ALL the NEWS of B ED BANK SECTION and Surrounding Towns Told'Fearlessly and Without Bias ANK REGISTER OISfE VOLUME LXI, NO. 22, RED BANK, N,.J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 12. Rumson Senior St. James Club Union Service/To All In Readiness Samuel Weinstein Recital Friday Oti Mrs. Walter Noble Son Humiliates Class To Stage To Hold Party Be Held Thursday St. George's Chimes .'• Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon of Con- For Third Annual Makes Donation The martial hymn, "Onward Chris- New President Of Father By Letter ^ gregation B'nal Israel will be the. tian Soldiers," with- improvisations, "GrowingJPains" In Auditorium speaker at the annual Thanksgiving Monte Carlo Night To New Y House will be played by J. Stanley Farrar, union service to be held Thursday organist and choirmaster of St. Ladies' Auxiliary About The Jews V mdrnlng at 9 o'clock In the Presby- George's Epfscdpal church, Rumson. Show to Be Presented Mrs. Harry Quinn Chair- terian church. His subject will be Event to Be Held by Proprietor of Furniture when at 2:30. Friday afternoon, No- ; Mrs. Arthur Slattery, Is E. Robert Grauert Write* "America First—In What Sense?". vember 25, tho 32nd annual Chrlst ;The service Is being sponsored by December 2—FuncU for man of Event to Be Held Hebrew Society Next Company to Outfit Re- mas seal, sale will be opened.- Rev. the Red. Bank Minlsterlum. Hostess to Mail Carriers' Rabbi Hershoh Concern- Dr. George F. Dudley will make an Seniors' Annual Trip- Monday Night The church quartet will render sev- Tuesday Night ception Room - address, eral selections. Members of -the Wives Thursday Night ing the Matter An hour's* recital,- on the Mary quartet will render several selections. The Senior class of Rumson high Plans are underway for a monster Owen Borden Memorial carillon in St. Members of the quartet are Mrs. J. Everything Is in readiness for the At Its meeting held last week, tho • The November meeting of the Red In The Register of last Issue there) school will present "Growing Pains" card party to be held at Red Bank. William Helm soprano, Mrs. Thomas third annual Monte Carlo Night to board of directors of the Red Bank George's church will Include the fol- In the Rumson high Bohool-audltori- Catholic high school auditorium lowing .numbers: Bank branch of tho Ladies' Auxil- appeared a letter addressed to the> McCllntock contralto, A. Leroy Bak- be held by the Ladles'. Hebrew so- •Y.. M. c. A., was advised that Sam- iary of the National Association of editor, written, by Emile Robert um Friday evening, December 2. It Monday nigrit.' Mrs. Harry Qilinn is ciety at the Community Center, 10 uel Weinstein, proprietor of tho Memories o£ Stephen Foster* er tenor and Allan R. Woolley bass Stephen Foster Letter. Carriers \va.i held Thursday Grauert of Mlddletown, under the Is being produced by special arrange- In charge. The proceeds will go to and director. William H. Crawford Riverside avenue, next Tuesday night Sterling Furniture company of Whito ment with Samuel French. Dancing the St. James' club. It is the plan The Lanro . Handel night at tho home, of Mrs. Arthur caption "Speaks His Mind.". This let- is organist. starting at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Murray street, had volunteered to completely Swing Low Sweet Chariot - Slnttery In the Les Gertrudes-apart- ter, like all other letters received at •will follow the show. Miss Catherine of the committee to raise sufficient Cowan and Mrs. Samuel Cohen are furnish, at his expense, the reception Address by the rector The collection will be turned over ments with Mrs. M. E. VanSautcr,. The Register office on controversial Jeffrey Is directing the play and Isfunds to offset the' expense of the chairmen.' room of the newly acquired Y house Rev. Dr.-G«orBe flake-Dudley being assisted by Miss Irma von.- club's activities. to the Red Bank chapel of the Sal- Fantasy on Christmas Carols the president, presiding. I matters, was published In the Inter- vation Army. Features of the affair will be a at 40 Riverside avenue. Abide With Me Glahn and Miss Ruth. Jeffrey. The club was formed August 4 My Kalth Looks Up To Thse An Important part of the evening's est.of the writer, and as stated by us monster games party, coffee shop, Mr. Weinstein has been a friend business session, was -the election.or many times letters of this nature are The proceeds will be used to defray 1937, when 27 young men met ln the Now The Day ta Over cigarette booth, refreshment booth and hearty contributor to the Rei officers for the ensuing year. The of-'not with any endorsement Insofar as the expenses of the seniors' trip to auditorium of the local Catholic high and other amusements. Fifty grand Bank Y for many years. He has' flcoi's elected who will be Installed Washington or to the World's Fair school to draw up plans for organi- The Register's editorial views Christmas Club prizes and ten door prizes, all do-been a member of the Asbury Park at the January meeting are: concerned. • . • at New York. zation. Harry Copperthwalte, now a nated by. local merchants, will be Y, but has always hoped that the Pupils Exhibit Prcililent— Mrs. Wnlter W. Noble. Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon of the "Growing Pains" gives both a new student at Georgetown dental school given away. Red Bank organization would acr Vice president- -Mrs. Willinm Sweeney. Congregation B'Nal Israel received and old-fashioned slant on unsophis- was the Instigator of the movement, Checks Total quiro a building as a central place to The door prizes are a permanent . Treimirrr—JUra. I.ennnrd Msrthens. the following letter from E. Robert ticated youth as It flutters uncertain- and to him went the honor of being carry on a program. Now that It School Wprk For Secretary—Mm. John Ilatley. the club's first president. His,assist- wave donated by Vincent, Hair Sty- MIstrrsj-at-Arms—Mrs, Harolil 'Stout. Grauer.t,' father of the person who> ly on the wings ol 16. George and list; basket of groceries, Dletz's mar- has, Mr. Weiristelm desired to show ing officers were Harold Hounihan $150,000 Here Mrs. Daniel'Dorn wns-enrolled*as a wrotte thth e letteltt r referred to. The Terry Mclrilyre are the problem ket; quarter of a ton of coal, Spa- his interest in it (in a practical way -children In the play. Their father is and Thomas Bly, vice presidents, Eatontown PTA new member of the local branch. |"Regl«te'r takes 'pleasure In present- board Ice company; silk dress,'B. and ho la one of the first ten to cohr n lMB a stolid ' university professor and and Justine Spe'nce and Edward tribute. The. directors have expressed Mrs. Mclvin Stout "of Rumson !' K letter to our readers In be- Hemschoot held the treasurer Local Banks to ,MaiI Out Welntraub; bushel of apples, Ben- rond, Little Silver, will be hostess tollmlf °f the senior Mr. Grauert and. their mother is a soft-hearted woman jamln Adler; hand bag, Simon's their appreciation of' his generous ln who lets them have their fling. secretary posts, respectively. Spurred act. World Peace Program Is tho auxiliary members at tho next] behalf of the Jewish people of our by the able leadership of its presi- Deposits This Week- "Nice Things"; layer cake, City bak- The bewildered parents give them community. dent, the club set about financing a ery; toilet seat, Miner's Supply com- The work at the new Y iuilding Given at Thursday's No- a party. The party is well attended pany; one gallon of paint, H. Adler, November 19, 1933. basketball team. The campaign was Increase Over 1937 has progressed to a point where and the parents endeavor more or arid a sweater, Monmouth Men's Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon, a success and the club progressed meetings of tho board of directors vember Meeting 114 Vfcllace Street, '• •' less successfully to eliminate from steadily. Shop. the picture the present day dissipa- ' Christmas checks, totaling *150,000, will be held there commencing No- R.M! Bank, N. J. tions. Prudence, one of the guests, It. received Its first setback In the will be mailed out to depositors of There will be two' special awards, vember 30 and every two weeks The November meeting of the Dfar Dr. Hershon; however, is an up-to-the-minute si- form of a resignation from President the two Red Bank banks this week. an Emerson table radio valued at ?10 thereafter until' tho building Is form- Eatontown Parent-Teacher associa- It 'a with deep humiliation that I ren, whose vamplsh actions disturb Harry Copperthwalte, who was This year's total la $19,000 greater contributed by Acme Furniture com- ally opened. This will give the board tion was held Thursday night at tho addresf- this letter to you. the calm of the festival. Terry's, boy forced to leave office to take up his than the sum sent out last year. pany and an end table lamp valued a first-hand opportunity to check the school when the teachers welcomed Unknown to me, until one of my friend ignores her and her new frock dental studies. Richard Thompson The Second National Bank & at $8.95, contributed by the Jersey progress of the alterations and im-the parents and friends as they vis- Jewish friends showed me the article • to woo Prudence; George falls for a graduate of St. John's college and Trust Co.
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