\ ~ LAST 6 eX) DAYS! •• ~< o•••••· YEARL Y $300.00 .~ LIMITED YEARLY $200.00 co~ SIX-MONTHS $175.00 ~ LIMITED SIX-MONTHS $140.00 co tJ SPECIAL RATES GOOD THROUGH AUGUST 31. 1983 o .=~. ~ ..~e ~ SWIM CLUB DUAL MEMBERSmpS AVAILABLE! TELEPHONE FOR DETAILS 607 WESTHEIMER HOU:STON, TEXAS 77006 528-JIMS ~YRUII\hW(eo ,. OWN OUR Seville , (k;.d'OOfTl IlIJ hlJild.,l/~.IIGW> 0 FLOOR PLAN M~c<7~ ClO~1 I FOR ONLY I Red..ceJ ~'Ii.Hh P~ OQ~~! . $327.09* IlIJ s~ ~ • ,....., /JO:2 i!rwdt MONTHLY 5:27- 9966 II I~ .Wk::::q UNDER OUR DEVELOPER lrv tnQ DmH'l9 I CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM** 100% FINANCING AT 12% ELECTRONIC SECURITY ALL ADULT ' LANDSCAPED COURTYARDS WEST LOOP LOCATION TWO POOLS *Includes principal, interest, taxes, insurance, utilities and maintenance fees. * *Developer pays $250 per month for first 12 months. OFFER GOOD ON NEXT 20 SALES ONLY OR UNTIL SEPTEMBER 25, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. Ilella' ••• ~ ~~. ~ 5l McditerrBl1cBl1 VilIiu;~~ .. 5 A Development of Gulf Houston Properties 5625 BISSONNET. HOUSTON • 666 ..4440 TWT AUGUST 26 - SEPTEMBER1, 1983 PAGE 5 \\OU ____ CONTENTS Volume 9, Number23 August 26-September 1, 1983 11 TWTNEWS _ Hurricane Alicia, Eighth Day Raid, TGLTF Celebrates 10th Anniversary. 21 COMMENT _ Public Forum 27 BOOKS _ The Color Purple, by Alice Walker Reviewed by David Fields 32 MOVIES _ easy Money Reviewed by Harry Deutsch Mr. Mom Reviewed by Joseph Michael -SAN ANTONIO- 36 SHOWBIZ _ Risky Business, Lou Reed, Bette Midler, Joan Rivers by JackVarsi SUNDAY BRUNCH NOON·3PM 40 ENTERTAINMENT - TEXAS _ The Quail in the Pines in Austin, Houston Art League. by Rob Clark $1 MIMOSAS 44 INTERVIEW _ REGISTER NOW FOR THE LABOR DAY La Wanda Page by Rob Clark TRIP TO HOUSTON. (FIRST COME FIRST 48 COVER STORY SERVE). -HOUSTON- SUNDAY SHOW WITH BEAUTY & THE BEAST 53 HOTTEA _ Name Dropper, Tattle Tale, Can We Talk? . by Chuck SPECIAL GUEST COCO 61 SPORTS _ ALGPC Tourney, MSA Summer Bowling Ends. by CherylChamberlain COMING SOON 65 STARSCOPE _ Instant Replay of Earlier Love Cycle by Milton von Stern IN HOUSTON: 73 CLASSIFIED _ Want Ads and Notices THE SECOND 81 CALENDAR _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events ANNUAL LABOR 83 THE GUIDE _ DAY DRAG Texas Business / Club Directory BRUNCH. 'W7 COVER _ Rider Photograph for CoverStory by Jason Matthews GET YOUR FROCKS TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, Inc., at 220~ Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) 527·9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph AND BAUBLES READY! of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year; $40 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1983 by Mon- trose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article-or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute TWT AUGUST 26 - SEPTEMBEA 1. 1983 PAGE 7 HALF PRICE SALE * Be proud of your body with a lit- Join now and pay only one half of tle help from Fitness f:xchange. At our regular membership price plus Fitness f:xchange We tail.ora pro- $50. But hurry .... gram to meet your speclat needsand supervise you 6~noul\' (evoJutionary HOURS Nautilus f:qulpmeht: .. MONDAY -FRIDAY 6AM",lOPM SATURDAY -1OAM-8PM SUNDAY - NOON-6PM Also available are suntans sun systems, free weights. sauna; jacuz- MfMIlt:RStlIP Rt:ClPROCAI. zi. juices. and musk that moves, all IlETWft:N DALLAS AND HOUSTON in cool, clean. comfortable facilities. • + $50. HURRY OFFER ENDS AUG. 31,1983 DALLAS fA))mrnev56 HOUSTON 2615 Oak Lawn 3307 Richmond at Maple-Suite 101 at Buffalo Speedway 526-1220 \@)XCIHrR'JfiSe 524-9932 NAUTILUS FOR MEN \\WI SouTH ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS _= Weekly Circulation: 20.000 J E N I" IN l~ S NEWS HOME OFFICE (713) 527-9111 2205 Montrose (f~OSSf~OAI)S Houston, Texos 77006 tomers without any cause. They ran- FIERCE RAID ON sacked our club and, of course, found DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 South Jennings 3409 Oak Lawn, Suite 206 DALLAS CLUB no drugs, and now it seems the police Crossroads Dallas, Texas 75219 DALLAS - The Eighth Day, a long- want us to search every customer before PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick of Ft. Worth/Arlington time popular baron North Fitzhugh, was they enter the Eighth Day," Hargus FEATURESEDITOR Blose DiStefano the target of a long, fierce and uncalled- added. TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark Hardin immediately contacted City NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jock Varsi INVITES YOU for raid last Friday, August 19. NEWS/SPORTSEDITOR Chuck Patrick TO SPEND At about 9:00pm, 40 to 50 narcotics Councilmember Paul Fielding, who sur- ASSISTANT TO THEEDITORS Dennis Walker and police officers of the Dallas Police veyed the damage. A dismayed Fielding POETRYEDITOR Art Tomaszewski LABOR DAY contacted Levi Davis, assistant City CONTRIBUTING EDITORS _ Department surrounded the club, clos- Jim Boone, Susan Collins, Harry Deutsch, WEEKEND