View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. provided by CERN Document Server (will be inserted by hand later) HD 80606 b, a planet on an extremely elongated orbit? D. Naef1,D.W.Latham2,M.Mayor1, T. Mazeh3, J.L. Beuzit4,G.A.Drukier3??, C. Perrier-Bellet4, D. Queloz1, J.P. Sivan5, G. Torres2,S.Udry1, and S. Zucker3 1 Observatoire de Gen`eve, 51 ch. des Maillettes, CH{1290 Sauverny, Switzerland 2 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA{02138, USA 3 School of Physics and Astronomy, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel 4 Laboratoire d'Astrophysique, Observatoire de Grenoble, Universit´e J. Fourier, BP 53, F{38041 Grenoble, France 5 Observatoire de Haute-Provence, F{04870 St-Michel L'Observatoire, France Received / Accepted Abstract. We report the detection of a planetary companion orbiting the solar-type star HD 80606, the brighter component of a wide binary with a projected separation of about 2000 AU. Using high-signal spectroscopic observations of the two components of the visual binary, we show that they are nearly identical. The planet has an orbital period of 111.8 days and a minimum mass of 3.9 MJup.Withe = 0.927, this planet has the highest orbital eccentricity among the extrasolar planets detected so far. We finally list several processes this extreme eccentricity could result from. Key words. Techniques: radial velocities { Stars: individuals: HD 80606 { Stars: individuals: HD 80607 { binaries: visual { extrasolar planets 1. Introduction The ELODIE velocities are obtained by cross- correlating the observed spectra with a numerical tem- We report in this paper on our radial-velocity measure- plate. The instrumental drifts are monitored and corrected ments of HD 80606, the primary star of the visual binary using the "simultaneous Thorium-Argon technique" with system HD 80606{HD 80607. These observations reveal the dual fibers (?). The achieved precision with this instru- presence of a 3.9 Jovian-mass planet (minimum mass) in ment is of the order of 10 m s 1.TheHIRES instrumental a very eccentric orbit around this solar-type star. − profile and drifts are monitored using an Iodine gas ab- The variable velocity of HD 80606 was first noticed by sorption cell (?). The radial velocities are derived from the the G{Dwarf Planet Search (?), a reconnaissance of nearly spectra using the TODCOR code (?), a two-dimensional 1000 nearby G dwarfs that uses the HIRES high-resolution correlation algorithm. spectrograph (?) mounted on the 10-m Keck 1 telescope The observations of HD 80606 started in April 1999 at the W.M. Keck Observatory (Hawaii, USA) to identify 1 extrasolar planet candidates. The star was then followed with HIRES. With a velocity difference of 267 m s− in less than one month between the first two measurements, up by the ELODIE Planet Search Survey team (??) using the variability of this source was quickly detected. In the ELODIE fiber-fed echelle spectrograph (?)mounted on the Cassegrain focus of the 1.93{m telescope at the July 1999, we started an ELODIE radial-velocity follow up of 6 non-active slow-rotating radial-velocity variable Observatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS, France). stars detected with HIRES, including HD 80606. The first Send offprint requests to: Dominique Naef, e-mail: ELODIE measurement for this star was obtained dur- [email protected] ing our November 1999 run. The discovery of the plan- ? Based on observations made at the Observatoire de etary companion orbiting HD 80606 has been recently an- Haute-Provence (French CNRS) and at the W.M. Keck nounced together with 10 other new extrasolar planet Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership candidates (April 4th 2001 ESO PR1). Among these is among the Californian Institute of Technology, the University the planetary companion to HD 178911 B (Zucker et al. of California and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the in prep.), another one of the candidates identified with generous financial support from the W.M. Keck Foundation. HIRES. ?? Present address: Dept. of Astronomy, Yale University, P.O. Box 208101, New Haven, CT{06520-8101, USA 1 www.eso.org/outreach/press-rel/pr-2001/pr-07-01.html 2 D. Naef et al.: An eccentric extrasolar planet orbiting HD 80606 The stellar characteristics of the two components of the Table 1. Observed and inferred stellar