GRUPPO CARIGE London 18th November 2009 GRUPPO CARIGE 1 Agenda Carige Group at a glance Key financial highlights 3Q09 results Strategic Priorities GRUPPO CARIGE 2 Banca Carige Group today ~50,000 small shareholders Fondazione CR Assicurazioni Genova e CEP Market Generali Imperia 44.06% 14.98% 2.97% (*) 37.99% Banca Carige SpA Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia Banking Insurance Finance Trustee • Banca Carige • Carige Vita Nuova (life) • Carige AM SGR •Centro Fiduciario • CR Savona • Car iige Ass.ni (non life ) • CditiCreditis (Consumer •CR Carrara credit) • BM Lucca •B. Cesare Ponti Main Companies Only 5,881 1.9 M CUSTOMERS 643 BRANCHES & EQUITY 385 INSURANCE OUTLETS EMPLOYEES (1.2 M BANKING; 0,7M ASSURANCE) 3.6 € BILLION 827 CONSULTANTS Operational and accounting data as at 30 September 2009 - (*) After communication to Consob on 6 October 2009 GRUPPO CARIGE 3 Growth through a long season of acquisitions Year Capital collected Mln. Euro Year Acquisitions Mln. Euro 1994-95 IPO 105 1993-95-99 Cassa di Risparmio di Savona 228 Bond conversion into new shares 1996-97 61 1991-06-09 Insurance companies 473 ** Capital increase underwritten by La Basilese 1997 46 1999-2007 Banca del Monte di Lucca 74 Capital increase underwritten by 1998 116 2000 21 branches from Banco di Sicilia 60 institutional investors Capital increase underwritten by CNCEP, 1999 236 2001 61 branches from Gruppo Intesa 277 CDC, WestLB Capital increases and issue of subordinated 2003-06 521 2002 42 branches from Gruppo Cap italia 127 convertible bonds 2006 Issue of a LT2 loan 500 2003 Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara 174 2008 Capital increase 957 2004-2008 Banca Cesare Ponti 61 Issue of subordinated loans (Tier 1, Lower 510 2008 79 branches from Intesa Sanpaolo 853 Tier 2, Upper Tier 2, Tier 3) 2009 Issue of a LT2 loan 100 2008 40 branches from UniCredit Group 115 2010 Issue of convertible bonds 400 * Total 3,552 Total 2,442 * Approved on 3 November 2009 by the Shareholders' Meeting and on 9 November 2009 by the Board of Directors. ** Including the future capital increase in Carige Vita Nuova. Subject to Bank of Italy's authorisation. GRUPPO CARIGE 4 A more and more diversified network The network today new ex ISP ex Unicredit branches branches branches 4 7 1/1 69 / 60 46/ 30 643 58/ 24 71/56/ 46/31 56/22 40 28/20/1818 France 79 253/13 56/ 24 57/20 5/4/ 11 1 522 2 2/1/ 75 137 13 40/33/ 3735 32 9/33 1989 2007 TODAY 67 11/ 24 23 11/23 100% 72% 71% 2625 96% 48% 39% 63/37/ 5253 % of Banking branches 643 % of Branches Branches Insurance outlets 385 in Northern Italy in Liguria GRUPPO CARIGE Operational data 5 Among the top Italian banking Groups Market Cap(1) (€b) Total Assets 1H09 (€b) 983 •Ordinary shares 3.2 €b 42. 3 #6 #8 38.1 • Savings shares 0.5 €b 638 7.3 656.5 212 404.0 3.7 2.5 2.2 122 121 58 2.0 1.3 1.3 44 34 29 23 22 (()1) Data as at 11 November 2009 Domestic Branch Network 1H09 (#) C/I (%) 1H09 73.9% 5,900 #6 65. 5% 65.9% 66.8% #8 57.8% 64. 