A Salutes Madison Blues Ve of First Home Game

A Salutes Madison Blues Ve of First Home Game

The Wisron§}|ijr§tate Journal MADISON, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1942 MO Nrll Bnnrt.lhU Ol'ch.-WBBM News Broadcasts ISO Moan Hlvev—WTMJ WLW •M Shep Fields Orch.—WGN WIBA Salutes Madison Blues TONIGHT Laff-a-Day .00 Ban-on Elliott Orcll.—WBBM ai TONIGHT 5:00 KMOX WCFL 10:00 WBBM WTMJ :00 John Kirby Orcli.—WMAQ b:llll WLW WtfNR 10:15 WLW :!)!! ntliulo voii Want—Wr.NIl AT 8:40 P. M. OR LATE OWL on Eve of First Home Game Si is WHA WTM.I io::tn WIBU :oa Jimmy Joy Orch.—WON 15:211 WMAQ lO'.'M WON WBBM •.IS Heebie, llcilmca Orch.—WBBM I)::i0 WIBA WBBM 11:00 WMAQ WON HOLLYWOOD Stnllnn WIBA tonight will sa- :30 Bob Chester Orch.—WENR 5:45 WMAQ WBHMliOO WBBM WIBU :30 Let's Danco—WMAQ ute the Madison BJues on the eve 5:55 WGN 11:00 WIBA WIND Navy's 'CPO' 6:30 WGN WLS 11:30 WGN :32 Ted Woems Orch.—WGN "SNEAK" of their first home game of the P :00 Music Hall (to 2)— WMAQ PREVIEW 0;. IO WIBA WIBU 11:55 WTMJ WMAQ season. A special broadcast at 7:30 8:45 WIBA WMAW 11:55 WIBA •SO. Eddy Duchln Orch.—WGN Of An Outstanding Coming Attraction! will present Manager Walter Mil- 1:00 WIND WCFl, 12:0(1 WCFL WGN Come Kurly A I. 7:00—8 7:15 WCFL WJJD 12:00 WBBM WIND Come l,«tc nl. 10:1(1—H ics. Business Manager Rollic 7:30 WIND WIBU IU:15 KMOX State Approves 'S 'The Shanghai Gesture' :S2 ra: flnrmim, Prcs. Dunne Bowmnn, 7:TO KMOX WUl)M12:nn WGN WLW ind Boh Colcmnri, innnnccr of HM WIBA l^:rpn WICNH. W1NR WGN I :IIO WIND WGN Waterworks Plans Kvsmsvlllc, Iho Blues' first op- WON r.:m WGN ponent nt Bi'ceae Stevens field. 0:45 WBBM WLS 1:45 WBBM PARKWAY Technical approval oC engineers' 9:45 WGN WIND : 2:00 WIND WGN Others attractions tonight: plans for waterworks and sewer- 10:00 WIBU WLW 3:00 WIND 2 30 2:4 LAST 2 DAYS! 10:00 WIND WCFL 4:00 WIND age developments was announced LAST DAY -i:sa' n' - -7 - 10:1° -0 What Kay does to Shakespeare Is Sports 10:00 WMAQ WIBA 5:00 WIND today by the bureau of sanitary strictly super-duper ... in this hit 9 p. m.—Bill Stern (WMAQ): engineering, state board of health, that flashes with songs and laughs! and Mel Ott. Sports Reviews as follows: •> <• * TONIGHT Sewer extensions for Bonvcr 5:15 WIND 0:00 WTMJ WMAQ Dam, Bloominglon, Burlington, Drama 5:30 WGN WTMJ 10:15 WBBM Footvillc, Green Bay, and Hurley, G p. m,—This Is War! (WIBA): 5:45 WTMJ 10:30. KMOX WCCO Raymond Masscy in "Yours Re- ceived and Contents Noted." News Broadcasts 9:30 p. m. — Ellcry Queen SUNDAY (WMAQ): "The Adventure o£ the A.M. G -.00 WBBM KMOX 7:00 WIND WBBM 5:30 WIBU DAVIDSON'S Missing Child." 7:00 WIBA WLW 8:15 WENR STARTING TOMORROW! 10:15*p. m. — Story Drama B:00 WCCO WIND 8:25 WGN WIBA on (WIBA): Robert L.. Stevenson's 8:00 WIBA WLW 7:00 WBBM WCCO •ill- •'•' -' 'The Body Snatchers." 