DOCUMENT RESUME ED 360 898 HE 026 632 AUTHOR Marchese. Theodore J., Ed. TITLE American Associationfor Higher Education (AAHE) Bulletin, 1992-93. INSTITUTION American Associationfor Higher Education, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO ISSN-0162-7910 PUB DATE 93 NOTE 187p.; Published 10 times a year, coinciding with academic year. AVAILABLE FROMAmerican Association for Higher Education, One Dupont Circle, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036-1110 ($3.50 each issue, 1-10 copies, $2.50 11 copies or more). PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) Collected Works Conference Proceedings (021) JOURNAL CIT AAHE Bulletin; v45 n1-10 Sep 1992-Jun 1993 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Access to Education; *College Administration; *College Instruction; Conferences; Cultural Pluralism; *Educational Change; *Educational Quality; Financial Exigency; Group Discussion; Higher Education; Instructional Improvement; Management Teams; *Public Opinion; Public Relations; *School Community Relationship; Student Financial Aid IDENTIFIERS American Association for Higher Education; Diversity Concept; Total Quality Management ABSTRACT The 10 issues of this organizational bulletin for the 1992/93 school year present articles, panel discussions, interview:, and essays on issues concerning the advancement of higher education. Among the topics and issues discussed are the following: an interview with Parker J. Palmer concerning community and commitment in higher education; conference notes on the 1993 National Conference on Higher Education--Reinventing Community: Moving Ahead Dy'spite Tough Times"; an essay on diversity and multiculturalism, "Diversity and Our Discontents" (Frank F. Wong); a discussion on tools for student coping, "Catalyst: The Theatre for Change" (Dorothy Siegel and Clarinda Harriss Raymond); a report on the use of Total Quality Management at the University of Pennsylvania; summary of an American Association for Higher Education forum on higher education under Bill Clinton; details concerning the 1993 National Conference on Higher Education--"Reinventing Community: Sustaining Improvement During Hard Times"; study results from 15 colleges on strategies for administrative teams and teamwork; a discussion on faculty work and the problems of costs, educational quality and access; an examination of 14 research-based principles for improving higher learning in college classrooms; discussions on student aid and national service; and Daniel Yankelovich's assessment on public mood and higher education. (GLR) e2 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION o) FOR HIGHER EDUCATION co co AMERICAN ASSOCiATION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (AAHE) tu BULLETIN Volume 45, 1992-93 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Ofhcrt of EducaMmol EDUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Research and iniorOvethent EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION AAHE CENTER (ERIC) 0 This 00Cumant hatbeen repodubea ab iebemob from th parson jefiginating it Oe fieganotathen Ilr Minor changes have Dago made to swim,* rerproductiOn Outline TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Ppm of vrw o.oprrhons staled in this 60cu- INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." mant 00 .01 rwrosaanlyratereeent official OERI Meilen or coecr, 2 BEST CM MAILABLE SEPTEMBER/1992 VOLUME 45/NUMBER 1 r Ort =teir..., Wornae ten' r AfiER1' CAN ASSOCIATION '140R HIGHER EDUCATION ,'"le.,t.::;, 4.**q*:?f4'W _ ........ - -........,, .o.. -...--4 4. , '" ........ '''.. *1-4.-4,1" .....::..-.4.....c.:-.1i. Vir,4*:=:.gIV6kigii...'' .:"' .' ' "-- ''."-'' ''' ,-'... a -7--- -, , , A ---m- . ox,Is.k..^1::.-1.,:-.-;-7-1?-.0-4 NATIONAL CP.NFEREN HIGHER EDUCATI 'REINVENTING COMMUNITY: OVING AHEAD DESPITE TOUGH TIMEr Zt* WC 14.1(-17.3' Y's w3re-1-,- COMMUNITY AND COmmrTMENT HIGHER EDUCATION , . interuiew ivith Parker J. Palmer L-.n- 4 tri CALL FOR PROPOSALS GOOD WORK Charlene White Looks Back on 40 Years at AAHE FACULTY ROLES & REWARDS AAHE's New Forum Launches a Conference BEST COPY AVAILABLE In this issue: Welcome back to you and welcome tospecial project: the F'orum on Fa .!ulty Roles and Assistant Editor Gail Harrison, who joins theRewards. Its conference is scheduled for January 29- Bulletin team with this issue. The topic thisFebruary 1in San Antonio, Texas. Space for this month is conferences, with two count 'ern, tux) conference is limited, so plan to register early. It brings calls for proposals to consider. to four the number of meetings AAHE is staging We begin on the next page with the call for the 1993 annually. Whew! National Conference on Higher Education, AAHE's For your convenience in requesting registration and "flagship event," slated for March 14-17 in Washington,other information, we've included two tear-out DC. This year's theme is timely, as always: 'Iteinventingpostcards. The