Index The Horn Book Magazine Volume LXXXIV: January–December 2008 January/February, 1–128 March/April, 129–240 May/June, 241–368 July/August, 369–480 September/October, 481–624 November/December, 625–752 A Is For. ?, 163 Alphabet books, article about, 157- Aurelie, r., 598 A Is for Salad, 160 166 Aurness, Craig, photo by, 358 Aardvarks, Disembark!, 161 Alphabet City, 157 Avi, 305 ABC I Like Me!, 675 Alphabet Under Construction, 159 Awards, articles about, 14-32; 377- ABC3D, r., 688 “Altogether, One at a Time,” Roger 383, 393-406, 480 Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek, r., 569 Sutton, 244 Ayto, Russell, 324 Abe’s Honest Words, r., 723 Alvin Ho, 453 Azarian, Mary, 115; il. by, 116 Ablow, Gail, 103 Amateau, Gigi, 303 Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time “Amazing Brian Selznick,” Tracy Babar Comes to America, 733 Indian, 10; 422, 480; r., 726 Mack, 407-411 Baby, r., 92 Accidental Zucchini, 160 American Born Chinese, 423 Babymouse: Monster Mash, r., 587 “Ad Hoc,” Alicia Potter, 128 Andersen, Hans Christian, 67 Babymouse: Puppy Love, r., 87 Adams, Lauren, 364; revs. by, 90; Anderson, Colin, photo by, 357 Bach, Tamara, 576 340; 592; 708, 709 Anderson, Laurie Halse, 605; 696 Backward Day, 348 Adèle & Simon in America, r., 570 Anderson, M. T., 483, 575; article by, Bader, Barbara, 123; 620; letter Adlington, L. J., 212 27-32 about, 628; revs. by, 82, 95; 333, Adoff, Jaime, 301; article by, 427 Anderson, Peggy Perry, 292 339; 588 Adoration of Jenna Fox, r., 325; 619 Anderson, Wayne, 353; il. by, 355 Baek, Matthew J., 431 African American children’s litera- Andoh, Adjoa, 121 Bailey, Josephine, 474 ture, article about, 247-259 Anne of Green Gables, poem about, Baines, Becky, 605; il. by, 606 After Tupac and D Foster, r., 98 752 Baker, Deirdre F., 3, 10, 81, 123; 480; Ahlberg, Allan, 627, 687 Another Kind of Cowboy, r., 88 see Book Reviews “Ain’t I Great!,” Daniel Greenstone, Antsy Does Time, r., 597 Balliett, Blue, 437 675-680 Ape, r., 113 Bang, Molly, 480 Ain’t Nothing but a Man, r., 117 Appelt, Kathi, 303 Bang-Campbell, Monika, 480 Airman, r., 215 Apple Pie That Papa Baked, r., 80 Banks, Kate, 81; 199 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp, r., Applegate, Katherine, 68 Banyai, Istvan, 12 234 Archambault, John, 159 Barasch, Lynne, 435 Alalou, Ali, 291 Arnold, Caroline, 105 Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta, 606 Alalou, Elizabeth, 291 Arnold Lobel Book of Mother Goose, 54 Barrows, Annie, 438; 670 Albert the Fix-It Man, r., 297 Arnosky, Jim, 224 Barton, Jill, il. by, 672 Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians, r., Aronson, Marc, 117 Basketball Bats, r., 448 94 Arrival, The, 10; 424, 480 Bataille, Marion, 688; il. by, 689 Alcatraz versus the Scrivener’s Bones, “Art School?,” David Wiesner, 541 Batang Historyador series, 37 r., 715 “As I Was Crossing Boston Com- Battiste, Francois, 474 Alexander, Sue, obit., 621 mon,” Jack Gantos, 194-196 Battle of the Labyrinth, r., 456 Alexie, Sherman, 10; 422, 480; 726; Asher, Jay, 232; 359 Bauer, Joan, 305; 617 article by, 542 Aston, Dianna Hutts, 688 Baynes, Pauline, obit., 740 Alice McKinley books, letter about, Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Be