A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood Thursday, October 15, 1998 Page 7 Scotch Plains Library Changes Hours of Used Book Drive SCOTCH PLAINS The Friends receptacles are placed for this purpose. of the Scotch Plains Public Library has Mr. Czarnomski stated that the books changed its hours for their old book can be in any condition, including torn, drive to Saturday mornings between 9 scribbled in, paperback or bound; how- a.m. and 1 p.m. During the summer, ever, wet or moldy books cannot be collections were held on Tuesday morn- accepted for health and storage rea- ings. sons. Old text books will be accepted. The goal of the drive is to accumulate Residents are urged to bring the books old books that are unusable and non- in cartons rather than in shopping bags. sellable. Those books are sold to a With the money raised from the recy- private company on a per-pound basis, cling sale, the library plans to purchase after which the bulk of the books are re- a new 1999 World Book Encyclopedia sold in third world countries for nomi- for the Childrens Library. nal costs, or sent to traditional recy- cling sources. When we began this campaign in Neighborhood Council May, we had no idea how successful it would be, said Friends President Ted To Hold Flea Market Peter Billson for The Westfield Leader and The Times Czarnomski. So far, we have achieved Sunday at Train Station PREPARING SURVEYS United Fund of Westfield Senior Citizens Task more than 15 percent of our goal, he Force have prepared surveys to assess the needs and quality of life of local senior WESTFIELD The Westfield HELPFUL DONATION The Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library added. raised money during its book sale last April to purchase large print books, a book citizens. Pictured, left to right, are: Lillian Corsi, Westfield Director of Welfare, Since a good deal of government Neighborhood Council will spon- and Survey Chairwoman Sheri Brand as they prepare to deliver surveys to key sensitizer, a new fax machine, new free-standing CD ROM holders and refer- funding has been cut from library pro- sor a Flea Market at the Westfield ence materials. Pictured are Library Director Barbara Thiele, left, accepting a Westfield locations for distribution. grams, it is increasingly important for Train Station on South Avenue this check for $13,500 from Sadie Schoss, Past President of The Friends of the other means to be found to support our Sunday, October 18, from 8 a.m. to Westfield Memorial Library. Senior Citizens Task Force library, continued Mr. Czarnomski. 4 p.m. The rain date is Sunday, By donating unwanted books, the October 25. library can benefit monetarily and we do Vendors will sell an assortment Library Receives Donations, Creates Survey to Assess Needs a good deed for underprivileged coun- of merchandise at the event. tries, and the environment can be helped For vendor information, please by recycling, he said. call (908) 233-2772 or (908) 654- Welcomes New Officers WESTFIELD - The Westfield Com- Westfield has created a survey to assess 3813. munity Council Senior Citizens Task the needs of the quality of life of Residents are asked to bring their WESTFIELD The Friends of the tire Westfield community, said a Force sponsored by the United Fund of Westfields senior citizens. old books to the library where special Westfield Memorial Library recently spokeswoman for the organization. The Task Force is chaired by Sherl presented a $13,500 check to Barbara Countless volunteer hours are devoted Magician to Entertain Brand, a new Trustee of the United Thiele, Director of the Library, as a to meet this endeavor, she added. Fund of Westfield. Members of her College Club of Fanwood result of the organizations annual book At Halloween Event committee are: Jean Richardson, past sale held last April. State School Fair Slated SCOTCH PLAINS - The Scotch President of the American Associa- Large-print books, a book sensi- Plains Department of Parks and Rec- tion of Retired Persons (AARP); Rob- Slates Personality Program tizer, a new fax machine, new free- For Tuesday Evening reation will hold its annual Halloween ert Dillon, a Trustee of the Westfield standing CD ROM holders and refer- Foundation; Lillian Corsi, Westfield The New Jersey Independent School Program on Thursday, October 29, at FANWOOD - The College Club of provide the answers to many important ence materials are among the items Fair will be held this Tuesday, October 7 p.m. Director of Welfare; Edward Gottko, purchased with this donation. Town Administrator; Karen Simon, Fanwood-Scotch Plains has announced questions about the people in ones life. 20, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Headquar- Kamarr is a magician with a seem- that it will hold its next meeting this The system At the annual meeting on June l, the ters Plaza Hotel, Speedwell Avenue, ingly inexhaustible supply of varicol- Director of Senior Services, Westfield Y; and Joanne Santoriello, Chair- Monday, October 19, featuring a pro- also helps to following officers of the organization Route No. 202 in Morristown. The fair ored doves that emerge from almost woman, Westfield Community Coun- gram on the Enneagram Personality people to un- were elected: Barbara McIntyre, Presi- is free and open to the public. everything he touches. He has been cil and a Trustee of the United Fund of System, at the First Methodist Church derstand dent; Teddy Taranto, Vice President; Schools attending will be the Acad- billed as the Greek Houdini. Westfield. at 1171 Terrill Road in Scotch Plains. themselves Ann Twu, Treasurer; Jane Bischoff, emy of St. Elizabeth, Bayley-Ellard Children in costume will assemble The distribution and collection points Robyn Rajs will conduct the presen- and others by Assistant Treasurer; Edie Dixon, Re- High School, Delbarton School, Gill at the Municipal Building Parking Lot of this important survey are: AARP, tation. She is the Assistant Director of providing a cording Secretary, and Nancy Yoder, St. Bernards School, Kent Place and proceed to the Park Middle School Jewish Community Center-Senior the Human Relations and Counseling guide to Corresponding Secretary. School, Morristown-Beard School, Mt. Auditorium. Children will have the Adult Care, Library, Mobile Meals, Mu- Center at Kean University and has a peoples dif- The Friends of the Westfield Me- St. Dominic Academy, Newark Acad- opportunity to parade across the stage nicipal Building, Patient Care, all local Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology fering emo- morial Library work together with the emy, Oak Knoll School, Peddie School, so the costumes may be viewed. Adults pharmacies, Senior Citizens Housing, and a masters degree in counselor edu- tional library staff to constantly improve the Pingry School, Purnell School, and are also welcome. Visiting Health Service, The Westfield cation from Kean University. makeup and library in ways that will serve the en- Seton Hall Prep. Through the donation of the Scotch Leader, Westfield Community Center, She has been an avid student of per- strategies for Plains Business and Professional As- the Westfield Y and all area places of sonality theory for the past 10 years. facing life. Robyn Rajswill sociation, each family will receive a worship. She is a certified evaluator of the Myers- Guests are invited and encouraged to pumpkin. The Scotch Plains Recre- The deadline for collection is Sun- Briggs Personality Indicator, and has attend. Those persons interested in ation Department will give each cos- day, November 1. more recently begun her fascination learning more about Enneagram or CUSAMONO tumed child a small treat. In a recent message to the Westfield with the Enneagram System. College Club should call Membership Ministerium, Linda Maggio, United According to Anna Visci, Publicity Chairwoman Anne Johansen at (908) Fund Executive Director, stated, We Director of the club, the system can 232-4308. 2X8 hope our places of worship will address the needs of senior citizens and intro- duce our senior survey in their weekly message to the members of their con- gregations. GREENBAUM If any Westfield senior citizen does not receive a survey, we are located in the northside train station at 301 North 2X7 Avenue West, or just call (908) 233- 2113 - and we will be sure you receive one. We dont want anyone to fall be- tween the cracks, remarked Mrs. Maggio. We want to make sure that services are available to meet the real needs of our senior citizens. Kamarr NOREEN LUND 2X5 THE OFFICE JON BRAMNICK 2X5 3X5.
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