Garden Starts

Garden Starts

Fang! Pet Garden Supply 10/15/2020 Garden Starts We will not be taking online orders 10/16-10/18. Please use these sheets to help you plan what you want to scoop up during our Fall Fest event! Regular Item Number Item Name Item Description Size Price QTY 28053 Apple Honeycrisp 1/2" 1/2" $29.99 28060 Cherry Montmorency 5/8" Pie Cherry 5/8" $31.99 28069 Autumn Olive Amber 1gal 1 gallon $21.99 28564 Kiwi Issai 1gal Self-Fertile 1 gallon $20.99 33304 Blackberry Columbia Giant #1 1 gallon $13.99 32740 Apple Redlove Calypso 3/8" Red flesh apple 3/8 $24.99 33717 Kumquat Centennial Variegated 1 gallon $26.99 30012 Orange Calamondin Variegated 1 gallon $29.99 28064 Lemon Meyer Improved 1 gallon $26.99 32647 Blueberry Sunshine Blue 1 gallon $16.99 VEG STARTS We are out of veggies for the season! 4" Herbs 21474 Chives 4" $3.99 21474 Rosemary Foxtail 4" $3.99 21474 Sage Common 4" $3.99 Questions? Email Fang! at [email protected] Fang! Pet Garden Supply 10/15/2020 Ornamentals We will not be taking online orders 10/16-10/18. Please use these sheets to help you plan what you want to scoop up during our Fall Fest event! Item Regular Number Item Name Item Description Size Price QTY 29091 Euonymus a. Compactus 2gal Burning Bush 2gal $38.99 29094 Olearia Twiggly Wiggly 5gal Daisy Bush 5gal $54.99 29095 Physocarpus Diabolo 5gal Ninebark 5gal $102.99 Fragrant Sweetbox 29097 Sarcococca ruscifolia #2 (Schiedler) 2gal $25.99 29098 Weigela Magic Fantasy 2gal 2gal $39.99 29480 Sedum Angelina 3.5" 3.5" $4.99 29599 Farfugium japonicum Crispata 4" Leopard plant 4.5" $10.99 29600 Anigozanthos Bush Tango 4" Kangeroo Paw 4.5" $10.99 Striped Bamboo Fern 29602 Coniogramme emeiensis 4.5" 'Golden Zebra' 4.5" $14.99 29604 Cordyline Red Sensation 4.5" 4.5" $9.99 29607 Thyme Pink Chintz 3.5" 3.5" $3.99 29694 Stipa tenuissima 3.5" Needle Grass 3.5" $4.99 31934 Aronia a. Brilliantissima #5 5 gallon $65.99 31937 Berberis t. Rose Glow #2 2 Gallon $29.99 31938 Choisya ternata #2 2 Gallon $41.99 31940 Clematis x Fragrant Star #5 5 gallon $81.99 31941 Cornus k. Wolf Eyes #5 5 gallon $116.99 31942 Cotinus c. Royal Purple #5 5 gallon $77.99 31944 Forsythia x Magical Gold #2 2 gallon $42.99 31947 Helwingia c. Pearly Twirly #2 2 Gallon $42.99 31948 Magnolia Black Tulip #5 5 gallon $125.99 31949 Magnolia Rose Marie #5 5 gallon $125.99 31951 Pachysandra a. Windcliff #1 Fragrant 1 gallon $15.99 31953 Spirea x Goldflame #2 2 gallon $28.99 31954 Stachyurus Morning Dew #2 2 gallon $42.99 31984 Loropetalum c. Zhuzhou #5 Chinese Fringe Flower 5 gallon $39.99 32000 Nandina Gulf Stream #3 Heavenly Bamboo 3 gallon $50.99 32001 Ophiopogon clarkei 3.5" Green Mondo Grass 3.5" $8.99 32066 Hakea microcarpa 6" 6" $27.99 32069 Luzula pilosa Igel 3.5" Small clumping grass 3.5" $6.99 32072 Arctostaphylos Howard McMinn #2 2gal $43.99 Questions? Email Fang! at [email protected] Fang! Pet Garden Supply 10/15/2020 