Gentle with the Dog, Dear!, r., 431 4 Traitor to the Nation, Volume I, Bean, Jonathan, 8; 480; il. by, 80 All Aboard!, r., 207 423; article about, 27-32 Bearskinner, The, 12 All Stations! Distress!, 483; r., 608 Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Beaty, Andrea, 292, 306 All the Lovely Bad Ones, r., 312 Traitor to the Nation, Volume II, Becca at Sea, 3, 10; 480; r., 81 All We Know of Heaven, r., 323 483; r., 575 Becker, Bonny, 199 Alley, R. W., 577; ils. by, 578; 627, 719 Astronaut Handbook, r., 469 Before I Die, 359 Alley, Zoë B., 627, 719 At Night, 8; 480 Before John Was a Jazz Giant, r., 342 Allford, Diane, photo by, 696 Audiobook reviews, 121-122; 232- Bell, Anthea, 710, 736 Almond, David, 302; 426; 575 234; 343-344; 474-475; 617-619; Bell, Hilari, 577 Almost Alice, r., 454 726-727 Bell, J. L., 620; rev. by, 610 Almquist, Don, il. by, 173 Audras, Eric, photo by, 322 Bell, Ted, 438 Alpern, Eliyahu, 651 Auger, Tanya D., 123; see Book Bemelmans, Ludwig, il. by, 683 Alpha Bravo Charlie, 160 Reviews Beneath My Mother’s Feet, r., 595 742 The Horn Book Magazine Benny and Penny in Just Pretend, r., Brighton, Catherine, 336; il. by, 337 Castellucci, Cecil, 698 440 British children’s literature, articles Castle on Hester Street, 351 Beowulf, 12; 425 about, 59-63; 185-191 Catalanotto, Peter, 161; 579; il. by, Bertozzi, Nick, il. by, 424 Broach, Elise, 69; 697 561 Best Friends, r., 599 Brook Book, r., 224 Catrow, David, 604 Betsy-Tacy, 668 Brooke, L. Leslie, 49 Catwings, r., 618 “Better Than a Suitcase,” Sheila Brooker, Kyrsten, il. by, 70 Catwings Returns, r., 618 Ruth, 634-641 Brooklyn Bridge, r., 585 Censorship, articles about, 362-363; Bettoli, Delana, il. by, 652 Brooks, Bruce, article by, 285-287 489-499 Big Bad Bunny, r., 200 Brooks, Kevin, 343; 578 Cepeda, Joe, 582; il. by, 254 Big Game of Everything, r., 592 Brooks, Martha, 727 Chains, r., 696 Big Green Book, 172 Brothers, Meagan, 307 Chalmers, Mary, 137-152 Billingsley, Franny, 200 Brothers Torres, r., 332 Chancey of the Maury River, r., 303 Biographies, article about, 39-43 Brothers’ War, r., 101 Chanda’s Wars, r., 221 Birchbark House, 671 Brown, Don, 483, 608 Charlie and Lola’s I Will Never Not Bird Lake Moon, r., 312 Brown, Lisa, 293 Ever Eat a Tomato, 347 Birdsall, Jeanne, 439; 726 Bryant, Jen, 308 Cheater, r., 217 Birthday Tree, r., 201 Buffalo Storm, r., 68 Cheng, Andrea, 309; il. by, 551 Bishop, Gavin, 699 Bunce, Elizabeth C., 213 Cherry, Lynne, 609 Bishop, Nic, 131, 225 Burkam, Anita L., 123; see Book Cherry Heaven, r., 212 Bishop, Rudine Sims, interview Reviews Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, 159 with, 247-259 Burkey, Mary, 620; revs. by, 617, 619 Chicken Feathers, r., 309 Black Book of Secrets, r., 87 Burningham, John, 735 Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar Black Rabbit Summer, r., 578 Burns, Loree Griffin, 14 County, 8 Blackall, Sophie, 438; 673 Busby, Cylin, 721 Child, Lauren, 345, 347; 559; ils. by, Blacker the Berry, r., 604 Busby, John, 721 346; 560 Blair, Mary, 573; il. by, 100 Bush, Margaret A., 67; 132 Child of Dandelions, r., 454 Blake, Quentin, il. by, 188 Butter Man, r., 291 Children’s book history, articles