Middlesex University Research Repository An open access repository of Middlesex University research http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk Kuhrt, Gordon Wilfred (2001) Ministry issues for the Church of England. DProf thesis, Middlesex University. [Thesis] This version is available at: https://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/6475/ Copyright: Middlesex University Research Repository makes the University’s research available electronically. Copyright and moral rights to this work are retained by the author and/or other copyright owners unless otherwise stated. The work is supplied on the understanding that any use for commercial gain is strictly forbidden. A copy may be downloaded for personal, non-commercial, research or study without prior permission and without charge. Works, including theses and research projects, may not be reproduced in any format or medium, or extensive quotations taken from them, or their content changed in any way, without first obtaining permission in writing from the copyright holder(s). 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Date Signature Institution or SAC if Middlesex University A RESEARCH PROJECT ON MINISTRY ISSUES jj FOR THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND ;! if il : ! M A project submitted to Middlesex University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Professional Studies Researched and written by the Vénérable Dr Gordon Wilfred Kuhrt National Centre for Work Based Learning Partnerships Middlesex University August 2001 • UNÏVEMSJ-JY f LiaftAftV— for* O03S"]S5 tScrffectîon K Z 83 • M-'L- CONTENTS Boxes Tables Diagrams Acknowledgements Glossary Abstract Volume 1 - MINISTRY AND STRATEGY Introduction - THE CALL FOR THIS REPORT Ch 1 THE CONTEXTS - CHANGES IN THE LAST TWO DECADES .1 Before 1980 .2 Losing Faith? .3 Church Attendance .4 Post-modernism .5 Mission contexts 6 Children and young people .7 Women and Ministry .8 The Laity in Ministry Strategy 9 Declining Numbers of Stipendiary Clergy 10 Finance - a révolution 11 The national organisation of the CofE 12 Summary Ch2 THE METHOD OF RESEARCH 2.1 Documentary Material 2.2 Field Work 2.3 Questions of Interest and Concern 2.4 Collaboration with colleagues Ch3 ORDAINED MINISTRY - HISTORY AND THEOLOGY 3.1 The Development of the Clergy - the Bishop of Ely 3.2 The Theology of Ministry and Ordination 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 A Theological Introduction - Rev Dr John Muddiman 3.2.3 An Ecumenical Dimension - Preb Dr Paul Avis 3.2.4 The Ordinal - The Bishop of Salisbury Ch4 MINISTRY POLICY 52 4.1 The Canons 4.2 Ministry Régulations and Guidelines 4.3 House ofBishops' Statements A 1978 B 1992 C 1994 Analysis of the Statements Ch5 MINISTRY STRATEGY - ITS DEVELOPMENT SINCE i960 69 5.1 The Paul Report (1964) 5.2 Partners in Ministry ( 1967) 5.3 The Pastoral Measure (1969) 5.4 Terms of Ministry Committee 5.5 The "Sheffield" Report 1974 5.6 Patterns of Ministry 3974 5.7 Mainîaining the Ministry (1978) 5.8 The Church 's Ministry - a Survey (1980) 5.9 Partners in Mission Consultation ( 1981 ) 5.10 The Tiller Report (1983) 5.11 Faith in the City (1985) 5.12 Faith in the Countryside (1990) 5.13 The Ordained Ministry: Numbers, Cost.Recruitment and Deployment (1992) 5.14 Order in Diversity (1993) 5.15 Ministry - A Pastoral Letter from the House of Bishops (1994) 5.16 Survey of Diocesan Ministerial Stratégies ( 1994) 5.17 Local Ministry - A Key Elément in the Church 's Strategy for Mission ( 1994) 5.18 Clergy Conditions of Service (1994) 5.19 Shaping Ministry for a Missionary Church (1998) Ch6 UNCERTAINTIES AND ISSUES UNDER REVIEW 83 6.1 The Financial Situation 6.2 The Employment Act 6.3 The Data Protection Act 6.4 Numbers of Clergy 6.5 The stratégie use of non-stipendiary clergy, Reader and lay ministers 6.6 The Clergy Stipends Review 6.7 The Structure and Funding of Ordination Training 6.8 The Renewed Distinctive Diaconate 6.9 The Pastoral Measure ii Ch 7 THE CHANGING ROLE OF THE STIPENDIARY CLERGY 89 7.1 Introduction 7.2 The Ordinals 7.3 The History 7.4 The Interpretation 7.5 The "episcopal" 7.6 The "missionary" 7.7 The "manager" 7.8 Clergy Stress 7.9 Implications Ch8 CONCLUSIONS: WAYS AHEAD IN MINISTRY STRATEGY 98 8.1 WhatSortofChurch? 