Akademik Ziraat Dergisi 8(2): 209-216 (2019) Research ISSN: 2147-6403 e-ISSN: 2618-5881 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29278/azd.533449 (Araştırma) Hemiptera species determined in almond orchards in Mugla and Manisa provinces of Turkey and population fluctuation of Monosteira unicostata (Hemiptera: Tingidae)* Mehmet Fatih TOLGA 1, Zeynep YOLDAŞ 2 1Directorate of Plant Protection Research Institute, Izmir 2Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University, Izmir * - . The study was oral presented at the 4th Internatıonal Agriculture Congress 05 08 July 2018, Nevşehir, Turkey , 2 Ekim 2019 Sorumlu yazar: Mehmet Fatih TOLGA, e-posta: [email protected] Alınış tarihi: 28 Şubat 2019 Kabul tarihi: Abstract Typhlocyba rosae ve This study was carried out in the localities of Datça, Z.Türkiye'de discolor badem ağaçlarında beslenmeleri ilk kez Fethiye, Seydikemer (Mugla) and Akhisar, Kula bu çalışma ile tespit edilmiştir. (Manisa) where almond plantations are common in yaprakların üzerinde ve altında renk Aegean region from 2014 to 2016. During this study, yükseksolması popülasyonayapar ve bu durumsahip olanyaprakların türün Monosteirabeyazımsı unicostatahale gelmesine neden olur. Türler arasında en Hemiptera order were found. Among these insects 63 insect species belonging to 18 families from Anahtar kelimeler: Badem, Badem zarar 15 species feed in almond trees. For the first time, olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Typhlocyba rosae and Zygina discolor were identified Hemiptera, Monosteira unicostata lıları, to feed in almond trees in Turkey in this study. T. rosae and Z. discolour feed on and under the leaves Introduction this situation lead to leaves turn into whitish. It was concluded that Monosteira unicostata, which has the – highest population density among species. internalThe suitability makets of are the encouragingecological conditions the rapid of increase Turkey, Key words: Almond, Almond pests, Hemiptera, ofthe almond abundance production. of land Especially and demands in recent in yearsexternal, the Monosteira unicostata presence of almond orchards increases significantly as a result of almond planting for the forestation of Türkiye'nin Muğla ve Manisa illerinde badem large areas that have lost its forest nature. According bahçelerinde tespit edilen Hemiptera türleri ve to the data of Turkish Statistical Institute (Tüik, Monosteira unicostata (Hemiptera: Tingidae)’nın 2018), at the most almonds produced provinces are popülasyon değişimi Adiyaman (48714 da), Sanliurfa (33842 da), Manisa (33505 da) and Mugla (20084 da). The survey was carried out in almond orchards in Aegean region Öz almond areas, Manisa and Mugla provinces. There - . u However, there is no data on the Hemiptera order in Bu çalışma, 2014 2016 yılları arasında Ege almondare many production records about areas Hemiptera in the Aegean fauna inregion. Turkey In Bölgesi'nde badem yetiştiriciliğinin yaygın olduğ this study, the Hemiptera species found in almond Datça, Fethiye, Seydikemer (Muğla) ve Akhisar, Kula trees were determined and the species fed with (Manisa) ilçelerinde yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma sırasında Hemiptera takımına bağlı 18 familyaya ait 63 böcek the potential damage of the species fed with almond Typhloctürü bulunmuştur.yba rosae veBu Zyginaböcekler discolor arasında türlerinin 15 tür almond trees were tried to be determined. Data on badem ağaçlarında beslendiği saptanmıştır. trees were obtained. 