W. • .-Aw I FARO (ANTONIUS A.). --- resp. See PETRUS (A.) praes. FAROBAG. See FREDTABAG [DATAKIH]. FAROE ISLANDS. FOROYA AMTS BOKASAVN --- See FOROYA AMTS BOKASAVN. FAROE ISLANDS T SAGA. See FAE=NGA SAGA. FARON (LOUIS C.). --- Mapuche social structure; institutional reintegration in a patrilineal society of central Chile. [Illinois Stud. in Anthropo l., No. l.] Urbana, 1961. .572(83 Fax. --- See STEWARD (JULIAN HAYNES) and F.(L.C.) FAROOQI (MOHAMMED MOIN). --- The embryology of the mustard sawfly Athalia Proxima Klug. (Tenthredinidae, Hymenoptera). [Aligarh, Muslim Univ. Publ. Zoological Ser. 6.1 Aligarh, 1963. Zool. Lib. FAROUGHY (ABBAS). See FORUQ,I (ABBAS). FAROUKI (ABDUL MAJID TAJI). --- The development of vocalistation in Arabic writing. [Arab.] Newcastle-upon-Tyne pr., 1962. .4927 Far. --- A new method of spelling and writing in the Arabic language. [Arab.] Lond., 1959• .4927 Far. --- Phonetic Arabic; additional chapters. Newcastle pr. [1961.] P .4927 Far. ADDITIONS FAROQHI (SURAIYA). --- Towns and townsmen of Ottoman Anatolia; trade, crafts and food production in an urban setting, 1520-1650. [Camb. Stud. in Islamic Civilization.] Cambridge, 1981. .30136(4961) Far. FAROUQUI (SUHAIL). --- comp. Arab cities and urbanisation; a bibliography. [M.E.T.U. Fac. of Arch. Occas. Paper Ser. No. 4.1 Ankara, 1978. Ref. .30136(56)016 Fa3 FAROY (G.). --- Traitement des diarrhees secondaires a des troubles fonctionnels digestifs (gastriques, hepatiques et pancreatiques). [Therap. Nouv. 53.1 Paris, 1938. C.M.L. Farquhar (David). Working men's essays on the Sabbath. Third prize. The torch of time; or, the temporal advan- tages of the Sabbath, considered in relation to the working - elasses. [Ed. by J. Jordan.] 8° Lond., 1850. P. 345/30. Farquhar (Edward). Elements of unity in the Homerio j. poems. Pt. 1. [Conservative Bev. 1900. 1 8°. QP. 1267/2. U FARQ UHAR (GEORGE). --- The works of Mr. George Farquhar. 8th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1742. English Lib. Mackay Bequest. --- The complete works of G. F. ... Ed. by C. Stonehill. 2 vols. Bloomsburg [Lond. ] 1930. .82248 I-j --- The comedies of Mr. G. F., etc. Lond. [1707?] 3.6-&. E-43 .___s2a4 V Tarfjuhi r--{l^. Dramatic works. Sec WYCHERLEY (W.). Tho dramatic works of Wycherloy, Congrovc, Van. brugh and F. 1840. `S. 26. 33. --- George Farquhar. [Best plays. ] Edited, with an introduction and notes by W. Archer. [Mermaid Ser. ] .f► ^ Lond. n. d. ___ ^rK^kor nn7cf ^'. --- Another ed. Lond., 1949. .82248 FARQUHAR (GEORGE) [continued]. --- The beaux stratagem; a comedy. As it Zis acted at the Queens Theatre in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesty's Sworn Comedians. Lond. [1707?] JA 83/4 --- The beaux strata gem: a comedy. To which is pref ixed the life of the author. Edin., 1774. Y^y-=v:T/. y E.8 , ,8x44.04// --- The beaux-stratagem. A comedy,; Written by G. F. Ed. with a preface and notes by H. NT. Fitzgibbon. Repr. [Temple dramatists.] Lond., 1914. English Lib. --- The constant couple, or, a trip to the Jubilee; a comedy, acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majestty^s Servants. 4th ed. With a new scene added to the part of Wildair, and a new prologue. Lond., 1704. JA 83/2 --- The recruiting officer; a comedy. As it was acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, by Her Majesty's Servants. 