Virginia H. Dale Frederick J. Swanson Charles M. Crisafulli Editors Ecological Responses to the 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens With 115 Illustrations With a Foreword by Jerry F. Franklin - Springer Viginia H. Dale Frederick J. Swanson Charl'es M. Crisafulli Environmental Sciences Division USDA Forest Service USDA Forest Service Oak Ridge National'Laboratory PNW Research Station PNW Research Station Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Forestry Sciences Laboratory Olympia Forestry Sciences USA Corvallis, OR 9733 1 Laboratory [email protected] USA Mount St. Helens NVM [email protected] Amboy, WA 98601 USA [email protected] Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ecological responses to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens / VmH. Dale, Frederick J. Swanson, Charles M. Crisafulli, [editors]. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references @. ). ISBN 0-387-23868-9 1. Ecological succession-Washington (State)-Saint Helens, Mount. 2. Saint Helens, Mount (Wash.)-Eruption, 198C-Environmental aspects. I. Dale, Virginia H. II. Swanson, Frederick J. (Frederick John), 1943- IIl. Crisafulli, Charles M. ISBN 10: 0-387-23868-9 (hardcover) 10: 0-387-23850-6 (softcover) Rinted on acid-free paper. ISBN 13: 978-0387-23868-5 (hardcover) 13: 978-0387-23850-0 (softcover) 0 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Jnc. All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Sciencet-Business Media, Inc., 233 Spring Smet, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. F'rinted in the United States of America. (TB/MVY) 987654321 SPIN 10941393 (hardcover) 10941409 (softcover) Posteruption Arthropod Succession on the Mount St. Helens Volcano: h he Ground-Dwelling Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera) Robert R. Parrnenter, Charles M. Crisafulli, Nicole C. Korbe, Gary L. Parsons, Melissa J. Kreutzian, and James A. MacMahon 10.1 Introduction Adam et al. 1986a; Johnson 1986; MacMahon et al. 1989; Crisafulli et al., Chapter 14, this volume), birds (Andersen Arthropods are important components of ecosystems because and MacMahon 1986), amphibians (Karlstrom 1986; Hawkins of the roles they play in pollination, herbivory, granivory, et al. 1988; Crisafulli and Hawkins 1998; Crisafulli et al., predator-prey interactions, decomposition and nutrient cy- Chapter 13, this volume), and arthropods (Edwards et al. 1986; cling, and soil disturbances. Many species are critical to the Sugg 1989; Edwards and Sugg 1993; Crawford et al. 1995; structure and functioning of their ecosystem, although some Sugg and Edwards 1998; Edwards and Sugg, Chapter 9, this (particularly insects) are considered pests in farmlands and volume). forests because of their detrimental effects from feeding on Information collected on the fauna and flora of Mount foliage and transferring pathogens to trees and crops. Arthro- St. Helens during the past 20 years facilitates the analysis of pods also constitute a high-protein prey resource for verte- recolonization patterns in the context of two ecological theo- brate wildlife (especially small mammals, birds, reptiles, and ries: relay successional processes (MacMahon 1981) and the amphibians), thus contributing to the existence and stability of intermediate-disturbancehypothesis (Connell1978).The term these wildlife species. As such, studies of arthropod population relay succession refers to the sequential replacement of species dynamics and changes in species assemblages following nat- (plant and animal) in an ecosystem recovering from some form ural disturbances are important for understanding ecosystem of disturbance. This process typically begins with species that responses. In the case of the Mount St. Helens volcanic erup- either survived the disturbanceor immigrated to the site shortly tion, studies of arthropods not only can provide information on thereafter. Some of these species are well adapted to the dis- natural history and ecology of many different species but also turbed conditions of the site and can greatly increase in abun- are relevant for evaluating theories of disturbance ecology and dance, whereas others are poorly adapted and become locally postdisturbance successional processes. extinct. Biotic interactions (competition, predation, herbivory, The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens provided researchers and parasitic and disease infections), coupled with abiotic fac- with an opportunity to test a wide range of theories concern- tors (extremes of temperature or moisture), often determine ing the structure and