Blegvad, Lenore, obit., 740 Byrd, Robert, ils. by, 377, 383 about, 137-152, 171-180 Bliss, Harry, 70; 689 Children’s laureate, article about, Block, Francesca Lia, 603 Cabrera, Cozbi A., 693 185-191 Bloom, Susan P., 132; rev. by, 89 “Cadenza,” Alicia Potter, 128; Kath- “Children’s Literature Application Blue Flame, r., 704 leen Krull, 240; Eloise Greenfield, Test,” Monica Edinger and Rox- Blue like Friday, r., 219 368; Horn Book staff, 480; Lee anne Hsu Feldman, 502-510 Blume, Judy, 427 Bennett Hopkins, 624; Shoshana Choldenko, Gennifer, 474 Blume, Lesley M. M., 306 Flax, 752 Christmas Bears, 647 Bodeen, S. A., 307 Cadnum, Michael, 213 Christmas books, reviewed, 647-655 Bodger, Joan, article about, 59-63 “Caldecott Medal Acceptance,” Christmas Farm, r., 652 Boeke, Wanda, 450 Brian Selznick, 393-406 Chuck’s Band, r., 292 Bog Child, r., 581 Calder Game, r., 437 Cicada Summer, r., 306 Boiger, Alexandra, 691 Caletti, Deb, 308 City ABC Book, 157 Bond, Michael, 577 Calmenson, Stephanie, 13 City Hawk, r., 115 Bonner, Hannah, 3, 106 Cameron, Peter, 3, 10, 82; letter City Lullaby, r., 79 Bontemps, Arna, 249 about, 628 Clark, Emma Chichester, 432 “Book Reviews,” 67-122; 199-234; Cammuso, Frank, 440 Class (social) in children’s literature, 291-344; 431-475; 567-619; 687-727 Campbell, E. Simms, il. by, 249 article about, 33-38 Book Thief, 423 Campbell, Patty, article by, 357-361; “CLAT: Level III,” Monica Edinger Booth, Coe, 696 rev. by, 716 and Roxanne Hsu Feldman, 502- “Borderlands,” Patty Campbell, 357- Campbell, Richard P., 463 510 361; Jonathan Hunt, 421-426 Campbell, Sarah C., 463 Cleary, Beverly, 668 Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards, Cann, Helen, 601; il. by, 603 Clementine, 26 acceptances, 14-32; announced, Canned, r., 458 Clementine’s Letter, 552; r., 455 621 Cantone, AnnaLaura, 71 Clements, Andrew, 579 Bowler, Tim, 440 Caple, Laurie, 105 Climo, Shirley, 333 Boxer and the Spy, r., 455 Caps for Sale, 735 Closer Look, r., 75 Boys of Steel, r., 471 Carbone, Elisa, 201 Cneut, Carll, il. by, 79 Braasch, Gary, 609 Card, Orson Scott, 727 Coats, Karen, 740; article by, 523-536 Brabander, Jennifer M., see Book Cardboard Piano, 483; r., 571 Cochran, Thomas, 83 Reviews Carle, Eric, 731 Coffelt, Nancy, 480 Bradley, Timothy J., 607 Carl’s Summer Vacation, r., 432 Colabucci, Lesley, letter from, 628 Bray, Libba, 474 Carlson, Lori Marie, 464 Cole, Brock, 595; il. by, 596 Bredsdorff, Bodil, 669 Carlson, Nancy, 675; il. by, 676 Colfer, Eoin, 215 Bresnahan, Alyssa, 344 Carter, Betty, 14-15; article by, 557- Collard, Sneed B., III, 107 Brewer, Paul, 610 562; see Book Reviews Collier, Bryan, ils. by, 119; 252 Bridge to the Stars, r., 91 Cashore, Kristin, 697 Collins, Ross, 443 Briggs, Raymond, il. by, 51 Castaways, The, r., 89 Collins, Suzanne, 483, 580 November/December 2008 743 Colman, Penny, 647 Dear Genius, article about, 137-152 Dunrea, Olivier, 648; il. by, 625 Come Back, Cat, 734 Death of Jayson Porter, r., 301 DuPrau, Jeanne, 582 Come Here, Cat, 734 Debbie Harry Sings in French, r., 307 Duvoisin, Roger, 350 Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars, Debon, Nicolas, article by, 15-18; ils.
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