University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-21-1969 Sandspur, Vol. 75 No. 16, February 21, 1969 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 75 No. 16, February 21, 1969" (1969). The Rollins Sandspur. 1345. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1345 sar±*spiiR 0L.75 NO. 16 THE ROLLINS SANDSPUR WINTER PARK. FLORIDA F riday, February 21, 1969 Stay On Bill !n an unprecedented move make the correction at the Council H-164 VISITATION BILL SEC­ iednesday night, Deans Howden meeting. He neglected to do so, ud Hicks and Faculty member TION I: and the Council passed the Visita­ That each residence shall legis­ jr. Meisel put the first unre­ tion Bill unaware of the amend­ lated Faculy Stay on a Student late its own visitation hours with a ment. Towards the end of the meet­ simple majority of the total Association bill. The action, which ing Joel Dick remedied the situation Lraingly contradicts the student membership of the residence deci­ and a suggestion was made by Bob ding the rules for the trial period Ltonomy role in college life which Glass that the College Re-Evalua­ lie two Student Deans have tires lasting until May 8,1969. Visitation tion Committee would draw up a Hours shall not extend past 15 min­ persuade the students they have: suggested set of guidelines for Vis- utes before Junior Women's closing lie Visitation Bill allowing the istation regulations to be passed hour. Each residence shall adver­ [dividual residence halls to decide by the House as a separate bill con­ tise its rules in the Sandspur and jieir own visitation hours for a trial cerning Visitation. It was decided file them with the Dean of Student kiod will go to the Faculty Ad­ that the Visitation Bill did not have Affairs Office. A simple majority ministration Committee. to be sent back to the House for can alter the visitation rules at ie three sections of the Visit- further change. any time. A report will be re­ in Bill had been formally divid- If the Bill does pass the Faculty, quested from each residence hall in the Council meeting last it will be up to the students to make to the College Re-Evaluation Com­ Eleven Rollins upper classmen were presented Algernon Sydney Sullivan Wednesday, and sent back to the mature use of this trial period of mittee on the problems and before (louse because such division is con- April 1, 1969. awards in a ceremony in the Francis Chapel, Tuesday February 18. visitation privileges, for this is not They were chosen for their "admirable spiritual qualities, outstanding Jidered an amendment, and any the final, permanent implement­ Amendments made by the Council H-165 VISITATION BILL SEC­ and practically demonstrated in daily living with other people." Those ation of visitation, but a trial and TION II: honored were, from left: Rick Camp, Linda Long, Jane Fuller, Barbara aiist be sent back to the House adjustment period which lasts only pr approval. In the House, Sect- All previous rules concerning Canady, Lucia Turnbull, Jane Carrison , David Knutson, Jo Anne Bur­ until May 8, 1969. Then a perma­ open houses are suspended by the roughs, John Kest, and Mary Carter. Not pictured is Rich Westfal. DS I and n passed, but a revis- nent bill will be passed-if the stu­ Iversion of Section III (the Room Rollins Student Association until dents have demonstrated that they Mav 8. 1969. Entrance Bill dealing with the can use the privilege wisely and sarching of dormintory rooms), with the maturity expected of \is defeated U the Council meet- college students. Wednesday night, Sections I Visitation is a privilege, which, ANIMAG Published Sunday II were passed by a vote of like all other privileges, may be to 4, and the faculty stay was revoked upon misuse. ced upon the the Bill. The Visitation Bill in the form The 1969 edition of the Ani­ and will be the second article on "Faculty Stay" is not clearly be followed by math teacher Dr. passed by Council appears below: mated Mazine, "the magazine that the music page. Polcyn, Dr. Cochran in the chemis­ fed in the documents of either comes alive," will be published Wernher von Braun, the de­ Faculty or student Association. try department, Mr. Scheer, repre­ House Council Sunday with a unique production signer of the missile system that senting biology and Dr. Brian Kay Student Association Constit- schedule. ANIMAG,VOL XLIII, will is carrying U.S. astronauts to the lon states that if the faculty does will wind up the science portion not be presented solely in the Know- moon, will write the third article, with "A Synoptic View." disapprove of a bill within Comes les Memorial Chapel as in pre­ "Space Voyaguers," at 3 p.m. in "History at a