2% 4,865 55.9% 56.1% 57.4% 59.2% 60.1% 38.9% 3,120 2,175 2,007 1,284 799 642 582 497 262 Source: Companies data GRUPPO CARIGE Operational data and accounting data (1H09 report) 6 Among the top Italian banking Groups Customer to Loans 1H09 (€b) Net NPL ratio (%) 1H09 #8 6.8% 585. 1 62%6.2% #8 Average: 5.4% 386.3 5.1% 4.5% 4.8% 4.2% 4.3% 3.6% 3.3% 145.1 24%2.4% 96.8 82.8 1.9% 43.2 32.0 21.4 19.4 16.8 16.6 Tier 1 (%) 1H09 Net Bad Loan ratio (%) 1H09 2.8% #4 CT1 ratio (pre-gov. bonds) #5 T1 ratio (pre-gov. bonds) #8 Average: 1.9% 10,5 1.7% 1.7% 1.8% 8,7 8,5 1.5% 7,9 7,77,77,77,7 1.4% 6,9 1,4 7,3 0,5 080,8 080,8 080,8 1,9 0,2 1,1 1,6 11%1.1% 12%1.2% 10,5 1,4 0,5 0.8% 0.8% 7,9 7,2 6,9 6,9 6,9 6,7 0.7% 6,2 5,2 5,2 Other additional Tier 1 Government Bonds Core Tier 1 Source: Companies data GRUPPO CARIGE Operational data and accounting data (1H09 report) 7 Agenda Carige Group at a glance Key financial highlights 1H09 results Strategic Priorities GRUPPO CARIGE 8 Focus on retail by segment by area (*) SME South & Isles 38. 0% Centre 6.4% Public 18.7% Ligur ia L Entities 36.8% Large 4.1% O Corporate Other A 9.7% 7.6% N Private & S Small Affluent Business 2.4% 10.4% North Mass 38.2% Market (*) by customers’ residence 27.8% LOANS TO CUSTOMERS 3Q09 : 21.9 €b T by segment O by area T A Other South & Isles L 18. 1% CtCentre 59%5.9% 12.6% D Affluent & Mass E Private Market P 20.7% 50.3% O S North Liguria Corporate 21.4% 60.1% I 10.8% T S TOTAL DEPOSITS 3Q09 : 44.6 €b Small business = turnover<1 m ; SMEs= <100 m€; Large Corporate= >100 m€ Data as at 30 SbSeptember 2009 Mass Market: total deposits < 80 k€, Affluent > 80 k€, Private > 500 k€ Operational and accounting data (3Q09 report) GRUPPO CARIGE 9 Customer based funding Funding Interbank €m % deposits 4% Customer ItInterb an k depos its 1, 052. 5 434.3 deposits money market deposits Securitisation 86% and current accounts 784.2 3.2 1% other deposits 268.3 1.1 Subordinated loans Customer deposits 21,179.2 86.1 EMTN 4% ppgrogramme shthort term deposit s 14,166 .1 57.6 4% medium/long term deposits 7,013.1 28.5 and bonds EMTN programme 938.0 3.8 Retail bonds deposits 50.0 0.2 bonds 888.0 363.6 Subordinated loans 1,091.5 4.4 300 New issues for 1.7 floating rate bonds 1,081.6 4.4 €b over the last 12 convertible fixed rate bonds 9.9 0.0 months (0.9 €b net of expired bonds) Securitisation 327.1 1.3 200 RMBS performing securities 327.1 1.3 €m TOTAL FUNDING 24,588.4 100.0 100 Funding includes further 97.7 million from the securitization carried out in 2001, derecognised in the financial statement ‐ pursuant to the exemption allowed by IFRS 1 Nov‐08 Dec‐08 Jan‐09 Feb‐09 Mar‐09 Apr‐09 May‐09 Jun‐09 Jul‐09 Aug‐09 Sep‐09 Oct‐09 on first time adoption issued bonds expired bonds Data as at 30 September 2009 Data as at November 2009 GRUPPO CARIGE Operational data and accounting data (3Q09 report) 10 No pressure on liquidity Current Debt Maturity Profile 2008 and 2009 institutional operations Operation Issue Date 2008 Capital increase 957 € m March Tier 3 100 € m June 2.186 2.112 Lower Tier 2 100 € m June 2.200 500 m 2. 