front card (opposite) covers the Community: Moving Ahead Despite Tough Times."National Conference on Higher Education; the back Community is a topic near and dear to the heart ofcard (after page 18), the Conference on Faculty Roles author, lecturer, and AAHE consultant Parker Palmer,and Rewards. We hope you'll submit a session proposal whose interview with Russ Edgerton illuminates that to either or both conferences. Whether you present theme. or not, we hope you'll plan to attend. The second call originates with AAHE's newest BP "REINVENTING COMMUNITY" 1993 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION 3 Community and Commitment in Higher Education/an interview with Parker J. Palmer/by Russell Edgerton 8Call for Proposals 11 Good Work: Charlene White's Personal Perspective on 40 Years at AAHE 14 AAHE's New Forum on Faculty Roles and Rewards Launches Its First Conference/ Call for Proposals/by Russell Edgerton Departments 18 AMIE News 19 Bulletin Board/by Ted Marchese 20 Announcing: IWo New Books on Parmerships AAHE BULLETIN September 1992/Volume 45/Number 1 Editor:Theodore J. Marchese Managing EditorBry Pollack Assistant Editor: GailN. Harrison Published by the American Association for Higher Education, One Dupont Circle, Suite 360, Washington, DC20036-1110; ph. (202) 293-6440; fax (202) 293-0073. President Russell Edgerton. Vice Presidents: Theodore J. Marchese and Louis S. Albert.Unsolicited manuscripts may be submitted by readers. All are subject to editorial review. Guidelines for authors are availablefrom the Managmg Editor. AAHE Bulletin(ISSN 0162-7910) is published as a membership service of the American Association for Higher Education, anonprofit organization incorporated in the District of Columbia Second class postage paid at Washington, DC. Annualdomestic membership dues: $75. of which $40 is for publications. Subscription price forAAHE Bulletinwithout membership: $35 per year, $43 per year outside the United States.AAHE Bulletinis published ten times per year, monthly except July arid August. Back issues: $3.50 each for up to ten copies; $2.50 each for eleven or more copies. Payment must accompany all orders under$50; payment or purchase order must accompany all orders over $50.AAHE Bulletinis available in microform fioin University Microfilms International, POSTMASI'ER: Send addrass changes toAAHE Bulletin,One Dupont Circle, Suite 360, Washington, DC 20036-1110. is? 511 Cover design by Design Innovations Typesetting by Ten Point Thpe. Printing by Hagerstown Bookbinding & Printing, Inc. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 4 1993 NA TIONAL CONFERENCE COMMUNITY AND COMMITMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION an interview with Parker J. Palmer by Russell Edgerton In the process of choosing "Reinventinglectures, and retreats. Palmer's 1987 Community" as the organizing themeNational Conference presentation about for the 1993 National Conference oncommunity is still one of the most widely Higher Education, AAHE turned to Parkeracclaimed sessions ever presented at an Palmer, a person who has long been involvedAAHE conference (see Note). Palmer is the in such issues as a teacher and activist.author of four booksThe Promise of Higher education is under pressure toParadox. The Company of Strangers, To reform, at a time when institutional re-Know As We Are Known, and The Active sources for change are scarce indeed, theLifeand numerous articles, including situation seems to point toward retrench-"Divided No More: A Movement Approach ment. But Palmer sees another (moreto Educational Reform" in the March/April hopeful) way to understand the potential for1992 Change Magazine. He has also edited change in the face of institutional discour-two collections: The Recovery of Spirit in agements a way that involves evokingHigher Education and Caring for the personal values, forming "communitiesCommonweal. He currently is working on of concern," and developing sociala new book, The Courage to Teach. "movements." This summer, AAHE's president, Russell Palmer, who also serves as a seniorEdgerton, interviewed Palmer at kis home associate at AAHE, travels widely in thisin Wisconsin. country and abroad conducting workshops, Eds. THE PAIN OF is. how will they sustain educa- DISCONNECTION tional improvement in hard times? EDGERTON: Parker, a lot of In your travels, as a lecturer things are going on out there that and workshop leader working you and I and other colleagues with faculty, talking to admin- in AAHE are enthusiastic about istrators and students, visiting . fresh attention to the quality campuses, you have gained a bet- of undergraduate teaching, in- ter sense of how faculty are doing creased momentum for collabo- than probably anyone else we a rative learning, reexamination of 40' know. Tell us. what have you faculty roles and incentives. Edu- seen? cational reform is afoot. At the PALMER:
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