functioning of ecosystems. In particular, the success or failure of each species survival. Through time, the existence of a continuum of disturbance intensity across as different species colonize the site, they alter the environ- a large landscape made possible a suite of comparative stud- ment's characteristics (e.g., plant regrowth provides shade, ies that evaluated the influence of different levels of volcanic cools soil surface temperatures, increases soil moisture and disturbance on the survival and initial recolonization patterns organic matter, and provides substrate for fungi and vegeta- of plants and animals. For example., researchers to date have tion for herbivores). As the environmental conditions change, - documented the survival-and reestablishment of a number of new opportunities are created for additional species to colo- plant species and described the patterns and rates of vegeta- nize and dominate, eventually replacing established species tion successional processes of the disturbed ecosystems (see that have become competitively inferior in the altered envi- Lawrence, Chapter 8, this volume; Antos and Zobel, Chapter 4, ronment; hence, the "relay" of species during postdisturbance this volume; Dale et al., Chapter 5, this volume; del Moral succession. This process applies to both plant and animal et al., Chapter 7, this volume; and references therein). In addi- species assemblages and inherently involves complex inter- tion, numerous faunal studies have quantified the eruption's im- actions among plants and animals (MacMahon 1981). pacts on survival and subsequent short-term responses of small The second theory, the intermediate-disturbance hypothe- mammals (Andersen 1982;Andersen andMacMahon 1985a,b; sis (Connell 1978), addresses the patterns of species richness I 140 Robert R. Parmenter et a1 across a gradient of disturbance. The theory predicts that Our specific goals for the study were to (1) describe the both undisturbed sites and sites suffering severe, frequent, ground-dwelling beetle assemblages in the context of both tax or large-scale disturbances should have fewer species than onomic and trophic composition for sites previously support sites subjected to "intermediate" levels of disturbance inten- ing forested and clear-cut habitats on the Mount St. Helen! sity, frequency, or areal extent. The theory is based on the volcano; (2) compare these beetle assemb1age.s across the dis. assumption that, in undisturbed sites, certain species are domi- turbance gradient from the highly disturbed Pumice Plain neru nant because of their superior competitive abilities and exclude Spirit Lake to the undisturbed sites well outside the eruption. less-competitive species, thereby depressing overall species affected area; (3) examine the temporal changes in specie! numbers. On severely disturbed sites, only a few species are composition and abundances to ascertain the rate and extent o: capable of surviving in the disturbed environment; and the species turnover (relay succession) on Merent sites; (4) eval higher frequency, intensity, or spatial extent of the disturbance uate the disturbance-intensity component of the intermediatt resets or arrests the successionalprocess, thereby also depress: disturbance hypothesis with respect to the beetle assemblages ing species numbers. Under intermediate levels of disturbance, and (5) describe and compare the trophic coqnposition of tht species elements of both undisturbed and disturbed species as- beetle assemblages through time and across the disturbanct semblages would be present on a site, thereby exhibiting a gradient of the volcano. Our study ran from 1987 to 200( greater composite number of resident species. Hence, over a and thus, when coupled with the extensive work on ground. range of disturbance intensities, frequencies, .and/or sizes, the dwelling arthropods from 1981 to 1985 by Edwards and Sugg predicted pattern of species richness would be approximately (see Chapter 9, this volume), portrays a nearly complete recorc bell shaped, with a peak in species numbers at the intermedi- of change at Mount St. Helens. ate disturbance level (see Figure 1 in Connell 1978, p. 1303). Although intuitively attractive, the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis appears to apply in only limited situations (see 10.2 Study Areas and Methods Mackey and Currie 2001), suggesting that further. testing of the theory is warranted. The sampling sites for this study were located within the Pacific The purpose of our study of the Mount St. Helens
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