8:00 WMAQ WBBM 1:00 WIBU WIND 8:30 WTMJ 7:15 WJJD H« IOKON . MTSI ItUf . rtlB DM IUTB o o o 9:00 WIND WCFL 7:45 WGN Rita Ascot, of "Ma Perkins" 9:30 WIBU 7:55 KMOX WBBM Lake Ripley •*d KAY KYSelCS (AND ftattmut fame, shows Insignia for 8:55 WGN . 8:00 WIND Harry BMtt,IiA KatiUlt. Sri} Mast* Music 10:00 KMOX WCFL 8 :«.5 WENB at "Chief Pretty Officer" post at 8 p. m. — Summer Symphony 10:00 WIND WCCO 8:55 WGN PLUS—MIRTH! MYSTERY! U. S. Great Lakes Training (WIBA): Izler Solomon, con- 10:00 WGN WBBM 8:00 WGN station — lipstick rampant. 10:00 WIBU WTMJ 10:00 WLW WIND Cambridge, Wis. Chester ductor; "Symphony No. 40," Mo- 10:00 WLW WMAQ J0:00 WTMJ WIBA SHE WENT OUT FOI 10:00 WLS WIBA .10:15 WLW WMAQ MORRIS zart; "Serenade in F Minor," A LftftK AND CAMI Weiner; "Voices of Spring," 10:15 WJJD 10:30 WENH 11:00 WBBM WCFL 10:30 WGNWBBM HOMEWITHAMBTI Jean Frequencies Strauss . America Loves a Mel- 11:00 WIND WIBU 11:00 WIND KMOX OPEN Sounds bad.. but it't qood, WIBA 1J1D OTMAQ 610 PARKER ody (WGN): "Alice Blue Gown," 11:30 WGN WLS 31:00 WENR WIBA Good clean fun to knock you WHA S70 IVGN TZO ! 11:45 WTMJ 11:00 WGN WTMJ KS1P 1300 WIND 560 'My Hero," "Ave Maria," "Sib- P. M. 11:00 WMAQ WLW el««n out ol your ««Ul WBBM 180 VVLBti »30 oney," medleys from "The Vaga- 12:00 WIBU WENR 11:30 WON May I Oth, for WCCO no WI,S 890 12:10 WGN 11:45 WCFL "/ don't understand it. Eighteen holes of golf agree toith him WCFL 1000 VVLW 190 bond King" and "Show Boat." Marlene DIETRICH 12:25 WENR ]1:B5 KMOX WIBA fine, hut 19 alulays ghe him the hiccups!* 22nd Season WIUU 1140 WTMJ «ZO 8:45 p. m.—Saturday Night 12:30 WCCO WIBA 11:55 WMAQ WKNH Fied MacMURR AY NADISOI RENR 890 KM OX ItZO Serenade (WBBM): "The Cais- 12:41! WCPL 12:00 WGN WIND (Program! uited tn The ltat> 1:15 WLW sons Go Boiling Along," "Autumn 12:30 WLW WGN 8:30 Double or Nothing—WON 11:30 Will Osborne Orch.—WENH Listed In Duncan Nines' journal ar» checked to the last 2:00 WIND 12:55 WENK 10:00 Headlines and Bylines—WBBM 11:30 Nlte Watch (to 2)—WIND TOMORROW 3 SHOW posilble moment Changes may bt Nocturne," "Kentucky Babe," 3:00 WIND 1:00 WGN WIND 10:00 Most Honored Music—WENB 11:30 Teddy Powell Orch.—WMAQ "Adventures in made, however, at the discretion "Mighty Lak a Rose," "Don't Sit 4:00 WIBU WIND 1:30 WGN 10:00 The Answer Man—WGN LADYIS FIRST SHOWING! of stations tad networks.) 4:45 WBBM KMOX 2:00 WIND Good Eating" Under the Apple Tree." 10:15 Shep Fields Orch.—WBBM lo;30 3 Sheets In the Wind—WMAQ WILLING 10:35 Buddy Franklin Orch.—WENB WIBA Tonight Sports Reviews 10:45 Eddy Ducnin Orch.—WGN RESERVATIONS, PLEASE Discussion P.M. 5:15 KMOX 11:00 Church or Deliverance—WIND 5:00 NBC Dinner Music. 11:00 Harry James Orch.—WBBM 5:25 America Calling. 6:30 p. m.—Today's War and 1:15 WJJD 5:30 WCFL Phone 5:30 Newi Edition. 