Facts About Childhood Immunizations Why Are Immunizations Important for All Children? Prior to widespread immunization in the United States, infectious diseases killed or disabled thousands of children each year. The near elimination of intellectual disabilities due to measles encephalitis, congenital rubella syndrome, and Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis or Hib can be contributed to vaccines (Alexander, 2000). Because the vaccines are so effective in preventing childhood diseases, many have forgotten how serious it is for children to get them. Today, viruses and bacteria that What Is The Arc’s Position? cause vaccine-preventable disease and death still exist and can be passed on to people Prevention programs who are not protected by vaccines. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, must include mandatory 2000a). immunizations for children for all preventable contaigous diseases. Read the full Position Which Childhood Diseases May Cause Intellectual Statement at http://www.thearc. Disability? org/page.aspx?pid=2384 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), brain damage For more information: may occur when a child catches pertussis (whooping cough), measles, mumps, Hib CDC National Immunization disease, or varicella (chicken pox). Rubella affects pregnant women who have a 90 Information Hotline: 1-800-CDC- INFO (English) or www.cdc.gov/ percent chance of having a baby with serious birth defects and intellectual disabilities vaccines/ if they get the disease early in pregnancy (CDC 2000a). The disease is usually mild in children. Immunization Action Coalition: www.immunize.org. Encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain, is the cause of brain damage in pertus- sis, measles and mumps. Pertussis is also a cause of death in one of 200 infants who Every Child By Two: www.ecbt. are more seriously affected than older children. Measles results in death in one of every org. 3,000 children who get it (CDC, 2000b). National Vaccine Injury Before the vaccine was introduced, Hib disease was the most common cause of Compensation Program: www. bacterial meningitis. One out of 20 children who got Hib meningitis died and 10-30 hrsa.gov/Vaccinecompensation/ percent of survivors had permanent brain damage (CDC, 2000c). The Arc Even varicella (chicken pox) may have complications that include bacterial infection 1825 K Street NW Suite 1200 of the skin, swelling of the brain, and pneumonia. Before the vaccine became available, Washington, D. C. 20006 there were 11,000 hospitalizations for chicken pox in the United States, with up to 100 Phone: 202.534.3700 deaths (CDC, 2000a). Toll free: 800.433.5255 Fax: 202.534.3731 It is clear that many lives can be saved through vaccination. Not only are children www.thearc.org who are vaccinated protected; other children around them are protected when most children are immunized. There are a • Influenza – Protects against the flu prevent the disease from occurring if a small number of children who can- • HepA – Protects against hepatitis A person is exposed to the disease in the not be vaccinated (because of severe future. Having antibodies to prevent allergies to vaccine components, for What Is the Recommend- disease is called immunity (JAMA, example), and a small percentage ed Vaccination Schedule 1999). who don’t respond to vaccines. These for Children? children are susceptible to disease, Children need to receive almost What About the Safety of and their only hope of protection is all of their vaccinations in the first These Vaccines? that children around them are im- two years of life. For some diseases, While vaccines are extremely safe mune and cannot pass disease along “booster” shots are needed between and effective, none are 100 percent to them. the ages of 4 and 6, and again be- safe or effective. Serious reactions to tween ages 11 and 12. Influenza (flu) vaccines are extremely rare, but do What Types of Vaccines vaccine is recommended every winter occur. However, the risks of serious Are Now Available? for children 6 months of age and disease from not vaccinating are far • HepB – Protects against hepatitis B older. This is the current recommend- greater than the risks of serious reac- (liver infection) ed schedule (CDC, 2011): tion to the vaccination (CDC, 2000c). • DTaP – Protects against diptheria One study showed that children who (severe infection of the throat and At birth: HepB were not immunized for measles were respiratory tract), tetanus (or “lock- 2 months: HepB (1-2 months) + 35 times more likely to get this disease jaw,” a serious neurological disorder DTaP = PCV13 + Hib + Polio + RV than those children who were vacci- that may occur from a contaminated 4 months: DtaP + PCV13 + Hib + nated (JAMA, 1999). wound) and pertussis (whooping Polio + RV Vaccines can and often do cause cough) 6 months: HepB (6-18 months) + minor reactions such as redness and • Hib – Protects against Haemophi- DTaP + PCV13 + Hib + Polio (6-18 swelling at the site of the injection. lus influenzae type b (a bacteria that months) + RV Vaccines may cause fever and rash. causes meningitis, pneumonia and 12 months: MMR (12-15 months) + And very rarely, they can induce sei- skin and throat infections) PCV13 (12-15 months) + Hib (12-15 zures, swelling of the brain, or severe • PCV – Protects against pneumococ- months) + Varicella (12-15 months) allergic reactions. About 1 in 1 mil- cal disease =HepA (12-23 months) lion children who get MMR develop • Polio – Protects against polio (a 15 months: DtaP (15-18 months) encephalitis or severe allergic reaction, virus that attacks the spinal nerves, Updates to this list are published and 0-10.5 in 1 million who got DTP causing paralysis) every year and should be consulted developed acute encephalopathy • MMR – Protects against measles, on CDC’s National Immunization Pro- (CDC, 2000b). Today, DTaP vaccine mumps and rubella (German measles) gram web site: http://www.cdc.gov/ has replaced DTP as a safer alternative. (viral infections characterized by rash- vaccines/. es, fever, and potentially serious side How Can Parents Learn effects such as heart damage, pneu- How Do Vaccines Work? More About the Risks and monia, infertility and birth defects Vaccines are usually given as a shot. Benefits of Vaccines? when pregnant women are infected) They contain a weakened or killed Parents should be fully informed • Varicella – Protects against chicken- form of the disease-causing bacteria about the risks and benefits of vac- pox (a viral skin disease) or virus to which the body builds cination by talking to a trusted health • RV – Protects against infections defenses (called antibodies). These an- care provider. By law, parents must caused by rotavirus tibodies help the body recognize and receive written materials about vac- For more information on this and other topics, visit www.thearc.org cine risks and benefits before a vac- told if a child has ever had a seizure, independent, objective advisor to the cine is administered (CDC, 2000e). has a parent, brother or sister who has nation on health, reviewed these stud- CDC publishes easy to read “Vaccine had a seizure or has a brain problem ies and found no plausible evidence Information Sheets” on each of the that is getting worse. Children should that vaccines cause autism (CDC, vaccines. These are the ones health not get Hib vaccine if they are less 2010). Deciding not to immunize a professionals give to families prior to than 6 weeks of age. They should not child puts that child and others who vaccination. They can be found on get MMR if they have ever had a life- come in contact with him or her at risk CDC’s web site at http://www.cdc. threatening allergic reaction to gelatin of contracting a disease that could be gov/vaccines/. Each two-page fact or the antibiotic neomycin, and they dangerous or even deadly. sheet covers the reasons for the vac- should check with their doctor about References: cination, who should get it and when, taking the vaccine for several other Alexander, D. (2000). Statement on Fiscal who should not get the vaccine or conditions related to the immune sys- Year 2001 President’s Budget Request for the National Institute of Child Health and Human wait, the risks from the vaccine, and tem, cancer and a low platelet count. Development. February 16, 2000. [Available what to do if there is a reaction to the These are examples of precautions http://www.nichd.nih.gov/about/dir_state- vaccine. contained in the vaccine information ment.htm] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Information about the National sheets that parents should note. While (CDC). (2000a). What Would Happen If We Vaccine Injury Compensation Program serious reactions to vaccines are rare, Stopped Vaccinations? [www.cdc.gov/nip/pub- is also included (www.hrsa.gov/Vac- parents should carefully review pre- lications/fs/gen/WhatIfStop.htm] CDC. (2000b). Six Common Misconcep- cinecompensation/). This is a federal cautions affecting their child with their tions About Immunizations. [www.cdc.gov/nip/ program created to help pay for the health care provider. publications/6mishome.htm] care of those who have been harmed CDC. (2000c). Vaccine-Preventable Child- hood Diseases. [www.cdc.gov/nip/diseases/ through vaccination. The CDC fact Are Vaccines Safe? Can child-vpd.htm] sheets provide information on how to They Cause Autsim? CDC. (2000d). 10 Things You Need to Know identify a vaccine reaction and advise In the vast majority of cases, vac- About Immunizations. [www.cdc.gov/nip/pub- lications/fs/gen/shouldknow.htm] a parent on how to report a vaccine cines are effective and cause no side CDC. (2000e). An Overview of Vaccine reaction. If needed for reporting, the effects or only mild reactions such as Safety. [www.cdc.gov/nip/vacsafe/default. health care provider must maintain fever or soreness at the injection site.
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