January 16, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E89 Jackson hopes that his invention will signifi- The members of the 1/214th Field Artillery carried 154 passengers. With the help of cantly enhance the quality of human lives. capabilities were interchangeable as they Linda’s husband and another passenger, they Although Jackson acknowledges many enti- served with distinction during their year in Af- moved the pilot to the galley where they ties as his source of inspiration, he attributes ghanistan. They executed 724 missions, con- hooked up an IV and set up a diagnostic much of his motivation to his family, particu- ducted 9,300 vehicle searches, and were defibrillator. larly his maternal grandfather. Jackson’s awarded numerous Purple Hearts and Bronze Without hesitation, Linda rose to the occa- grandfather had lost his arm as a teenager Star Medals. The 1/214th was awarded the sion and quickly began to administer medical while working at a lumber camp. Despite the Army’s Meritorious Unit Citation which is given attention to the pilot. Although they were difficulties and challenges that he faced, his only to units whose performance is considered 30,000 feet in the air, Linda acted with poise, grandfather taught himself the trade of engi- to be outstanding, heroic and actions valorous professionalism and valor. Her selfless actions neering and built and maintained several radio in nature. aboard that flight saved the life of the pilot and stations that he operated with his one hand. It is hurtful to me as a Reservist, and the the safety of all passengers and crew mem- Similarly to his grandfather, Jackson is self- Guard members in my state, to say their skills bers. As the plane conducted an emergency taught for the most part, but also recognizes are not interchangeable even though it is well landing in Omaha, Nebraska, Linda and Amy his teachers and advisors—Mr. Jim Altizer, Mr. known the Guard does the same job as Active stayed with the pilot until he was transported Jeff Morrow, Mr. Kenn Gorman, Mr. Matt duty with fewer resources. And yes, the Guard and taken into emergency care. Northurup, and Mr. Tim Fenderson—at Oaks traditionally trains only 39 days a year, but yet, Linda does not call herself a hero, but rath- Christian School for their nurturing advice and still fights for a year straight when deployed. er, someone who just did what she was flexibility to work with his academic priorities In addition to a year deployed, National trained to do. She is quick to give credit and while consistently encouraging him in his tech- Guard and Reservist are sent to mobilization attention to the other individuals who assisted; nology studies. stations for three months prior to deployment. this shows her moral character and modest In addition to being a talented student, Jack- These mobilization stations are the last stop demeanor. son is also a celebrated athlete. As a member prior to being deployed. So a Guardsman, cit- Linda’s background as a nurse is extensive on the Oaks Christian Varsity Baseball team, izen soldiers as they are often called, is actu- and proved to be the saving grace that day. Jackson received Perfect Game’s USA All- ally away from their families for a total of fif- Linda earned her baccalaureate of science in nursing from the University of Iowa in 1983 American Honorable Mention team selection teen months. and was recently named an Under Armour For General Odierno to say Active Duty and and worked as a registered nurse at the Uni- 2014 Pre-Season All-American. National Guard are not interchangeable is dis- versity of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. In 1984, After completing his senior year at Oaks ingenuous. The National Guard has to train to Linda moved from Des Moines, Iowa to South- Christian School, Jackson plans to attend a the same standards and adheres to the same ern California where she has worked as a university where he will pursue a degree in doctrinal fighting form as Active Duty units. charge nurse at Saddleback Community Hos- business and entrepreneurship while playing In addition to fighting the foes of our nation, pital and later, as a charge nurse for the pedi- college baseball. I have no doubt that he will the National Guard is called up at a moment’s atric intensive care unit at Long Beach Memo- be just as accomplished in his adult life as he notice to respond to hurricanes, tornadoes, rial Medical Center. In 1990, Linda made the has been during his years at Oaks Christian chemical spills, and all manners of man-made decision to focus her career on being an in- School. and natural disasters. National Guard only house Legal Nurse Consultant. For the next With such an impressive resume already, I trains for 39 days, when there isn’t a state twenty years, she worked for the law firm of look