210 Tolga, M.F., Yoldaş, Z. Materials And Methods 22.IV.2014, (50); 19.III.15, (50); Seydikemer, 22.IV.2014, (25). Totally 335 specimens. in Manisa province Akhisar, Kula and Mugla province Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy, 1762) This study was conducted between 2014 and 2016 Datca, Fethiye, Seydikemer districts on almond Manisa: Akhisar, 16.IV.2014, (60); Kula, 25.IV.2014, orchards. The methods used to collect Hemiptera 16.IV.2014, (130); Seydikemer, 16.IV.2014, (20); 22.VII.2015,(65); Muğla: (30). Datça, Totally 28.III.2014, 300 specimens. (25); Fethiye, orchard.samples Accordingare visual to thesesampling, methods, beating the speciesrandomly fed choosen tree branches of different sides of each Brachycaudus cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) and recorded. Manisa: Akhisar, 04.IV.2014, (145); Kula, 25.III.2014, by different parts of the almond trees were identified (65); The population fluctuation of the Monosteira 19.III.2014, (15); Seydikemer, 06.V.2014, (20). unicostata Totally Muğla:255 specimens. Datça, 01.IV.2014, (10); Fethiye, frappage methodwas monitored (hitting the by 25weekly trees, sampling 4 strokes from per Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae (Linnaeus,1761) tree,January and tocollecting November. the fallingThe sampling individuals method on a 40*40 was Manisa: Akhisar, 16.IV.2014 (25); Kula, 25.IV.2014, cm sized cloth). In order to determine the damage rate, 100 twigs were collected from each orchard, 08.IV.2014, (10); Seydikemer, 06.V.2014, (10). Totally(40); Muğla:95 specimens. Datça, 28.III.2014, (10); Fethiye, pest were recorded as damaged. Cicadellidae and twigs with discoloration leaves caused by the Results Aphrodes bicinctus (Schrank, 1776) Hemiptera Species Manisa: Akhisar, 05.VI.2015, (3). Totally 3 specimens. 18 families from Hemiptera order were found. Asymmetrasca decedens (Paoli, 1932) AmongResults theseof the insectsstudy, 6315 insectspecies species fed from belonging different to Manisa: Akhisar, 26.III.2014, (9); 04.IV.2014, (4); part of almond trees. 16.IV.2014, (25); 21.V.2014, (124); 03.VII.2014, (32); Achilidae 20.III.2015, (35); 12.VI.2015, (15); 10.III.2016 (16); Cixidia parnassia (Stal, 1859) 18.VIII.2016, (2); Kula, 25.IV.2014, (40); 29.V.2014, (1); 09.III.2015, (15); 12.IV.2016, (5); 14.VI.2016 29.IV.2015, (1); Seydikemer, 29.IV.2015, (2); 3.IV.2015, 11.V.2016,Manisa: Akhisar, (3). Tot ally31.V.2016, 7 specimens. (1); Muğla: Fethiye, (13); 19.II.2016, (2); 29.IV.2016, (2); Fethiye, 08.IV.2014,(42); Muğla: (10);Datça, Seydikemer, 01.VII.2014, 06.V.2014,(2); 0 (10); Anthocoridae 17.VI.2014, (3); 20.VII.2014 (8). Totally 415 Anthocoris nemorum (Linnaeus, 1761) specimens. Manisa: Akhisar, 05.VI.2015, (2); 09.III.2015, (1); Typhlocyba rosae Jensen-Haarup, 1920 Manisa: Akhisar, 06.III.2014, (1); 04.IV.2014, (4); (3); Fethiye, 29.IV.2015 (1). Totally 11 specimens. Muğla: Datça, 7.V.2014, (1); 20.V.15, (3); 30.VII.2016, 21.V.2014, (105); 19.VI.2015, (20); 20.III.2015, (20); Aphrophoridae 12.VI.2015, (15); 10.III.2016, (6); Kula, 25.III.2014, Lepyronia coleoptrata (Linnaeus, 1758) Manisa: Kula, 12.VI.2015, (1). Totally 1specimens (12); 10.VII.2015, (25); 29.IV.2016, (2); Fethiye, 12.III.2015,(10); 15.VII.2016, (5); (25);19.III.2015, Muğla: Datça,(2); Seydikemer,09.VI.2015, Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758) 17.VI.2014, (3). Totally 255 specimens. Zyginidia discolor Horvath, 1897 20.IV.2015, (2); 30.IV.2015, (1); 15.I.2016, (1). TotallyManisa: 5 specimens.Akhisar, 01.V.2014, (1); Muğla: Datça, Manisa: Akhisar, 26.III.2014, (8); 09.VI.2014, (28); 19.VI.2015, (7); 30.III.2015, (5); 19.VI.2015, (7); Aphididae Kula, 05.VI.2015, (8); 10.VII.2015, (5); 19.II.2016, Brachycaudus amygdalinus (Schouteden, 1905) Datça, 13.III.2015, (10); 03.IV.2015, (20); Manisa: Akhisar, 16.IV.2014, (80); Kula, 30.V.2014, 17.IV.2015, (2); 16.IV.2015, (6). Totally 112 specimens.