Sc ie nc e of Fishing Th e M ost P rac ti c al Book on F i sh i ng E ve r P ubli sh e d Te lls How to Catc h F ish ; F or Th ose W h o H ave Cau h t T h e m as W e ll as g , Th ose W h o N e ve r H ave BY L AKE BROOKS Publis h e d by A. R . HARDING . Publi sh e r Co umbus h l . O i o N T E N T S CO . CH T R AP E . h n I . Remarks on t e Ge tle Art I I . Rods III . Reels n IV. Hooks , Li es and Leaders V . Flies VI . Artificial Baits I V I . ti B Landing Nets , Ga s , Tackle oxes , Etc . V III . Bait Casting X I . Fly Casting n i n i Surf Casti g, T roll g , S t u Fishing , Etc . XI . Use o f Natural Baits h XI I . Handling t e Hooked Fish XII I . Fishing For Black Bass XIV . Fishing For T rout and Salmon XV n h . e Pike , Pickerel , Muskellu ge , and Pike P rc X I h d V . C n S Sunfi sh , arp , Catfis , a uckers F o r n n XV II . Fishing Tarpo and Tu a XV III . Fishing For Other Sea Fish . n n XIX Making, Repairi g , and Cari g For Tackl e n XX . General Information a d Advice XXI . Commercial Fishi ng — XXI I . D istribution o f Fish Go od Places - {Tn846474 IL L US TRAT ION S . PAGE A Catch o f Salmon and Trout from the Miramichi River , New B runswick Frontispiece A Large Specimen o f the North ern Pike 17 Construction o f Split B amboo and Solid Wood Rods 23 Various Styles o f Line Guides 25 Variou s Styles o f Rod Tips 27 Rod Handles 28 - R d nd h Three Piece B ait Casting o , a T ree Piece Steel B ait Casting Rod Fly Rod and B ait Rod A Salmon Fly Ro d A Two - S - and Piece Split B amboo alt Water Rod , a Solid Wood Rod with Removable Butt Agate Tip for Salt Water Rod h Single Action Click Reel , Rubber , wit Protected B al ance Handl e Single Action Reel with Revolvi ng Side Plate and Expert Click Reel Salmon Reel C n Multiplying Reel , for B ait asti g The Anti Back Lash Casting Reel Re di f or Reel with Automatic Spooler ’ The Marh off Level - Winding Reel — An Automatic Reel th e Y . E . — An Automatic Reel in Action Th e Martin Tarpon an d Tun a Reel S F h n Wood Reel , for Trolling and alt Water is i g Various Patterns o f Fish Hooks TR T 10 ILLUS A IONS . B arble ss H ooks Fish Hooks in Exact Sizes Weedless Hooks T h e Van Vleck Tarpon Hook Sizes o f Twisted Linen Lines n Sizes o f B raided , Enameled , Silk Li es Sizes o f Tapered S ilk Lines A Gut Leader and a Leader B ox A Steel Wire Leader with Swivel and Co ri ple r o r s Floating Dry Flie , for T rout Salmon Flies Buck Tail B ass Fly The Roamer B ait Th e Nemo B ait The Booster Bait and th e Fish Nipple The Pearl Minnow n Phantom Minnow , Shakespear a d Dowagiac nows , Coaxer B ait , and Pearl Wobbler The Little Wonder B ait The Champion Bait Muskellunge Spoon and Two Hook Casting Spoon The Li felike Minnow Bait A Spoon B ait with Fly Hook Baits f or S alt - Water Fish ' Fluted Casting Baits o r Spoons A Landing Net fo r Us e While Wadi ng Streams Folding Patter n Landi ng Nets A Pocket Landing Net ’ c Marble s Clincher Gafl ’ Gafi Hooks A Creel o r Fish B asket A Chain Fish Stringe r A Glass Minnow Trap “ " A Le ad In for a Glass Jar Trap TR ILLUS ATIONS . 