Crossroads" [' days of its passage through the vious years. The different "pages" the Bush Science Center auditor­ Mcil it will go into effect. Two will be the topic of the Latin Under Fire will be in various locations around ium. American expert, Peter Robinson. ?mbers of the Faculty may place campus. President of the college, The famous cartoonist who Faculty Stay on a bill within Ross Evans will expound on Busi­ Hugh McKean, is editor and pub­ "socked it to 'em " in the Field ness in the Modern World. I* week of its passage through the Important steps have now been lisher of the magizine. House Tuesday, will do the same at pent - Faculty - Administration taken toward formulating more "The Essence of Literature" will Peter Shaffer, whose hit play, 4 p.m.. Sunday in the fourth part be explained by Dr. Frank Wind­ Neil, thereby referring it to equitable campus dormregulations. "Black Comedy," is being per­ of the magazine. Al Capp will faculty. The R-Book reveals that a rather ham. Doctors Hugh McKean and formed by the Rollins Players, speak on "The Youth Revolution Bruce Wavell will complete the fa­ Faculty By-Laws state that hazy and easily adjustable struct­ will present acolloquiumon "THE As I See It." ure is employed in the organiza­ m in tne culty, speaking on "The Visual fe members of the Faculty are Theater Today" at 1 P- - The newest "Feature Article" Message" and "The Strategy of to put the one of two possible tion of House Councils, due basic­ Annie Russell theater. The second of ANIMAG will be the conferring Knowledge." Mini-diplomas, see fculty Stays" on a bill. This ally to the fact that the resid­ page of the magazine will be in the of "60 -minute degrees" in the below, will be awarded. rs it to the Faculty Adminis- ences on campus vary so greatly Knowles Memorial chapel. The bachelor of Liberal Arts in the in size, lay-out, class status of Another first for ANIMAG Committee, which has two Rollins Chorale, under the direc­ School of Instant Education. The will be the baby sitting service Hemic weeks in which to con- residents, and affiliation of re­ tion of Dr. Ward Woodbury, will Dean of the School will be Char­ er sponsored by the members of the the bill and discuss it. If sidents. In the case of Women's sing Howard Hanson's "Song of les Welsh, and eleven Rollins Order of the Libra. Children can st)ody approves the bill, it goes House Councils, the R-Book states Democracy," the setting for a professors will present the curri­ be lef t in the rec room of effect and no other type of that only five members are re­ poem by Walt Whitman. Randall culum. Dr. Robert Juergens will Elizabeth Hall while their parents y Stay is placed upon it. quired: Thompson's "Frostiana" is based be chairman of Orientation and will attend the publication. ever, if the Facuity-Adminis- ". .at least three voting mem­ on several poems by Robert Frost 10« Committee disapproves the bers, the non-voting student leg­ islature representative, and the sident Head on that floor. This °r decides that it should be system was discarded because it t0 House Council Chairman, who is a vote of the entire Faculty, divided the Freshmen Women into l-Jond type of Faculty Stay may elected for a period of one year." How many of these functions one three distinct subgroups. The aced on the bill referring it to counselors on each floor distribut­ lee member alone may serve is un­ ting of the entire Faculty. ed varying penalties, and this dis- Upon the recommendation of the "Instant Education* Faculty ^ Faculty has to take positive specified. Nor is there any pro­ has conferred most beneficently upon vision that these members must be crepency kept the Dean of Women's dative action, or approve the Office very busy that year. The residents of the dormitory itself - the esteemed "sixty-minute degree" of kfore it may go into effect, counselors had no specific admin­ or any other than the Resident Head lartalor of literal Arts acuity has unlimited time in istrative duties. to and Counselors or Resident with all the rights, honours, and privileges thereunto pertaining; consider the bill. In the year following, due to the and let it be furthermore noted that this brave soul has entered Advisors of the dormitory - as unto the sacred temple of knowledge and enlightenment with reverent heart, [;* House Monday night, Stacey size of the entering Freshman has listened with rapt attention at the altar of the ANIMATED MAGAZINE, r was the case in the Elizabeth Hall °nis, the proponent and au- class , more rooms in Elizabeth and has ascended with joy the path of light, of the Visitation Bill, ac- House Council until recently.
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