9906 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 9, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PUERTO RICO STATUS PLEBI­ end as part of a tour to create "a common TRADE SANCTIONS AND THE SCITE GENERATES INTERNA­ Latin American front for the independence PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA TIONAL INTEREST of Puerto Rico." In Havana, Berrios met with President Fidel Castro and, prior to that meeting, had HON. DOUG BEREUTER HON. JJ.. !ME B. FUSTER met with eight other Latin American presi­ OF NEBRASKA OF PUERTO RICO dents. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During his meeting with Castro, Berrios said the Cuban President "ratified the sup­ Wednesday, May 9, 1990 Wednesday, May 9, 1990 port of the government in Havana for the· Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, the President Mr. FUSTER. Mr. Speaker, in recent days cause of Puerto Rican independence." must decide by June 3, 1990, whether to my colleagues have heard me speak of the grant a waiver of the Jackson-Vanik amend­ ment in order to extend China's most-favored­ many dimensions of the political status debate [From El Nuevo Dia. Apr. 17, 19901 in and about Puerto Rico-dimensions that nation [MFN] status for another 12 months. PuERTO RICAN INDEPENDENCE PARTY MAKES The Jackson-Vanik amendment does not have been explored in the last month alone in APPEAL To LATIN AMERICA such national publications as the New York allow MFN status to be granted to countries Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street HAVANA, CUBA.-During a visit to Cuba who do not allow their citizens to emigrate Journal, and Time magazine. But there is also this past weekend, Puerto Rico Independ­ freely, unless a waiver is granted by the Presi­ an international dimension to this issue, legis­ ence Party <PIP> President Ruben Berrios dent. Following the Tiananmen Square massa­ lation about which is pending in the Congress stressed the need for Latin America's sup­ cre in 1989, Chinese leaders have further re­ that would set up a political status plebiscite port for Puerto Rico's independence. stricted emigration and increased their disre­ in Puerto Rico next year between the choices The PIP leader travelled to Havana with gard for basic human rights. of statehood, independence, or an enhance­ Senator Fernando Martin, the PIP's Vice While these actions have been very disap­ ment of the existing commonwealth status. President. The PIP is one of the three par­ pointing and could easily justify a decision to ties participating in the process towards a revoke MFN status, a May 3, 1990, editorial This international interest in and growing plebiscite in Puerto Rico. Berrios and from the Journal of Commerce illustrates awareness of the plebiscite has been promot­ Martin are on a tour of several countries in some interesting points which could support ed in part by supporters of the independence the region with the purpose of seeking sup­ continuation of China's current MFN status. option for Puerto Rico. To that end, Mr. port for the creation of a "common Latin Most notably, MFN status makes textiles, Speaker, I am inserting in the RECORD today American front for the independence of electronics, sneakers, and toys manufactured two interesting articles from newspapers in Puerto Rico." During his Latin American in China competitive in the United States. Puerto Rico about the proindependence excursion, Berrios has visited Jamaica, Peru, These goods ·are manufactured by semiprivate Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela, Co­ aspect of the status debate, and I commend companies which make up China's entrepre­ lombia and Cuba, and has met with nine them to the attention of my distinguished col­ neurial sector which has developed as a result leagues. presidents. of economic reforms. Loss of the Jackson­ [From El Mundo, Apr. 17, 19901 In his meeting with the Cuban president, Vanik waiver would render these firms uncom­ THE DAYS OF COLONIALISM IN PUERTO RICO Fidel Castro, both politicians examined pos­ petitive in the U.S. market. United States sup­ ARE COUNTED sible endeavors towards Puerto Rican inde­ pendence, according to a report which ap­ port for these entrepreneurs, the Journal sug­ MEx1co.