MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Au k . 11, 1987 TOWN OF MANCHB$TBR loeriCAMEIMB/PNDTD LBOAL NOTICB EQUIPMENT BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY At its m ^ n e of i^gust 3, 19$7 the Planning and Zoning Charity game: Cops douse firefighters / page 3 Commission mode tho foilowing decisions: DURST photgraphlc en­ Woods child: Police "**• ~ **'*■ tMAIW B—97/99 MAIN larger, NIkkor lent, 1979 FORD T-BIRD 92,000 * AnwwMO'the chonS iKlGM IPBiniY/ $150. Negotiable. Steel miles. Loaded. 81500 or 1------------------ MRCaUUIEOUS S * . L' Residence B tofo Residenceweiioence C foror r a parcel tripod. $18. 647-7397 find hermifs secret - IEIII0KLNI8 MISCELLMIEOUS SI ®* opproxlmofel V .37 acres and Identified best offer. 643-0369. d ItO C M E SERVICES os 97/99 Main Street. SERVICES PLYMOUTH wagon U. Women’s golf; Familiar names, in lead / page 15 his son / page 5 c u K N T irrt eHANDl - 687/489 ^CMsIve abbreviations V-8, runs good, auto* D Quality chid core? • •aaaaoaaaaaaaaaa laaaaa^oaaaaaa tFd#) - Approved the chonee In toning matic olr, power district clatsIfjcMIon from Rural Residence to Residence abbreviate results I Be Con NbnniM '*R" us REMODEUm SERVICES mWRES TREE SERVICE sure rooders understand brakes, steering. Air >: rnc., at 233-7457. A«k for OompM* horn* rapairt and ra- C U S M O U W N ®l!S"*' coniltflno of approximately 22 acres modallng. Wa tp a w lia In batn- Buokol, truck 6 ohlppsr. and Identlfled as 487 and 689 Keeney Street. your od by ovoidlno ab­ shocks. $350/best offer. .SuraniM. rooma and kitehana. Small aeala Stump romoval. Free SERVICE breviations. 643-3711. 649-9253 after 5. ostImaiM. Special APPJlPJSil"? Wa l s h — s p b c ia l b x c b p t io n iKonn of IstorodctwlMto eommarcM woik. Raglatatad, In- ■wZI..7iT. ' "5 .2 'S R * ' --.O triwmearan»ed.o a specialSpecial PLYMOUTH Gold Duster . cor* for your child In awad. rafaianeaa. consklaratlon for ddarty Istns ara 6sr sgaciillift • ?fS?*l®" 'P<fb modincotrtns under Article II, Section and handlcappad. PET8ANB 1974.8400 or best offer; mV homo. Martin CaNfsraFRnaMlfMla. L ’-i®’ iI k construction of a McDonald's Rettau- 649-W2. Anytimel Mchool District. 647- *5?" ®" o parcel ot lend 8UPPUE8 6 4 7-75 5 3 6 4 ^ 4 0 7 5 Identified a t 46 West Center Street. HONDA 80 Accord. 4 n m m / door, air, 5 speed, 1 *.A ,y C o r a pro- •ime^'fMySAVTS'JtS ■XCBFTION/IRO- BRITTANY Spaniel, 8 PAPERtm PIREPLACE. Remodel- ~ • • » l a t i r o t r b b t (o - owner, excellent condi­ ; school/Bchool ogad a Special Exception with modincallont months old. Spayed. tion. $2300. 646-5803. chlldrgn In my homo. Ing and chimney re- When you call Classified ' V**'®!!..’*'’*'®* * wetlands permit lor AKC reolstered. 649- . Mo"Aortln school district. JOHN Deerr Painting building. The to ptoeg on ad, o friendly *f}®.®®g*,*ry®*'®"®* tocintv on o parcel 2530. MERCURY Bobcat 1976. Contractor. Residen­ Ad-Visor will answer your Approved on erosion MSW^3746. possiblltles are end­ control plan for S3 Slater Street. BLACK Lab mix, 0 Running condition. tial, commercial, Inte­ less. After 6pm week­ coll and help you word Best offer. 646-3957. rior exterior, power months old. Free to I>AY CARE days, 643-8209. v o w od for best response. good home. 644-4540. NOVA , Red 1970. 2 door. Homo hM openings for full washing. Quality work 643-2711. ’i*'^ '** — ••• VBRNON STRBBT (I- Needs work. $200. 528- iUaurltFstrr) Manchester — A City o( Village Charm HrralJt "i®«nneotlont the tubdl vision dma toddlaia to 5. Sevan at reasonable price. 8 FREE kittens 15 White, 2 and erosion control application for a parcel of land conslst- Black, 1 Calico. All 5017. Dinner time and yaars lloanaad, first aid certl- - s s a t i L — EDWARD TDTH Inp of qpproximotely 2.5 ocree and Identified at 325 Vernon evenings. llad. Mother of two. Fenced EXCAVATIND «'P®tl""'fr,permit and flood plain permit for Iona haired, box In back yard. VINYL IS FINAL eroding, lining, d rlv e ^ y locations and house locations for trained and checked by OLDS 77 Cutlass. Excel­ 1C yard talHoadlne acrapar with a parcel of land Identified os 325 Vernon Street. Vet. Call 742-5768. lent condition. Must FLOORMB oparator tor hka. Chaap>Mt way See why vinyl siding has the ad­ 30 Cents 6 4 6 -0 2 6 2 OARNBY PRTHRMAN — WBTLANDS _ OARDNBR tell oolng to college. vantage. Fret Estimates. Call to mova din s t r u t a n d s u n n y RROOK ORIVR (F-6S) - OrSStad " $1S00/best offer. 