The Register of Marriages for the Parish Of

The Register of Marriages for the Parish Of

6c 941.0004 Sco87s Ga M.L 941.0004 Scq87s 1403849 GENEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBBARY 3 1833 00676 3558 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center yf/ky PART XXXII. 1403849 I595-I 700.] Edinburgh Marriage Register. 401 /' >JLawson (Lasone, Lasoun, Lausone, Lawsoun), John, smith Isobel Bruce 7 July 1670 John, stabler ; Elizabeth Nicoll, married be Mr John M 'Queen I Feb. 679 Peacock 2 668 John, tailor ; Janet July tailor Cook June 670 John, ; Jean 24 John ; Margaret Nicolson, married by Mr. Alexander Malcome 10 Aug. 682 John ; Isobel Tasker, by Mr. Burgess in the S. K. 24 Dec. 689 Katherine ; Patrick M'Nacht, skinner 8 Dec. 602 Katharine ; Mr. Archibald Borthwick 29 Dec. 700 Foster, merchant Margaret ; John 13 June 599 Margaret ; Thomas Wylie, bonnet-maker 5 Sept. 601 Margaret; John Rantoun 13 Nov. 605 Symsoun, gentleman t. 18 Sept. 610 Margaret ; Job Margaret ; Andrew Lasone, chopman 29 Aug. 616 Margaret ; Walter Scotte, tailor 5 Sept. 628 Margaret ; Andrew Hepburne, tailor 14 Feb. 640 Margaret Andersone, steward to Craigmillar 10 May 642 ; John Margaret ; Robert Crombie, bookseller 22 Sept. 642 Margaret ; William Johnstoun, porter at Heriot's Hospital 6 May 651 Margaret ; Thomas Noble, skinner 23 Apr 672 I Margaret ; George Broun, baker 28 Mar. 679 Margaret ; Robert Wilson, glover 1 1 Jan. 692 Grive 8 May Margaret ; John 698 Marion ; Baillie Matthew 30 May 604 Marion ; Alexander Pringle, cordiner 13 Aug. 612 Marion ; William Liddale, wright 27 Jan. 665 Marion Angus, flesher 16 Sept. 670 ; John Marion ; Andrew Porteous, weaver 2 Apr. 672 tailor 681 Mary ; Thomas Fisher, 5 June ^ Patrick, tailor Janet Davidson 10 June ; 673 Rebecca ; Thomas Makornok, brewer 10 July 655 Rebecca ; Samuel Fiddes, writer 18 Aug. 671 Neill, tailor 28 Rebecca ; John Jan. 676 20 Apr. Robert, cook ; Janet Laing 597 Robert, cook ; Marion Blak 11 Jan. 604 Robert, merchant ; Isobel Mitchell 2 June 635 Robert, workman ; Christian Leitch 17 June 675 Robert, workman in Potterrow ; Catharine Paterson, d of the deceased John P., farmer in Leniemuir 8 Nov. 1696, m. 27 Nov. 1696 „ Robert, in Ratho ; Marion Scott 14 Sept. 1673 Broun, merchant 12 „ Sarah ; John July 1649 ,, Sarah ; Mr. William Meldrom, minister 20 Sept. 1677 ,, Susanna ; John Foresyth 20 June 1672 „ Thomas, flesher ; Marjory Fergussone 10 June 1630 „ William, brewer ; Christian Mathesone 7 June 1610 „ William, flesher ; Margaret M'Dougall 30 Jan. 1691 ,, William, merchant ; Isobel Hammiltoun 24 Jan. 1668 Cant 16 Dec. „ William, weaver ; Janet 1675 Lawtie (Lautie), Elizabeth ; Alexander Bannatyne, writer 12 June 1668 „ Mr. James ; Bessie Hutoun 11 Nov. 1628 writer ; Alison Hammiltoun 26 Apr. 1627 ,, James, Stevinsone, "sleader" June „ Jean ; John 5 1645 (poticare) Marion Brysoune 22 „ John, apothecary ; July 1607 Thomsoune, merchant Dec. 1606 „ Margaret ; John 30 Laycock (Lacok, Laycok), Janet ; James Laing 16 June 1601 Cunninghame, schoolmaster 26 Apr. 1608 „ Janet ; Donald „ John ; Isobel Quhyt 7 July 1596 2 c 11 402 Edinburgh Marriage Register. [1595- 1700. Oct. Laycock (Lacok, Laycok), Sara ; John