May 23, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1141 rural and urban communities; however, an es- TRIBUTE TO JESUS ARMAS—HAY- HONORING THE STATE OF TEXAS timated 42 percent have gaps in their capacity WARD CITY MANAGER FOR ITS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE to provide dental care. ‘‘Deamonte’s Law’’ EXTRAORDINAIRE NATION’S CIVIL SPACE PRO- would address this issue by establishing a 5- GRAM year, $5 million pilot program to provide funds for dentists, equipment and construction for HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK HON. NICK LAMPSON dental services at community health centers. OF CALIFORNIA OF TEXAS The program would also provide support for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contractual relationships between centers and Wednesday, May 23, 2007 private practice dentists. Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Mr. LAMPSON. Madam Speaker, a resolu- ‘‘Deamonte’s Law’’ would also address the Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to tion honoring the State of Texas for its con- dentist shortage. The U.S. Department of pay tribute to Jesus Armas, City Manager of tributions to the Nation’s civil space program. Health and Human Services estimates that Hayward, CA. Mr. Armas is ending his long Whereas the Johnson Space Center (JSC), there is a shortage of 4,650 dentists—and pe- and distinguished career with the City of Hay- originally established as the Manned Space- diatric dentists are even more scarce. ward at the end of June 2007. Mr. Armas, who craft Center in Houston, Texas in 1961 and ‘‘Deamonte’s Law’’ would address this issue has been associated with the City for nearly later renamed in honor of President Lyndon B. by establishing a 5-year, $5 million pilot pro- 20 years, was initially Assistant City Manager Johnson in 1973, continues to lead the Na- gram to enhance training and academic pro- and since 1993 has held the position of City tional Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) efforts in human space exploration; grams in pediatric dentistry, recruit and train Manager. Whereas JSC Houston is the home of dentists to study pediatrics, and provide con- During his tenure, Mr. Armas has assisted NASA’s Mission Control, the Astronaut Corps, tinuing education for practicing dentists. the City Council in addressing a number of and is the premier center for our nation’s The legislation is endorsed by the American issues that were outstanding at the time of his human space flight and related scientific and Dental Association. appointment as City Manager. Among his first medical research efforts; tasks was to help the City Council address the Whereas JSC’s team of dedicated profes- I was joined in introducing this legislation by financial challenges facing the City. The City sionals has made advances in science, tech- my colleagues, Chairman HENRY A. WAXMAN was experiencing declining revenues and a re- nology, engineering and medicine that enable of California and Chairman DENNIS KUCINICH duction in its fund balance. Working with de- us to explore our world and universe as never of Ohio. partment heads and with the cooperation and before, and to derive unparalleled benefits I want to thank both Congressmen for their assistance of employees and their associa- from that exploration; leadership and dedication to this issue. tions or unions, various cost-saving measures Whereas JSC currently employs over 3,200 were presented and adopted by the Council, civil servants that include the NASA astronaut On May 2, 2007, at my request, we con- resulting in a balanced budget. This spirit of corps and over 12,000 contractor employees, ducted an oversight hearing entitled, ‘‘Evalu- cooperation among all members of the organi- which makes a significant positive economic ating Pediatric Dental Care under Medicaid’’ to zation was employed once again a decade impact on both the state of Texas and the city investigate Deamonte Driver’s death. later when a downturn in the economy re- of Houston; At the hearing, it became apparent that the quired another belt tightening, Whereas NASA’s Explorer School program in Texas brings together educators, adminis- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Mr. Armas has initiated and implemented a has categorically failed to meet its oversight trators, students and families in sustained in- number of significant changes, which have volvement with NASA’s education programs responsibilities with regard to ensuring that made Hayward a better place in which to live and provides grants to schools to support the state health departments, and the managed and work. Under the City Council’s direction, purchase of technology tools, online services care organizations that they contract with, are he initiated projects that dramatically trans- and in-service support for the integration of in compliance with the law. formed downtown Hayward. Construction of a technology applications to engage students in Section 1905(r)(3) of the Social Security Act new award-winning City Hall served as a cata- advanced science and mathematics