4th ed., corr. Lond. [1711.] JA 81/1 --- The recruiting officer; a comedy. As it was acted at the Theatre- Royal in Drury Lane by Her Majesty's servants, anno 1706. With a note on the author and the play by Sir E. Gosse and embellish4d with designs by V. Willoughby. Lond.. 1926. Ha. 2.19. --- Sir Harry Wildair, being the sequel of The trip to the Jubilee; a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. Lond., 1701. JA 63/5 --- Another copy. JA 82/9 - 7 i - --c ADDITIONS FARQUHAR (GEORGE). --- The beaux' stratagem. Ed. by C.N. Fifer. [Regents Restoration Drama Ser.] Lond., 1978. .82248 --- The recruiting officer; a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by her Majesty's servants. Lond., 1736. E.B.P .82248 --- The recruiting officer. Ed. by M. Shugrue. [Regents Restoration Drama Ser. ] Lond. , 1966. English Lib. FARQUHAR (GEORGE TAYLOR SHILLITO). --- Three bishops of Dunkeld; Alexander, Rose and Watson, 1743-1808 ... 2 pts. (in 1). Perth, 19 15- New Coll. Lib. NON Pt. 2 is repr. from the Scottish Chronicle offices, Selkirk, 1915- FARQUHAR (JAMES TAYLOR FLOYD). --- Clement of Rome and the ministry; together with an excursus on the date of his letter. Ed-in., 1896. New Coll. Lib. FARQUHAR (GEORGE) [continued]. --- The twin-rivals; a comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal by Her Majesty's Servants. Lond., 1703. JA 63/4 --- The twin-rivals; a comedy. Glasgow, 1755• *S.32.89/2. Mrs. C. Bruce, 1915. --- The twin-rivals, a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane by Her Majesty's servants. Lond., 1760. E.B. .82248 --- See FARMER (ALBERT JOHN. G.F. FARQUHAR (GEORGE TAYLOR SHILLITO). --- The episcopal history of Perth, 1689-1894• Perth, 1894. New Coll. Lib. --- History of the lay claims under the Scottish bishops, 1789-1905. Dumfries, 1911. New Coll. Lib. xxx Repr. from the Scottish Chronicle, Dumfries. --- The Right Rev. Archibald Ean Campbell, D.D., late Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway; a memoir by various authors. Ed. by G.T.S. Farquhar ... Edin., 1924. New Coll. Lib. FARQUHAR (IAN). --- Pickletillie folk; humours of a Scottish village. Edin., 1926. Scott. Stud. Lib. FARQUHAR (JAMES TAYLOR FLOYD). --- Visible unity a principle of the Church Episcopal. 2nd ed. Edin., 1892. New Coll. Lib. ADDITIONS FARQU UR (JAMES W.) . --- Aiildrenv e progress - nw life for old. [F,din. Univ. Imug. Loot. Ito. 60. [Edin.I [1979?] P .61892 Fax. --- Another oopy. Ds. FARQUHAR (JOHN NICHOL). --- The Apostle Thomas in North India. Repr. from "The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library" ... 1926. Manchester, 1926. Keith Coll-U-4/1. --- The Apostle Thomas in South India. Repr. from "The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library" ... 1927. Manchester, 1927. Keith Coll-U-4/2. --- The crown of Hinduism. Lond., 1913. New Coll. Lib. --- The fighting ascetics of India. Repr. from "The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library" ... 1925. Priv. pr. Aberdeen, 1925. P .2945 Far. --- Another copy. Keith Coll.U.4/3. --- Modern religious movements in India. [Hartford-Lamson Lects. 