Public Document Pack Agenda Meeting: Planning and Licensing Committee Date: 25 April 2017 Time: 7.00 pm Place: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Folkestone To: All members of the Planning and Licensing Committee The committee will consider the matters, listed below, at the date, time and place shown above. The meeting will be open to the press and public. Members of the committee, who wish to have information on any matter arising on the agenda, which is not fully covered in these papers, are requested to give notice, prior to the meeting, to the Chairman or appropriate officer. 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members of the committee should declare any interests which fall under the following categories*: a) disclosable pecuniary interests (DPI); b) other significant interests (OSI); c) voluntary announcements of other interests. 3. Minutes To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2017. 4. Minutes of the Licensing Sub-Committee To consider and approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2017. Queries about the agenda? Need a different format? Contact Kate Clark – Tel: 01303 853267 Email: [email protected] or download from our website www.shepway.gov.uk Date of Publication: Thursday, 13 April 2017 Page 1 Planning and Licensing Committee - 25 April 2017 5. Report by the Head of Planning Report DCL/16/17 sets out the planning applications that will be considered by the Planning and Licensing Committee. *Explanations as to different levels of interest (a) A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) must declare the nature as well as the existence of any such interest and the agenda item(s) to which it relates must be stated. A member who declares a DPI in relation to any item must leave the meeting for that item (unless a relevant dispensation has been granted). (b) A member with an other significant interest (OSI) under the local code of conduct relating to items on this agenda must declare the nature as well as the existence of any such interest and the agenda item(s) to which it relates must be stated. A member who declares an OSI in relation to any item will need to remove him/herself to the public gallery before the debate and not vote on that item (unless a relevant dispensation has been granted). However, prior to leaving, the member may address the meeting in the same way that a member of the public may do so. (c) Members may make voluntary announcements of other interests which are not required to be disclosed under (a) and (b). These are announcements made for transparency reasons alone, such as: • membership of outside bodies that have made representations on agenda items, or • where a member knows a person involved, but does not have a close association with that person, or • where an item would affect the well-being of a member, relative, close associate, employer, etc. but not his/her financial position. Voluntary announcements do not prevent the member from participating or voting on the relevant item Page 2 Agenda Item 3 Minutes Planning and Licensing Committee Held at: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Folkestone Date Tuesday, 28 March 2017 Present Councillors Alan Ewart-James, Clive Goddard (Chairman), Miss Susie Govett, Mrs Jennifer Hollingsbee, Mrs Mary Lawes, Philip Martin, Dick Pascoe, Paul Peacock, Damon Robinson, Peter Simmons and Roger Wilkins (Vice-Chair) Apologies for Absence Councillor Michael Lyons Officers Present: Kate Clark (Trainee Committee Services Officer), Claire Dethier (Development Management Team Leader), Geoff Mills (Committee Services Officer) and Lisette Patching (Development Manager) Others Present: 32. Declarations of Interest Councillor Damon Robinson declared a significant interest in respect of application Y16/1069/SH: 41 Cromwell Park Place, Folkestone in that he was affected by this application as an adjacent homeowner. In accordance with the local code of conduct he addressed the committee on this item but then he withdrew from the meeting and was not present when the matter was voted upon. 33. Minutes Councillor Mrs Mary Lawes requested that the minutes were amended with regard to the final paragraph on Y16/0623/SH: Little Densole Farm. Councillor Mrs Lawes moved that this paragraph was removed as she considered it did not accurately reflect the account of this item. Following discussion the proposal by Councillor Mrs Lawes was put to the meeting and was lost. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Mary Lawes Seconded by Councillors Miss Susie Govett (Voting: For 2; Against 7; Abstentions 2) Page 3 Planning and Licensing Committee - 28 March 2017 The Committee then voted on the minutes as presented on the Agenda as follows: For 7; Against 2; Abstentions 2 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 February 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman. Councillors Mrs Mary Lawes and Miss Susie Govett asked that their names be recorded in the minutes as having voted against this resolution. 