Arnot, clothier 13 1602 „ Susanna; George Davidsoune, merchant 11 Nov. 1600 test. 1610 „ Thomas, meilmaker ; Giles Wallet 3 July i Lea, Andrew, brasier ; Lilias Jollie Mar. 1677 See also Lee and Ley. Leaper (Leapper, Leiper, Liper), Andrew, mason Catharine Cock 23 July 1675 Nov. Christian ; John Lithquow, tailor 24 1640 Christian ; James Spittell, tailor 20 Apr. 1653 David, tailor ; Agnes Jacksone 14 Dec. 1624 Isobel ; Donald Abercrombie, poultryman 27 June 1633 Learmonth (Larmont, Leirmount, Lermond, Lermount), Alison ; James Glass, tailor 14 Feb. 1697 Archibald, baker ; Marion Cockburne 4 June 1618 Barbara ; Robert Skirling, flesher 8 June 1620 Catharine ; Jonas Laurence, goldsmith 13 Oct. 1632 Christian John Porteous, tailor Aug. ; 19 1647 Elspeth ; Alexander Paxtoun, tailor 19 June 1666 Eupham ; Adam Broun, wright 12 Dec. 1599 Eupham ; Alexander Hagie, writer 8 Feb. 1 6 10 Eupham James Marjoribank, kirk officer 6 May 1628 ; Eupham ; David Cokburne, tailor 19 Dec. 1644 Grissell ; William Donaldsoune, tailor 29 July 1601 Grizel ; Lieut. Alexander Waddell 31 Jan. 1691 Isobel ; George Trwb, tailor 23 Oct. 1632 James, skinner ; Isobel Heriote 7 Oct. 1619 James, skinner ; Margaret Nairne 12 Dec. 1639 tailor Ross James, ; Jean 9 June 1664 James, tailor ; Margaret Stuart 13 Oct. 1674 talker James, ; Janet Dalrymple 8 June 1 63 Janet ; Adam Stevin, baker 30 Aug. 1627 tailor Janet ; Thomas Walker, 12 Dec. 1639 Janet ; William Innes, writer 22 Oct. 1668 stabler Janet ; James Home, 12 Sept. 1679 Mr. Janet ; Andrew Guthrie 3 June 1684 Mr. advocate John, ; Margaret Bruce 29 Aug. 1644 merchant Helen John, ; Carmichaell 14 Aug. 1 69 John, writer Margaret Watherstoun, married Jan. 25th, 1664 29 Jan. 1664 „ John, writer ; Margaret Murray, married at Duddingston 5 Au^ 1675 Isobel „ John ; Kennoche 13 Aug. 1595 baker „ Joseph, ; Katharine Broun 22 Feb. 1597 Margaret ; Alexander Harvie, traveller „ 24 Aug. 1 597 Margaret Main, „ ; John merchant 21 Jan. 1617 „ Margaret ; Mr. John Clapperton of Little Newtoun 9 Dec. 1647 Margaret John Makcale, „ ; armourer 25 July 1661 Margaret „ ; John Crightoun 12 Nov. 1699 Marion ; Robert „ Thomson, cordiner 15 July 1670 Mr. Mark, „ advocate ; Mrs. Jean Hay, married by Mr. John Robertson 5 June 1683 Mawsie Donald „ ; Macapie, mason 4 May 1609 Mr. Robert, advocate „ ; Margaret Skene 28 Feb. 1598 Susanna Mr. „ ; John Munro 17 June 1684 Walter Elizabeth „ ; Brand, by warrant of B. Edin. to Mr. John Hamilton 14 Apr. 1685 Wilham, merchant Helen „ ; Sandersone 19 Dec. 1616 Leask (Lesk), Thomas, stabler ; Anna Paterson i July 1670 William merchant „ ; Rachel Darling 21 July 1642 See also Lisk. Leek, Agnes Steell ; James 20 Nov. 1690 11 1595-1700.] Edinburgh Marriage Register. 403 Leckie (Lekkie) of Kipdarroche, Robert ; Agnes Grahame i Jan. 1600 " „ Alexander, caitch-peller " ; Sara Fraser, and because the man has not reported a testimonial from the Abbey, George Pearsone, stabler, is become cautioner for any challenge under the pain of ^20 4 Aug. 1629 Bessie ; William Bishop, tasker 21 Dec. 1637 Bessie ; William Rae, tailor 27 Oct. 1646 Eupham ; Alexander Baxter, mason 20 Nov. 1666 Geils ; John Waist, tailor 11 Dec. 1617 Miller, post Jean ; John 19 