I I Page B-8 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, January 4," 1990 116 121 INSTRUCTIONS SERVICES 3 GUITAR INSTRUCTION— CORDIAL CLEANING ._c* Classified Cash Winner... Learn styles from' Van SERVICE -r-Small homes Hal en to Joe Pass. &• apartments cleaned vby Advertise in: The Chronicle. x* . l : • Beglnners~to—advancsd iok. pftfienqed cleanin g REASONABLE!! Call 'lady with references. (20 v ' * v. a • . -O . M u . ' •_• 0.... / °" , * IW « Frank. 388-1206. yr. Cranford resident) D V- 486-3371. o • *A:~^ VO TUTORING: trading, CPR CERTIFIED jt- Math, English & Basic WOMAN— looking to Skills. Experienced,, cer- care for elderly person,- H tified teacher. Affordable full or part time. Call 1 S6'6Zi SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper Daniel DeWaters rates. Call 272:6387. 862-8527. 1 WORD PROCESSING: V CR/TE LEV IS I O N 1N3WNSHV Made EASY" to learn with REPAIR— Very reason- nvibads ONB-XNOUd Somerset able* rates. In home or Vol. 97 No. 2 Published Every Thursday Thursday, January 11, 1990 USPS 136 800 Second Class Ppstage Paid Cranford, N.J. 35 CENTS private teacher. Try one NOISSIWSNWUX pazpeindmoo hour." Low cost. Resumes pick-up service. Mostly \mo MOIH OWI HNS '.. prepared/type. Call 272- sarrie day repair. Call CMB NIVOHVB\IVA1B NIVOUVB 1888. Tony, 289-3706. " . * ' : -•!•• .-...••.-.,.. WHITE GLOVE SERVICE — now in YOUR area. •• . Don't Quality cleaning . of BEFORE CHECKING OUT 119 homes, offices.&condos. Hartz reportedly "Your One Stop State of PERSONALS _Ejc_cell e n f r e f 6 r •" "ences7realls1ic7ales!"6alt h'ASh In brief Mary, 35MQ09, •_ • ForGpmplete-AutoRepairs seeks mall builders PnceTtea3fiigs-| For Foreign & Domestic Cars! with this ad Blood drive By CHERYL MOULTON * SISTER SUSAN * HANDYMAN A trade publication has listed Hartz Mountain industries as seeking . subcontractors tb build a 63,000-square-foot supermarket, READINGS "Veterans of Foreign Wars Post I SERVICE ' if you're tired of being taken for a fid* by.tha high cott of 335 will conduct its annual blood 135,00.0rsquare-feet incorporating 20 to 30 retail stores, a Cranford .auto maintenance, we can' &how you how to play the Bams. Idtice on all aspects of life drive Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 S5^yHV^qnqrA.fnnt-thpatpr^ffiPP ™rnpW_an(La parking garage^lot for Don't fail to Carpentry, Painting, Our'mechanic* hav« bean around the block mofe than a few 276-1111 ( limes, to you'll always wind Up a winner! p.m. in the post home, South l,800cars. see this gifted lad; today Home Maintenance . W* tcctpi Vita. Mastercard and Discover The report about Hartz came in the Dodge Report, a construction in'-, Specializing in Tarpt • „ and Repair 24 Hour Towing Avenue and Thomas Street. Blood Card readings and will be deposited in the veterans formation service,publication for contractors. In the Dec. 15 edition, handwriting analysis QUALITY WOittC NEW account for use by veterans or Hartz listed the status of plans for the"Beecham property" as revised. All Oiptod Up? JERSEY their families. A veteran does not According to Brian Simon of F.W. Dodge, the information is secured by Out $25.00 orr flREg ROTATED^) reporters" who are in contact with companies planning large-scale 272-9791 Call" Jack & COMPUTER "COMPLETE f Have to be a member ot the j "development. 115 North Ave'w. CARBURETOR BALANCED OVERHAUL [.receive blood. Blood not used in A spokesman for Hartz labeled the Dodge information "old and inac- Cranford 272-8282 0NLY,-'24.d5 INSPECTION ' /".'• • • >• • CENTER the veterans account by the end of curate" late yesterday afternoon. Dennis Marco, director of public af- I the year is transferred to the sen- fairs; said close to the Chronicle deadline yesterday, "There was a plan | ior citizens account. ; ' h'ke that for Cranford at onetime but it is no longer a plan." . The first, indication that Hartz was.moving forward with plans to develop the Walnut Avenue property came at the end of November School election when Hartz requested, the names of all residents living within a Nominating petitions for the' 200-square-fobt.radius of theyboundaries of the-fbrmei; Beecham site.T . April 3 schdol board election are i •Property owners must notify'residents withirtthis range when they in- ^available in the board secretary's , •4end on,applying for zone changesvvariances/or exceptions. Residents "office in Lincoln School. Members' of jSuhft'y/Acres who are within the 200^square-foot range had not ^Pilll receivjed anyinotificatioh from'Hartzas 6fyesterday, . ' -;•;•• I whose seats are up* this year are v '. Patti Martinelli; James Van Horn 0^m^^^^m ^.HeU:..M^vgaL^irjeprj@se4tative of JResidents j^gaihst the JMall. I and IJenry. Pavlak. Prospective (RAM), reieaspd aslat^ment yesterday on the latest develb^mehtT:' ['candidates have until Feb. 8 to I "RAM has remained active regardless of the fact that Hartz Moun- A special classified advertising section of