y v k v y ' v X TUESDAY. OCTOBER B, 1971 PAGB SIXTEEN Average Daily Net Pm m R un' The W eath^ ®tt»nW0 1|pralii For The Week Ended Cloudy with chance i f f ecat- October t, im t e r e d abowera/thunderatomu with guaty wlnda early tonight, clearing, cooler later; lov^ near 15,503 00. Thuraday cloudy. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm VOL. LX X X X , NO. 812 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1971 (OhMoUled AdvertMag on Fnie SI) PRIC8E: n F T E E N CENTS >lic Family Services" ChikJ&Fam •s Challenge ,1 Taft-HaTtley Loom^, k -f. m ecticut Valley Girl Scout Counc T o Pope le . > T H in ted Workers Returnini By PATRICK O’KEEFE 'fSir NEW YORK (AP) — Ship­ Nixon's executive order was payroll loes of at least |8 mil­ VAmOAN CITY (AP) — The ping sources reported today extended Tuesday to cover the lion a week for the 4 B , ( ^ long­ International Association of shoremen on strike, mppers alth Nursing Association * Family population exploalon and the that longshoremen were flock- Roman Catholic Church'a atti­ Machinists and Aerospace say they facei a loss of 40,000 a Ing back to work along, ^e Oulf Workers, District Lodge 94 and day for each vessel laid up, tude toward birth control are expected to be dlacuaaed at the and South Atlantic coasts in the IxxsalIxrcal Lodge 1484. Iliere were 88 repcf^ted Idle World Bishops Synod, a Vatican face of a Taft-Hartley in­ ^ Officials In CallfomU, Wash- Tuesday, source reports. The debate junction which many believed ington, Oregon and Hawaii esti- In beginning Taft-Hbrtley mate the West Coast strike, procedures Monday night, the could provoke a challenge to Imminent. best' Glastonbury Agencies' Gr the Pope’s ban on con­ which began July 1, has cost at White House did nM say whoth- traceptives. A strike by the AFLCIO In­ least *1.7 billion In lost wages er Nixon will consider br­ Ih e source said that although ternational Longshoremen's As­ and sales. Junctions for one of the two "only seven words” on popu­ sociation appeared to be falter­ The East-Qulf strike means strikes or both. lation problems appear in the ing in Ita sixth day. working paper for the synod Longshoremen in Houston theipe, social justice, there are 1 )ter, American National Red Cros alx apprendicea to the docu­ and Oalveston, Tex., had ig­ ment In which population gets a nored the strike order from fair amount of attention. ILA President Thomas W. Angry K y Chat^ges The synod, now debating the Gleason from the start, and full first topic, the priesthood, prob­ dock operations were reported ably should get to the social In Port Arthur, Brownsville, Justice theme about Oct. 15, the Corpus Christ! and Orange, Thieu Vote ^Rigged* source said. ’ Tex. as well as in Lake >rd Dispensary' Hartford Hearing Discussion of birth control by Charles, La., and Panama City, SAIGON (AP) — Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky the 209 synod delegates, in­ On Stump Fla,., charged today there was “ brazen rigging* of South Viet- cluding 142 bishops from six Shippers here said longshore- nam’s presidential election in which President Nguyen continents, could provoke a Sen. George McGov­ men were workbig passenger challenge to the ban on arti­ Van Thieu, running alone, won re-election by what elec- ern, D-S.D., says he ships In Miami and Port Ever- ficial Urth control decreed by tion officials said was more than a 90 per cent margin. will enter the Massa­ galdes, Fla., and permitting "The resulU of the Oct. 3 — —------------------------ —____ Pope Paul VI In the encyclical chusetts Democratic consignees to pick up ship- election,'' with figures indicating that the election was Illegal and "Humanae Vitae" In 1968. ty Center' Jewish Family Service primary next April af­ ments on piers In Mobile, Ala., percentages nearing 1(X) per unconstltuUonal. Prior to the issuance of “ Hu- and Tampa, Fla. cent, revealed a brazen rigging The government’s official manae Vitae," a secret papal ter conference with New Orleans was regarded as beyond ImaginaUon,” Ky said news agency, Vietnam Press, advisory commission. Including Sen. Edward Kennedy. the key to a complete reeump- In a statement released by his said the period for filing com- doctors, psychologists and lay­ (AP Photo) tlMi of work and all shippers' press office. plaints with the Supreme Court men, advocated a change in the traditional church ban on con- eyes were focused there. ElecUon officials said fbial expired Tuesday. tracepUon. ILA leaders were convergbig official vote totals gave Thieu '"'e election law sets the tion A rm y South Windsor Agenci Subsequently, a number of on New York for a full-scale 94,3 per cent of the ballote