Mike Harcourt Jean Swanson Effective Campaign Headquarters: representation. 4360 Main St., One more reason. Vancouver, B.e. Youreff bettero witlithe NDP S0'"';) '\ '" IS "J '(J <)'",. e\ CC, J~ c dl 0'" v ()~ &, « Q. *0 .( CI.,IV\ 'ü W\ :)v Q .\ Y1 8 or Yf\ (., \. \ 0 .v\ ,''v0, ~1 'n~ "ocrc\A. 'ni{ ~OYQ gQ.~Q.v,'\\ ~\Q'-~! I0"" (~r Jf"-i \,j. Il \ \r\ \ \.;\1.'\/' "".Q../ "- ( Youjudge. achieved: medicare, hospital ln addition, the Bennett insurance, pharmacare, and government has reneged on a province-wide ambulance its promise to provide extend· system. ed care beds - a less expen- These programs are recog- sive alternative to keeping nized by all Canadians as long term patients in acute vital. care beds.It has also increased For that reason, Dave Bar- medicare premiums by 50per- rett and the NDP did not cent. Doubled ambulance expect to have to fight, in rates. And quadrupled the 1979, to guarantee the con- cost of staying in a hospital. tinued existence of these Clearly, our health care sys- programs. tem is under attack. Unfortunately, that is pre- Dave Barrett and the NDP cisely the case. intend 10 fight hard defending Health The Bennett government it. ' has severely restricted fund- care. ing for hospitals. ln fact, hos- One more reason. pitals are being forced to lay New Democrats are proud of off staff, threatening the qual- You're the role they have played in ity of patient care. pioneering health care pro- RC. doctors are actually be~frpff grams at both the national making public statements and provincial levels of about dropping out of medi· Wltll tlle government. care and billing patients The NDP fought for and directly. NDP Something ta When fewer people are come home {rom. A job. working, each wage-earner The NDP created has to bear a greater burden. 36,000 more new Last year, excessive unem- jobs than the Socreds. ployment cost us $1,100 per Job person* in lost production. creation. Dave Barrett and the NDP recognize that workers in Brit- One more reason. ish Columbia want jobs. An At least 27,000more individ- opportunity to contribute to uals in British Columbia are the quality of life in RC. without jobs than there were What we need is a govern- three years ago. ment that cares. And is will- The Socreds have worsened ing to take action. the situation with actions Job creation. One more such as closure ofthe Railwest reason. manufacturing plant. *Based on data {rom the H('. Ministr.v of Financ(>. ln other instances, their lack of action has been the problem. With the NDP, British You're Columbia's economy gener- ated new jobs at a rate of 5.3 bettherhoff percent (140,000jobs in three years). The Socreds were only Wlt te able to achieve an increase of 3.3 percent. NDP Forestry. It accounts for 60 percent of More than cutting effort to develop superior trees. Accounting our exports. And since our strains or species of trees. for 60 percent of forests are a renewable Already there have been our exports. resource, we should be able to reports of imminent and count on them for a long time serious timber shortages in to come. parts of the province. But it doesn't seem that we Considering the fact that cano forestry is our major industry, The first act of the Social it's a sad record. Credit government was to The benefits our children reduce the forest service will be able to get from forestry budget by 15 percent. Expen- depends on the seedlings we ditures are only now returning put in the ground now. Forestry to their earlier levels in real We owe the next generation terms. a better effort. planning. Meanwhile, there remains a Forestry. One more reason. One more reason. backlog of 1.84 million acres What we sow today, our which have not been re- children will reap. That's why planted. the NDP is proposing an British Columbia has only You're immediate, and massive, half the capacity needed to expansion of reforestation grow seedlings. And the prov- betteroff efforts. ince is losing one million acres Forestry is the key to our of forest land to other uses withthe economic future. It is B.C.'s every year. largest source of jobs. The Socreds have made no NDP 39 in 1978. ln three short tour operation) was sold to years, the Socreds have another D.S. firm. helped 74 RC. enterprises fall Recent information indi- into foreign hands. cates the Socreds have been B.C. for When the Socreds allowed negotiating the sale of our Shell Oil of The Netherlands Ocean Falls pulp mill to British to take over Crow's Nest Quebec financial interests. Industries, the province lost And a leaked federal docu- Columbians. 