i**k 1916. It Theodore is ansfcus t^avaid The Bemidji Daily Pioneer being, metaphoricalry. speaking, "out TJUt BBMX3KPX VXOVEBB FVB. to pieces," be had better.stay out of 9uV\Uh»t9: and, Proprietors ; the race.—'Princeton Union. ^* Telephone 31 Eoti of Irin Beiridji, Btrt~Daity Entered at the post office at Bemidji We never need be afrled of lack** '^M_ " Growing Less. v ^ Minn., as second-class matter under Act ing sufficient horsepower to turnthcj The kldneysuaftan^ery tor help, - of, Congress of March 3, 1879. Judicial wheels in this district : Not awi^i; organ! in the whole Published every afternoon except Sunday There's Grand Rapids, Park Rapids] body more delicately constructed; No attention paid to anonymous con­ and International Falls. At present Nationeimose important^health. tributions. Writer's name must be saresj app$Ma& ••..«•».»....». **••»•«••• known to the editor, but not necessar­ though, the power we are* getting Tha ilridaeys iare>. the tttars<» of the ily for publication. from Park Rapids appears io be just bloody Communications for. the Weekly Pio­ neer should, reach this office not later about the Wright capacity. Judge-ion Whan they fail; th«.blood beconws than Tuesday of each week to Insure Star* .*. ~. y. publication in the current Issue yourself, boys.—Walker Pilot. %i fonj and poisottoas. Thereacan bejio, health where there J Subscription Bates.; It seems.that some of the pessbnls^ I»f JLH. •BMB«*^tvf^f:Tj Qf One month, by carrier ......$ .40 Fid©. Was Undecided ls.ipolsonedhiood^ One year by carrier 4.00 politicians in congress are much* wor­ "Ob. 1ft:. Smith;" criea • the young Backachafis jcaearof theafrequent In- ^OTT^ '5K-*. "- « DENJJW^P: *«^5 Three months, postage paid 1.00 la y as Offlice In Winter Block Six months, postage paid 2.00 ried at the evident eigne of returning * she greeted her caller, "so dicaJtions of i kidney trouble. '^—-^ nave been malj n + + + + + * + + + •* + + + + *+ * + + + + + + + + 1i + + +4i + *4 One year* postage paid 4.00 confidence and rising proeperity«and> *& * S mends: with It is often tha kidneys'- cry- for l FfttO? And*de yoH-thiok be Hkes^ou?" ^> OaeAatfccent par ward, per <k * Dfi5 J, T. TUQlBr The Weekly Pioneer are afraid this will upset their pro­ help.-. Heed it ^V^^C'«%^V-*'-' One-half cent per word per. •¥ Sight pages, containing a summary of "Well,** said Mr. Smith grimly, "I •k issue, cash with copy. -' *',"-.,', * •¥ issue, cash with copy. £ ~V£j$®ij* DENTIST the news of the week. Published every claimed plans of business trouble^nd don't believe he's quite decided yet. .. Head., what, tioan's Kidaay Pills Thursday,,and sent postage paid to any < : Regular charge rate', -one * Regula_ r charge rate on^e + FIr«t National Bank Bldr T«L SIC address for $1.60 in advance.. their reliability as political pro­ Sals had^oBly-one^bite.of me, andbe have-done^for overworked kidnays. ^•cent per word per insertion. No + •¥ cent per word per insertion* .No -* ».*«?_> ^ phets. It is rumored that they have seemsrto want another."-Exchange. Read.what Stan's have done for L4WTEE8 Hli> PAPER R£r"RLjtNl_u r^.k i wuuiblH decided it to be advisable and Juaces- ->ve4fe,It»han1««r less, than 10 * + ad taken tor lees than 10 * ADVERTISING BY THE Bemidji people.; sary* to support President TOgson's " '" fix* B*ag*i»>Luok. Mrs. L. «aiwa 6i5 Fourth St., Bar * centpJPhone.31. f" <- ',,r ** cents Phone 31. + latest striking new poUctei**a ihe When the agent paid Mrs. Stone the midjl, Minn., says: "Doan's Kidney *^^*^t^^^ -kV* ***** **************** LAWYER , - " ^ only ammunition left to them for the 222? °f 1^?™^^ *02f*** Pills have been satisfactory to me. I HUw Block , Phone Ml. GENERAL. OFFICES coming campaign. PrettHood am!'.«-^«««dl*ito.B^ilMa^.lfc* havej.no treason 4o chancetflny opinion WS2 W£B$1E5> FAKMSF0E1ALE. J0SN F. OIBBONS NEW YORK AND CHICAGO aslm», he asbed,,tb#,«ood lady to take munition, that must be, which you* on^.a iPPlipy on her own life. of them, which I expressed some WAN^JD^-Girl for general house FOR SALE—75 and 30-100 acres,on ATTORNSY AT' LAW - BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES m opponent manufactures, of which he t believe I will." she said, "as my years ago. For years I had kidney waosk MTS S. Bc^». White, 307, 5th famous twin lakes, one of the best ~ F»r»t(Ni«ooal Pan* RMlMtMs controls the supply and which the husband had snch good luck.'1 •' *•• trouhje and rheumatic pains. My Bemidji, Minn. !*£.***" Uk New poatofDice appointments are Street. locations in' Minnesota for a sum* opposition finds indispsnslble- *nd health was poor and nay system was as follows: mer home or resort, having lake 0. H. FiaE% Court OosunHttonrTa . _ seeks to appropriate.