34. Report from the Head of Planning At the start of considering the report by the Head of Planning the committee noted that application Y15/0751/SH:Plot 60, Enterprise Way, Link Park, Lympne, Hythe had been withdrawn. Y16/1069/SH 41 Cromwell Park Place, Folkestone, Kent Erection of a two storey attached dwelling. (The declaration by Councillor Damon Robinson was again noted and he left the Council Chamber when the vote was taken on this matter) Councillor R West, local resident, spoke against approval of the application. Councillor Peter Gane, Ward Member, spoke against approval of the application. Mr L Wittwer, the applicant’s agent spoke on their behalf. Proposed by Councillor Dick Pascoe Seconded by Councillor Roger Wilkins and RESOLVED that planning permission by granted subject to the conditions set out in the Report by the Head of Planning. (Voting: For 5; Against 4; Abstentions 1) Y16/1380/SH The Old Vicarage, Aldington Road, Lympne, Hythe Mr M Whitby, the applicant’s agent, spoke on their behalf. Proposed by Councillor Mrs Jenny Hollingsbee Seconded by Councillor Philip Martin and Page 4 Planning and Licensing Committee - 28 March 2017 RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the Report by the Head of Planning. (Voting: For 9; Against 2; Abstentions 0) Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 Minutes Licensing Sub-Committee Held at: Boulogne Room - Civic Centre Folkestone Date Thursday, 2 March 2017 Present Councillors Philip Martin, Paul Peacock and Roger Wilkins Apologies for Absence None Officers Present: Arthur Atkins (Principal Environmental Health Officer), Geoff Mills (Committee Services Officer) and Briony Williamson (Licensing Officer (Caravan Sites)) Others Present: 6. Declarations of interest None 7. Exclusion of the Public EXEMPT ITEM – Unrestricted Minute This is an unrestricted minute of a matter which the Sub-Committee resolved should be discussed in private on the grounds that it contained exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 3 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. 8. Classification of a documentary film and 24 short films This report asked the Licensing Sub-Committee to view and classify a documentary film and 24 short films so that they could be shown at the Silver Screen Cinema in Folkestone. Following consideration of the films the Sub-Committee unanimously RESOLVED as follows: 1. Watermark – classification - PG 2. Digital Tattoo: Artefact 1 – classification - 15 3. Seven Pleats, Seven Vows – classification - U Page 7 Licensing Sub-Committee - 2 March 2017 4. I Dream of Zombies – NOTE: having viewed this film and taking into account its content the Sub-Committee unanimously agreed that it should be given an 18 classification. 5. Pull Tag Knot – classification - U 6. Khadejah – classification - PG 7. First – classification - PG 8. Spatial Endeavours – classification - PG 9. All in the Mind – classification - PG 10.The King Rat – classification - 15 11.My Familiar – classification - U 12.Imagination – classification - U 13.Hiveminds – classification - PG 14.A Glimpse in the Dark –classification - PG 15.Unordinary – classification- U 16.Panoramic – classification- PG 17.Tunnel Vision – classification - PG 18.Walk of Shame – classification - PG 19.The Law of the Sea – classification- PG 20.One Diving, One Falling – classification- PG 21.Voyager – classification - PG 22.Sore Thumb, Stick Out – classification - PG 23.Asafo – classification - U 24.Strange Love Promo Full –classification - PG 25.Strange Love Promo Short – classification- PG Page 8 Agenda Item 5 DCL/16/17 PLANNING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE 25th April 2017 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF PLANNING ON APPLICATIONS 1. Y16/0068/SH OTTERPOOL QUARRY ASHFORD ROAD SELLINDGE (Page 11) KENT Retrospective planning application for change of use of a former quarry site to a temporary secure 24-hour lorry park with associated facilities for a period of 24 months. Page 9 This page is intentionally left blank Application No: Y16/0068/SH Location of Site: Otterpool Quarry Ashford Road Sellindge Kent Development: Retrospective planning application for change of use of a former quarry site to a temporary secure 24-hour lorry park with associated facilities for a period of 24 months. Applicant: Mr Patrick Breen Airport Cafe Ashford Road A20 Sellindge Kent TN25 6DA Agent: Mr Matthew Kettle Grace Yard Design Date Valid: 11.04.16 Expiry Date: 11.07.16 Date of Committee: 25.04.17 Officer Contact: Mr Richard Elder RECOMMENDATION: a) That planning permission be refused for the reason(s) set out at the end of this report. b) (1) That an enforcement notice be served requiring the unlawful use of the land as a lorry park to cease and the unlawful buildings and structures associated with the use to be removed. (2) That a stop notice be served requiring the use of the land as a lorry park to cease immediately.
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