6 ^ FLOORS wetlands M rm lt for conductlne stream channel Improve- MI8CELLANEQU8 8736 anytime. Let us do your Hardwood 875-8056 SIDING PLUS at "1^5" In in* brook located olono the southern boundary line a EA N IN G of the Thurston Helohts Subdivision. FQR8ALE FIAT 78 Spider. Gray. floorsi We will remove the 6 4 3 -1 1 9 8 SERVICES fumitura from the working VRLVRT M ILL LTD. PARTNERSHIP — LANDSCAPR MO- Very good condition. Reagan to break OIPICATIONS - VRLVRT MILL - PINR SnRRT ■ o^ TEE Shirt transfers. Ap­ No rust, rides nice. Convoy area at no extra charge. Free CORRIVEAU LAWN estimates. proximately 3000, alto New tires, clutch, and SERVICE ODD lobs. Trucking. tW ,srXtiri'2'M M * 50 to 100k numerals and brakes. Rust proofed. ABLE ERRAND * 5 4 9 r2 3 4 8 Quality grooming at Home-repairs. You DRRRKSRTH corporation — SUBDIVISION/RROSION letters tor shirts, cops, 643-0915 otter ^ m . affordable prices! name ft, we do If. Free *®NTR0L/WRTLAN0S — S74 BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD etc. Best offer. 649-3642 ^ SERVICE IO-^IA/IMSA) - Denied the subdivision ODpllcatlon.ariMlon DODGE OM NI 86.4dOOOr r m i esnuAres - h/llyinsuiuo estimates. Insured. 643- after 5:30pm.a hatchback, two tone, finishes (Moearythopplne. Errands. MISCELLANEOUS control plan and wetlands permit for o parcel ot land conslst- his long silence 0304. U g h i Moueekseplng. Fiaaae Ing of otaproxlmotelv 100 acres and Identified os 276 Birch GOLF Starter sets from air. Excellent condF SERVICES Call 646-9716 Mountoin Road. $35. Wedges, woods, tion $6600 firm . 244-5121 A copy ot these decisions has been filed In the Town Clark's putters. Bargain pri­ doys 643-7939 evenings. LANDFORMS. Lands- Office. ces. 649-1794 6 4 7 4 ^ ^ Just because you don't coplng and tree ser­ COUGAR 74. 351, V-8, 4 D ELIVER IN G PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BRAND new set of encyc­ new. radtals. Runt journey use on Item doesn't mean vice. Specializing In Tonight, we’ll hear his Rich farm loom, 5 yards, Leo Kwosh, Secretarv lopedias. 21 volumes. good. Asking $600. Coll S75 plus tax. Sand, gravel, the Item has lost Its value. rail rood ties, brick F IN D IN G A cosh buyer Why not exchange It for Doted at Manchester, CT this 11th day of August, 1907 $400. 649-9097. 742-6950 otter 6pm. and decorative stone. patios, decks, etc. 021-00 for sporting goods equip­ cosh with on ad In Classi­ INDUSTRIAL sewing AMC Hornet station ment Is eosv when you Complete tree take ‘personal impressions’ of KUWAIT (AP) - Three 6 4 3 -9 5 0 4 fied? 643-2711. down,'shaping, prun­ machine for sale. $500 wagon 1973. Runt good. advertise In classified. ing available. 659-2579. negotiable. Call after 5. $350,649-6034. American-flagged Kuwaiti tankers INVITATION TO BID 649-9012.O the Iran-contra hearings docked in their home port to begin Sealed bids w ill be received WOOD Pallets "U" haul loading oil today after successfully In the General Services' of­ TAKE A LOOK navigating the Persian Gulf with fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ M8rchandls8 them away. No charge. ter, CT until AUGUST 21,1987 Good for warehouses 85 Pont. Grand Am By Terence Hunt said he had not heard anything that their U.S. Navy escorts. TOWN OF MANCNISTIR, CONNUCTICUT TOWN OP MANCHRSTRR NOTICR OF at 11:00 o.m. for the follow­ or firewood. Steady hBitor. *6895 The Associated Press suggested that anFlaws were broken — A new mining threat outside the OENBRAL SRRVICRS OFFICE ing: supply. Call 646-1737, ADOPTION OF ORDINANCI 41 CRNTIR 8TRHT 86 Toyota Celica ^ but the White House modified that waterway prompted France and MANCHRSTRR, CT S6S40 (1) PURCHASE OP TWO (2) Horry. In accordance with the provltlona of Chapter 3, Sections 1 USED STORAGE ANTIQUES/ ■esAc *1 1 ,2 0 0 WASHINGTON — President Reagan, statement to leave open the possibility Britain to dispatch minesweepers. and 9 of the T own Charter, notice It hereby given of thaodop- CONTAINERS 2 ROUND trip UA tickets. breaking a long silence, addresses the of criminal wrongdoing. tlon by the Boord of Directors of the Town of Monchastar, INVITATION TO BID COLLECTIBLES Bradley to Sani Jose, 82 Olds Regency A fifth mine was reported found Connecticut on August 4 ,19S7. Notice Is hereby given thot the Town ot Manchester, (2) REINSULATE PIPING CA. 9/2-9Z9. Originally «* *5895 nation tonight with his "personal The whole affair has stained Reagan’s today south of the Strait of Hormuz & BOILER AT YWCA impressions" of the Iran-contra hear­ presidency and raised deep questions PROPOSIO General Services Deportment, 41 Center Street, GOVERNOR WInthrop $556 sacrifice $450 or 81 Mazda RX7 *4495 in the Gulf of Oman, previously ORDINANCK Manchester, Connecticut 06040, w ill receive sealed (tanerol The Town of Manchester Is desk. Excellent condi­ ings that documented discord, deceit about his credibility. Numerous polls Contract bids In tb# offlct of the Director of General on equal opportunity em­ best otter.
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