Ornamentals We will not be taking online orders 10/16-10/18. Please use these sheets to help you plan what you want to scoop up during our Fall Fest event! Item Regular Number Item Name Item Description Size Price QTY 32242 Polygala cham. Rhodoptera #2 #2 $32.99 32245 Thuja plicata Whipcord #1 #1 $19.99 32296 Picea Howell's Tigertail #2 Dwarf Spruce 2 gallon $34.99 32352 Hemerocallis Crimson Pirate 4" Day Lily 4.5" $6.99 32353 Hemerocallis Prairie Blue 4.5" Day Lily 4.5" $6.99 32443 Cham.l. Imbric Weeping #2 Lawson Cypress 2gal $28.99 32448 Cryptomeria j Mushroom #2 2gal $24.99 32455 Juniperus h Pancake #1 Juniper groundcover 1gal $13.99 32456 Juniperus c Blue Pacific #1 Pacific Shore Juniper 1gal $13.99 32458 Osmanthus h. Rotundifolia #2 False Holly 2gal $30.99 32462 Styrax japonicus #10 Japanese Snowball #10 $88.99 32465 Bougainvillea x variegata 4" Vera 4" $8.99 32474 Persicaria affinis #1 Fleece Flower 1 Gallon $6.99 32478 Aruncus aethusifolius 4.5" Dwarf Goat's Beard 4.5" $9.99 32479 Callistemon Little John 4.5" Bottlebrush 4.5" $8.99 32480 Convallaria majalis 4.5" Lily of the Valley 4.5" $14.99 32490 Saxifraga s. Hsitou Silver 4.5" Strawberry Geranium 4.5" $11.99 32494 Armeria meritima Alba 4" Sea Thrift 4" $4.99 32497 Cyrtomium fortunei Clivicola 4" Japanese Holly Fern 3.5" $6.99 32498 Cyrtomium falcatum 3.5" Holly Fern 3.5" $6.99 32499 Dryopteris sieboldii 3.5" Siebold's Wood Fern 3.5" $6.99 32500 Sedum Lime Twister 3.5" 3.5" $4.99 32501 Sedum rupestre Silver 3.5" 3.5" $3.99 32563 Poncirus Flying Dragon #2 Hardy Bitter Orange #2 $37.99 32586 Bouteloua Blonde Ambition #1 1 gallon $13.99 32587 Brugmansia Charles Grimaldi #1 1 gallon $19.99 32597 Euphorbia cyp. Fens Ruby QT Quart $8.99 32603 Heuchera Marmalade QT Quart $13.99 32609 Ipomoea Blackie QT Annual Sweet Potato Vine Quart $8.99 32612 Iris p. Claret QT Quart $8.99 32613 Kniphofia Gladness #1 Red Hot Poker 1 gallon $15.99 Questions? Email Fang! at [email protected] Fang! Pet Garden Supply 10/15/2020 Ornamentals We will not be taking online orders 10/16-10/18. Please use these sheets to help you plan what you want to scoop up during our Fall Fest event! Item Regular Number Item Name Item Description Size Price QTY 32615 Lavender a. Violet Intrigue QT Quart $8.99 32626 Panicum Shenandoah #1 1 gallon $16.99 32644 Solidago Baby Gold 3.5" Goldenrod 3.5" $4.99 32660 Asarum 'Quicksilver' 4.5" 4.5" $13.99 32663 Sempervivum Chick Charms 4.5" mixed 4.5" $6.99 32664 Dryopteris erythrosora 3.5" Autumn Fern 3.5" $6.99 32665 Dryopteris lepidopoda 3.5" 3.5" $6.99 32666 Eryngium bourgatii #1 Sea Holly 1gal $18.99 32693 Calycanthus occidentalis #2 California sweetshrub or spicebush 2 gallon $26.99 32793 Phormium Rainbow Maiden 4.5" 4.5" $11.99 32794 Salvia n. New Dimension Blue 4" 4" $4.99 32795 Sedum album Coral Carpet 4" 3.5" $4.99 32796 Thymus praecox Coccineus 3.5" Red Thyme 3.5" $4.99 32834 Helianthus Lemon Queen 2gal 2gal $12.99 32835 Hosta Lemon Lime #1 1gal $9.99 32836 Hosta Rex #1 1gal $9.99 32854 Cordyline Southern Splendor QT Quart $14.99 32861 Heuchera Forever Purple #1 1 gallon $17.99 32867 Sedum Ruby Mantle 3.5" 3.5" $4.99 33033 Arctostaphylos 'Monica' 4.5" 4.5" $7.99 33034 Arctostaphylos nummularia 4.5" Select Form 4.5" $7.99 33035 Coprosma kirkii Variegata 4.5" Mirror Plant 4.5" $8.99 33038 Dicksonia antartica 4.5" Tasmanian Tree Fern 4.5" $11.99 33039 Dryopteris e. Brillance 3.5" Autumn Fern 3.5" $5.99 33040 Hebe recurva Silver 4.5" Broughton's Silver 4.5" $7.99 33042 Lobelia laxiflora 4.5" 4.5" $7.99 33043 Phormium Apricot Queen 4.5" New Zealand Flax 4.5" $11.99 33045 Polypodium vulgare 3.5" Bifido Multifidum 3.5" $5.99 33046 Sempervivum Oddity 4.5" 4.5" $7.99 33076 Astrantia Star of Fire #1 1 Gallon $15.99 33079 Echinacea Pica Bella #1 1 Gallon $18.99 Questions? Email Fang! at [email protected] Fang! Pet Garden Supply 10/15/2020 Ornamentals We will not be taking online orders 10/16-10/18. Please use these sheets to help you plan what you want to scoop up during our Fall Fest event! Item Regular Number Item Name Item Description Size Price QTY 33080 Echinacea Tangerine Dream #1 1 Gallon $17.99 33081 Hosta Praying Hands #1 1 Gallon $14.99 33093 Pinus edulis #5 Pinyon Pine 5gal $69.99 33097 Rosa rugosa #2 Beach Rose 2gal $12.99 33108 Pennisetum alopecuroides #1 Little Bunny 1gal $9.99 33109 Arctostaphylos Austin G. #2 Austin Griffiths 2gal $44.99 33110 Arctostaphylos Sonoma #2 Manzanita 2gal $44.99 33111 Diervilla lonicera #2 Honnysuckle bush 2gal $17.99 33112 Anemone Dreaming Swan #1 1gal $18.99 33113 Heuchera Lime Marmalade #1 Coral Bells 1gal $17.99 33116 Nerine bowdenii Isabel #1 Guernsey Lily 1gal $20.99 33117 Erica arborea Golden Joy #1 Heath 1gal $18.99 33120 Calluna vulgaris Dark Beauty 4" Heather 4" $7.99 33122 Hosta Guacamole 1QT 1qt $8.99 33171 Pyrrosia lingua compacta #1 Felt Fern 1gal $28.99 33174 Corokia cotoneaster #5 Wire net bush 5gal $50.99 33175 Eucomis 'Glow Sticks' #2 Pineapple Lily 2gal $30.99 33178 Begonia Heron's Pirouette #1 1gal $15.99 33188 Bignonia capreolata #2 Crossvine 2gal $26.99 33264 Callistemon 'Wetlands' 6" Bottlebrush 6" $16.99 33266 Digitalis obscura 3.5" Sunset Foxglove 3.5" $3.99 33267 Echinops ritro v. ruthenicus 6" Globe Thistle 6" $10.99 33268 Echium russicum 6" 6" $14.99 33269 Hosta 'White Feather' 6" 6" $22.99 33270 Illicium 'Scarlet Skirts' 6" 6" $27.99 33274 Lagerstroemia Natchez #5 5gal $55.99 33275 Leptospermum r. 'Squggly' 6" Alpine Tea tree 6" $15.99 33302 Agave bracteosa Calamar #1 1 Gallon $25.99 33308 Hemerocallis Chicago Apache #1 1 Gallon $12.99 33309 Hemerocallis Folled Me #1 1 Gallon $12.99 33310 Hydrangea Miss Saori #1 1 Gallon $20.99 Questions? Email Fang! at [email protected] Fang! Pet Garden Supply 10/15/2020 Ornamentals We will not be taking online orders 10/16-10/18.

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