First of Series on Rom Gridiron History - " Starts Today v« Page 6 No. 2 FORDHAM COLLEGE, NEW YORK, OCTOBER 4, 1951 jrtmouth Pix FIRST FRIDAY First Friday Devotions, consist- Premier de Gasperi Honored ing of Benediction and a sermon, \\l will be held in the University fill Be Shown Church tomorrow. All Catholic students of the College are re- Accepts Law Degree [t Cross Rally quired to attend. Seniors and juniors will attend the services at ten o'clock, and From Fr. McGinley . giant rally, demonstrating to the sophomores and freshmen at '51 Rams that the entire student eleven o'clock. Iv of the University will Joe sup- Rev. Thurston N. Davis, S.J., is Dr. Aicide de Gasperi, Premier of ting them when they meet the scheduled to speak to the seniors isaders of Holy Cross at Worces- Italy, received an honorary degree and juniors, and Rev. Eugene K. of Doctor of Laws from Fordham on Saturday, will take place this Culhane, S.J., to the sophomores and freshmen. University on Thursday afternoon, 'he rally will be the beginning of Mass will be celebrated Friday September 27. gala program which the Rally The presentation was made in the mmittee has planned, and which at 8:10 a.m., in the lower Church, ludes another rally at the Worces- for all who wish to attend. Con- office of the Rev. Laurence J. McGin- fessions will be heard Thursday ley, S.J., President of Fordham. Act- City Hall, and an automobile from 12 noon to 2 p.m. in the Uni- •avan to the game. versity Church. ing Mayor Joseph Sharkey of New >ete Brady, '52, stated that the York led the list of notables attend- ly would begin with the showing ing, which included the Premier's the official movies of the Dart- official party, numerous personali- mth game in the Gym at 7 p.m. ach Ed Danowski will then give a Senior Show Set ties of the University campU3, and ort talk. The coach will be fol- representatives of the press. The ved by Chris Campbell, team For Late April Premier was escorted by an honor ptain, who will introduce the team guard composed of members of the the students. Pershing Rifles. E'eatured at the rally will be pan- "Rams Away," the Senior Show, After receiving an Honorary Doctorate of Laws, Premier Aicide de will be presented from April 24 Gasperi is shown with visiting notables and Fordham officials who The citation accompanying the de- mimist and humorist Dave Wilson attended the presentation in the Administration building. Included in the gree, read by the Rev. Edwin A. the Mimes. Assisting in the fes- through April 27, it was announced picture are (1. to r.) the Rev. Lawrence A. Walsh, S .J., Provost; the Most Quain, S. J., Dean of the Graduate Fities will be the band and the by the Rev. Alfred J. Barrett, S.J., Eev. Thomas F. Flannelly, Auxiliary Bishop of New York; Dr. Aicide de School, stated that Fordham was ee club. chairman of the Communication Gasperi; the Rev. Laurence J. McGlnley, S.J., President of the University; "paying a great honor to itself in To cap the evening the committee Arts Department. and the Rev. Edwin A. Quain, S.J., Dean of the Graduate School. bestowing academic honors on this s planned a giant bonfire to take It was decided that both junior illustrious statesman." It continued ace on the prep sports field. The and senior shows would be estab by saying that de Gasperi, "the uni- eshman class will supply the fuel lished as a tradition. versal joy of his fellow citizens," r the fire by bringing in all sorts This year's senior show will be a Oxford Wranglers Visit Here had in the past led his country from inflammable materials. musical, with Fordham life, and col the ravages of World War II, and at Motorcade Set lege life in general, as its theme. the present was leading it away from Dick Pickett, '52, Day Hop repre- Those interested in volunteering the "violent hordes of Communism." ntative to the Student Council, is for the show can apply tomorrow To Debate Outlawing of Reds Father Rector, in his address ac- charge of the motorcade. He and morning between 11 and 12, in the companying the presentation, traced s assistants have been working all Student Council office in the base- Fordham will open its debating season Tuesday, October 9, with a de- the course of three old civilizations, eek in the ticket booth of Keating ment of St. Robert's Hall. bate against a team from Oxford University. John Leary and Edward stating their contributions which led ensure smooth operation. Senior class president, William Menninger will defend the negative of the topic which the Oxford de- the world to