parameters for HD 80606{HD 80607 visual binary are presented in Sect. 2. HD 80606 and HD 80607 The radial-velocity data and the orbital solution are pre- HD 80606 HD 80607 sented in Sect. 3. The very high orbital eccentricity is dis- Sp. Type G5 G5 cussed in Sect. 4. The 61 radial-velocity measurements pre- mV 9.06 0.04 9.17 0.04 sented in Sect. 3 as well as the Iron line list we used in B V 0.765 ± 0.025 0.828 ± 0.029 Sect. 2 will be made available in electronic form at the π − (mas) 17.13 ± 5.77 9.51 ± 8.76 ± 29:6 ± 1228 CDS in Strasbourg. Distance (pc) 58.4 14:7 105 51 1 ± ± µα cos(δ) (mas yr− ) 46.98 6.32 42.90 9.23 1 ± ± µδ (mas yr− )6.923.99 8.26 5.88 ± ± 2. Stellar properties Teff (◦K) 5645 45 5555 45 log g (cgs) 4.50 ± 0.20 4.52 ± 0.15 1 ± ± HD 80606 (HIP 45982) and HD 80607 (HIP 45983) are the ξt (km s− )0.810.12 0.91 0.12 ± ± two components of a visual binary system. They have [Fe/H] 0.43 0.06 0.38 0.06 1 ± ± common proper motions and the fitted systemic ve- v sin i (km s− )0.90.6 1.4 0.4 W (mA)˚ <±2.5 <±3.0 locity for HD 80606 (γ = 3.767 0.010 km s 1)isalmost λ,Li − log n(Li) < 0.78 < 0.77 equal to the mean radial velocity± measured for HD 80607 1 ( RV = 3.438 0.025 km s− ). The difference between the twoh valuesi can± be explained by the binary orbital motion. Table 2. Fitted orbital elements to the radial-velocity mea- The main stellar characteristics of HD 80606 and HD 80607 surements for HD 80606. The velocities obtained with the are listed in Table 1. The spectral types, apparent mag- HIRES spectrograph (H) have been set into the ELODIE (E) system nitudes, colour indexes, parallaxes and proper motions are from the HIPPARCOS Catalogue (?). The projected P days 111.81 0.23 stellar rotational velocity, v sin i, was measured using the T HJD 2 451 973.72 ± 0.29 mean ELODIE cross-correlation dip width and the cali- e 0.927 ± 0.012 1 ± bration by ?). The rms of the HIPPARCOS photometric γ km s− 3.767 0.010 ± data is large for both stars (σHp 40 mmag) but this mea- w ◦ 291.0 6.7 ' 1 ± sured scatter is classified as `duplicity{induced{variability' K1 ms− 411 31 1 ± in this catalogue. The angular separation between the two ∆RVH E ms− 1.5 8.5 − 3 ± visual components is about 30 . This value is not much a1 sin i 10− AU 1.581 0.037 00 8 ± f1(m)10− M 4.26 0.29 larger than the satellite detector size so contamination m sin i M 3.90 ± 0.09 from one component onto the other is probably respon- 2 Jup N 55(E) + 6(H)± sible for the observed scatter. The contamination is also 1 σO C ms− 17.7 (E:16.3, H:29.9) probably responsible for the difference in parallaxes (a fac- − tor of two) and for the abnormally large uncertainties on this parameter (σ 1 mas is expected with HIPPARCOS π 3. Radial-velocity analysis and orbital solution for a 9th magnitude' star). We derived the atmospheric parameters (LTE analysis) On the 24th of April 2001, we had in hand a total of 61 using HIRES high signal{to{noise spectra with the same radial-velocity measurements for analysis: 6 from HIRES method as in ?). We used the same line list and oscilla- and 55 from ELODIE. The mean uncertainty on the veloc- 1 tor strengths as these authors, except for some lines that ities are of the order of 14 m s− (systematic error + pho- could not be used because they were out of the HIRES ton noise) for both instruments. The HIRES velocities have spectral coverage or fell just between two non-overlapping an arbitrary zero point. From contemporaneous observa- orders of the echelle spectra. Our line list finally consisted tions, we applied a preliminary shift to these velocitites to 1 of 18 Fe i lines and only 3 Fe ii lines. We estimated the bring them to the ELODIE system: ∆RV= +3.807 km s− . uncertainties on the derived atmospheric parameters in To account for possible errors in this zero-order shift, the the same way as in ?). The two stars have almost the orbital solution presented in Table 2 includes the resid- same Iron abundance and are very metal-rich dwarfs (re- ual velocity offset ∆RVH E between HIRES and ELODIE − spectively 2.7 and 2.4 times the solar Iron abundance). as an additional free parameter. The obtained ∆RVH E An independent study (Buchhave et al. in prep.) using is consistent with zero. Figure 1a shows the temporal ve-− the same HIRES spectra but a different line list gives con- locities for HD 80606.
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