■■ -U'H ' X.- .1 * FACT <mmTY-4ix jfllanrliPHt^r lEornittg WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, IW l Stores Open Tonight for Christmas Shopping Until 9 o ’Clqck LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF,< MONDAY thru FRIDAY at 1:10 F.M. -SATURDAY 11;10 A.M. V ATerage Daily Net PreM Rira I The Weather For the Week Kaded ForecMt of D. S. Woutber Bunuu < I DMMNBlMr 1C, IM l h Partly cloudy tonight. Low tS 13,521 to SO d e c r e e s . Friday partly MMBber «f tha Audit cloudy, a little wanner. Hlgli S5 Bunuu •! OtMOlutlM to 40 degree*. Manchester— A City o f Village Charm U-, FILL Open Tonight and Every Night (Including Saturday) till 9 P. M . VOL. L X X X L NO. 89 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1961 (Claeetfled Advertlslog on Pago 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS Kennedy, Macmillan State News Roundup Tshombe Agrees to Hand House & Hale’s See House & Hale's Open Wide-Ranging two other ads on two other ads on May for Probe pages 8 and 9 of to­ pages 8 and 9 of to* Parley in Bermuda Of Situation at day's Herald. day's Herald. State’s Prison Katanga to Central Congo By W n U A M U RYAN i Invited to the Rusk-Home ( AP Special OorreapoudeBt) luncheon on the British side, were Hartford, Dec. 21 {IP)— For­ Hamilton, Bermuda, Dec. Sir David Ormriiy-Gore. British ambassador to Washingiton; Sir mer Republican State Chair­ 21 (JP)— Leaving his stricken Norman Brook, secretary to the man Edwin H. May Jr, has father’s bedside, President British cabinet; Sir William Pen­ asked for an investigation of U.S. Pleased, Kennedy flew into Bermuda ney, adviser on nuclear weapons; the resignation of State Pris­ Not Pleased today &r wide-ranging talks and Sir Evelyn Shuckburgh, depu­ ty undersecretary of state for Ehi- on Warden Mark S. Rich­ Cautious over with Prime Minister Macmil­ ropean affairs. mond. lan. On the American side were Mc- May, a candidate for his par­ By Adoula The President and the British George Bundy, the President’s ad- ty's gubernatorial nomination, said Katanga Pact leader scheduled s luncheon meet­ last night the circumstances sur­ ing at Government House 45 min­ (Continoed on Page Two) rounding Richmond’s resignation utes after Kennedy’s arrival at Monday were "extremely cloudy.' Wa.shinglon, Dec. 21 {/P)— Conference Bermuda's Klndley Air Force. He said it was a matter for U.S. officials welcomed with The central problems of West the Legislative Council, the G.;n- ^ Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 21 Berlin and an Allied approach to guarded optimism today the Chief Assails eral Assembly’s Interim research reported agreement between (/P)— Katangan sources today Moscow are expected to take up arm. to take up. much of the 2-day talks. the Congo’s Central govern­ released a message they said “The long histoi^' of trouble at President Moise Tshomhe Kennedy visited his father. Jo­ Critical Mayor this Connecticut instUiition indi­ ment and Moise Tshomhe. se-, seph P. Kennedy, at St. Mary's cates that the situation is bad,” cessionist leader of the Ka­ cabled to the U.S. State De­ Hospital in West Palm Beach, Fla., partment charging that many for a half hour before taking off In Middletown ! May said in a statement. tanga. WITH WONDERFUL REASONS Maj. Gen. Frederick G. Reincke. “The road ahead is still a rooky of The Congo’s leaders are for Bermuda at 9:51 a.m., E3ST. He said his father's condition appear­ 'state adjutant general, has been one." a high-ranking official com­ Ckimmunists or influenced by ed to he “about the same.' Middletown, ^ r . 21 Police i a^cimg warden until a mented. “What we hope ia that the Communists. The President returns to Palm Chief John J^ Pomfret lashed out „.„rden is named, Kat.mga will live up to the agree­ at Mayor John S Roth today for -This latest prison situation ment." The date of the cable was Beach tomorrow evening but will not given and there was no be kept Informed about hia fa­ remarks he said the latter made m Lpriainlv points up the problem There was no immediate official ther’s condition'during his rendez­ a magazine article. which dates back to the reaigna- reaction. The State Department information here as to wheth­ vous with Macmillan. If necessary, Blit Mayor Roth refused to make j^jon of former Warden Cummings. wa.* wailing for a report from Am­ er the State Department tte- FOR DOING ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING he could fly back to Florida in lit­ any comment or clarification the prison riots and fires of last bassador FVimund A. Gullion. who ceived it. Chief Pomfret said he could not arranged the talks between tle more than two hours. year, and the more resent pris­ The cable said Tshomhe be­ Beside.