(6); Muğla: (120); Muğla: Datça, 01.IV.2014, (10); Fethiye, Hemiptera species determined in almond orchards in Mugla and Manisa provinces of Turkey and population… ________ 211 Eupelix cuspidata 02.VIII.2016, (1). Totally 2 specimens. Manisa: Akhisar, 03.VII.2015, (1); Muğla: Datça, (Fabricius, 1779) Enoplops disciger (Kolenati, 1845) Euscelis lineolatus Brulle, 1832 Muğla: Fethiye, 29.IV.2015, (1). Totally 1 specimens. Manisa: Akhisar, 10.VII.2015, (1). Totally 1 29.IV.2015, (1); 02.VI.2016, (1). Totally 3 specimens. specimens. Muğla: Datça, 01.IV.2016, (1); Seydikemer, Centrocoris variegatus Kolenati, 1845 Hardya anatolica Zachvatkin, 1946 Manisa: Akhisar, 31.V.2016, (2). Totally 2 specimens. Gonocerus acuteangulatus (Goeze, 1778) Megophtphalmus scabripennis Edwards, 1915 Muğla: Datça, 20.V.2015, (2). Totally 2 specimens. Manisa: Akhisar, 20.III.2015, (3); 07.V.2015, (3); 15.I.2016, (2); 29.IV.2016, (2). Totally 5 specimens. Manisa: Akhisar, 18.IX.2015, (1); Muğla: Datça, 07.VIII.2014, (2); 21.IV.2015, (6). Totally 18 Camptopus lateralis (Germar, 1817) specimens.Muğla: Datça, 01.IV.2014, (1); 30.IV.2014, (3); Manisa: Akhisar, 15.VII.2016, (3); Kula, 25.III.2014, Neoaliturus fenestratus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1834) (2); 02.X.2015, (1); 25.III.2014, (2). Totally 8 specimens. 02.VII.2014, (1). Totally 2 specimens. Cydnidae Manisa: Akhisar, 22.V.2015, (1); Muğla: Seydikemer, Tremulicerus mesopyrrhus Sehirus morio (Linnaeus, 1761) Manisa: Akhisar, 20.III.2015, (4). Totally 4 Manisa: Akhisar, 04.IV.2014, (1); 12.VI.2015, (1); Kirschbaum, 1868 specimens. 4 specimens. Cicadidae Muğla: Datça, 17.IV.2015, (1); 12.V.2015, (1). Totally Diaspididae Cicada mordoganensis Boulard, 1979 Lepidosaphes ulmi (Linnaeus, 1758) 01.VIII.2016, (12); Seydikemer, 01.VIII.2016, (9). TotallyMuğla: 58 Datça,specimens. 21.VII.2014, (37); Fethiye, specimens. Muğla: Datça, 07.XII.2016, (20). Totally 20 Lyristes plebejus (Scopoli, 1763) Parlatoria oleae Manisa: Akhisar, 21.III.2014, (176); 20.XII.2016, (Colvee, 1880) (4); Seydikemer, 22.VIII.2016, (5). Totally 16 (155). Totally 331 specimens. specimens.Muğla: Datça, 23.VIII.2016, (7); Fethiye, 22.VIII.2016; Dictyopharidae Cixiidae Dictyophara europaea (Linnaeus, 1767) Eumecurus bourouensis (Linnavuori, 1965) Manisa: Kula, 25.VI.2014, (2). Totally 2 specimens. Manisa: Akhisar, 10.III.2016, (2); Kula, 18.IX.2015, Issidae (1). Totally 3 specimens. Agalmatium bilobum Pentastiridius leporinus (Linnaeus, 1761) Manisa: Akhisar, 02.II.2014, (35); 21.V.2014, (42); (Fieber, 1877) pecimens. 23.VI.2014, (3); 03.VII.2015, (21); 31.V.2016, (3); Pentastira majör Muğla: Datça, 01.VII.2014, (3). Totally 3 s 07.V.2014, (6); 12.V.2015, (5); 12.V.2016, (19); Manisa: Akhisar, 03.VII.2015, (1); 10.VII.2015, (2); Kirschbaum, 1868 Fethiye,Kula, 31.V.2016, 19.III.2014, (3); Muğla: (15); Datça, 27.V.2014, 14.II.2014, (32);(45); 18.VI.2015, (8).
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