means final takeoff speed. VOR means very high frequency om- VH means maximum speed in level nirange station. flight with maximum continuous VORTAC means collocated VOR and power. TACAN. VLE means maximum landing gear [Doc. No. 1150, 27 FR 4590, May 15, 1962] extended speed. EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- VLO means maximum landing gear operating speed. tations affecting § 1.2, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the VLOF means lift-off speed. Finding Aids section of the printed volume VMC means minimum control speed and at www.fdsys.gov. with the critical engine inoperative. VMO/MMO means maximum oper- § 1.3 Rules of construction. ating limit speed. (a) In Subchapters A through K of VMU means minimum unstick speed. this chapter, unless the context re- VNE means never-exceed speed. quires otherwise: VNO means maximum structural (1) Words importing the singular in- cruising speed. clude the plural; VR means rotation speed. (2) Words importing the plural in- VREF means reference landing speed. clude the singular; and VS means the stalling speed or the (3) Words importing the masculine minimum steady flight speed at which gender include the feminine. the airplane is controllable. (b) In Subchapters A through K of VS0 means the stalling speed or the this chapter, the word: minimum steady flight speed in the (1) Shall is used in an imperative landing configuration. sense; VS1 means the stalling speed or the (2) May is used in a permissive sense minimum steady flight speed obtained to state authority or permission to do in a specific configuration. the act prescribed, and the words ‘‘no VSR means reference stall speed. person may * * *’’ or ‘‘a person may VSRO means reference stall speed in not * * *’’ mean that no person is re- the landing configuration. quired, authorized, or permitted to do VSR1 means reference stall speed in the act prescribed; and a specific configuration. (3) Includes means ‘‘includes but is VSW means speed at which onset of not limited to’’. natural or artificial stall warning oc- curs.
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