1 1 A Metal Tackle Box Th e F ru i ts o f B ait Casti ng Diagram Sh owi ng B ait S ide Cast Th umbing th e Reel Spooli ng th e Line A So ft Rubbe r B utt Cap Results of Fly Casting i O Co . A Catch o f Pike and Suckers from tter Ta l , n h Mi n esota , Killed wit Spears A Fish Spear Eel or Sucker Spea r h n A Pickerel Trap , for Ice Fis i g ’ h N n S h . unfis , a Two Hours Catc ea r Madiso , Wis Hooks B aited with Worm and Hopper Hook B aite d with Mi nnow Some Natural Bait Hooks Small Mouth ed and Large MouthedBlack Bass h and Steel ead Trout , B rook Trout , Lake Trout A Th irteen Pou nd Rai nbow Trout Taken o n a Spi nner Atla ntic Salmon and Qui nnat Salmo n t n n nd h Pike , Eas er Pickerel , Muskellu ge , a Pike Perc f n i n and Dif ere ce Scales o f Pike , Pickerel , Muskellu nge Common Su nfish Wh ite Perch and Yellow Perch Th e Common Carp Common Catfish o r Bullh ead h n h Catfis from Ross Cou ty , O io Th e White Sucker The Tuna ndK n fi h Tarpon , Bluefish , a i g s e wfish B S th e J , or lack ea Bass , From Pacific ue ate a ue W e akfish nd S n h B arracuda , S q g o r , a pa is Mackerel Striped Bass and Sea Bass 12 I TR T LLUS A IONS . Red Drum o r Channel Bass Sheephead Diagram Showing Measurements for a B ait Rod Regulation Methods o f Wrapping a Rod An other Way to Wrap a Fishing Rod Construction o f Separate Handles Leader Knots More L e ader Knots Hook and Leader Tying N et Knots and Needles N Tying the e t , and Us e o f Gauge Stick f A Catch o Croppies from Huffman Lake , Indiana Interior o f a Herring S alte ry Interio r o f a Salmon Cannery Map Showing the General Distribution o f North Am e ri c an F , ish P RE F A E C . H EN planning this work th e difficulty of tho roughly covering th e broad subj ect formi ng the titl e of e th e the book was fo res en , and average angler would probably have considered it impossible to get a compreh ensive work o f th is nature into such n a small volume . Without a desire to boast , a d especially since you have not yet had a ch ance to express you r opinion h n on th e work , I feel j ustified i n t i king that I have suc i n t h n c e e de d beauti fully in this . But order o tell everyt i g h ad h I in view , as expressed in the chapters w ich follow , I n to found it ecessary to get right the point , an d avoid all su rfiuiti e s h pe , and th e little anecdotes w ich usually relieve b the monotony o f such a work, but I elieve that th e general so on reader will like it better , since he will get in e book what is usually comprised in two . — The autho r is a practical angler not an expert in each — h branch , it is true but well acquainted with eac . Most i o f the writing is based on my own exper ence , but in de sc ri ti ons t n h and th e ir h p o f cer ai fi s es abits , I have been . obliged to refer sometimes to the works o f others . In such cases all statements o f a doubtful characte r have b een eliminated . It has been my obj ect throughout to inspire the reader n with a desire fo r clea er and better sport , that he may get from his chose n recreation all th e pleasure that there is i T - fis n in t. o this end I have dwelt fondly on fly h i g and -c h n bait asting, and t e i struments used for these branches R 14 P EFACE . Of n n n th e s a gli g , for I co sider th em cleanest , most atis n h n h factory , and most pleasa t styles o f fis i g . Som e mig t not h wa t h look on it t is y, as a lit le story t at I heard j ust recently will illustrate . ‘ An old colored woman wanted to purch as e one o f th e th e n n h sh e late pattern artificial baits , and dealer, k owi g t at did not know how to us e a bait of th is kind proceeded to “ ” h ’ explain . Now see here , e said , you can t use this like you do an ordi nary baited h ook ; you must keep it movi ng — A th e . W n all tim e wiggle it And she replied , gwa ; take ’ n n h vo wiggle ; do t wa t no wiggle .
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