Soto, Potensi ikon Kuliner Kota Lamongan Soto, Potential Culinary Icon Of Lamongan City Shinta Teviningrum Universitas Gunadarma, Jl. Margonda Raya 100 Depok email: [email protected] Kuliner Soto dikenal di berbagai wilayah Indonesia. Namun, hanya Kota Lamongan, Jawa Timur, yang memiliki motto sebagai Kota Soto. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor pembeda Soto Lamongan dengan soto-soto lainnya, selain juga keistimewaannya. Metode penelitianyang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara mendalam, penyebaran kuesioner untuk melihat popularitas Soto Lamongan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Soto Lamongan memiliki sejarah yang sangat Panjang. Soto diduga berasal dari kuliner Tiongkok. Soto Lamongan memanfaatkan bahan yang tersedia di sekitarnya, yakni bandeng dan ayam jago, masyarakat sekitar memiliki keyakinan bahwa soto berkhasiat terhadap kesehatan. Hasil dari kuesioner adalah lebih dari 70% responden mengenal Soto Lamongan dan telah mencicipi lebih dari 1 (satu) kali. Kata kunci: Soto, Soto Lamongan, Kota Lamongan Abstract Soto is known in various part of Indonesia. However, only Lamongan City, East Java, has a motto as Soto City. This study aims to find the distinguished factors of Soto Lamongan from other soto, as well as its specialities. The research method used is by having observations, in-depth interviews, distributing questionnaires to see the popularity of Soto Lamongan. The result of this research is that Soto Lamongan has a very long history. Soto is thought to have originated from Chinese cuisine. Soto Lamongan utilizes the local ingredients, namely milkfish and rooster. The local community believes that soup has health benefits. The result of the questionnaire is that more than 70% of respondents know Soto Lamongan and have tasted it more than 1 (one) time. Keyword: Soto, Soto Lamongan, Lamongan City 1. INTRODUCTION Soto is one of the 5 favorite traditional culinary delights according to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. There are various types of soto which are spread in various parts of Indonesia. This study aims to find the types of soup that are most widely distributed in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. This research is built on several hypotheses. The hypothesis is that Soto Lamongan is spread in various regions in Indonesia, Soto Lamongan is the most well-known soup, Soto Lamongan has complete nutritional content and health benefits, Soto Lamongan has the potential to develop its popularity 2. METHODS The research was conducted in 3 months, from February to May 2020. Primary data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires via google form, to 100 respondents. Google forms are distributed via electronic mail (email or email) and social media - namely what's app, telegram, and Facebook. Primary data was also obtained through in-depth interviews with several sources and informants. The study obtained data from 100 respondents based in big cities in Java. Research links between prevalence and degree of liking. If repeated research is carried out, similar results will be obtained. The number of respondents and the distribution of questionnaires in different areas will still give results that are not much different. This research is expected to be a model to determine the popularity of a type of culinary. The questionnaire contains several questions that target the respondent's introduction to Soto Lamongan. The questions included whether the respondent recognized the characteristics of Soto Lamongan, what they liked about the taste of Soto Lamongan, how many times tasted Soto Lamongan, why did they like Soto Lamongan. From the informants and informants, several questions were asked, including how many Soto stalls in Lamongan, demographic data on the many Lamongan residents who had migrated and sold soup. As for the informants, questions were asked about the recipe for Soto Lamongan. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION(Times new Romans 12 bold) This research shows that Soto Lamongan is spread across all major islands in Indonesia. Its distribution area is Sumatra Island, Java Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, Papua, Bali, Nusa Tenggara. Even Soto Lamongan is found abroad, namely in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. The number of sellers obtained at the time of the study is shown in Table 3.1 Tabel 3.1 Numbers of Soto Vendor in Big Cities No. City/Island Numbers of seller 1. Banda Aceh 2 2. Padang 7 3. Pekan Baru 10 4. Palembang 19 5. Lampung 14 6. Jakarta 74 7. Bandung 18 8. Semarang 20 9. Surabaya 23 10. Balikpapan 21 11. Pontianak 18 12. Banjarmasin 20 13. Makassar 22 14, Gorontalo 3 15. Kendari 9 16. Palu 