—Albert Lea Three Things. fitted-with uric-acid: Doan'a fEldney FOB 8AIJ; front'and nice high banks with Georgia C. Hompe, Deer Creek; Standard. Three* things -too much and three too Pills, have heneflted-me wnoderfily." ATTORNEY AT LAW Lizzie A. Schmitt, Dundee; Martha little •are,^pemiai0us to man-r.to speak, FOR SMiB—Just received, ten head fine grove of Norway pines near Office second floor O'Leanr-Bowaer Biat: For BaleT)y all dealers. Price 60 "E. Erickson, Holyoke; Leo Meade, much and know little, to .spend much of heavy horses weighing from fif­ the water. Good level clay land cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. Lima; Everett R. Vitalis, Shafer; and have little, to presume much and teen to eighteen hundred lbs. about 100,000 feet of good pine Neat. York* aole agents for the United Otto F. Habedank, Otto; Francis A. be worth little.—^Cervantes. These are the best horses ever timber and 100,000 feet of hard States. _ DB. ROWLAND GILM0KE Jenkins, Tenstrike. Practical Fashion offered for«al in Bemidji they are wood timber on the land. Only^six '•-•f^-';'',: 8ewnojBtim>Maijria9e.;' Remember the name—Doan's—and e miles f rom; Hines and Tenstrlke aljk:i»ated. being bred and raised in PHYSICIAN AND SUKDEPN Hints SLusbajBdmAb. me: Marriage is a take no other. \ v and on good wagon road. Fine Of flee—Miles Block Should anyone desire to contest 1 Minnesota. Tom Shart, Bemidji. • By Alice Gibson nun lottery. She — And I heartily wish ?£ fishing in. these lakes. Price, if the petitions of the Socialist candid­ some,-one else had my ticket!—Illus­ FOR SALE—I will close one camp taken with^the timber on, $1,-DB. E. A. 8HANK0», M; D. ates, filed with the city clerk Sat­ trated Bits. about Feb 15. and will have thirty, tsgiHOO.OO. $600.00 down and If PHYSKJlAN ANB SUROEON . urday, it would probably result in Office in Mayo Block' The trouble with most of its Is not head heavy horses for sale. G. W. taken with timber reserved, Mr Phone m Rem.. Phaaa? M* not one of their names 'being placed Cochran enquire at Foley's barn. 200.00. $400 down and balance on the ballot. Several of them do •Ormuch that*we have a hard row to TbeMODEL hosv bot that w^dtsMke hoeing. on time at 6% interest. Addrest PR. C. E. SANBORK not even give the date on which the iSQR SSIiW Rubner stamps. The Blonear win procure any kind ot V. M. Owen, Hines, Minn. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON election is to be held, and other re­ Dry Cleniig Hwise Offlice—Miles Block quirements of law are believed to HOGANSON BROS., Props. ruhher'Sfeamp xor you on short ao- FOR SALE— 320 acres of good hard have been neglected. MOft SUMESTflW TO • ties. wood land clay soil some na­ DR. X. A. WARD tural meadow. Only six miles E0R BEHT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON' The St. Paul Pioneer Press asks IEM1&JI PEOPLE from Hines, on good road, near Over First National bank, Bemidji, Mian Nice River and Lakes. Several why the Grace hotel at Kelllher, Wimtt U tttl those in Bo- Dry GlMRing of Ladies' FOR SALE—One furnished house, hundred cords of birch and tamarr which burned to the ground last mMJt suffering from stomach or large enought for two-people. In DR. A. £. HENDERSON ack wood. This will make an id­ Wednesday, and in wnich at least six bowel trouble that we are agents for good locality. Write C. M. Care PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Gents'Cluthlne, HOUSB- eal stock farm, and if taken soon lives were lost, was not investigated the simple Mixture of buckthorn Pioneer, Over First National bank, Bemidii, Mint can be had for $7.50 per acre, % Office Phone.se r~ Residence Bftoaa sa long ago to ascertain whether it bark, dreed**. •t#„ known as Adler- FOR<RENT--Modern furnished room. cash, balance back on the land at complied with the state laws regard­ i-k*,. the. remedy which, became fa­ Inquire 403 American avenue. 6 per cent interest, to suit pur­ DR. E. H.SM3Tfl ing safety devices, chemical extin­ stens »y euring appendicitis. This is chaser. Write V. M. Owen, Hines, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOsfc guishers and fire hose in the hall­ the. stoat thorough bowel denser Office m - winter Block L08T AHD FOUHD Minn. '/ c ways, instead of now, after the dam­ kaowjL.Mf JTJST ONB DOSE relieves Teleahoae537 106Sa«aa«St FOUND-^About three weeks ago, FOR SALE—The S.W. L£ of the S. PB, E. H. MAR.CTO age has been done. tour •tomeah, gas on the stomach Lady's pocketbook with sum of E.i/ of Section 21-146-32. This PHYSICIAN AND SUROEPN and eoaetiftftton almost IMMEDI­ money in dt. Owner may have fortrty has a fair house and barn Office In Mayo Block v.
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