8SL17: NATURAL SITE-FORMATION PROCESSES OF A MULTIPLE-COMPONENT UNDERWATER SITE IN FLORIDA i 8SL37: NATURAL SITE-FORMATION PROCESSES OF A MULTIPLE-COMPONENT UNDERWATER SITE IN FLORIDA bY Larry E. Murphy With a Contribution by Linda Scott Cummings Southwest Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers No. 39 Santa Fe, New Mexico 1990 iii Submerged Culkural Resources Unit Southwest Cultural Resources Center Southwest Region National Park Service U,S. Department of the Interior iv PUBLISHED REPORTS OF THE SOUTHWEST CULTURAL RESOURCEH CENTER 1. Larry E. Murphy, Editor. Submerqed Cultural Resources Survey: Portions of Point Reyes National Seashore and Point Reyes-Farallon Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, 1984. 2. Toni Carrell. Submerqed Cultural Resources Inventory: Portions of Point Reyes National Seashore and Point Reyes-Farallon Islands National Marine Sanctuary. submerged Cultural Resources Unit, 1984 3. Edwin C. Bearss. Resource Study: Lyndon B. Johnson and the Hill Country, 1937-1963. Division of Conservation, 1984. 4. Edwin C. Bearss. Historic Structures Report: Texas White House. Division of Conservation, 1986. 5. Barbara Holmes. Historic Resource Study of the Barataria Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park. Division of History, 1986. 6. Steven M. Burke and Marlys Bush-Thurber. Southwest Reqion Headquarters Buildinq, Santa Fe, New Mexico: A Historic Structure Report. Division of Conservation, 1985 7. Toni Carrell. Submerqed Cultural Resources Site Report: NOQUEBAY, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, 1985. 8. Daniel J. Lenihan, Editor. Submerqed Cultural Resources Study: Isle Royale National Park. Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, 1987 9. J. Richard Ambler. Archeoloqical Assessment: Navajo National Monument. Division of Anthropology, 1985. 10 John S. Speaker, Joanna Chase, Carol Poplin, Herschel Franks, R. Christopher Goodwin. Areheoloqical Assessment: Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park. Division of Anthropology, 1986. V 11 Y James E. Ivey, Marlys Bush-Thurber, James T. Escobedo Jr-, T'om Ireland, The Missions of Savl Antonio: A Historic Structures Report and Administrat.i.ve Historv, Divisions of Conservation and History, 1987. 12I Roger E, Coleman, The Arkansas Post Story. Division of History, 1987. 13 I Toni Carrell, Editor. Submerqed Cultural. Resources Site Report: Charles H. Spencer Mininq Operation and Paddle Wheel Steamboat, Glen Canyon National. Recreation Area. Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, 1987, 14 w Hal Koihman, The 13andeli.er National Monument: An Administrative I-listorv. Division of History, 1988, 15b James E. Ivey, In the Mist of A Loneliness. Division of History, 1988" 16 Richard W, Sellars and Melody Webb. An Interview with Robert M. Utley on The History of Historic Preservati.on in the Nati.onal Park Service--1947-:1980 Sanka Fe, 1988 17I Laura S, Harrison and Beverley Spears, Historic Structures Report, Chin:Le Tradinq Post, Thunderbird 'Ranch and Custodian#s Residence, Division of History, I988 I 18 James P, Delgado and Stephen A, Haller. Submerqed Cultural Resources Assessment: Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuarv and Point Reyes Na.tJ.onal Seashore, 1989 Y 19 * Judith I<, Pabry. Guadalupe Mountains National Park: An Administrative History, Division of History, 1988. 20, Peter J. McKenna and Scott E. Travis, Archeoloqical Xnvestiqations at Thunderbird Lodge. Division or' Anthropology, 1989. 21. Peter 3'. 1vicKenna and James E.. Bradford. The T_ J, Ru.i.nv Gila Cliff Dwe1.1.i.ncls. Division of Ankhropology, 1989, 22 I c Patrick LabadLe Submerqed -Cultural Resaurces Study: Pictured Roc1c.s National. Lakeshore Submerged cultural Resources Unit, 1989, 23 Daniel 5. Lenihan, Editor, Submerqed cultural Resources Study:: USS Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor National Kistoric Landmarlc Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, 1989 I vi 24. Robert H, and Florence P. Lister, Aztec Ruins National Monument: Administrative History of an Archeoloqical Preserve, 1990. 25. Jill-Karen Yakubik. c a t i o n s of Six Spanish Colonial Period Sites: Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve. Division of Anthropology, 1989. 26, Hersche1 A. Franks and Jill-Karen Yakubik. Archaeoloqical Survey on 65 Acres of Land Adjacent to Bayou des Familles: Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve. Division of Anthropology, 1989. 27. Walter K. Wait and Peter J. McKenna. Quarai Parking Lot Rehabilitation: Archeoloqical Testinq Proqram, Salinas National Monunment, 1990. 28. Diane Taylor, Lyndi Hubbel, Nancy Wood and Barbara Fielder. The 1977 La Mesa Fire Study: An Investiqation of Fire and Fire Sumression Impact on Cultural Resources in Bandelier National Monument. Division of Anthropology, 1990, 29. Wesley R. Hurt. The 1939-1940 Excavation Project at Quarai Pueblo and Mission Buildinqs. Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Division of Anthropology, 1990 30. Roger E, Coleman. Archeoloqical Investiqation for Construction of a Pedestrian Trail and Identification of Laundress Row. Division of Anthropology, 1990. 31. James E. Ivey. Presidos of the Bia Bend Area. Bilingual publication, English and Spanish. Division of History, 1990. 32. Neil C. Mangum. In the Land of Frozen Fires: A History of Occupation of El Malpais Country. Division of History, 1990. 33. Jack B. Bertram. Archeoloqical Investisations Alonq the Proposed Alibates Tour Road Improvement Construction Route Alibates Flint Quarries Natconal Monument, Potter County, Texas. Division of Anthropology, 1990, 34. Robert Woostelf, Ph.D. History of Fort Davis, Texas. Division of History, 1990, vi i 35" Bruce A. Anderson The Wupatki Archeoloqical Inventory Survey Project: Final Report I Division Of Anthropology, 1.990, 36 'I'ani L. Carrell. Subhierqed CuJ.tura1 Resources Assessment of Mi.c.ronesi.aI Submerged Cul.tural Resources unit, 1990. 37" James P, Delgado, Daniel J~.Lenihan and Larry Murphy" The Archeoloqy of the Atomic Bontb: A Subnlerqed Cultural. Resources Assessinent of the Sunken Fleet of Operation ~rossroads at Bikini and Kwaialein Atoll Laqoons, Repub1i.c of the Marshal.1 Islands Submerged Cultural Resaurces Unit, 1990, 38. George Sabo III# Randall 1;" Cuendling, W, Fredriclr; Limp, Margaret 5, Guccione, Susan I,, Scott., Cayle 5, Fritz, Pamela A, Smith, Archcoloqical Investiqations at 3MKBO-Area D in the Rush Development Area, Buffalo National River., Arkansas, Division of Ankhropologu, 1390 I 33" Larry E. rnusphy. DSL1'1: ~atusal_Site-@'ormation Processes of a Multiple-Component Underwater Site in l?lorida. Submerged Cultural Resources Unit, 1990. viii SUBMERGED CULTURAL RESOURCES UNIT REPORT AND PUBLICATION SERIEB The Submerged Cultural Resources Unit was established in 1980 to conduct research on submerged cultural resources throughout the National Park System with an emphasis on historic shipwrecks. One of the unit‘s primary responsibilities is to disseminate the results of research to National Park Service managers, as well as the professional community, in a form that meets resource management needs and adds to our understanding of the resource base, A report series has been initiated in order to fulfill this responsibility, The following are the categories of reports that comprise this series. Subrnerqed Cultural Resources Assessment First line document that consists of a brief literature search, an overview of the maritime history and the known or potential underwater sites in the park, and preliminary recommendations for long-term management. It is designed to have application to GMP/DCP’s and to become a source document for a park’s Submerged Cultural Resources Management Plan. Subrnerqed Cultural Resources Survey Comprehensive examination of blocks of park lands for the purpose of locating and identifying as much of the submerged cultural resources base as possible. A comprehensive literature search would most likely be a part of the Phase I: report but, in some cases, may be postponed until Phase 11. Phase I -- Reconnaissance of target areas with remote sensing and visual survey techniques to establish location of any archeological sites or anomalous features that may suggest the presence of archeological sites. Phase I1 -- Evaluation of archeological sites or anomalous features derived from remote sensing instruments to confirm their nature and, if possible, their significance. This may involve exploratory removal of overburden. Submerqed Cultural Resources Study A document that discusses, in detail, all lcnown underwater archeological sites in a given park, This may involve test excavations. The intended audience is managerial and proEessional, not the general public, Submerqed Cultural Resources Site Report Exhaustive documentation or' one archeological site which may involve a partial or complete site excavation. The intended audience is primarily pro�essional and incidentally managerial I Although the document may be use-ful to a park's interpretive specialists because of its inforiiiation content, lit would probably not be suitable �or general distribution to park visitors I Submerqed Cultural Resources Specia:L Report Series These may be in published or photocopy format, Included are special coinmentaries, papers on methodological or technical issues pertinent to underwater archeology I or any miscellaneous report that does not appropriately fit into one of the other categories. Daniel Ju Lenihan X TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES,., ....................................
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