cast, deadline at "three days follow- meeting scheduled for Thurs- with 6.6 per cent against him. ***e elecUon day, which is national conferences of Oatholic Meskill Backs bishops published Inter­ day morning. tjjo remaining two-tenths of a t®day.” In Washington, a four-man In- per cent was unaccounted for. Lawyers for the Committee pretations and commentaries Replacing Of on the encyclical. Some of qulry board was at work trying on Monday officials had list- Dictatorship, which these indicated that the deci­ Guard Officer to help President Nixon decide ed M 6 W c e ^ f T ^ t u m^d complaint to- sion on whether to use con­ wheUier to take official steps to g.s p«r against, with 8 ‘*** SWremment press agency was in error. traceptives was a matter for HARTTORD (AP) — “It is stop the strike on the West, cent of the votes missing. MCA'YWCA'American Social He East and Gulf coasts. the individual's conscience. traditional to place the gover- Ky’s Btatement was the first J^wady The Rev. Arthur McCormack nor’a own man In that spot, The board, appointed Monday, bile reacUon to the elecUon ^ of England, a population expert said Gov. Thomas J. Meskill I^resldent’s execu-^imits from either of Thieu’s the consUtutlonallty of a and economist working for the Wednesday, explainbur why he order, was formally cer- oneUme opponents. Both the one-candidate^ elecUon, brought Vatican-------------------- ----------------------------Commission---------- on— -------------------Justice decided VWto replace theWSK2 S8UX8AWVAnumber .^“ y***^ contract deadlocks that -vice» president uasMand Qen.VBVSS. Duonsr suppmter. of Mlnh Tiny Entanglement . __ . A ^ VlOlfA ^ AW... ___ . ____ ~ 'I T I A m «1 a and Peace, Is .the moving force two man In the Connecticut Na- par^yzed moat of the van *TOg*’ Mlnh pulled out of ^ ^® President Nixon gets coat' button tangled in the hair of Page Evans, 5, in behind getting birth control on tional GuaM. country s deep-water ports. race charging the election election returns al on Social Work Education' U.S. Wilmington, Del., while her mother and brother pose for photo. (AP Photo) the synod agenda. Meskill tapped U.8 . Marshal the rigged by Thieu. .S u ' ^ „ in a recent paper for the sy- Gaetano “Guy” Russo of Wa- T®^‘-Har“®y Act governing la- „ ^rally consid- nod he urged that the blahop^terbury, a Republican, to sue- «;®‘ations, the board was dl- ^ ™ * “ - admlt the Vaylty of the pop'Tceed ^ssl«tant%. Gen. Al^l^rt ^ pi^^ln^va^Sl ^T(^hl^ laUon problem; encourage the k . "B ud" Cotter, a Democrat, President then will P tt® Aug. M lower house elec- "ideal X smaller famlUes," ootter. ^-yeL-old Ser “ ^nts*^’ “T® and finance nssearch to make leglslaUve reporter for the InJuncUon against «n ^ .’k®” Scientists Worried the Church-appixived "ihythm Hartford Tlme^ has spent 28 ^ itkns^ ‘?®, x method” more effecUve. years In the mUltaiy. I^ was to flle^ ^ More dramaUcally, however, named to,his present post with «'*®-"‘“ rSu^rem e Fatherir»n,»r McCormackMr/Tnrmack said the sy-Bv- the rank „'fof hbrigaxUer X o s . general In My®rs of San Francisco, turned “ ® Supreme Court charging Nlnh, Thieu’s cousin. nod should “ insist that where 1934. down membership on the board Over Cross-Infection Tuesday because he has fomUy planning programs are russo has the rank of lleuten- ^ . to the oast with the Pa- Judged to b|e necessary and are ant colonel In the Notlotial . By C. O. MCDANIEL No one really knows how ConservaUve esUmajtes of the even already In <q>eratlon, any clflc Maritime Association, a The operaUon was a success many such InfecUons occur or incidence of hospital infecUons (See Page Two) principal in the walkout. He Bombers Hit North, but the ^Uent died. And what •'mv many people die as a re- range from 2 to 6 per cent of (See Page Ten) will not be replaced, the White he died of might haye been suit—there might be 100,(X)0 all admissions, House said. Another strike, halting soft- something he picked up In the deaths a year. ^n Amelrcan Hospital Assocl- hospital. “ The awful thing Is that there aUon report states: “ If a con- coal production in more than 20 Cambodian Borders states, entered its sixth day to­ Even if he survived, his hos- record,” says Bertha servaUve 2 per cent of 30 mll- Blaze Ruins day, with 100,0(X> miners off the SAIGON (AP) — U.S. fighter- firing, and American pilots are jHtol stay may have been Yanis Lltsky of Amherest, persons admitted to Ameri- Tax Cuts Job. bombers launched freah raids authorized to fire first They lengthened by the InfecUon he Mass., a consulting environ- can hospitals each year develop Secretary of Labor James D.
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