@ LAKE @ LAKE AWOONGA AWOONGA FISHING AND BOATING CATCHCATCH LIMITSLIMITS FISHINGFISHING AND AND BOATING BOATING CATCH LIMITS Fish stocking of Lake Awoonga began in the early 1980s, and was carried out BarramundiBarramundi – – no no closed closed season season for for Lake Lake Awoonga Awoonga but but seasonal seasonal limits limits apply: apply: FishFish stocking stocking of of Lake Lake Awoonga Awoonga began began in inthe the early early 1980s, 1980s, and and was was carried carried out out Barramundi – no closed season for Lake Awoonga but seasonal limits apply: by local stocking groups and under the Queensland Dept of Primary Industries byby local local stocking stocking groups groups and and under under the the Queensland Queensland Government Dept of Primary Recreational Industries (DPI) Recreational Fishery Enhancement Program. Restocking at this time saw Season Season OpenOpen 1st 1st Feb Feb - - 31 31 Oct Oct CloseClose 1st 1st Nov Nov - - 31st 31st Jan Jan Fishery(DPI) RecreationalEnhancement FisheryProgram. Enhancement Restocking Program.at this time Restocking saw almost at this 250,000 time saw Season Open 1st Feb - 31 Oct Close 1st Nov - 31st Jan almost 250,000 fingerlings (baby fish) released into Lake Awoonga. fingerlingsalmost 250,000 (baby fingerlingsfish) released (baby into fish)Lake releasedAwoonga. into Lake Awoonga. SizeSize Limit Limit 58cm58cm min. min. / / 120cm 120cm max max 58cm58cm minimum minimum Accommodation Size Limit 58cm min. / 120cm max 58cm minimum Accommodation Because this stocking effort met with limited success, in 1991 Gladstone Area Because this stocking effort met with limited success, in 1991 Gladstone Area Lake Awoonga Caravan Park (07) 4975 0155 Water Board (GAWB) commissioned consultants to survey the lake, and to PossessionPossession Limit Limit FiveFive (one (one of of which which can can be be OneOne of of which which can can be be Lake Awoonga Caravan Park (07) 4975 0155 BecauseWater thisBoard stocking (GAWB) effort commissioned met with limited consultants success, toin 1991survey Gladstone the lake, Areaand to Possession Limit Five (one of which can be One of which can be Lake Awoonga Caravan Park (07) 4975 0155 make recommendations on future stocking. The consultant’s report concluded greatergreater than than 120cm) 120cm) greatergreater than than 120cm 120cm Watermake Boardrecommendations (GAWB) commissioned on future stocking. consultants The toconsultant’s survey the report lake, concludedand to greater than 120cm) greater than 120cm that stocked species were not a significant component of the fishery and Bird-Watching that stocked species were not a significant component of the fishery and Bird-Watching OtherOther Rules Rules OnlyOnly one one & & can can be be NoNo special special tagging tagging make recommendations on future stocking. The consultant’s report concluded Other Rules Only one & can be No special tagging highlighted the large number of predators present, which presumably were Rod Harrison 0418 892 600 highlighted the large number of predators present, which presumably were Rod Harrison 0418 892 600 overover 120cm 120cm requiredrequired that stocked species were not a significant component of the fishery and over 120cm required reducing survival rates. The recommendations from this were that barramundi highlightedreducing survivalthe large rates. number The recommendationsof predators present, from whichthis were presumably that barramundi were be stocked as the principal species due to its rapid growth, high survival Boat and Houseboat Hire be stocked as the principal species due to its rapid growth, high survival Boat and Houseboat Hire SeaSea Mullet Mullet MinimumMinimum 30cm 30cm / / no no maximum maximum reducing survival rates. The recommendations from this were that barramundi Sea Mullet Minimum 30cm / no maximum potential and competitive nature. After consultation with DPI, the decision was Mangrove Jack Minimum 35cm / no maximum Barrawoonga 0422 223 399 potential and competitive nature. After consultation with DPI, the decision was Mangrove Jack Minimum 35cm / no maximum Barrawoonga 0422 223 399 Mangrove Jack Minimum 35cm / no maximum be stocked as the principal species due to its rapid growth, high survival made to establish a hatchery to supply the large number, and genetic strain, OtherOther Fish Fish DPI&FQueensland fishing Government regulations fishinggovern captureregulations Lake Awoonga Houseboats & Leisure Hire (07)(07) 49754975 09300930 made to establish a hatchery to supply the large number, and genetic strain, Other Fish DPI&F fishing regulations govern capture Lake Awoonga Houseboats & Leisure Hire (07) 4975 0930 potential and competitive nature. After consultation with the State Government, of fingerlings required. In 1996, the first barramundi