employment opportunities . submit signed petitions. ' tain has not presented formal plans to the township for the Walnut Avenue property as of this date. Hartz Mountain is once gain seeking ^Holiday bids for the Walnut Avenue property. These are basically the.same 124 EDITORIAL ASST. SECRETARY-Fast paced WE NEED JURORS— for plans that were presented to a few.members of Sunny Acres in Decem- Editorial opening with security guard service a mock trial. You .will, be Advertise in the Classified! Martin Luther King Jr. Day on J ber 1988 by Dan DeTrolio, assistant vice president of property develop- HELP WANTED general book publisher located in West Orange paid $30 to participate in ment and Frank Capece. Obviously this was not a "misunderstanding for 1989 graduate. Needs seeks a highly motivated a 3 hour presentation. • Monday is a federal holiday.' CLERICAL: FULL OR person. Must have expe- Careers Begin as to what we saw" as quoted by Mr. McNally, vice president of.Hartz, some science courses Call Larrv at 272-9023.' Banks will be closed and there will | PART TIME— Several and 10 finger typing. rience - In WP,r type 50 be ho mail delivery: the Post Of- in an article in the Chronicle. In the very near future RAM will publish a positions area available In Write to;. wpm, with knowledge of our modern credit office. fice, though^ will be open for box progress report giving everyone updated information regarding RAM MarkEnslow | lijjht bookkeeping and and the Walnut Avenue situation. Once again we may be calling on the As the leader in'-rner- En slow Publishers clerical functions. Good DATA I holders only; Cranford public chandising, you will enjoy salary and benefits 1 - Box 777 schools, Union County College and residents of Cranford to fight the possible re-zoning of the former Bee- good earnings and ex- package. 1-800-762-0029 cham property. Qur quality of life and our town's future'is at stake." cellent benefits. Basic Hillside, NJ 07205 PROCESSING St: Michael's School will be :^mm clerical skills are neces- PART (TIME SALES " closed. While Cranford municipal sary. Experience prefer- PERSON — needed ,Jor ENCODER OPERATORS offices and recreation programs ittlP DODOE BULLETIN 12/15/89 890002733-1 red, but not necessary. small Cranford BoutiqueT Part time-positions available in our Cranford We are an equal opportu- Thursday. Friday "& Secretary headquarters. Hours are from 1 P.M. to finish. will be open, the public library nity employer, M/F. Apply Saturday, 10am-3pm. Call P/T Must have good numerical aptitude, ability to will be closed. The Chronicle will in person, Mon-Fri 9am- 7090775. meet deadlines and work well within a group. be open and normal Monday dead- ;L Dependability a must. '4pm, Wed until 7pm to: 65 PRE'SCHOOL AIDE- Law firm seeks mature lines will be observed. Jackson Drive, Cranford, Mbnday thru Thursday, individual w/good typ- For more information, please call: Alterations/. NJ, SEARS. 8:45-11:45 AM. Westfleld Renovation,. ing and spelllog-skills. Cranfofd. NJ (Union) "flcecham Prop- Clerical Y.MCA membership No prior legalexperl- 931-6544 Garwood New benefits. Call 233-2700, ence necessary. Will- erty" Walnut Ave . ' ex».22'. Opportunities Ing to train right Indl- ,The borough is planning a tes- • ,••:' ' -i , • -.'•••:'• ' '•;' '•': •'..'..•• >•'•<. ' . , ' . Photo by QtooPflce •Statui: Revinud preliminary: plans urtJsr (F/TandP/T)- SECRETARY- For small, viclual w/good basic timonial dinner in honor of retired DANCE OF THE VEILS: GreQ Milstein <|<the National Circus Project shows-Walnut School way-project .to advance"" pending »!»•>;m.t congenial office iri Moun- skills. Crowley Maritime Cor- tainside. Pleasant phone Municipal Court Judge James T. first grader Iris Brooks how to juggle searves. Circus Project visited school Friday for. assembly progress to be. reported 2-3 poration, located on Call UNITED COUNTIES Leonard...A member of the, Gar- program and daylong workshops on circus skills. >_- :' manner & attention to i Prowloujiy Reoortad A»: NY8O4O51 Walnut Ave. in Cranfordr detail to work in our wood Board of Education has re- has. immediate openings TRUST COMPANY people-oriented com- 276-0758 signed. Page A-10. Mewodof Cw}t/actinfl: for the following; ' pany. Hours 9-5. Please Four Commerce Drive, Cranford, New Jersey 07015 FfiT CLERK, call Marsha, 654-6199 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H ' Owner Ham 'Mountain lnUus(fie> Inc. Dan DfcTrolio, (Asst • MESSAGE CENTER Early risers need only ap- ing awards j Board revives affordable VPT>rop Di\). 400 Plaza Dr, Sccau'cu.s-, NJ 0709-J (201-348- 1 ply: Work from 7:30AM- PART TIME Forbes Newspapers 1200) 4:30PM. Provide second- niial Martin Luther Kong [ •^ By CHERYL MOULTON ary switchboard A DIVISION OF FORBES INC. *• *• Day community service is tonight; After,almost a year the Planning Archiieci:* Bpnte/Michaclk Architects.
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