investiga- ensures that every Medicaid-eligible child will lyst for significant public and private sector in- tions; vestments in the downtown area. Housing and have access to medically necessary dental Whereas NASA’s next mission—Space retail development continue at a fast pace. care under the early and periodic screening, Shuttle Mission STS–117—is scheduled to While many communities in the Bay Area diagnostic and treatment (EPSDT) provision. launch this summer and honors the state of talked about the concept of transit-oriented de- Texas by having 3 hometown astronauts However, it is evident from our investigation velopment, Hayward went beyond the talking aboard Mission Specialist James F. Reilly of that this has not been the case. stage and caused the concept to become a Mesquite and Mission Specialists Patrick G. That is why Chairman KUCINICH and I sent reality. Mr. Armas describes the transformation Forrester and John D. Olivas, both of EI Paso; letters to CMS Director Dennis Smith and of downtown as something he is especially and Health and Human Services (HHS) Depart- proud of. Whereas native Texans and Astronauts ment Secretary Michael Leavitt to ensure that Jesus Armas has been the force and vision Robert S. Kimbrough and Shannon Walker they are fulfilling their statutory obligation to behind many projects that have enhanced the have qualified for future space flights as mis- sion specialists, Astronaut Timothy L. Kopra is provide comprehensive dental care to every social, financial and environmental well-being currently in training at JSC for future flight as- Medicaid-eligible child. of the City of Hayward. In reflecting on his ten- signments, Astronaut Michael E. Fossum has ure, Mr. Armas said that beyond the bricks I remain committed to addressing this prob- flown 1 space flight, and Astronaut Kenneth D. and mortar, what is noteworthy has been the lem from every angle, and I would urge all my Cockrell has flown on 5 space flights: Now, opportunity to work in a diverse community, colleagues to join me by supporting therefore, be it where differences involving race, ethnicity and Resolved, That the House of Representa- ‘‘Deamonte’s Law,’’ H.R. 2371. languages, are embraced and seen as posi- tives— I want to thank Representatives MILLER, tive rather than negatives aspects of the com- (1) Recognize these remarkable achieve- COHEN, GRIJALVA, SERRANO, MCCOLLUM and munity. ments to the nation’s Civil Space Program by PAYNE for already cosponsoring the legislation, Mr. Armas states ‘‘I will be eternally grateful the State of Texas and its residents; and and I would urge all of my colleagues to join to Hayward residents for allowing me to expe- (2) Congratulate NASA employees, astro- them. rience a rewarding and enriching professional nauts, students, and teachers, for their ongo- Children’s lives are at stake. I can think of career,’’ I join the City of Hayward, CA in ex- ing contributions to the advancement of United no better reason to act with a great sense of pressing our profound appreciation to Mr. States engineering, scientific, and aeronautic urgency. Armas for his exemplary commitment and capacity, ensuring a brighter and stronger fu- dedicated public service. ture for this Nation. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:16 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\E23MY7.REC E23MY7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2007 RECOGNIZING JAMES HATLER FOR reason she was awarded the Combat Action Noncommissioned Officers Academy. I am so ACHIEVING THE RANK OF EAGLE Badge. Her awards also include the Bronze honored to recognize Chief Taylor for her SCOUT Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, dedication to the United States. Army Commendation Medal, Army Achieve- Madam Speaker, it is with great admiration HON. SAM GRAVES ment Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, Na- and pride that the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues honors these four service- OF MISSOURI tional Defense Service Medal, Drill Sergeant women and their extraordinary accomplish- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Badge, and Combat Action Badge. I am truly pleased to honor SFC Barbara Clavijo for her ments. In a time when our military faces espe- Wednesday, May 23, 2007 service and dedication. cially difficult challenges both at home and Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly Master Chief Ann L. Tubbs began her ca- abroad, these four women have shown excep- pause to recognize James Hatler, a very spe- reer with the U.S. Coast Guard in July 1980 tional courage, ability and loyalty to the Armed cial young man who has exemplified the finest when she graduated from the Coast Guard Services of the United States of America. qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- Training Center in Cape May, New Jersey and They are true shining examples of the numer- ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- was assigned to Coast Guard Station ous women serving in our military today.
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