ing in on the parking lot before entering Manager, who is in charge of DPD, de- Dovld Fields. Weldon Grohame, Christopher Hart, manding an explanation of the action. Paul Herrero. Hollie Hollister, Harold Hove, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2 with shotguns in hand. They proceed- George Klein, Dean Malone. ed to search the club extensively. Fielding was astounded that nearly 50 Joseph Michael. w.J. Quigley THRU Police placed one shotgun to the officers were used to arrest only a few ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow MONDAY, SEPT. 5 people on minor charges, when major ASSISTANT AD ART DIRECTOR Thorn Bisping head of A.C., a bartender, and placed GRAPHIC ARTISTS WITH US! another shotgun on an off-duty barten- crimes and violence are occurring else- Fronk White, Fred Hinton, Tuck Finn der, Carter. where in Dallas. TYPOGRAPHERSvs.s. Quigley, Leslie Holmes OUR PARTY Hardin and Hargis were to meet with STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Eli Gukich, The police completely ransacked the Scott Taylor. Greg Hoviccn AI Macareno, their corporate attorney to determine ac- WEEKEND! bar, TWT NEWS learned. "They searched Jim Hamilton, J. Robert Araya, Tom Davis, tion to be taken against the police. State Carl Neil. Oscar Mendiola, Blose DiStefano. and tore up the storage area, looked be- Michael Galatis, Hollie Hollister, Greg Oliveira 651/ARLINGTON hind the bar, and pulled out David and federal lawsuits may be the avenue ACCOUNTING Doug Felix 1851 WEST DIVISION for justice, TWT NEWS learned. RECEPTIONISTTracey Springer White's dj booth, destroying the lighting 275-9183 computer." In a postscript to the story, police two SALES After being alerted by the No Name nights later, on Sunday, August 21, EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER 6511FT. WORTH Jim Veteto next door, co-owners Bill Hargus and entered both Changes and the No Name 651 S. JENNINGS • 332·0745 in the same shopping center. No arrests, Advertising rates are available on request by tele- RayHardin arrived. They were in theirof- phoning the salesperson In your nearest city, from fice when police broke down the door, however, were made in their 6:30pm 10am-5pm. weekdays. LUMBER COMPANY surveillance. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: searched the contents and ripped open Friday, one week prior to publication. 700 S. JENNINGS • 332·0192 the money bags, flinging bills and coins AUSTIN to the floor, Richard Rogers of TWT NEWS ALICIA POUNDS Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0253 COME ALONG INN was told, Jay Cherin. 441-3678 CORPUSCHRISTI Afterfinding nothing in the bar except GALVESTON IHOUSTON Greg Oliveira. (512) 993-5079 one porn book in a tool drawer, police GALVESTON/HOUSTON - In the DALLAS Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0622 then searched all the customers. By early morning hours of August 18, Hur- FORTWORTH checking everyone's 10 against the DPD ricane Alicia came ashore on the Texas . (817) 335-0742 HOUSTON computer, those with outstanding war- coast, reaching landfall at San Luis . (713) 527-9111 rants, suspicious knives, drugs or guns Pass, just a few miles southeast of Gal- SAN ANTONIO were arrested. veston. Traveling inland, Alicia passed (512) 734-4688 734-8216 Several people were also brought in- through Houston on its way north. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT to the bar from the parking lot, where The eye of the hurricane passed di- State Director-Cheryl Chamberlain they too were charged. Approximately rectly over Galveston, clocking winds of Houston Bureau-Leslie Holmes Dallas Bureau-Chuck North 15 people were arrested in the raid, 102miles per hour. When Alicia passed which was of two hours duration. over Houston, the eye of the storm lin- ASYLUM ENTERPRISES. INC. "This is police harassment and police gered over Montrose, packing winds of The Corporation PRESIDENTJames D. Cagle destruction of private property," Hardin 72 miles per hour. VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M Patrick TWT NEWS. SECRETARYJim D. Chappell told "These officers destroy- The gay communities of both Texas ed our bar, harassed us and our cus- cities were severely altered as stunned PAGE 10 TWT AUGUST 26 - SEPTEMBEA 1. 1983 PAGE 11 residents and businesses ventured out the next day to survey the destruction. On Galveston Isle, the beach/bath house at popular Stewart Beach was de- stroyed, as the storm surge was devas- tating. Nearby, the Hut Club, sight of .l)f&. many Splash Daydisco parties, was left a shell. Of the city's six gay bars, the Fly sus- tained the most severe damage. Owner ,r Tom Rose told TWT NEWS that the histor- ic tile flying loose from the Galvez Hotel BERING MEMORIAL just half a block away flew like missles United Methodist Church IN CONCERT into his club, skidding off the roof, shat- tering windows and tearing off the sea- SPA R K S FRIDAY AUG.
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