%' 'T*"-",^ T^ 'IW of llv w.-.f< . » Jan W Oept. of Provincial library ,-.*^a——«-,.„ c/..EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1955 $3.00 PER YEAR — SIKK3U CC*»Y 7c VOLUME XXXXII No. 14 £SV'V" -r • i i HI"M ' . <***sW*P Contestants For Queen of Kinsmen Club Ice Carnival HANNA MAN MB, TWO OCCUPAIIft INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK NEAR »ne NEVIS THURSDAY NIGHT; ONE UNHURT John Lentz Buried Here Monday; Mr. and Mrs. 50. M. Reuteman In Stettler Hospital; Car Turns Over On Highway Mo. 12 Curve; Total Wrack John Lentz of Hanna was killed, while two passengers in Ms car were injured, and another escaped unscathed when the vehicle 95. turned over in the ditch on a curve a few miles out,of Nevis, Aha. les last Thursday night. The injured passengers are Mr. and Mrs. Her­ man Reuteman of Hanna,.while the fourth member of the group is Mr. Fred Matt;, of Standard, and formerly of Hanna. Mrs. Reute­ 95. man suffered severe bruises and cuts, while her husband sustained a broken left leg .and suffered severely from shock. Both are in the 95. " : ; •Stettler Hospital. TEES fl I Meagre Details Few details of the accident ace known locally, and tbe Herald has MARIE ZISOWSKA JANICE STURM CAROLINE SCHOEPPE MARLENE CORDON ELIZABETH "LIZ" GOURLAY been given te understand that no 95. inquest will be held Into the death of Mr. Lentx-or conditions surround­ •D ing the accident. Lentz and Mr. and 95. FIVE CANDIDATES START CAMPAIGN a- Mrs. Reuteman had been working, NEW LICENSE PLATES EARLTOWN LOCAL FARMERS' UNION For Hanna Hornfefc at Big Valley, R is iinJeistand they AVAILABLE MARCH 1 Stettler Imperials Ceasing left Big Valley for Edmonton Thurs­ 95. THIS WEEK IN QUEST OF QUEEN TITLE day night and the accident occurred New automobile Ikons* plates F«r Initial Playoff Gajsajj Rate HEARS PROGRESS REPORT ON RURAL Extra Reserve Tickets on a-jjCurve south of the latter'town. and drivers' licenses will go The late model car was almost S DURING KINSMEN ICE CARNIVAL MAR. 4 on sale in Hanna on March 1st. Next Monday night the Hanna total wreck, the injured occupants H. B. Clarke, manager of the ELECTRICAL ASS'N; ASK ADJUSTMENT | Hornets hit the trail for he Previa-! being thrown clear when the vehicle Ticket Soles Open With Closely Contested Provincial Government Treasury rial Intermediate B hockey playoffs. I turned over. 25. Branch, Hanna told the Herald Seek Greater Pay-load Allowance on Small JFor the opening game the Hornets | ^ j^ ^^ Race Expected; Chuck Wagon Event To Be Wednesday morning, that his of­ late was M Farm Trucks; Power Line May Be Extended have drawn none other tlian the Stett-1 of age and was ^m at vikin^ ^ Popular Feature With Handsome Trophy fice had been designated at dis­ ler Imperials, who have this winter had resided te the Hanna ^ Cal. 15. tributing point for the new lic­ To Watte; Membership Reports Encouraging The campaign for election of Queen of the Kinsmen Ice Carn­ enses. The regulations thus far, an unbeatable record against the gary districts for the past ten years- ival on March 4, got underway with o vengeance on Monday of this said Mr. Clarke deal with only Good roods ond weather again favored the last meeting of the \ Hornets. He is survive^ by his wife the for­ week, and the five pretty contestants and their assistants will be passenger cars, which are handl­ Earltown Local formers' Union of AJberta held on the evening of\ J^J^^^^^^^ mer Lucy Moench of Hanna, as w " as one son, Ronnie. He is also conducting an all out energetic drive for the honor of reigning over ed through the Motor Vehicles February 4. President J. K. Suther.|d conducted the meeting an*\%^ "^J^^^^, Branch. Truck licensing regula­ ed by his father Louis Lents the 1955 winter carnival. Tickets are now available which will en­ attendance was most encouraging, including such outside visitors as^^ ^g^^ supp<)rUjrs. Arrange-j ing, one brother and four jiafai tions are issued through the p title each holder to ten votes for the queen of his choice. In past Highway Traffic Branch ,and H. Hawley, Alberta Wheat Pool District Superintendent,Tom ?*-j ments Rase been made ta.