-Ruben Berrios, president of the peared today in Cuba's official newspaper, gests, could be best illustrated by granting a Puerto Rico Independence Party <PIP), said "Granma." waiver of the Jackson-Vanik amendment and in Cuba that "The days of colonialism in extending MFN to the People's Republic of Puerto Rico are counted," according to the During their meeting, Berrios said he was China for an additional 12 months. I submit Cuban press agency "Prensa Latina." convinced that the contradictions of the this editorial to be printed in the RECORD. U.S. presence in Puerto Rico, exposed "The days of colonialism in Puerto Rico SELF-DEFEATING SANCTION are counted. We are facing the 21st century during the plebiscite process, have served as evidence of the failure of the colonial Using trade policy to do a foreign policy and there are virtually no colonies left. job is a tricky business: The United States Only six million people live under colonial system as well as of the "annexionist" <or pro-statehood) movement, according to the could end up hurting itself by imposing regimes, of them, three and a half live in broad trade sanctions to make a narrow po­ Puerto Rico," Berrios told the Cuban media source. In his statements to the local media, litical statement. That's what will happen if during his visit to Havana. Berrios indicated that Fidel Castro had rati­ President Bush follows the advice of some According to Berrios, "The United States fied the support of his government to in Congress who want to punish the hard­ is faced with the problem of colonialism in Puerto Rican independence. Ruben Berrios liners in Beijing by canceling China's most­ Puerto Rico and the current process in the stressed that, in Puerto Rico, "the days of favored-nation tariff status. United States Congress towards a plebiscite colonialism are counted." Most-favored-nation status, which grants in the Caribbean island is symptomatic of "We are facing the 21st century," he imports from China the same tariff treat­ the degree of colonial deterioration that added "and there are virtually no colonies ment accorded goods from most other coun­ weighs heavily on Washington." tries, was extended in 1980 under the U.S.­ left. Only six million people live under colo­ China Trade Agreement. That privilege has Berrios added that "spokespersons and nial regimes, of them, three and a half live ideologues of U.S. conservatism have stated enabled China to become America's 10th­ in Puerto Rico." According to Berrios, the largest trading partner. Without it, high that statehood is not a viable economic or U.S. government is faced with the problem political alternative for the United States." tariffs would make many Chinese goods un­ and the current process in the U.S. Congress competitive: Customs duties on cotton "And since colonialism in the world is towards a plebiscite in the Caribbean island sweaters, a major Chinese export, would rise bankrupt, Washington will have to confront is symptomatic of the degree of colonial de­ from 6% to 60%. the fact that the only way out-for the terioration that weighs heavily on Washing­ Under the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, a Puerto Rican problem, short term or long ton. He also explained that the option for 1974 law aimed at the Soviet Union, most­ term, is independence," Berrios stated. the referendum, scheduled for next year if favored-nation status may not be granted to Berrios and PIP Vice President [Puerto Congress approves legislation to that effect, any country that restricts its citizens' right Rico Senator] Fernando Martin <PIP at­ would be statehood, Commonwealth and in­ to emigrate. Each year since 1980, the large), travelled to Havana during the week- dependence. United States has granted China a waiver of • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. May 9, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9907 the Jackson-Vanik requirement, renewing From its inception, the originators of Head DR. JOHN MATOCHIK, JR., HAS its tariff preferences with little debate. Start realized that they would only succeed if EXEMPLIFIED THE SPIRIT OF Beijing's murderous repression in Tianan­ the child's entire family as well as the commu­ SCOUTING men Square last June and the subsequent crackdown on the emigration of students nity were involved. In the San Fernando and dissidents, mean that the Jackson­ Valley, LACA has instigated comprehensive HON. GERALD B.H. SOLOMON Vanik waiver is no longer a routine matter. programs designed to meet the emotional, By June 3, President Bush must decide social, health, nutritional, and psychological OF NEW YORK whether to issue a waiver for another 12 needs of the preschoolers it serves. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES months. The president is under pressure to In addition to the Federal funding that it re­ vindicate himself for his mistake in sending ceives, Head Start has to generate an amount Wednesday, May 9, 1990 two secret missions to Beijing for high-level equal to 25 percent of the financing it re­ talks last year while publicly proclaiming a Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, like many of moratorium on official visits. But respond­ ceives from Washington. LACA has done ster­ you, my first introduction to community in­ ing to that pressure by stripping China of ling work in soliciting volunteer donations and volvement, my real apprenticeship in life, was its most-favored-nation status would be a community services contributions.
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