1913'1 New York, 1915. New Coll. Lib. --- Another ed. Lond., 1 924. .29(54 Far. [Continued overleaf.] FARQUHAR (JOHN NICHOL) [continued]. --- An outline of the religious literature of India. [Relig. Quest of India.] Lond., 1920. Bw.4.103. --- Two other copies. New Coll. Lib. --- See SHARPE (ERIC T.). Not to destroy but to fulfil; the contribution of J. N. F. to Protestant missionary thought in India before 1914. FARQUHAR (MARIA). --- Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters, with a table of the contemporary schools of Italy ... By a lady (M. F.). Ed. by R. N. Wornum. Lond., 1855. F*32.61. FARQUHAR (PERCIVAL). --- See GAULD (CHARLES A.). The last Titan; P. F. FARQUHAR (RONALD McCUNN). --- See HAMILTON (ERIC ISHMAEL) and F. (R. M.). --- See YORK (DEREK) and F. (R. M.). FARQUHAR (THOMAS. --- See FOX (W. T.) and F. (T.). ADDITIONS -- Agricultural edwoatim is Aust=IU. Ek tho=v 1966. .6307(94) Fair. FARQUHAR (Rev. WILLIAM) . Fwgn}inz-f44illixcm Prelacy, not Presbytery, the divinely i instituted polity of the Christian church, etc. 8° Edin., 1866. •Y. 26. 32. FARQUHAR (WILLIAM) M. D. Fg &^( uliwkx+t^. Disput ... inaug. de vomitione. 8° Edin., 1803. Att. 81. 7. 38/4. — Another copy. Att. 81., 7. Farquharson (Family of). See FARquaARsoN (A.) of Brouek- dearg. Farquharson genealogies. Farquharson (Aloxander) of Brouchdearg. Farquharson genealogies ... From the Brouchdearg 31S. of 1733 [oom- piled by A. F.] with notes by A. Al. Dlackintosh. A..11. Mackintosh, 1916. 8° Nairn, 1913-14. •R. 7. 7& 1. Achrinahan branch. .. 1nvcr0y branch, including Auchindryno and Tullochcoy familios. Wah continuation and notes by A. M. Msok- int(,Ai. Farquharson (Alexander Charles). Ptomaines and other animal alkaloids ; their detection, separation, and clinical features. 8° Bristol, 1892. I. 7. 1& ADDITIONS FARQUHAR (WILLIAM A.G.). --- The Fyvie lintie; a collection of original poems and songs, partly in the Aberdeenshire dialect, and chiefly relating to Fyvie. Aberdeen, 1904. Scott. Stud. Lib. Om * Autographed presentation copy from the author. FARQUHARSON (ALEXANDER) of Brouchdearg. -- Farquharson genealogies. From the Brouchdearg MS. of 1733, with notes by A.M. Mackintosh. Priv. pr. Nairn. Scott. Stud. Lib. 1. Achri achan branch. 1913- 2. Inverey branch, including Auchindryne and Tullochcay families. 1914- FARQUHARSON (ARCHIBALD) . --- Beachdan aithghearr mu fharsuinneachd iobairt-reitich Chriosd .. maille ri laoidhean spioradail. 2 pts . (in 1) . Glasgow, 1843. Mackinnon Coll. 6.75. Mackinnon Collection [---] Earail a's rannan air son na Gaidhlig bhi air a teagasg Inar sgoilean. Le Gaidheal Criosduidh. Glasgow, 1877. Mackinnon Coll. P.26/7. '101* Mackinnon Collection --- Laoidnean. Le Gilleasbuig Farcharson. Glascho, 1866. C.R. Box,,3.6 . Cameron Collection. Containing: Do'n luchd cogaidh, Do'n luchd tagraidh, Do`n Bhiobull bheag Ghailig, etc. --- Another copy. Mackinnon Coll. P. 26/6. --- Another copy. Scott. Stud. Lib. --- Laoidhean. Glasgow, 1871. C. R. Box 3. 5. Containing: Slighe na beatha, Sligh' a'bhais, Aonachd na beatha. --- Laoidhean Shioin. Glasgow, 1870. C. R. 4.3. 14. 'm- Cameron Collection. FARQUHARSON (ARTHUR SPENSER LOAT) . --- Marcus Aurelius; his life and his world. Ed. by D. A. Rees. Oxford, 1951. g(3706) Z ( 3 7 0 71 #U I- . Fw& ADDITIONS FARQUHARSON (ARCHIBALD). --- Earail a's rannan air son na Gaidhlig bhi air a teagasg 'nax sguilean. Le Gaidheal C-riosduidh [i.e. A.F.]. Glasgow, 1877. Mackinnon Co11.P.36/7.
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