1220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. J .ANUAliY 26, Philadelphia, Pa., indorsing House bill No. 887, to provide for passage of the bill to establish an admiralty court at Buffalo, adding and completing specimens and productions, etc., to be ex­ N. Y.-to the Committee on the Judiciary. hibited in the Philadelphia museums-to the Committee on Inter­ Also, papers in behalf of the people of the Seneca Nation, New state and Foreign Commerce. York Indians-to the Committee of Indian Affairs. By Mr. BURLEIGH: Petition of post-office clerks of Augusta, By Mr. SHACKLEFORD: Petitions of the publishers of the Me., in favor of the passage of House bill No. 4351-to the Com­ Weatherford Democrat, Granville Herald, Shiner Ga2ette, Shn­ mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. .lenburg Sticker, Corsicana Truth, Lancaster Herald, Denton Moni­ By Mr. CLARK of Missouri: Protest of the American Federa­ tor, Bonham News, Comanche Exponent, Dublin Progress, Myrtle tion of Labor, against the· ceding of large areas of the public Springs Herald, Georgetown Sun, Circo Roundup, Honey Grove domain to individuals and corporations-to the Committee on Citizen, Bryan Eagle, Greenville Observer, Greenville Independ­ Labor. ent Farmer, Jacksonville Reformer, Goldthwaite Eagle, Farmers­ By Mr. COWHERD: Papers to accompany House bill granting ville Times, Garland News, Brenham Banner, Hillsboro Mirror, a pension to Gevert Schutte-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Temple Times, Waxahachie Enterprise, Gainesville Register, By Mr. DALZELL: Resolutions of Manufacturers' Club of Itasca Item, Longville Times-Clarion, and Henderson Times, all· Philadelphia, Pa., indorsing House bill No. 887, to provide for in Texa.s; NewYorkMillsUusi Kotimaa, Minnesota; Dover (Del.) adding to and completing specimens and productions, etc., to be Sentinel, Gloucester (Mass.) Breeze, Willows (Cal.) Journal, exhibited in the Philadelphia museums-to the Committee on Waukegan (Ill.) Gazette, Toronto (Ohio) Tribune, Cleveland Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (Ohio) Advocate, Pioneer (Ohio) Alliance, Sidney (Ohio) Ga­ By Mr. DOLLIVER: Papers to accompany House bill to increase zette, Independence (Iowa) Farmers' Advocate, Burlington (Iowa) the pension of Seymore Bookman-to the Committee on Invalid Post, Manchester (Iowa) Democrat, Ackley (Iowa) World, Omaha Pensions. (Nebr.) Amerika, Honesdale (Pa.) Citizen, West Point (Nebr.) By Mr. ELLIOTT: Petition of citizens of Charleston County, Republican, Carbondale (Pa.) Leader, Latrobe (Pa.) Clipper, S. C., for improvement of the inland water course for navigation Pottsville (Pa.) Journal, Susquehanna (Pa.) Transcript and Jour­ north of Sullivan and Long Island, South Carolina-to the Com­ nal, and Madisonville (Tenn.) Democrat, for relief from the paper mittee on Rivers and Harbors. trust-to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. EPES: Paper to accompany House bill for the relief of By Mr. STEELE: Petition of Eli March and others, of Logans­ Reuben Ragland-to the Committee on Claims. port, Ind., for the reclassification of post-office clerks-to the Com­ Also, paper to accompany House bill No. 7345, to establish a mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. national military park at the battlefields around Fredericksburg, By Mr. UNDERHILL: Petition of clerks in the post.office at Va.-tothe Committee on Military Affairs. Sing Sing, N. Y., in favor of House bill No. 4351-tothe Commit­ By Mr. ESCH: Resolutions of Eagle Post, No. 52, Grand Army tee on the Post-Office and P03t-Roads. of the Republic, Department of Wisconsin, praying for the re­ By Mr. WADSWORTH: Resolutions adopted by the Lake Car­ introduction and passage of bill for the appointment of honorably riers' Association, Detroit, Mich., favoring the passage of House discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines to office-to the Com- bill No. 3988, to reorganize and improve the Weather Bureau-to mittee on Reform in the Civil Service. - the Committee on Agriculture. Also, resolutions of E. B. Wolcott Post, Grand Army of the Also, resolutions adopted by the trustees of Buffalo, N. Y., Republic, Department of Wisconsin, protesting against the pas­ Merchants' Exchange, to amend the Revised Statutes of the sage of a proposed bill providing for the removal of disabilities of United States relating to the northern district of New York, to all deserters from the military service of the United States-to the divide same into two districts and provide for terms of court to Committee on Invalid Pensions. be held therein-to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. GREENE of Massachusetts: Petition of the National Also, resolution adopted by the Lake Carriers' Association, held Woman Suffragists of Massachusetts, against the insertion of the at Detroit, Mich., favoring the division of the northern judicial dis­ word "male" in the suffrage clauses of the constitutions of trict of New York, etc.-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Hawaii, Cuba, etc.