8.2 Major Planks of Strategy 8.3 Further Stratégie Issues 8.4 Recommendations Volume 2 SUPPLEMENTARY MATER1AL Gh9 MAPPING THE AREAS 111 Introduction 113 1. Vocation - Rev Mark Sowerby 114 2. Minority Ethnie Concerns - Rev Charles Lawrence 123 3. Deaf People and Disability Issues - Rev Canon James Clarke 129 4. Sélection - Mrs Margaret Sentamu 136 5. Care of Non-Recommended - Rev Helen Thorp 148 Candidates 6. Pre-Theological Education - Rev Dr Marilyn Parry 153 Adult Education and Formai - Hilary Ineson and Lay Ministries Rev. lan Stubbs 157 8. Reader Ministry - Canon Pat Nappin 164 9. Initial Ministerial Education - Rev. Dr David Way 169 10. The Financing of Training - Mr David Morris and DrMarkHodge 184 11. The Church of England - Rev Canon John Hall 190 Collèges of Higher Education 12. Reader Training - Mrs Wendy Thorpe 192 13 Deployment of Clergy - Margaret Jeffery 197 14. Rémunération of the Clergy - Patrick Shorrock including Stipend, Fees,Pensions and Roger Radford 203 15. Conditions of Service - - Margaret Jeffery, and "employment" issues Ven Gordon Kuhrt and Rev.Canon Bryan Pettifer 217 16. Patronage and Appointments - Rev David Parrott and Rev. John Lee 233 17. Clergy Housing - Mr Martin Elengorn 241 iii 18. Continuing Ministerial Education Rev Canon Dr Tony Chesterman 243 and Ministry Review Rev Neil Evans and Ven. Gordon Kuhrt 19. A Code of Professional Conduct Rev Canon Michael Hodge 253 and Ven.David Jenkin 20. Discipline and Grievance Ven Alan Hawker 257 procedures 21. Dual Role Ministry Ven Nigel Peyton 260 22. Two-Clergy Couples Rev Canon Lesley Bentley 262 23. Moving out of Full-Time Ministry - Ven Gordon Kuhrt 266 24. The Parish System The Rt Rev Michael Tumbull, Bishop of Durham 268 25. Accredited Lay Workers Mrs Hilary Unwin 271 26. Non-Stipendiary Ministry and Dr Mark Hodge and Ministry in Secular Employment Rev Dr John Mantle 274 27. Local Ministry and Ordained Local - Rev Ferial Etherington 280 Ministry 28. The Diaconate Ven Gordon Kuhrt and Rev Preb Dr Paul Avis 286 29. Women and Ordained Ministry Ven Gordon Kuhrt and Rev Canon Lesley Bentley 291 30. The Episcopal Ministry Act of The Rt Rev Edwin Barnes, Synod Bishop of Richborough 298 31. The Financial Situation Mr Shaun Farrell 301 32. The Pastoral Measure Mr Martin Elengom 311 33. Sector Ministries and Chaplaincies Rev Giles Legood 314 34. The Church Army Captain Philip Johanson 318 35. Ecumenical Perspectives Rev Flora Winfíeld 323 Bibliography 327 Appendices 333 iv Boxes 1 Key findings of English Church Attendance Survey 1998 6f 2 Publications on Mission Contexts 10 3 Publications on Children and Young People 11 4 The Caliing of the Whoie People of God 14 5 Ministry Division Committee Structure 19 6 Ministry Division - Main Functions 20 7 Ministry Division - Changes 1995-2001 23 8 Theology of Ministry 40 9 Canon Law - on Ministry 54ff 10 Bishop's Statement - the Future of the Ministry, 1978 59f 11 Bishop's Statement -1992 62 12 Bishop's Statement - a Pastoral Letter, 1994 63ff 13 Conclusions from Analysis of Diocesan Stratégies, 1997 80 14/15 Vocations Posters 118 16 A Summary of Criteria for Sélection for Ministry 142, 143 17 Reader Ministry 167,168 18 Theological Colleges 179 19 Regional Courses 179 20 Diocèses with Ordained Local Ministry Schemes 179 v Tables 1 Numbers going to Church on Sunday, 1979-1998 8 2 Clergy Numbers 1851-1999 120 3 Outcome of National and Local Bishops' Selection Conferences, 1996-2000 146 4 Church of England Colleges of Higher Education 190 5 Stipendiary Clergy: Projected Diocesan Totals against Diocesan Shares, 1999-2004 200 6 Categories of clergy with and without 'Freehold' 230 7 - Distribution of NSMs and OLMs, 1999 277 vi Diagrams 1 Stipendiary Ordinations, 1879-1999 119 2 Ordinations, 1970-2000 122 3 Ordinations, 1993-1989 122 4 Sélection Conférence Results, 1950-2000 144 5 Catégories of Recommended Candidates 1950 and 2000 145 6 Age profile of Candidates 1969 and 1999 145 7 Recommended Candidates since 1984 147 8 Initial Theological Education - map of 178 9 Numbers of Sponsored Candidates in Training 1970-2000 181 10 Total Number of Ordinands in Training 2000/2001 182 11 OLM Candidates numbers 2001/2001 183 12 Contribution of LEA Awards to Collège Training 1988-2000 188 13 Vote 1 : Budget and Actual, 1990-2001 189 14 ShiftofFinancing, 1992-2003 308 15 Annual Apportionment Increases and Reserves, 1994-2004 308 vii A cknowl ed gem ents Continual encouragement has come from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
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