000 caaabllable in 2011 Tier 1 160 € m December 1.800 1.600 Covered bonds (*) 500 € m December 1.361 1.400 1.088 1.200 PL Securitization 853 € m December 1. 000 907 800 Upper Tier 2 150 € m December 600 112 173 418 400 301 218 2009 80 200 21 5 0 Lower Tier 2 100 € m June 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2023 Covered Bonds (*) 1,000 € m November Customers Institutional Total 3,920 € m €m (*) On a 5 € b plafond Data as at November 2009 GRUPPO CARIGE Operational data 11 Inaugural covered bond issue - Cover pool highlights Cover pool 2.3 €b Commercial/Residential Geographical distribution Commercial South & Isles Centre 4.79% 10.91% 9.72% Residential North 95.21% 79.38% Current LTV Interest Rate Type 70 ‐ 80 18.4% 60 ‐ 70 18.5% 50 ‐ 60 17.1% 40 ‐ 50 15.3% 30 ‐ 40 13.6% Fixed 20 ‐ 30 9.6% 46.20% 10 ‐ 20 6.0% Floating <10 1.7% 53.80% Average LTV 50.32% Average outstanding maturity 20.36 years Figures refer to volume of originated mortgages GRUPPO CARIGE 12 Inaugural covered bond issue - Bond allocation Transaction details Issuer/Guarantor Banca Carige SpA/Carige Covered Bond Srl Rating (Exp.) Aaa (Moody's). AAA (Fitch) Issue size EUR 1.000 mln Status Inaugural Obbligazioni Bancarie Garantite Maturity Date 25‐nov‐16 Value Date 05‐nov‐09 Coupon 3.75% Re‐offer price/Spread 99.917% / MS +60 bps Listing Luxemburg ISIN TBD Joint Lead Managers Banca Carige (no books), DB, HSBC, Natixis, UBS, UniCredit Group (HVB) Investor distribution (allocation) Geographical distribution (allocation) 4% 1% 3% 2% 5% 6% 6% 41% 22% 10% 44% 30% 26% Fund manager Bank Italy Germany France Central Bank Pension Fund UK/Ireland Finland CH/Austria Insurance Other Iberia GRUPPO CARIGE 13 Sound assets Total asset breakdown Financial assets (*) Intangible assets Other 1.709 2.926 Tangible assets 5% 9% 1.117 Mutual funds 3% Debt securities 2% 85% Hedge funds Financial assets <1% 7.246 Net loans to Hedging 21% customers structured 21.410 62% notes 8% Securitization Equity and 1% private equity 3% (*) Data do not include the stake in Bank of Italy and Total assets 34.4 €b the notional value underlying customers’ index linked policies Total 6.3 €b Gross loan splitting Debt securities, securitisation and structured notes rating bad loans AA 4% 62% mortgage loans to individuals 38% m/l term A 73,7% consumer credit 25% 5% loans to corporate short tem 57% 23% AAA BBB 4% Other 7% 3% Total 5.9 €b Gross loans to customers 21.9 €b Data as at 30 September 2009 GRUPPO CARIGE Operational data and accounting data (3Q09 report) 14 Sound credit policy NPL ratio (%) Bad loan ratio (%) 80%8.0% 80%8.0% 7.4% 6.0% 6.0% 5.5% 3.6% 4.0% 4.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% Dec 06 Dec 07 Dec 08 Sept 09 Dec 06 Dec 07 Dec 08 Sept 09 Gross bad loan ratio Net bad loan ratio Gross NPL ratio Net NPL ratio NPL growth on December 2008 System (Jun 09 109.7 €b; + 31%) Carige Group (Sept 09 1.6 €b; + 26.2%) 60.000 900 +26.1% +18.9% 800 +15.8% 50.000 +10.5% +8.8% +34,1% 700 40.000 +14.2% 600 500 ‐1.1% +0.6% +12.6% m 30.
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