forward to seeing Jackson succeed in all emergency. Magana, Catchcart, & McCarthy. Today, Linda of his future academic and professional en- As of recent, between Hurricane Sandy to is currently employed as a home health nurse deavors. I join with Jackson’s family, friends, the chemical spill in West Virginia, the Guard for Buena Vista Home Health Care. Aside from her duties as a nurse, Linda is and mentors in congratulating Jackson on has been activated to serve the citizens of also a dedicated mother, wife and community such a momentous achievement. their state. leader. When her daughter, Sarah, attended f The members of the 1/214th Field Artillery elementary school, Linda was involved in the would be disheartened to learn that their chief REBUTTAL OF GENERAL Parent Faculty Organization (PFO) for the of staff doesn’t think they are as capable as ODIERNO’S NATIONAL GUARD Mesa Union School District, where she served an Active Duty unit. I know, they know, that COMMENTS as the President and Chairperson of the allo- they can function in every terrain, weather cations committee for 7 years. Linda is an ex- condition, and operational environment as any emplary role model and citizen. She continues HON. DOUG COLLINS other combat unit, why doesn’t General OF GEORGIA to be active in the community and provides Odierno? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pro-bono legal nurse consulting and actively f Thursday, January 16, 2014 raises funds for charities, including the Avon CONGRATULATING LINDA ALWEISS Walk for Breast Cancer. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, this For her selfless and heroic actions, I want to past Saturday I had the pleasure of welcoming HON. JULIA BROWNLEY recognize and thank Linda Alweiss. She is a home the soldiers of the 1/214th Field Artillery true hero in the hearts and minds of those on OF CALIFORNIA Division located in Elberton, Georgia. The the flight, especially in the eyes of her family Georgia National Guard unit deployed to Af- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and community. ghanistan for a year, fighting for the freedoms Thursday, January 16, 2014 we enjoy. f While speaking before the audience of re- Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, CONGRATULATING DR. JAMES L. cently returned veterans, I never made a dis- today, I rise to recognize a local hero, Linda NETTERS, SR. ON RECEIVING tinction between National Guard and Active Alweiss, from Camarillo, California. THE 2014 BE THE DREAM MLK Duty. What I lauded these soldiers for was On December 30, 2013, Linda and her fam- LEGACY AWARD putting their lives on the line in defense of ily were aboard a flight from Des Moines, Iowa their nation. The flag they wear on their right to Denver, Colorado, when only twenty min- utes into the flight, a call for medical assist- HON. STEVE COHEN shoulder, signifies them as a fighting force on OF TENNESSEE ance came over the intercom. Unbeknownst to behalf of the United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES That flag doesn’t distinguish whether they Linda, the man in distress was the pilot of Thursday, January 16, 2014 are National Guard or Active Duty. their flight. As Linda and another nurse, Amy So I was very disheartened three days ago Sorensen from Wyoming, were brought to the Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to when I heard reports that U.S. Army Chief of cockpit by flight attendants to assist in the congratulate Dr. James L. Netters, Sr. on re- Staff, General Odierno said, ‘‘the capabilities medical emergency, they realized the gravity ceiving the 2014 Be the Dream MLK Legacy are not interchangeable,’’ referring to the Na- of the situation. The pilot, who seemed to be Award. This special award is given to those in- tional Guard and Active Duty. suffering from a blood clot or heart attack, was dividuals whose lives have ‘‘embodied the It appears to me the National Guard’s capa- hunched over in his seat; his face was pale, spirit and legacy of service, sacrifice and bilities have been interchangeable as they his lips were blue and both nurses could bare- hope’’ that characterized the work of Dr. Mar- have defended the nation during its 13 year ly get a pulse. They quickly realized that their tin Luther King, Jr. As a pastor, a public offi- war on terrorism. pilot could no longer fly the Boeing 737 that cial and a leader in the Civil Rights Movement, VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:22 Jan 17, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16JA8.022 E16JAPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E90 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 16, 2014 it is fitting that this award be bestowed upon 75 years, the members have continued to pro- independence.
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