12 17. Ambon 4 18. Papua 4 19. Bali 20 20. Nusa Tenggara Barat 20 21 Nusa Tenggara Timur 8 Sumber: Data diolah According to the source, the number of nomads from Lamongan City was around 100,000 people. Of this number, around 65% do business selling soup. The form and class of the business are in the form of stalls, either permanent or non-permanent buildings or tents. The development of the number of Soto Lamongan sellers is due to the close relationship from the same hometown. One seller will invite to help, the next one who helps will open their own shop. However, a seller can also invite his acquaintances to sell in the area around the shop. Initially the recipe for soto Lamongan used the main ingredients of milkfish and rooster. In addition to milkfish and rooster, they are boiled separately to take the broth, but especially for rooster after being boiled, the meat is also taken for soup concoction. The seasonings are shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger, galangal, pepper, bay leaves, lemongrass. Other complements are koyah, chili sauce and lime. In the soup, there are shredded chicken, vermicelli, boiled chicken eggs, broth, leeks, koyah, chili sauce, and lime. Koyah is a typical complement to Soto Lamongan. Koyah powder is made from prawn crackers or crackers, fried shrimp, and fried garlic that are crushed together. Koyah will affect the character of the soup. The addition of the koyah will make the soup thicken, as well as the more savory and aromatic smell of fried garlic. The use of milkfish and corn chicken as broth gives a delicious savory taste. The rooster was chosen because it is believed to be tastier, less fatty, has a lot of meat, and does not crumble when it is boiled for a long time, compared to hens. The addition of boiled chicken eggs adds weight to the protein in Lamongan soup. Based on the nutritional test, an average serving of complete Lamongan soup contains about 425 calories. Various spices as spices that are often referred to as jangkep spices in the Java region provide health benefits. Thus, the people of Lamongan view soto as healthy food and provide strength for recovery from illness. Respondents being able to recognize the typical character of Soto Lamongan. Some of the characters that appear are the use of chicken soup, using koyah, yellow soup, savory and steady taste. Table 3.2 Characters of Soto Lamongan 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 Koyah Yellow Savoury Fresh soup Soto Lamongan is best known among the soto proposed to respondents. The order from the best known to the least known is 1. Soto Lamongan, 2. Soto Kudus, 3. Soto Betawi, 4. Coto Makassar, 5. Soto Padang. This comparison is illustrated in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 Popularity level of 5 kinds Indonesian Soto Soto Lamongan Soto Kudus Soto Betawi Coto Makassar Soto Padang From the results of this study, it appears that several factors cause the popularity of culinary. This research shows a relationship between nomads and culinary popularity. The more migrants, the more popular a culinary will be. Migrants will bring their eating habits to their overseas places. Another factor is the ease of obtaining ingredients. Soto Lamongan uses the main ingredient in the form of chicken which can be obtained in various major cities in Indonesia. Likewise, the seasoning is in the form of spices which are commonly used in every traditional meal. Soto Lamongan does not use the typical spices of a region. The distinctive and easily accepted taste is the next factor that makes Soto Lamongan preferred. The use of chicken meat makes the sauce savory, while chicken is one of the most consumed sources of protein. Easy ways to process ingredients and spices, as well as low prices are other supporting factors that facilitate distribution. 4. CONCLUSION The conclusion from this study answers all hypotheses. Soto Lamongan is the most well- known soup. Soto lamongan is spread in various regions in Indonesia Soto Lamongan has complete nutritional content and has health benefits Soto Lamongan has the potential to develop its popularity. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (Times New Roman 12 bold) This research was able to run smoothly thanks to the support of a number of parties. Gunadarma University and District Government, fellow culinary activists, respondents. 6. REFERENCES Susantiningrum; Yudhistira, Bara. 2017.Kuliner Soto Nusantara Kumpulan Resep Universitas Sebelas Maret Abdullah, T. 1985. Sejarah Lokal di Indonesia. Jakarta: Gajah Mada University Press. Kemendiknas. 2010. Pengembangan Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Kuntowijoyo. 1994. Metodologi Sejarah. 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