were released into Lake ofgovern other capturespecies of other species of fingerlings required. In 1996, the first barramundi were released into Lake of other species Awoonga. Club/Groups theAwoonga. decision was made to establish a hatchery to supply the large number, Club/Groups CatchCatch Records: Records: BarramundiBarramundi 33.3kg33.3kg (122cm (122cm approx) approx) Gladstone SkiBowhunters and Barefoot Club 0409(07) 4976 705 4359678 and genetic strain, of fingerlings required. In 1996, the first barramundi were Catch Records: Barramundi 33.3kg (122cm approx) Gladstone Bowhunters (07) 4976 9678 The Gladstone Area Water Board (supported by the Gladstone Ports MangroveMangrove jack: jack: 4.5kg4.5kg approx approx (61cm) (61cm) GladstonePort Curtis BowhuntersScout Group (07)(07) 49764972 96785300 releasedThe Gladstone into Lake Awoonga.Area Water Board (supported by the Gladstone Ports Mangrove jack: 4.5kg approx (61cm) Port Curtis Scout Group (07) 4972 5300 Corporation Limited) operates a modern marine fish hatchery for the purpose SeaSea mullet: mullet: 4kg4kg (80cm (80cm approx) approx) Port Curtis Scout Group (07) 4972 5300 Corporation Limited) operates a modern marine fish hatchery for the purpose Sea mullet: 4kg (80cm approx) of supplying fingerlings to restock Lake Awoonga, Gladstone’s principal water Fishing Charters of supplying fingerlings to restock Lake Awoonga, Gladstone’s principal water Fishing Charters storage. The hatchery is one of the largest breeders of barramundi fingerlings GAWBstorage. (supported The hatchery by the is one Gladstone of the largest Ports Corporationbreeders of barramundiLimited) operates fingerlings a FishingBarra Madness Charters 0420 846 345 modern marine fish hatchery for the purpose of supplying fingerlings to restock Barra Madness 0420 846 345 in Queensland. It also breeds mangrove jack and sea mullet. Since 1996 over BarraJamie MadnessBein 04200407 846434 345446 in Queensland. It also breeds mangrove jack and sea mullet. Since 1996 over Jamie Bein 0407 434 446 2,200,000 barramundi, 430,000 mullet and 13,000 mangrove jack fingerlings Lake2,200,000 Awoonga, barramundi, Gladstone’s 430,000 principal mullet water and storage. 13,000 mangroveThe hatchery jack is fingerlings one of JamieLake Awoonga Bein Guided Fishing Tours 04070429 434723 446757 Lake Awoonga Guided Fishing Tours 0429 723 757 have been released into Lake Awoonga. thehave largest been breeders released of into barramundi Lake Awoonga. fingerlings in Queensland. It also breeds LakeMatthew Awoonga Mott SportfishingGuided Fishing Charters Tours 04290428 723682594 757 mangrove jack and sea mullet. Over 3,691,357 barramundi, 465,718 sea Matthew Mott Sportfishing Charters 0428 682594 FISH STOCKS Rod Harrison 0418 892 600 mulletFISH and STOCKS 70,942 mangrove jack fingerlings have been released into Lake Rod Harrison 0418 892 600 BarBarramundiramundi Awoonga. Barramundi LatesLates calcarifer calcarifer MangroveMangrove Jack Jack Tourism Information Lates calcarifer Mangrove Jack Tourism Information Approximately 300,000 fish are released each year including 200,000 LutjanusLutjanus argentimaculatus argentimaculatus Approximately 300,000 fish are released each year including 200,000 Lutjanus argentimaculatus barramundi and some mangrove jack. By October 2009 a total of over GAPDL Gladstone Information Centre (07)(07) 49724972 90009000 barramundi and some mangrove jack. By October 2009 a total of over GAPDL Gladstone Information Centre (07) 4972 9000 3.4 million fish had been released into Lake Awoonga including 2.88 million 3.4 million fish had been released into Lake Awoonga including 2.88 million barramundi, 465,000 sea mullet and 70,600 mangrove jack. (These fish were BEbarramundi, AWARE 465,000 OF HAZARDS! sea mullet and 70,600 mangrove jack. (These fish were bred at Gladstone Area Water Board’s Fish Hatchery facility.) bred at Gladstone Area Water Board’s Fish Hatchery facility.) Gladstone Area Water Board At full supply level of 40m above sea level, the total capacity of Lake Gladstone Area Water Board BE AWARE OF HAZARDS! SaratogaSaratoga SeaSea Mullet Mullet Gladstone147 Goondoon Area Street Water Board AwoongaBE AWARE is 777,000 OF megalitres. HAZARDS! Because of fluctuating water levels, boat Saratoga Sea Mullet 147 Goondoon Street ScleropagesScleropages leichardti leichardti MugilMugil cephalus cephalus 147PO Box Goondoon 466 Street users of the lake should be aware that submerged hazards exist. The waters of Scleropages leichardti Mugil cephalus PO Box 466 PO Box 466 At full supply level of 40m above sea level, the total capacity of Lake GLADSTONE QLD 4680 LakeAt Awoongafull supply are level controlled of 40m by aboveQueensland sea level,Boating the and total Fisheries capacity
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