Plan for Fylde - Plan for the Future Contact Information Planning Policy Fylde Council Town Hall Lytham St Annes Lancashire FY8 1LW Tel: 01253 658418 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fylde.gov.uk/localplan/ Fylde Forum: www.fyldeforum.co.uk Copyright Notice All Maps and plans in this study report are produced from Ordnance Survey material with the Permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Disclaimer The factual information contained in this booklet is believed to be correct at the time of survey or publication and care has been taken to ensure accuracy. However, neither Fylde Council nor any of its Officers give any guarantee, warranty or representation in respect of any information contained in the schedule. Any intending purchaser/lessee, tenant or licensee must satisfy him or herself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of the statement contained in these particulars. 1 Fylde Council - Business and Industrial Land Schedule March 2016 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Employment Land Availability 2.0 Relevant Policy 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) 2.2 Fylde Councils Development Plan 2.3 Authorities Monitoring Report (AMR) 2.4 Fylde’s Employment and Premises Study 2012 2.5 Warton Enterprise Zone 3.0 Current Employment Take Up and Land Availability 3.1 Fylde’s Employment Allocations Portfolio 3.2 Employment Land Take up between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016 3.3 Employment Land take up on allocated sites since 2001 3.4 Employment Land availability through Planning Permissions Granted 3.5 Land Lost to other uses through take up/commitments 4.0 Conclusions 5.0 Sites with available Land 6.0 Appendices Appendix 1: Site Plans for allocated and existing industrial sites where land is available P a g e 1 | 16 2 Fylde Council - Business and Industrial Land Schedule March 2016 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Employment Land Availability 1.1.1 The Fylde Borough Local Plan as altered October 2005 states “The Council’s proposals for development and are in highly accessible locations. The following types of sites have been excluded from the land Supply calculations:- i) Infill sites within older industrial areas which may experience problems of access, internal road layout, and car parking and which were designated for business and industrial purposes in 1991. ii) Small sites below 0.2 hectares. These will continue to come forward usually involving extensions to existing businesses. iii) Development within existing business and industrial curtilages where no new land is involved. Whilst in most cases the amounts of development will be small, redevelopment within the sites at BAE systems and British Nuclear Fuels Westinghouse could be more substantial.” 1.1.2 This Business and Industrial Land Schedule provides: An overview of the policies effecting employment land allocation and take-up in Fylde along with a brief overview of other documents produced by Fylde Council which have regard to employment issues. Details of all known employment land take up from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016. Retrospective adjustment to site areas that have become known during the previous year. In determining the status of ‘land lost’ the Council will usually only apply this to land given consent for housing developments as land in this use is unlikely to return to employment use. P a g e 2 | 16 3 Fylde Council - Business and Industrial Land Schedule March 2016 2.0 Relevant Policy 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (The Framework) 2.1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) 2012 sets out the Government’s planning policies and how these are to be applied. 2.1.2 The framework states that the planning system should contribute to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation. 2.1.3 A Core planning principle of the framework is to proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the businesses and industrial units that the country needs. Every effort should be made objectively to identify and then meet the development needs of an area, and respond positively to wider opportunities for growth. 2.1.4 Local Planning Authorities should ensure that their evidence base is based on adequate, up-to-date and relevant information with regards to the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of the area. 2.1.5 Local Planning authorities should assess the existing and future supply of land available for economic development and its sufficiency and suitability to meet the identified needs. 