Dec. 1639 Margaret ; William Main, packman 20 Nov. 1638 Margaret ; David Ferguson 17 July 1691 Margaret ; John Harlaw, weaver 18 Oct. 1696 Lee, Mary ; Thomas Lockart, servitor to Sir George Lockart 5 Jan. 1685 See also Lea and Ley. Lees (Lies), Andrew, skinner ; Marion Louristoun, d. of de- ceased James L. in Broomhouse 9 May 1697, m. 4 June 1697 „ Elspeth ; Cuthbert Myller, writer 16 Dec. 1601 his widow. „ James, merchant ; See Helen Welsh. Nicoll „ Janet ; Edger, merchant 3 Mar. 1608 „ John, pipemaker ; his widow. See Helen Pearson. See also Leyes. Leggat (Legat, Legatt, Legget), Agnes ; James Levingstoun, brewer 15 Oct. 1606 Alexander, packman ; Janet Boyd 30 July 1647 Christian ; David Johnstoun, brewer 10 July 1638 Christian ; David Adamsone, flesher 14 May 1646 Christian ; Alexander Byres, cordiner 12 July 1678 David, tailor ; Isobel Wilsoun 21 Feb. 1633 Hew, tailor ; Bessie Mawer 9 Nov. 164 James, tailor ; Margaret Alexander 16 June 1670 Janet ; William Bennet, tailor g Dec. 1601 John, cook ; Isobel Jameson 4 Dec. 1674 John, tailor ; Margaret Scotte i July 1647 Marion Allane ; John 30 July 1595 Marion ; Alexander Hogge, merchant 5 June 1608 Mary; Robert Pollock, baker 30 Apr. 1685 Robert ; Agnes Beath 24 Jan. 1643 William, flesher ; Margaret Kellie, married by Master Robert Bruce 17 Apr. 1681 William, writer; Helen Watson, widow of Gilbert M'Kell, merchant p7'o. 2 Apr. 1699 William, indweller ; Lilias Douglass 26 May 1668 William ; Margaret Bannatyne, married by Mr. Archiljald Turner, Doctor of Divinity 24 July 1680 Leighton (Lichtoun, Lightoun), Agnes ; Duncan Arroll, tailor 22 Jan. 1629 „ Andrew, merchant ; Eupham Mooreheid 24 Feb. 1625 „ Andrew, wright ; Eupham Frame 25 Feb. 1646 „ Bessie ; Robert Broun, wright 8 Dec. 1670 „ Catharine ; Thomas Nicoll, cutler 17 June 163 „ Helen ; George Stratoun, hatmaker 18 Oct. 1621 „ Helen; James Wright, hatmaker 11 Nov. 1624 tailor Margaret „ James, ; Ker 26 Feb. 1669 „ James; Katharine Burn 28 Jan. 1596 Daniel Whyte, cook „ Janet ; 10 Sept. 1639 ,, Katharine ; Alexander Oustiane, merchant 21 July 1602 Fraizer Lein, Agnes ; John 6 Oct. 1700 „ Catharine ; John Whytlaw, merchant 2 Aug. 1672 „ James, sediler ; Agnes Hunter 26 Aug. 1675 1 404 Edinhirgh Marriage Register. [1595-1700. Lein, John, merchant ; Agnes Bruntoun 23 Jan. 1645 12 June 1662 „ John, stabler ; Isobel Main (Leischman), Adam, mealmaker Janet Alane Dec. 1633 Leishman ; 5 Oct. „ Annabell ; Richard Henderson, writer 26 1669 i 1658 „ Bessie ; Alexander Logane, dagmaker July „ Christian ; Walter Matthisone, baker 26 June 1623 Oct. „ Christian ; Alexander Vaitch, merchant 20 1664 Dec. „ Christian ; Harry Nicoll, writer 28 1677 Bessie 2 Dec. 1642 „ James, cordiner ; Lethame 8 Dec. 1608 „ James, meilmaker ; Helen Wast „ Janet; John Fultoun, cordiner 15 Feb. 1621 brewer 24 Feb. 1642 „ Janet ; John Job, Robertsone Dec. 1646 „ Janet ; John 31 Burrell, ,, Janet ; Andrew goldsmith 24 Nov. 1653 „ John, indweller ; Elizabeth Allan 26 Dec. 1690 „ Malcolm, cordiner ; Elizabeth Alexander 23 Oct. 1662 „ Margaret ; David Hamilton, merchant 28 Apr. 1664 „ Thomas, merchant ; Margaret Rankin 15 Dec. 1629 Leitch (Leatch),

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