260,000 acres of coal and tim- ment has revealed that the The New Democratie Party berland; 43,000 acres of coal Bennett's government has has demonstrated, at both the licenses; 430,000 acres of oil attempted to subvert the role provincial and federal level, and gas rights; 250,000 acres of FIRA hoping to sell off the that it is prepared to fight oftimbercuttingrights; and, a province without interference. against foreign control of our sawmill producing 135million This increasing level of for- economy. board feet of lumber each eign control has serious impli- It was at the insistence of year. cations for the long-term the NDP that the federal For- But the Socreds are notonly health of our province's eign Investment Review allowing the private sale of economy. Agency (FIRA) was estab- RC.'s resources. They're lead- The real danger is that our lished. ing the way. economy will remain perpetu- For the past three years, Pan co Poultry, the prov- ally too dependent on resource however, British Columbia ince's largest poultry process- extraction and fail to develop has been up for sale. ing plant, was handed over by a strong industrial base. Foreign takeovers of British the Socreds to Cargill Incor- And th en what do we do Columbia holdings increased porated of Minnesota. Gray when we've sold off aIl the from nine in 1976to a dizzying Line Limited of Victoria (a bus resources? ln addition, we're graduaIly losing our scarce and irre- placeable farmland. Again. Asecure Under the Socred policy, RC. will become increasingly food dependent on food imports. Imported lettuce at $1.00 a supply. head could become the rule, rather than the exception. A secure food supply for The NDP believes we must British Columbians depends have a secure supply of food. on two things: • Preservation of our scarce We must work to ensure fair priees at both the farm gate farmland. • A fair income for farmers. and the check-out counter. The NDP government es- And we must preserve our farmland. tablished programs to ensure the land between 1951 and both. !ts farmland preserva- 1971 - but the number of tion and income assurance farmers grew by 1,050in 1975. Legislation have become mod- Unfortunately, both pro- els for aIl of North America. grams are being eroded. You're The highly successful pro- The Bennett government grams immediately halted the has failed to negotiate an betterhoff migration offarmers from the income assurance agreement land to the cities. ln fact, the with any farm commodity witht e trend was reversed. An aver- group. There is no guarantee age of 350 farmers a year left the program will continue. NDP fares, and increasing the cost of essential health services. Concern ln 1976, Vancouver had the highest rate ofinflation of any foryour major city in Canada - 29 percent higher than Toronto. pocketbook. Food prices have gone up 23.6 One more reason. percent in the last two years. And for the first time in The New Democratic Party recent B.C. history, wages has demonstrated that it is have fallen behind inflation. ready to take firm action to ln addition, the NDP is pre- ln 1978, the average worker lessen the burden of rising pared to offer lower cost mort- lost $216in purchasing power. costs. gages through the RC. Sav- The message is clear: Sorne inflationary pres- ings and Trust Corporation- govern ment should have more sures - the cost ofimports, for legislation the Socreds have concern for your pocketbook. instance - are outside the refused to enact. One more reason ... control of provincial govern- Under Bill Bennett's guid- ments. But provincial govern- ance, however, the provincial ments should, nevertheless, government has worsened the strive to reduce the burden. cost spiral. Youre ICBCwas The NDP did so through The Bennett Socreds added designedas betteroff a break-even rent controls, a price freeze on to the consumer price index by proposition. food and other essentials, and increasing sales taxes, doubl- TheSocreds increased assistance to senior ing ferry rates, increasing car withthe have doubled and tripled rates citizens and others on fixed insurance rates by 100percent to run up a surplus. incomes. to 300 percent, doubling bus NDP The Socreds Consider the record of the an industrial strategy de- Small business bankruptcies ha1!e Clit baeh Bennett government. signed to give us the maxi- have doubled.* ll'umen '8 pro/<rarns drastically. Unemployment among mum benefit from our re- ln addition, major indic a- women is a staggering 10.9 sources now, and at the same tors point to a further decline percent.* Training and ap- time work towards a mature, in our economy - and a prenticeship programs de- balanced economy. further increase in unemploy- signed to give women an To crea te jobs, and to ensure ment - this year.
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