2.2 Fylde Council’s Development Plan 2.2.1 The Development Plan for Fylde currently comprises the following documents: Saved policies of Fylde Borough Local Plan, adopted May 2003. i.e.: All were saved except Policy TR9 : Car Parking within New Developments; Saved policies of Alterations Review to the Fylde Borough Local Plan, adopted October 2005. i.e.: All were saved except Policy HL1: The Quantitative Housing Issue / Affordable Housing; Saved Policy 29 of the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan 2001-2016: Sites for Gypsy and Traveler Families, adopted March 2005; Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document, adopted February 2009; and Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies, adopted September 2013. 2.2.2 The Fylde Borough Local Plan as altered was adopted on 10th October 2005. The employment an industry policies were prepared in accordance with the Lancashire Structure Plan 1991-2006 and allocations were made accordingly to meet the Structure Plan requirement of 70 hectares. P a g e 3 | 16 4 Fylde Council - Business and Industrial Land Schedule March 2016 Emerging Local Plan 2.2.3 Fylde’s forthcoming Local Plan (formerly referred to as the “Core Strategy”) will set out a vision for growth and development of the entire borough to 2032, including where new homes, employment and shops will be located as well as which areas will be regenerated and conserved. Fylde’s Publication Version Local Plan was consulted on in August 2016 and is proposed to be adopted in 2017. 2.3 Authorities Monitoring Report (AMR) 2.3.1 The Authorities Monitoring Report (AMR) (formerly referred to as the Annual Monitoring Report) is a statutory document, which monitors both the production and implementation of policy. Fylde’s AMR includes a chapter on Business Development and Town Centre’s, in which the employment land situation in Fylde is considered. 2.4 Fylde Employment Land and Premises Study 2012 2.4.1 The Employment land and Premises Study was commissioned to provide robust evidence to underpin and inform the Council’s Local Plan. It analyses employment land demand, supply and need to 2030. AECOM and BE Group were the consultants appointed to compile the report. It was carried out during 2012. The Study comprises five main elements: An assessment of the Borough’s economy that informs the amount, location and type of employment land and premises required to facilitate its development and growth A review of the current portfolio of employment land and premises Identification and appraisal of additional potential employment land which could be used to meet the Borough’s future land needs An assessment of the potential impact of major public and private sector development proposals, notably the Enterprise Zone at Warton Recommendations on the future allocation of employment land and premises to maintain the Borough’s economic growth. 2.4.2 The Fylde Employment Land and Premises Study 2012 is available to view via this link: http://www.fylde.gov.uk/council/planning-policy--local-plan-/local- development-framework/evidence-base/employment-land-assessment- economic-development/ P a g e 4 | 16 5 Fylde Council - Business and Industrial Land Schedule March 2016 2.5 Warton Enterprise Zone 2.5.1 In Autumn 2011 the Warton Aerodrome site, along with the Salmesbury Aerodrome site, was awarded Enterprise Zone Status. It is known as the Lancashire Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Enterprise Zone and incorporates land at both Aerodrome sites. 2.5.2 The Aerodrome at Warton has been split into three Enterprise Zone areas; North Enterprise Zone – 39.7ha South East Enterprise Zone – 21.3ha South West Enterprise Zone – 13.5ha 2.5.3 The airfield which measures 157.5ha lies outside the Enterprise Zone. 2.5.4 The development of the Warton Enterprise Zone is managed and co-ordinated through the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership in association with BAE Systems as the landowner. These bodies are part of the Enterprise Zone Governing Committee. 2.5.5 In 2014 the Council adopted the Lancashire Advance Engineering & Manufacturing Enterprise Zone Phase 1 Site Consultation Masterplan (Warton EZ Masterplan). The document which was published by BAE Systems provides a framework for the delivery of the long-term strategic objectives of the Enterprise Zone within the area known as Phase 1 of the Warton site. This Masterplan provides the broad strategic context for current and future Local Development Orders LDOs). 2.5.6 The Council adopted an LDO for the Enterprise Zone at Warton (LDO Warton No 1 2015). The 2015 LDO is, in effect, an extension of the previous Order with amendments to reflect the 2014 Masterplan, to increase the period of operation for a further nine years and to take account of updated legislation. 2.5.7 Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone was approved by Government in November 2015 and became operational from 1st April 2016. The Enterprise Zone has a twenty year lifespan and covers an area of some 141ha much of which encompasses a large portion of the operational airfield, significant parts of which sit within designated greenbelt.
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