-to the Committee on Insular Affairs. By Mr. YOUNG of Pennsylvania: Petition of druggists of the By Mr. HENRY of Mississippi: Papers in support of House bill Twenty-first Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., Frederick Humphreys, for the relief of the estate of George Rea, deceased, late of Copiah M. D., and others, asking for the repeal of the stamp tax upon County, Miss.-to the Committee on War Claims. proprietary medicines, etc.-to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. HULL: Papers to accompany bill granting a pension to Also, resolution of the Manufacturers' Club of Philadelphia, }lira B. Woolson-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Pa., indorsing House bill No. 887, to provide for adding and com­ By Mr. JACK: Evidence submitted in support of House bill pleting specimens and productions, etc., to be exhibited in the No. 5148, for the relief of W . B. Sutter-to the Committee on the Philadelphia museums-to the Committee on Interstate and For­ Post-Office and Post-Roads. eign Commerce. By Mr. KETCHAM: Petition of citizens of the town of Brew­ ster, N. Y., for legislation relating to dairy or food products-to the Committee on Agriculture. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By Mr. LACEY: Resolution of the Chicago Federation of Labor, FRIDAY, January 26, 1900. against granting the arid lands to the States-to the Committee on the Public Lands. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. By Mr. LONG: Petition of R. P. Murdock and 6 others, of Wich­ HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D. ita, Kans., asking for strict neutrality on the part of the United The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. States in the war between Great Britain and the South African MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. Republic-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. A message from the Senate, by Mr. PLATT, one of its clerks, an­ By Mr. McDOWELL: Petitions of the publishers of the Ashta­ nounced that the Senate had passed without amendment a bill and bula Beacon and Telegraph and the Millersburg Farmer, .in the joint resolution of the following titles: State of Ohio, urging the passage of House bill No. 5029, to put H. J. Res. 129. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of wood pulp and printing paper on the free list-to the Committee War to receive for instruction at the Military Academy at West on Wayi:i and Means. Point Olmedo Alfaro, of Ecuador; and By Mr. MOON: Papers to accompany House bill to remove the H. R. 4602. An act to authorize the Chicago, Rock Island and charge of desertion against the military record of Henry A. Cry­ Pacific Railway Company to construct and operate a r ailway derman-to the Committee on Military Affairs. through the Fort Reno and Fort Sill military reservations, in the By Mr. NORTON of South Carolina: Petition of the board of Territory of Oklahoma, and for other purposes. health of the city of Charleston, S. C., with reference to yellow The message also announced that the Senate had passed with fever in Habana, Cuba-to the Committee on Interstate and For- amendments the bill (H. R. 6237) making appropriations to sup­ eign Commerce. · ·- ply urgent deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year By Mr. PEARRE: Paper to accompany Honse bill for the relief ending June 30, 1900, and for prior years, and for other purposes, t>f Chauncey Kimmell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. in which the concurrence of the House was requested. By Mr. RUSSELL: Resolutions of Division No. 1, Ancient Or­ ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. der of Hibernians, of Stonington, Conn., expressing sympathy with the Boers-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. BAKER, from the Committee on ·Enrolled Bills, reported Also, petition of the Woman Suffrage Association of Connecti­ that they had examined and found truly enrolled bill of the follow­ cut, relating to suffrage in insular possessions-to the Committee ing title; when the Speaker signed the same: on Insular Affairs. H. R. 6777. An act r elative to the widening and extension of By Mr. RYAN of New York: Petition of Buffalo Merchants' Sixteenth street in the District of Columbia. Exchange, to order a preliminary survey of Black Rock Harbor CENSUS. and approaches thereto from Lake Erie-to the Committee on Mr. HOPKINS. Mr. Speaker, I have a privileged report which Rivers and Harbors. I desire to present-a conference report. Also, petition of the Lake Carriers' Association, asking for the The SPEAKER. The i·eport will be read. 1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1221 The Clerk read as follows: The SPEAKER announced the appointment of Mr. CANNON, The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses Mr. BARNEY, and Mr. LIVINGSTON as conferees on the part of the on certain amendments of the House to the bill (S. 2179) entitled" An act re­ House. lating.to the 'l·welfth and subsequent censuses, and .giving to the Director PRINTING FOR COMMITTEE ON RIVERS AND HARBORS, thereof additional power and authority in certain ca.sea, and for other pur­ poses," having met, after full and free conference have agreed to recommend Mr.
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