3:00 WIBU B:00 WJJD 11:05 Francis Craig Orch.—WMAQ IBILL EUIOTT-TEX HITTER I You (WBBM): new roundtable 3:30 WJJD 30:15 WTMJ 11:05 Orrin Tucker Orch.—WGN 11:45 Interlude. 11:15 Lawrence Welfc Orch.—WGN Cambridge! 05 W Hilarious Experiences! C:00 NBC This Is War. series; representatives ol army, 3:40 WGN 11:05 KMOX 6:30 News Edition. marines, social security board, 6:35 Dinner Melody. civil service commission. «:45 NBC H. V. Kaltenoorn. 4:45 William L. Shirer—WBBM KMOX 7:00 NBC The O:een Hornet. o o o 7:30 Madison Blues Preview. Evening Am I Ilrt pp>' 8:t»o NBC Summer Symphony. Variety 5:00 Amateur Hour— WENB a-45 NBC Jnmcs MacDonald: News, 5:0(> Catholic Hour—WMAQ Hubby says, "W ly 9:00 NBC Bob Ripley. 8 p. m,—Natloiraf Barn Dance 5:00 Edward B. Murrow—WBBM Cartoon - Novelty - Musical !'.30 NBC Studio Club. 6:30 Melody Ranch—WBBM WCCO bother with Sun- 10 00 Night News Edition. (WLS): Mother's, day salute, 5:30 Great Glldersleeve WLW WMAQ day dinner -when EXTRA — Matinees Only Id 11 NBC Story Dramas. starring Margaret and Dorothy 6:00 .Revival Hour—WIBU you can get such 6:00 Volco at Prophecy—WIND 10:10 NBC Rlverboat Revels. Boscawen of Michiwaukee, Wis. good food so ec- "HOLT OF THE 11:00 NBC News Heporl. coo Jack Benny WMAQ WTMJ WL.W 11:05 NBC Best of the Week. 9:30 p. tn. — Studio Club 8:00 Pearson and Allen—WENR onomically?" SECRET SERVICE" (WIBA): Ted Steele, Vincent Lo- 6:00 WecWy War Journal—WCFL 11:30 NBC Teddy Powell Orchestra. 6:15 11:45 NBC Janette. pez, Ming Toy, Five Marshalls, Public Affairs—WBBM WCCO Sunday 11:55 NBC News Report. 6:30 Easy -Money—WGN An Action Loving: Newcomer Bruce Cabot—George Sanders Paul Lavalle's orchestra. 6:30 Double Dale—WBBM Dinner 8:30 Alias John Feedom—WENR COMPANION FKATURIi WHA Tonkjht O O <r 6:30 BnndwnKon—WMAQ WTMJ SIRANfi NOW! COME EARLY! (1:45 Honk Keeno—WBBM DIDCD'C GARDEN 5 00 Treasury Star Parade, Miscellaneous 7:00 Revival Hour—WLS A WALLOPING PAIR OF HITS!!! ft: 15 News and Views. 7:00 American Forum—WGN rircn o CAFETERIA 7:30 p. m. — Hobby Lobby 1:00 Heart-pounding thrills . Rib-rocking romance! 5.30 Once Upon a Time. (WBBM): collector of voodoo Clinrtln McCarthy WTMJ WM/VO 5:45 Civilians in Service. 7:30 Olio Man's Flimlly WMAQ WTMJ THE PEAK OF EXCITEMENT! 6:00 Orcan Reverie. chnnts, blind goiter. 7:30 Crime Doctor—WBBM WCCO RACING THOROUaHBRBDS When These Two LOVE 6:30 Evening Murticaie. 9p.m. — Robert L. Ripley 7:30 Those Good Old Days—WLS AND R O UT III j A 'V I> D R A !VT A 7:45 Gabriel Hoatter—WGN OLD TIME DANCE It Carries A SOCK! (WIBA): radio pioneer who intro- B:00 HRlp Your Neighbor—WGN TONIGHT Other Stations Tonight duced broadcasting to Central 0:00 Merry 'Go-Round WTMJ WMAO America before it was known in 8:00 Fred Allon—WBBM WCCO Sunny Brown's Orch.

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