Neighbourhood Governance Note of Dormers Wells Ward Forum held on Thursday 17th June 2010 at Greenford Park Residents’ Hall, 18 Queens Avenue, Greenford UB6 9BX Present: Councillors, Tej Ram Bagha, Tejinder Dhami, Ranjit Dheer (Chair) Attendees: 25 residents attended the meeting Officers present: Dennis Frost (DF) Neighbourhood Governance Coordinator Julie McDonald – Ward Envirocrime Prevention Officer No. Note Question /Action Point Welcome and Introductions The meeting began at 7:05 pm, with Councillor Rangit Dheer welcoming those present. He introduced his fellow councillors, Tej Bagha and Tejinder Dhami – also Dennis Frost, who had recently taken over from Kofi Nyamah as the ward’s Neighbourhood Coordinator – and Julie McDonald, the ward’s Envirocrime Prevention Officer Councillor Dheer proposed a vote of thanks to Kofi Nyamah for this conscientious support for the ward forum since it had been established in 2008. 1 No. Note Question /Action Point Apologies: Sergeant Frankie Moore – Dormers Wells Safer Neighbourhoods Team 1. Update on local Dormers Wells issues: Councillor Dheer reported that there were two matters arising from the previous meeting on 28th January and for which there were updates: Clearing alleyway rear of Kings Avenue Councillor Dheer asked for questions DF confirmed that this project was to replace fencing on the northern side, to cut back trees and clear dumped rubbish. Funds What type of fence will be installed? had already been earmarked from the ward’s 2009/10 budget - £10,000. DF replied a galvanised palisade fence, 2.4metres high Research had established that the land concerned was not owned by either the Council’s Housing or Education departments and thus the fence could be installed without seeking further Councillor Dheer hoped that the project would be completed by the permission. end of 2010. Officers advised this was a realistic timescale A quotation to replace the fence along the whole length of the David Ryder and John Daly offered to be the residents’ contacts for alleyway had been received. The Council’s Tree Section will cut the project back the trees and a Community Payback project – organised by Julie McDonald will clear the dumped rubbish. Alley gating schemes – future policy Residents raised a number of ward gating schemes in progress, DF reported that gating schemes have proved popular including those in the area of Greenford Avenue and Queens throughout the borough and the council’s gating team are half Avenue. DF offered to liaise with the Council’s Gating Team about way through a two year gating programme – 2009/2011 – these. involving 135 projects. Of these, 18 gating schemes are being carried out in Dormers Wells ward. 2 No. Note Question /Action Point If a ward forum were to recommend a gating scheme, then the earliest it could be carried out would be the latter part of 2011 To request a gating application pack, contact the council on DF recommend that residents who wish to see gates installed 020 8825 5000, or e-mail [email protected] should contact the council’s gating team and ask for an application form 2. Local police update from the Safer Neighbourhoods team Dormers Wells Safer Neighbourhoods Team – details Sgt Frankie Moore had sent her team’s apologies for absence. DF had spoken to Sgt Moore and provided the meeting with a Team members report as follows: • Sgt Francoise Moore - there has been an increase in robberies in Dormers Wells • PC Sarah Percival-Rickard Lane. These have been opportunistic – often on young people. Mobile ‘phones have been taken. Police advise • PC Simon Hooper residents to take sensible precautions • PCSO Shane Tadd - tackling prostitution: the ward team have found it difficult to • PCSO David Diaz devote sufficient resources and therefore Southall’s Anti Social behaviour (ASB) team, backed up by special • PCSO Darren Brawn constables are now taking the lead on this Address - rogue traders / cold callers: the team will be delivering an • Dormers Wells Team, Southall Police Station, 67 High Street, information pack to residents in the King’s Avenue area in Southall, Middlesex UB1 3HG August – this will include window stickers and advice Phone - a series of drop in surgeries and public meetings are • 020 8649 3572 planned. Details are published on the Safer Neighbourhoods web site. Councillor Dheer encouraged residents to meet • 07843 065905 with their ward Police team and raise their concerns 3 No. Note Question /Action Point E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods 3. Envirocrime report Council’s Envirocrime Team details: Julie McDonald gave a report on her recent work in the ward. Her responsibilities include abandoned vehicles, dumped rubbish and Julie McDonald, Envirocrime Prevention Officer fly tipping. Ealing Council, Customer Service Centre, Perceval House, - there has been a marked decline in fly tipping following some 14 -16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL recent comprehensive clean-up projects Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm - commercial waste collections are being reviewed, with traders reminded of the need for them to have a commercial Tel: (020) 8825 6000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) waste collection service in place E-mail: [email protected] - Julie will also be taking a lead on the alleyway rear of Kings Avenue project (see above) Councillor Dheer asked if there were questions for Julie How can abandoned cars in residents’ gardens be dealt with? This is difficult to deal with unless the landowner agrees. However if they wish to have the vehicle removed, the council can arrange for disposal Overgrown garden in Burns Avenue Julie offered to visit the property concerned 4 No. Note Question /Action Point Could the council support a project to create community allotments on Thames Water land? Councillor Dheer explained that bringing unused parcels of land into community use was a manifesto commitment of the council’s new administration 4. Ward funded projects for 2010/11 DF reported that the ward had again been allocated £40,000 to spend on local projects. This would comprise £30,000 capital projects and £10,000 revenue schemes. A list of proposed projects was discussed and which to date totalled £37,500. These had been proposed by residents, councillors and council officers. A number of projects had not yet been fully costed and this will add to the total. Dormers Wells Lane – footway parking - the council had been asked to draw up a design. George Councillor Dheer asked for other project suggestions Twyman asked to be kept informed about this project Replacing damaged paving in Kings Avenue was proposed. DF was Greenford Avenue – width restriction asked to check on what was required. - it was noted that there is already a restriction at the southern end Kings Avenue – width restriction - David Ryder felt that a restriction half way along – at the junction of Hurley Road / Keats Way – would be a better solution 5 No. Note Question /Action Point Councillor Dheer summarised: the range of suggested schemes all seemed worthwhile, however some more detailed work on the two width restriction projects was required. The meeting supported the proposed and additional schemes and DF was asked to produce a finalised budget for the ward councillors’ consideration. 5. Notice boards in the ward – review of existing boards and residents’ suggestions for new locations DF circulated a list, showing the locations of Council notice boards in Southall. He asked residents to provide him with suggestions of new locations A list of existing Council notice boards is attached. 6. Proposed dual bay car parking – update DF reported that a recent local consultation about making residents’ parking bays dual use – where they become pay and Residents living in roads around The Broadway had been consulted display during the day – did not produce a clear result. during September last year. These included Greenford Avenue, South Avenue, St Joseph’s Drive, Beatrice Road and Avenue Road. The Council is now looking at other options to provide more parking. Other highways matters – closure of Merrick Road underpass DF reported that the underpass would soon be closed. A pedestrian crossing by the Arches now provided a safe crossing point for pedestrians. 6 No. Note Question /Action Point 7. Public Forum Double yellow lines – Longbridge Road - it was confirmed that this was being dealt with, at the junction with Edison Drive Building in back gardens - Councillor Dheer confirmed this was the result of housing pressure and that there were unfortunately no immediate solutions. However, he urged residents who were aware of unauthorised building work, to report these to the Police and to the Council’s planning department 8. Dates of next meetings - 23rd September – Greenford Park Residents’ Hall, 18 It was also agreed to hold a ward Christmas social and fair at Queens Avenue Greenford Park Residents’ Hall at 6pm on Thursday 16th December - 2nd February 2011 – North Primary School, Meadow Road Dennis Frost 18: July: 2010 7 .
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