* reviewing the Berlin identify the magazine. He only oner escapes. " May added. Tshomhe and Congolese Premier and German question. Kennedy said the mayor's remarks were Warden George Cummings re­ Cyrille Adoula at Pre.sident Ken­ lieves Congo Premier Cyrille and Macmillan are expected to pay damaging and he called on the n ey's. request. Adoula is a left-leaning neu­ mayor to refer any information he signed in 19r>R. Commenting on news di.spatches AT considerable attention to The Con- Nfay said he a.sked for a full dis- tralist, Vice Premier Antoine go question, nuclear weapons and! might have about department dis- u'.’’ sVtuaUon last from Leopoldville, one department ^ e future of the North Atlintic honesty or inefficiency “ to the . J! ^ specialist in African affairs said Gizenga an active Communist Treaty Organization (NATO). It I proper authorities." '^ rex ecu tiv e brancirorour sta^^ the TshonWe-Adoula agreement and several of their aides fel­ is al.so likely they will take a long. Suppo.sediy. the to develop the fac ts seemed "too good to be Inie" low-travelers. careful look at the role of the so-iment.s came m a questionnaire on them to the people " he He said the eight points of the 1 called neutral nations in the light ; the “personality rating " of the city, t” em to the people, agreement appeared to represent \ Leopoldville. The Congo, of India’s takeover of Goa and the: It was said that he answered “No” ______ Tshombe's acceptance of the posi- | threat of Indonesian action against! a* to . whether the police depart- lion of the Central Congo govern- | Dec. 21 (/P)— President Moise the Dutch In New Guinea. i ment is efficient and honest, but Mariani Interested ment. i Tshombe agreed today to end Secretary of SUte Dean Rusk | that he would not amplify his re­ Hartford. Dec. 21 i.Ti — The list Tshomhe in general agreed to the secession of his wealthy arranged a luncheon with his marks continues to grow in the Repub­ Katanga Province but said his Chief Pomfret termed the may- lican gubernatorial sweepstakes. (Continued on Page Nineteen) J British counterpart. Lord Home, India's Defense Minister V. K. Krishna Menon covers microphone and asks to see press credentials supporters in Elisabethvillw while their bosses were going to The latest name to appear among of newsman Larry Nathan (of radio station WMCA, New York) Exchange liamc as Nathan their private luncheon. (Continiie<l on Page Four) the possible candidates for the must approve before the party’s nomination is State Sen. posed question to Menon on latter’s a>-rival at United Nations yesterday to explain his country's Oil to Make Hair military action in Portugue.se enclaves on the Indian coast. Next to Menon is H. S. Vahali, public agreement is carried out. Peter P. Mariani of Groton, senate relation.* officer of the Indian mi.*.*ion to the U.N. i AP Phototaxi. , Tshombe arid Premier Ciyrilla minority leader. Adoula of the Central Congo c(m- W'ord circulated among capital Stand up Straight cluded the pact to restore unity In circles yesterday that Mariani waa The Congo after more thaji 15 At 2 Cents a Trip, Interasted in the nomination and New Orleans, Dec. 21 iA»i — hours of negotiations at- the may declare hU Intentions between Two policemen found an oddly I India Prepares military Base at"T{lttma.' 'Tit'ey Jan. 15 and Feb. 1. marked bottle outside a cock­ promptly Ae^v off to their respec­ For a while, it had been thought tail lounge. They suspected tive capitals of Ellsabethville and don't such famous names as Yule Spirit Mariani was interested only In the it contained nitroglycerine — Phone Co. Defends ^>^11 Rule for Leopoldville. E nomination for lieutenant governor enough to blow up the nelgh- Tshombe signed an 8-polnt dec- on a ticket headed by Edwin H. borhood:\. May Jr., one of the two announced They/ buried the bottle and . T"i 11 New Territory (Contlnned on Page TeA) Klng^ort, Tenn., Dec. 21 UP) —♦gifts for young i^ a n ts In near- candidates. an explosives expert took The little nnvgboy kept walking by St. catsrles hospital. They de­ Now the talk is that Mariani as over. He dug it up. took a Discount, Tree Calls Bombay, India, Dec. 21 (JP—^In­ past the Salvation Army Ohrist- livered them yesterday. interested in making a trj’ for the taste and said he thought it dian army engineers today contin­ maa collection kettle. Each trip The toys were collected In a top spot. waa hair oil. Eveo’one re­ ued clearing road mines and re- he dropped in 2 cents.
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