peace. Athens showed Pickett palled special attention to Miller, and John Guy, director of baters selected, "Resolved: That any attempts to outlaw the Communist us the necessity of law, and Jerusa- e rally which will take place in Party endanger the liberties they are designed to protect." lem the necessity of Divine Love. the show, emphasized the need for : ont of the Worcester City Hall. "It the cooperation and backing of the Oxford will be represented by<s> ill be a fine demonstration to out- "But the world has a way of for- senior class, in order to make the Dick Taverne and William Rees- FRESHMAN ELECTIONS getting," he said. "In the last four fers of our loyal backing of the show a success. Mogg, who are beginning a tour am," he said. Elections for president, vice presi- centuries, men's dreams have been "Any further social plans for the which will take them to more than dent, secretary, and treasurer of trying to devise some plan for peace As an added attraction for the senior class," Miller said, "depend forty colleges and universities in the freshman class will be held on Oct. that would eliminate the principles lly, Rameses XVI., our famous upon the success, or failure, o" United States. Their only debate be- 11. The rules, as announced by Rob- of both reason and faith . they iscot, is expected to be oh hand. 'Rams Away.'" fore the one with Fordham will be ert B. Beusse, Chairman of the Elec- have tried to build a 'City of the at West Point, Sunday, October 7. tions Committee, are as follows: Machine.' In that time, men have English debating methods are 1. All candidates must submit a let- looked to mathematics, science, and somewhat less formal than Ameri- ter of application containing a list unreasonable philosophies for the ampus Police Go Nufs can and the Fordham debaters will of qualifications, and aims if elect- answer. have to be ready for a variety of ed, along with a petition signed "If our world is to be rescued from approaches from their opponents. by at least 25 nominators, to the the confusions of the philosophies Since both Great Britain and the Dean of Men's office no later than and the chaos of the barbarians, it \lnder Heavy Fall Barrage United States are mulling over the 6 p,m. Friday, Oct. 5. > will need statesmanship like yours. question of the suppression of the It is a statesmanship that involves Communist Party, the subject is 2. The Elections Committee will in- By BILL GIFFORD my best paternal tone: "How much terview all candidates Friday no contempt for realism." •do you get for your chestnuts?" very appropriate. Following this address was a The annual game of "cops and The debate is scheduled for 3:30 evening in the Student Council bbers" between the Fordham cam- He heaved a piece of the new office in the basement of St. Rob- translation, by Father Rector, of the dorm at the tree, aiming at a nut still o'clock, October 9, in the main lec- citation, in Italian, for the benefit of is police and the kids of the neigh- ture hall of Keating. The chairman ert's Hall. on the branch. It fell at-his feet and 3. Campaigns will open on Oct. 5, a recording being made for a Voice rhood has begun, with scores of will be the Rev. Charles P. Lough- of America broadcast. e little fellows swarming over the he scooped it into a small paper bag ran, S.J., Professor of History in and all publicity will be confined mpus each afternoon to search for Finally he decided to acknowledg- to the Dealy Hall and Keating His Excellency, Premier de Gas- my question. the graduate school. peri, told of the gratitude and ap- r estnuts. There are several trees Representatives from all New Hall bulletin boards; only the "Beat, it, you dumb college stu wooden fence posts and the trees preciation of his people* for all that st west of Collins Hall that seem York colleges have been invited to around Edwards Parade may be the United States has done. He also rticularly fruitful. It is there that dent." the debate, which is open to the pub- spoke of how the American spirit, Taken somewhat aback by this re used for outside posters; no nails ey place their lookouts for the lic, and will also be carried over or. tacks may be used on the trees. which is probably best exemplified ndarmes, and proceed to bombard ply, I passed on to another "visitor' WFUV. at Fordham University, will lead the to the campus who had been hidin; Officers for the Council, elected in 4. Parades must be confined to ac- e trees with bricks, stones, chunks tivity periods.
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