-holsUr the funeral services" were condi years there has been much interest and activity in the Carnival have as yet not been released. tinson, Roger Doyle, president and. secretary respectively, of the Hanna lineup with five* fnew faces" \trom St. George's Catholic c Queen Contest but they never have approached the level expected The deadline for purchase of the Chain Lakes Local, as well as Albert Rosin and Walter Radke, pres*- these will include four forwards and) Hanna on Monday. Feb. 7th at in this year's contest, with five candidates competing. Anyone wish­ new license plates for- ears is dent and secretary al the Hand Hills Local, which has just recently one defenceman 0* top iritermetUate, interment followed fas the Catfao! / _. • -.J calibre- — eta . SCo» coma • -he Monda*ni •••• *ay. A night' ailaaia,* WV-AW••**•h 1 cemeter• yrP***^S—"V here. *• , X.wit I***.. LUhl Fr— . M3H'.! ^CMxi^t^^sat\. ing tickets for sale may secure same from R. Hutton. April 30. been organized. <, M tt fat expected thp HqrneU will nett oKici-atlies, Whyte's Funeral The Queen candidates and their ,Prt»gr*i» en llectrification I O O Umb< r a «— i^L£ * *** ' \T " ^TTl U*"' **w^ft" • were in charge at sponsors are Elizabeth "Liz" Gourlay -"> | Mr. A. E. Hutton reported on the CLUf SHAREHOLDERS tor safekeeping. .. •*-tin—^^ ».. ^^ prayers were said . Banna Ladies Curling Club; Caroline coming election of a school Uaataa TO MEET rEBRUshjRY-OO- Owing- to popular demand the re-JR, the funeral chapel at IT riisajhw. Schoeppe, Delia Hockey Club; Mar- Six Months Jail n^h Pnpfrara|omplete on February IS. Yjptor Mohl, secre­ tars important' meeting as} aj •iiiiisUisjiinn ***iieRi*>gBj "•*•*• ^^^•Laa.wn •—*••-»-- ii sn***n»i*ni:ii •>••••! LiLJ 'Jli'l. tary ef tne Band IgUs Rural Electri- •fcwewe .tkasstsTeaa.. i *sstates**emL^ T T 1 purchasegvsrcaiawcvr^iH^~d -jR_ Wwwjek*w«rir$CK v~^--iR*CTs hardwarei , maoy dKfieaitias Ai fRah^sRMfr te he L<§5^^ l mmstsm; momemi s%%e§tJh*im _ ..njnpi surmounted More organization was caned for -—n. f St tne *•»•- jsady%fle*£. Plans are shaping up well for the Graihthdfthafge Here February 15 completed. There was hope now that *^Pn» § pmtW$OfSieawafjwfrsfco. RsfWths)svVs.Bsml flfi carnival and particular interest •ie Took Grain From Byemoor with fm isOi support from the north Mra. P. Klt-ppot*, an*, iitm y at the being- shown in the chuck wagon rac­ And Wont Farmers; In Many Interesting > Subjects the power line would be extended to club requests met ell these hold­ es, fhe Kinsmen ere' putting-, up ' a. the hamlet of Watts. In a very optim­ I gary OR local ice. Game time fi &30i Court Hare Last Saturday Offered to farm People; ing shares 'an the club, and Shea (sharp. This promises to.' be a high- handsome trophy to be competed for Legal Profession Assists istic vein he described how he en­ joyed seeing the whole area from being eligible te vote, are re­Jly contested fixture an there was only j annually. Entries in tbe chuck wagon Stealing grain is a serious offence j a goal difference when the Calgary' races are to be made to B. Barnes, The program has been completed south of Earltown School dotted with quested te attend this mssHngT and a Hanna man found out much 1 squad won from the Hornets last R.C.M.P. Experiments Point or C. T. Grover, and are open to to his sorrow, when appearing infor the agricultural short course in the yard lights of the farm members To fact Much Oawie Is teams from Hanna and other points Hanna on Feb. 15. The Hanna Board who were enjoying the benefits of a Saturday. police court here Saturday morning. rural electrification. PTovetiteb'o; Urge Seedy in the district. The man. married with' a family, and of Trade is sponsoring the course in Costume contests, races, fancy apparently in reasonably good cir­ conjunction with the Alberta Dept. Ted Quaschnick and Mrs. Freda "Crime hi Year Community" ia skating exhibitions, broom ball 3am- cumstances, took to stealing grain of Agriculture. Ihe course is open Pregitzer were appointed a commit­ the title of an attractive and most es, etc. are only some of the many from a farm at Byemoor and onet o farmers and their wives, and their tee to make arrangements to have' LOCAL TEACHERS 10 ATTACK LANGUAGEinformativ e pamphlet distributed hi r features in the program which is of close to Hanna. will be separate programs for each. Canadian Utilities, the '. Hand Hills Hanna this week by CpL R. Jones i at least two hours duration. Keep On December 14 he stole one hun­ The following are the details. Assoc., and Sullivan Lake School Di­ of the RCMP. Use pamphlet is pub­ the date in mind and plan to attend dred bushels of grain from the farm Afternoon Men's Section vision install lights in Earltown PROBLEMS IN SCHOOLS; MEETING HERE lished by the Royal Canadian Mount­ the Kinsmen Carnival on March. 4. of John Baird at Byemoor and on Legion Hall 2 p.m.—5 p.m. Mr. G School. ed Police with the object of assist­ January 27 took another quantity R Sterling, soil conservation and Reports on the membership drive ing to curb crime in every commu­ from the Lamb Brothers at Watts.
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